static bool HandleServerSetDiffTimeCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } string newTimeStr = args.NextString(); if (newTimeStr.IsEmpty()) { return(false); } if (!int.TryParse(newTimeStr, out int newTime) || newTime < 0) { return(false); } //Global.WorldMgr.SetRecordDiffInterval(newTime); //printf("Record diff every %i ms\n", newTime); return(true); }
static bool HandleGameObjectAddTempCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } uint id = args.NextUInt32(); if (id == 0) { return(false); } Player player = handler.GetPlayer(); uint spawntime = args.NextUInt32(); uint spawntm = 300; if (spawntime != 0) { spawntm = spawntime; } Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.fromEulerAnglesZYX(player.GetOrientation(), 0.0f, 0.0f); if (Global.ObjectMgr.GetGameObjectTemplate(id) == null) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.GameobjectNotExist, id); return(false); } player.SummonGameObject(id, player, rotation, spawntm); return(true); }
static bool HandleBanInfoAccountCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } string accountName = args.NextString(""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountName)) { return(false); } uint accountId = Global.AccountMgr.GetId(accountName); if (accountId == 0) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.AccountNotExist, accountName); return(true); } return(HandleBanInfoHelper(accountId, accountName, handler)); }
static bool HandleGoTicketCommand <T>(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) where T : Ticket { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } uint ticketId = args.NextUInt32(); if (ticketId == 0) { return(false); } T ticket = Global.SupportMgr.GetTicket <T>(ticketId); if (ticket == null) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandTicketnotexist); return(true); } Player player = handler.GetSession().GetPlayer(); // stop flight if need if (player.IsInFlight()) { player.FinishTaxiFlight(); } else { player.SaveRecallPosition(); // save only in non-flight case } ticket.TeleportTo(player); return(true); }
static bool HandleGameObjectActivateCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } string id = handler.ExtractKeyFromLink(args, "Hgameobject"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { return(false); } if (!ulong.TryParse(id, out ulong guidLow) || guidLow == 0) { return(false); } GameObject obj = handler.GetObjectFromPlayerMapByDbGuid(guidLow); if (!obj) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandObjnotfound, guidLow); return(false); } uint autoCloseTime = obj.GetGoInfo().GetAutoCloseTime() != 0 ? 10000u : 0u; // Activate obj.SetLootState(LootState.Ready); obj.UseDoorOrButton(autoCloseTime, false, handler.GetSession().GetPlayer()); handler.SendSysMessage("Object activated!"); return(true); }
static bool HandlePlaySceneCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } uint sceneId = args.NextUInt32(); Player target = handler.GetSelectedPlayerOrSelf(); if (!target) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.PlayerNotFound); return(false); } if (Global.ObjectMgr.GetSceneTemplate(sceneId) == null) { return(false); } target.GetSceneMgr().PlayScene(sceneId); return(true); }
static bool HandleGoZoneXYCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } Player player = handler.GetSession().GetPlayer(); if (!float.TryParse(args.NextString(), out float x)) { return(false); } if (!float.TryParse(args.NextString(), out float y)) { return(false); } // prevent accept wrong numeric args if (x == 0.0f || y == 0.0f) { return(false); } string idStr = handler.extractKeyFromLink(args, "Harea"); // string or [name] Shift-click form |color|Harea:area_id|h[name]|h|r if (!uint.TryParse(idStr, out uint areaId)) { areaId = player.GetZoneId(); } AreaTableRecord areaEntry = CliDB.AreaTableStorage.LookupByKey(areaId); if (x < 0 || x > 100 || y < 0 || y > 100 || areaEntry == null) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.InvalidZoneCoord, x, y, areaId); return(false); } // update to parent zone if exist (client map show only zones without parents) AreaTableRecord zoneEntry = areaEntry.ParentAreaID != 0 ? CliDB.AreaTableStorage.LookupByKey(areaEntry.ParentAreaID) : areaEntry; Cypher.Assert(zoneEntry != null); Map map = Global.MapMgr.CreateBaseMap(zoneEntry.ContinentID); if (map.Instanceable()) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.InvalidZoneMap, areaId, areaEntry.AreaName[handler.GetSessionDbcLocale()], map.GetId(), map.GetMapName()); return(false); } Global.DB2Mgr.Zone2MapCoordinates(areaEntry.ParentAreaID != 0 ? areaEntry.ParentAreaID : areaId, ref x, ref y); if (!GridDefines.IsValidMapCoord(zoneEntry.ContinentID, x, y)) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.InvalidTargetCoord, x, y, zoneEntry.ContinentID); return(false); } // stop flight if need if (player.IsInFlight()) { player.GetMotionMaster().MovementExpired(); player.CleanupAfterTaxiFlight(); } // save only in non-flight case else { player.SaveRecallPosition(); } float z = Math.Max(map.GetStaticHeight(PhasingHandler.EmptyPhaseShift, x, y, MapConst.MaxHeight), map.GetWaterLevel(PhasingHandler.EmptyPhaseShift, x, y)); player.TeleportTo(zoneEntry.ContinentID, x, y, z, player.GetOrientation()); return(true); }
static bool HandleGoQuestCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } Player player = handler.GetSession().GetPlayer(); string id = handler.extractKeyFromLink(args, "Hquest"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { return(false); } if (!uint.TryParse(id, out uint questID) || questID == 0) { return(false); } if (Global.ObjectMgr.GetQuestTemplate(questID) == null) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandQuestNotfound, questID); return(false); } float x, y, z = 0; uint mapId = 0; var poiData = Global.ObjectMgr.GetQuestPOIList(questID); if (poiData != null) { var data = poiData[0]; mapId = (uint)data.MapID; x = data.points[0].X; y = data.points[0].Y; } else { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandQuestNotfound, questID); return(false); } if (!GridDefines.IsValidMapCoord(mapId, x, y) || Global.ObjectMgr.IsTransportMap(mapId)) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.InvalidTargetCoord, x, y, mapId); return(false); } // stop flight if need if (player.IsInFlight()) { player.GetMotionMaster().MovementExpired(); player.CleanupAfterTaxiFlight(); } // save only in non-flight case else { player.SaveRecallPosition(); } Map map = Global.MapMgr.CreateBaseMap(mapId); z = Math.Max(map.GetStaticHeight(PhasingHandler.EmptyPhaseShift, x, y, MapConst.MaxHeight), map.GetWaterLevel(PhasingHandler.EmptyPhaseShift, x, y)); player.TeleportTo(mapId, x, y, z, 0.0f); return(true); }
static bool HandleWpShowCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } // first arg: on, off, first, last string show = args.NextString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(show)) { return(false); } // second arg: GUID (optional, if a creature is selected) string guid_str = args.NextString(); uint pathid; Creature target = handler.GetSelectedCreature(); // Did player provide a PathID? if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid_str)) { // No PathID provided // . Player must have selected a creature if (!target) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.SelectCreature); return(false); } pathid = target.GetWaypointPath(); } else { // PathID provided // Warn if player also selected a creature // . Creature selection is ignored <- if (target) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointCreatselected); } if (!uint.TryParse(guid_str, out pathid)) { return(false); } } // Show info for the selected waypoint if (show == "info") { // Check if the user did specify a visual waypoint if (!target || target.GetEntry() != 1) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointVpSelect); return(false); } PreparedStatement stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_WAYPOINT_DATA_ALL_BY_WPGUID); stmt.AddValue(0, target.GetSpawnId()); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query(stmt); if (result.IsEmpty()) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointNotfounddbproblem, target.GetSpawnId()); return(true); } handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ffffDEBUG: wp show info:|r"); do { pathid = result.Read <uint>(0); uint point = result.Read <uint>(1); uint delay = result.Read <uint>(2); uint flag = result.Read <uint>(3); uint ev_id = result.Read <uint>(4); uint ev_chance = result.Read <uint>(5); handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Show info: for current point: |r|cff00ffff{0}|r|cff00ff00, Path ID: |r|cff00ffff{1}|r", point, pathid); handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Show info: delay: |r|cff00ffff{0}|r", delay); handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Show info: Move flag: |r|cff00ffff{0}|r", flag); handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Show info: Waypoint event: |r|cff00ffff{0}|r", ev_id); handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Show info: Event chance: |r|cff00ffff{0}|r", ev_chance); }while (result.NextRow()); return(true); } if (show == "on") { PreparedStatement stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_WAYPOINT_DATA_POS_BY_ID); stmt.AddValue(0, pathid); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query(stmt); if (result.IsEmpty()) { handler.SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffPath no found.|r"); return(false); } handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00DEBUG: wp on, PathID: |cff00ffff{0}|r", pathid); // Delete all visuals for this NPC stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_WAYPOINT_DATA_WPGUID_BY_ID); stmt.AddValue(0, pathid); SQLResult result2 = DB.World.Query(stmt); if (!result2.IsEmpty()) { bool hasError = false; do { ulong wpguid = result2.Read <ulong>(0); Creature creature = handler.GetCreatureFromPlayerMapByDbGuid(wpguid); if (!creature) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointNotremoved, wpguid); hasError = true; stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.DEL_CREATURE); stmt.AddValue(0, wpguid); DB.World.Execute(stmt); } else { creature.CombatStop(); creature.DeleteFromDB(); creature.AddObjectToRemoveList(); } }while (result2.NextRow()); if (hasError) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointToofar1); handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointToofar2); handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointToofar3); } } do { uint point = result.Read <uint>(0); float x = result.Read <float>(1); float y = result.Read <float>(2); float z = result.Read <float>(3); uint id = 1; Player chr = handler.GetSession().GetPlayer(); Map map = chr.GetMap(); Position pos = new Position(x, y, z, chr.GetOrientation()); Creature creature = Creature.CreateCreature(id, map, pos); if (!creature) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointVpNotcreated, id); return(false); } PhasingHandler.InheritPhaseShift(creature, chr); creature.SaveToDB(map.GetId(), new List <Difficulty>() { map.GetDifficultyID() }); ulong dbGuid = creature.GetSpawnId(); // current "wpCreature" variable is deleted and created fresh new, otherwise old values might trigger asserts or cause undefined behavior creature.CleanupsBeforeDelete(); creature.Dispose(); // To call _LoadGoods(); _LoadQuests(); CreateTrainerSpells(); creature = Creature.CreateCreatureFromDB(dbGuid, map); if (!creature) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointVpNotcreated, id); return(false); } if (target) { creature.SetDisplayId(target.GetDisplayId()); creature.SetObjectScale(0.5f); creature.SetLevel(Math.Min(point, SharedConst.StrongMaxLevel)); } // Set "wpguid" column to the visual waypoint stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.UPD_WAYPOINT_DATA_WPGUID); stmt.AddValue(0, creature.GetSpawnId()); stmt.AddValue(1, pathid); stmt.AddValue(2, point); DB.World.Execute(stmt); }while (result.NextRow()); handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Showing the current creature's path.|r"); return(true); } if (show == "first") { handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00DEBUG: wp first, pathid: {0}|r", pathid); PreparedStatement stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_WAYPOINT_DATA_POS_FIRST_BY_ID); stmt.AddValue(0, pathid); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query(stmt); if (result.IsEmpty()) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointNotfound, pathid); return(false); } float x = result.Read <float>(0); float y = result.Read <float>(1); float z = result.Read <float>(2); Player chr = handler.GetSession().GetPlayer(); Map map = chr.GetMap(); Position pos = new Position(x, y, z, chr.GetOrientation()); Creature creature = Creature.CreateCreature(1, map, pos); if (!creature) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointVpNotcreated, 1); return(false); } PhasingHandler.InheritPhaseShift(creature, chr); creature.SaveToDB(map.GetId(), new List <Difficulty>() { map.GetDifficultyID() }); ulong dbGuid = creature.GetSpawnId(); // current "creature" variable is deleted and created fresh new, otherwise old values might trigger asserts or cause undefined behavior creature.CleanupsBeforeDelete(); creature.Dispose(); creature = Creature.CreateCreatureFromDB(dbGuid, map); if (!creature) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointVpNotcreated, 1); return(false); } if (target) { creature.SetDisplayId(target.GetDisplayId()); creature.SetObjectScale(0.5f); } return(true); } if (show == "last") { handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00DEBUG: wp last, PathID: |r|cff00ffff{0}|r", pathid); PreparedStatement stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_WAYPOINT_DATA_POS_LAST_BY_ID); stmt.AddValue(0, pathid); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query(stmt); if (result.IsEmpty()) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointNotfoundlast, pathid); return(false); } float x = result.Read <float>(0); float y = result.Read <float>(1); float z = result.Read <float>(2); float o = result.Read <float>(3); Player chr = handler.GetSession().GetPlayer(); Map map = chr.GetMap(); Position pos = new Position(x, y, z, o); Creature creature = Creature.CreateCreature(1, map, pos); if (!creature) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointNotcreated, 1); return(false); } PhasingHandler.InheritPhaseShift(creature, chr); creature.SaveToDB(map.GetId(), new List <Difficulty>() { map.GetDifficultyID() }); ulong dbGuid = creature.GetSpawnId(); // current "creature" variable is deleted and created fresh new, otherwise old values might trigger asserts or cause undefined behavior creature.CleanupsBeforeDelete(); creature.Dispose(); creature = Creature.CreateCreatureFromDB(dbGuid, map); if (!creature) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointNotcreated, 1); return(false); } if (target) { creature.SetDisplayId(target.GetDisplayId()); creature.SetObjectScale(0.5f); } return(true); } if (show == "off") { PreparedStatement stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_CREATURE_BY_ID); stmt.AddValue(0, 1); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query(stmt); if (result.IsEmpty()) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointVpNotfound); return(false); } bool hasError = false; do { ulong lowguid = result.Read <ulong>(0); Creature creature = handler.GetCreatureFromPlayerMapByDbGuid(lowguid); if (!creature) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointNotremoved, lowguid); hasError = true; stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.DEL_CREATURE); stmt.AddValue(0, lowguid); DB.World.Execute(stmt); } else { creature.CombatStop(); creature.DeleteFromDB(); creature.AddObjectToRemoveList(); } }while (result.NextRow()); // set "wpguid" column to "empty" - no visual waypoint spawned stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.UPD_WAYPOINT_DATA_ALL_WPGUID); DB.World.Execute(stmt); //DB.World.PExecute("UPDATE creature_movement SET wpguid = '0' WHERE wpguid <> '0'"); if (hasError) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointToofar1); handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointToofar2); handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointToofar3); } handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointVpAllremoved); return(true); } handler.SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffDEBUG: wpshow - no valid command found|r"); return(true); }
static bool HandleWpLoadCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } // optional string path_number = args.NextString(); uint pathid; Creature target = handler.GetSelectedCreature(); // Did player provide a path_id? if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path_number)) { return(false); } if (!target) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.SelectCreature); return(false); } if (target.GetEntry() == 1) { handler.SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffYou want to load path to a waypoint? Aren't you?|r"); return(false); } if (!uint.TryParse(path_number, out pathid) || pathid == 0) { handler.SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffNo valid path number provided.|r"); return(true); } ulong guidLow = target.GetSpawnId(); PreparedStatement stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_CREATURE_ADDON_BY_GUID); stmt.AddValue(0, guidLow); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query(stmt); if (!result.IsEmpty()) { stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.UPD_CREATURE_ADDON_PATH); stmt.AddValue(0, pathid); stmt.AddValue(1, guidLow); } else { stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.INS_CREATURE_ADDON); stmt.AddValue(0, guidLow); stmt.AddValue(1, pathid); } DB.World.Execute(stmt); stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.UPD_CREATURE_MOVEMENT_TYPE); stmt.AddValue(0, (byte)MovementGeneratorType.Waypoint); stmt.AddValue(1, guidLow); DB.World.Execute(stmt); target.LoadPath(pathid); target.SetDefaultMovementType(MovementGeneratorType.Waypoint); target.GetMotionMaster().Initialize(); target.Say("Path loaded.", Language.Universal); return(true); }
static bool HandleWpEventCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } string show = args.NextString(); PreparedStatement stmt; // Check if ((show != "add") && (show != "mod") && (show != "del") && (show != "listid")) { return(false); } string arg_id = args.NextString(); uint id; if (show == "add") { if (!uint.TryParse(arg_id, out id)) { id = 0; } if (id != 0) { stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_WAYPOINT_SCRIPT_ID_BY_GUID); stmt.AddValue(0, id); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query(stmt); if (result.IsEmpty()) { stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.INS_WAYPOINT_SCRIPT); stmt.AddValue(0, id); DB.World.Execute(stmt); handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Wp Event: New waypoint event added: {0}|r", "", id); } else { handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Wp Event: You have choosed an existing waypoint script guid: {0}|r", id); } } else { stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_WAYPOINT_SCRIPTS_MAX_ID); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query(stmt); id = result.Read <uint>(0); stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.INS_WAYPOINT_SCRIPT); stmt.AddValue(0, id + 1); DB.World.Execute(stmt); handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Wp Event: New waypoint event added: |r|cff00ffff{0}|r", id + 1); } return(true); } if (show == "listid") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg_id)) { handler.SendSysMessage("|cff33ffffWp Event: You must provide waypoint script id.|r"); return(true); } if (!uint.TryParse(arg_id, out id)) { return(false); } uint a2, a3, a4, a5, a6; float a8, a9, a10, a11; string a7; stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_WAYPOINT_SCRIPT_BY_ID); stmt.AddValue(0, id); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query(stmt); if (result.IsEmpty()) { handler.SendSysMessage("|cff33ffffWp Event: No waypoint scripts found on id: {0}|r", id); return(true); } do { a2 = result.Read <uint>(0); a3 = result.Read <uint>(1); a4 = result.Read <uint>(2); a5 = result.Read <uint>(3); a6 = result.Read <uint>(4); a7 = result.Read <string>(5); a8 = result.Read <float>(6); a9 = result.Read <float>(7); a10 = result.Read <float>(8); a11 = result.Read <float>(9); handler.SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffid:|r|cff00ffff {0}|r|cff00ff00, guid: |r|cff00ffff{1}|r|cff00ff00, delay: |r|cff00ffff{2}|r|cff00ff00, command: |r|cff00ffff{3}|r|cff00ff00," + "datalong: |r|cff00ffff{4}|r|cff00ff00, datalong2: |r|cff00ffff{5}|r|cff00ff00, datatext: |r|cff00ffff{6}|r|cff00ff00, posx: |r|cff00ffff{7}|r|cff00ff00, " + "posy: |r|cff00ffff{8}|r|cff00ff00, posz: |r|cff00ffff{9}|r|cff00ff00, orientation: |r|cff00ffff{10}|r", id, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11); }while (result.NextRow()); } if (show == "del") { if (arg_id.IsEmpty()) { handler.SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffERROR: Waypoint script guid not present.|r"); return(true); } if (!uint.TryParse(arg_id, out id)) { return(false); } stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_WAYPOINT_SCRIPT_ID_BY_GUID); stmt.AddValue(0, id); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query(stmt); if (!result.IsEmpty()) { stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.DEL_WAYPOINT_SCRIPT); stmt.AddValue(0, id); DB.World.Execute(stmt); handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00{0}{1}|r", "Wp Event: Waypoint script removed: ", id); } else { handler.SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffWp Event: ERROR: you have selected a non existing script: {0}|r", id); } return(true); } if (show == "mod") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg_id)) { handler.SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffERROR: Waypoint script guid not present.|r"); return(true); } if (!uint.TryParse(arg_id, out id) || id == 0) { handler.SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffERROR: No valid waypoint script id not present.|r"); return(true); } string arg_string = args.NextString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg_string)) { handler.SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffERROR: No argument present.|r"); return(true); } if ((arg_string != "setid") && (arg_string != "delay") && (arg_string != "command") && (arg_string != "datalong") && (arg_string != "datalong2") && (arg_string != "dataint") && (arg_string != "posx") && (arg_string != "posy") && (arg_string != "posz") && (arg_string != "orientation")) { handler.SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffERROR: No valid argument present.|r"); return(true); } string arg_3 = args.NextString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg_3)) { handler.SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffERROR: No additional argument present.|r"); return(true); } if (arg_string == "setid") { if (!uint.TryParse(arg_3, out uint newid)) { return(false); } handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Wp Event: Waypoint script guid: {0}|r|cff00ffff id changed: |r|cff00ff00{1}|r", newid, id); stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.UPD_WAYPOINT_SCRIPT_ID); stmt.AddValue(0, newid); stmt.AddValue(1, id); DB.World.Execute(stmt); return(true); } else { stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_WAYPOINT_SCRIPT_ID_BY_GUID); stmt.AddValue(0, id); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query(stmt); if (result.IsEmpty()) { handler.SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffERROR: You have selected an non existing waypoint script guid.|r"); return(true); } if (arg_string == "posx") { if (!float.TryParse(arg_3, out float arg3)) { return(false); } stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.UPD_WAYPOINT_SCRIPT_X); stmt.AddValue(0, arg3); stmt.AddValue(1, id); DB.World.Execute(stmt); handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Waypoint script:|r|cff00ffff {0}|r|cff00ff00 position_x updated.|r", id); return(true); } else if (arg_string == "posy") { if (!float.TryParse(arg_3, out float arg3)) { return(false); } stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.UPD_WAYPOINT_SCRIPT_Y); stmt.AddValue(0, arg3); stmt.AddValue(1, id); DB.World.Execute(stmt); handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Waypoint script: {0} position_y updated.|r", id); return(true); } else if (arg_string == "posz") { if (!float.TryParse(arg_3, out float arg3)) { return(false); } stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.UPD_WAYPOINT_SCRIPT_Z); stmt.AddValue(0, arg3); stmt.AddValue(1, id); DB.World.Execute(stmt); handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Waypoint script: |r|cff00ffff{0}|r|cff00ff00 position_z updated.|r", id); return(true); } else if (arg_string == "orientation") { if (!float.TryParse(arg_3, out float arg3)) { return(false); } stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.UPD_WAYPOINT_SCRIPT_O); stmt.AddValue(0, arg3); stmt.AddValue(1, id); DB.World.Execute(stmt); handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Waypoint script: |r|cff00ffff{0}|r|cff00ff00 orientation updated.|r", id); return(true); } else if (arg_string == "dataint") { if (!uint.TryParse(arg_3, out uint arg3)) { return(false); } DB.World.Execute("UPDATE waypoint_scripts SET {0}='{1}' WHERE guid='{2}'", arg_string, arg3, id); // Query can't be a prepared statement handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Waypoint script: |r|cff00ffff{0}|r|cff00ff00 dataint updated.|r", id); return(true); } else { DB.World.Execute("UPDATE waypoint_scripts SET {0}='{1}' WHERE guid='{2}'", arg_string, arg_string, id); // Query can't be a prepared statement } } handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00Waypoint script:|r|cff00ffff{0}:|r|cff00ff00 {1} updated.|r", id, arg_string); } return(true); }
static bool Rep(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } Player target = handler.getSelectedPlayerOrSelf(); if (!target) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.PlayerNotFound); return(false); } // check online security if (handler.HasLowerSecurity(target, ObjectGuid.Empty)) { return(false); } string factionTxt = handler.extractKeyFromLink(args, "Hfaction"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(factionTxt)) { return(false); } uint factionId = uint.Parse(factionTxt); int amount = 0; string rankTxt = args.NextString(); if (factionId == 0 || rankTxt.IsEmpty()) { return(false); } amount = int.Parse(rankTxt); if ((amount == 0) && !(amount < 0) && !rankTxt.IsNumber()) { string rankStr = rankTxt.ToLower(); int r = 0; amount = -42000; for (; r < (int)ReputationRank.Max; ++r) { string rank = handler.GetCypherString(ReputationMgr.ReputationRankStrIndex[r]); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rank)) { continue; } if (rank.Equals(rankStr)) { string deltaTxt = args.NextString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deltaTxt)) { int delta = int.Parse(deltaTxt); if ((delta < 0) || (delta > ReputationMgr.PointsInRank[r] - 1)) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandFactionDelta, (ReputationMgr.PointsInRank[r] - 1)); return(false); } amount += delta; } break; } amount += ReputationMgr.PointsInRank[r]; } if (r >= (int)ReputationRank.Max) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandFactionInvparam, rankTxt); return(false); } } FactionRecord factionEntry = CliDB.FactionStorage.LookupByKey(factionId); if (factionEntry == null) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandFactionUnknown, factionId); return(false); } if (factionEntry.ReputationIndex < 0) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandFactionNorepError, factionEntry.Name[handler.GetSessionDbcLocale()], factionId); return(false); } target.GetReputationMgr().SetOneFactionReputation(factionEntry, amount, false); target.GetReputationMgr().SendState(target.GetReputationMgr().GetState(factionEntry)); handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandModifyRep, factionEntry.Name[handler.GetSessionDbcLocale()], factionId, handler.GetNameLink(target), target.GetReputationMgr().GetReputation(factionEntry)); return(true); }
static bool HandleSetAddonCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } // Get the command line arguments string account = args.NextString(); string exp = args.NextString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(account)) { return(false); } string accountName; uint accountId; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(exp)) { Player player = handler.getSelectedPlayer(); if (!player) { return(false); } accountId = player.GetSession().GetAccountId(); Global.AccountMgr.GetName(accountId, out accountName); exp = account; } else { // Convert Account name to Upper Format accountName = account.ToUpper(); accountId = Global.AccountMgr.GetId(accountName); if (accountId == 0) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.AccountNotExist, accountName); return(false); } } // Let set addon state only for lesser (strong) security level // or to self account if (handler.GetSession() != null && handler.GetSession().GetAccountId() != accountId && handler.HasLowerSecurityAccount(null, accountId, true)) { return(false); } if (!byte.TryParse(exp, out byte expansion)) { return(false); } if (expansion > WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.Expansion)) { return(false); } PreparedStatement stmt = DB.Login.GetPreparedStatement(LoginStatements.UPD_EXPANSION); stmt.AddValue(0, expansion); stmt.AddValue(1, accountId); DB.Login.Execute(stmt); handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.AccountSetaddon, accountName, accountId, expansion); return(true); }
static bool HandleSetPasswordCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CmdSyntax); return(false); } // Get the command line arguments string accountName = args.NextString(); string password = args.NextString(); string passwordConfirmation = args.NextString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(password) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(passwordConfirmation)) { return(false); } uint targetAccountId = Global.AccountMgr.GetId(accountName); if (targetAccountId == 0) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.AccountNotExist, accountName); return(false); } // can set password only for target with less security // This also restricts setting handler's own password if (handler.HasLowerSecurityAccount(null, targetAccountId, true)) { return(false); } if (!password.Equals(passwordConfirmation)) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.NewPasswordsNotMatch); return(false); } AccountOpResult result = Global.AccountMgr.ChangePassword(targetAccountId, password); switch (result) { case AccountOpResult.Ok: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandPassword); break; case AccountOpResult.NameNotExist: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.AccountNotExist, accountName); return(false); case AccountOpResult.PassTooLong: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.PasswordTooLong); return(false); default: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandNotchangepassword); return(false); } return(true); }
static bool HandleAccountPasswordCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { // If no args are given at all, we can return false right away. if (args.Empty()) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CmdSyntax); return(false); } // First, we check config. What security type (sec type) is it ? Depending on it, the command branches out uint pwConfig = WorldConfig.GetUIntValue(WorldCfg.AccPasschangesec); // 0 - PW_NONE, 1 - PW_EMAIL, 2 - PW_RBAC // Command is supposed to be: .account password [$oldpassword] [$newpassword] [$newpasswordconfirmation] [$emailconfirmation] string oldPassword = args.NextString(); // This extracts [$oldpassword] string newPassword = args.NextString(); // This extracts [$newpassword] string passwordConfirmation = args.NextString(); // This extracts [$newpasswordconfirmation] string emailConfirmation = args.NextString(); // This defines the emailConfirmation variable, which is optional depending on sec type. //Is any of those variables missing for any reason ? We return false. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldPassword) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(newPassword) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(passwordConfirmation)) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CmdSyntax); return(false); } // We compare the old, saved password to the entered old password - no chance for the unauthorized. if (!Global.AccountMgr.CheckPassword(handler.GetSession().GetAccountId(), oldPassword)) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandWrongoldpassword); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Player, "Account: {0} (IP: {1}) Character:[{2}] (GUID: {3}) Tried to change password, but the provided old password is wrong.", handler.GetSession().GetAccountId(), handler.GetSession().GetRemoteAddress(), handler.GetSession().GetPlayer().GetName(), handler.GetSession().GetPlayer().GetGUID().ToString()); return(false); } // This compares the old, current email to the entered email - however, only... if ((pwConfig == 1 || (pwConfig == 2 && handler.GetSession().HasPermission(RBACPermissions.EmailConfirmForPassChange))) && // ...if either PW_EMAIL or PW_RBAC with the Permission is active... !Global.AccountMgr.CheckEmail(handler.GetSession().GetAccountId(), emailConfirmation)) // ... and returns false if the comparison fails. { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandWrongemail); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Player, "Account: {0} (IP: {1}) Character:[{2}] (GUID: {3}) Tried to change password, but the entered email [{4}] is wrong.", handler.GetSession().GetAccountId(), handler.GetSession().GetRemoteAddress(), handler.GetSession().GetPlayer().GetName(), handler.GetSession().GetPlayer().GetGUID().ToString(), emailConfirmation); return(false); } // Making sure that newly entered password is correctly entered. if (newPassword != passwordConfirmation) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.NewPasswordsNotMatch); return(false); } // Changes password and prints result. AccountOpResult result = Global.AccountMgr.ChangePassword(handler.GetSession().GetAccountId(), newPassword); switch (result) { case AccountOpResult.Ok: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandPassword); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Player, "Account: {0} (IP: {1}) Character:[{2}] (GUID: {3}) Changed Password.", handler.GetSession().GetAccountId(), handler.GetSession().GetRemoteAddress(), handler.GetSession().GetPlayer().GetName(), handler.GetSession().GetPlayer().GetGUID().ToString()); break; case AccountOpResult.PassTooLong: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.PasswordTooLong); return(false); default: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandNotchangepassword); return(false); } return(true); }
static bool HandleModifySpellCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } byte spellflatid = args.NextByte(); if (spellflatid == 0) { return(false); } byte op = args.NextByte(); if (op == 0) { return(false); } ushort val = args.NextUInt16(); if (val == 0) { return(false); } ushort mark; string pmark = args.NextString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pmark)) { mark = 65535; } else { mark = ushort.Parse(pmark); } Player target = handler.getSelectedPlayerOrSelf(); if (!target) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.NoCharSelected); return(false); } // check online security if (handler.HasLowerSecurity(target, ObjectGuid.Empty)) { return(false); } handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.YouChangeSpellflatid, spellflatid, val, mark, handler.GetNameLink(target)); if (handler.needReportToTarget(target)) { target.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.YoursSpellflatidChanged, handler.GetNameLink(), spellflatid, val, mark); } SetSpellModifier packet = new SetSpellModifier(ServerOpcodes.SetFlatSpellModifier); SpellModifierInfo spellMod = new SpellModifierInfo(); spellMod.ModIndex = op; SpellModifierData modData; modData.ClassIndex = spellflatid; modData.ModifierValue = val; spellMod.ModifierData.Add(modData); packet.Modifiers.Add(spellMod); target.SendPacket(packet); return(true); }
static bool Mount(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } ushort mId = 1147; float speed = 15f; uint num = args.NextUInt32(); switch (num) { case 1: mId = 14340; break; case 2: mId = 4806; break; case 3: mId = 6471; break; case 4: mId = 12345; break; case 5: mId = 6472; break; case 6: mId = 6473; break; case 7: mId = 10670; break; case 8: mId = 10719; break; case 9: mId = 10671; break; case 10: mId = 10672; break; case 11: mId = 10720; break; case 12: mId = 14349; break; case 13: mId = 11641; break; case 14: mId = 12244; break; case 15: mId = 12242; break; case 16: mId = 14578; break; case 17: mId = 14579; break; case 18: mId = 14349; break; case 19: mId = 12245; break; case 20: mId = 14335; break; case 21: mId = 207; break; case 22: mId = 2328; break; case 23: mId = 2327; break; case 24: mId = 2326; break; case 25: mId = 14573; break; case 26: mId = 14574; break; case 27: mId = 14575; break; case 28: mId = 604; break; case 29: mId = 1166; break; case 30: mId = 2402; break; case 31: mId = 2410; break; case 32: mId = 2409; break; case 33: mId = 2408; break; case 34: mId = 2405; break; case 35: mId = 14337; break; case 36: mId = 6569; break; case 37: mId = 10661; break; case 38: mId = 10666; break; case 39: mId = 9473; break; case 40: mId = 9476; break; case 41: mId = 9474; break; case 42: mId = 14374; break; case 43: mId = 14376; break; case 44: mId = 14377; break; case 45: mId = 2404; break; case 46: mId = 2784; break; case 47: mId = 2787; break; case 48: mId = 2785; break; case 49: mId = 2736; break; case 50: mId = 2786; break; case 51: mId = 14347; break; case 52: mId = 14346; break; case 53: mId = 14576; break; case 54: mId = 9695; break; case 55: mId = 9991; break; case 56: mId = 6448; break; case 57: mId = 6444; break; case 58: mId = 6080; break; case 59: mId = 6447; break; case 60: mId = 4805; break; case 61: mId = 9714; break; case 62: mId = 6448; break; case 63: mId = 6442; break; case 64: mId = 14632; break; case 65: mId = 14332; break; case 66: mId = 14331; break; case 67: mId = 8469; break; case 68: mId = 2830; break; case 69: mId = 2346; break; default: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.NoMount); return(false); } Player target = handler.getSelectedPlayerOrSelf(); if (!target) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.NoCharSelected); return(false); } // check online security if (handler.HasLowerSecurity(target, ObjectGuid.Empty)) { return(false); } NotifyModification(handler, target, CypherStrings.YouGiveMount, CypherStrings.MountGived); target.SetUInt32Value(UnitFields.Flags, (uint)UnitFlags.Pvp); target.Mount(mId); var packet = new MoveSetSpeed(ServerOpcodes.MoveSetRunSpeed); packet.MoverGUID = target.GetGUID(); packet.SequenceIndex = 0; packet.Speed = speed; target.SendMessageToSet(packet, true); packet = new MoveSetSpeed(ServerOpcodes.MoveSetSwimSpeed); packet.MoverGUID = target.GetGUID(); packet.SequenceIndex = 0; packet.Speed = speed; target.SendMessageToSet(packet, true); return(true); }
static bool HandleSetGmLevelCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CmdSyntax); return(false); } string targetAccountName = ""; uint targetAccountId = 0; AccountTypes targetSecurity = 0; uint gm = 0; string arg1 = args.NextString(); string arg2 = args.NextString(); string arg3 = args.NextString(); bool isAccountNameGiven = true; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg3)) { if (!handler.getSelectedPlayer()) { return(false); } isAccountNameGiven = false; } if (!isAccountNameGiven && string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg2)) { return(false); } if (isAccountNameGiven) { targetAccountName = arg1; if (Global.AccountMgr.GetId(targetAccountName) == 0) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.AccountNotExist, targetAccountName); return(false); } } // Check for invalid specified GM level. if (!uint.TryParse(isAccountNameGiven ? arg2 : arg1, out gm)) { return(false); } if (gm > (uint)AccountTypes.Console) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.BadValue); return(false); } // command.getSession() == NULL only for console targetAccountId = (isAccountNameGiven) ? Global.AccountMgr.GetId(targetAccountName) : handler.getSelectedPlayer().GetSession().GetAccountId(); if (!int.TryParse(isAccountNameGiven ? arg3 : arg2, out int gmRealmID)) { return(false); } AccountTypes playerSecurity; if (handler.GetSession() != null) { playerSecurity = Global.AccountMgr.GetSecurity(handler.GetSession().GetAccountId(), gmRealmID); } else { playerSecurity = AccountTypes.Console; } // can set security level only for target with less security and to less security that we have // This is also reject self apply in fact targetSecurity = Global.AccountMgr.GetSecurity(targetAccountId, gmRealmID); if (targetSecurity >= playerSecurity || (AccountTypes)gm >= playerSecurity) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.YoursSecurityIsLow); return(false); } PreparedStatement stmt; // Check and abort if the target gm has a higher rank on one of the realms and the new realm is -1 if (gmRealmID == -1 && !Global.AccountMgr.IsConsoleAccount(playerSecurity)) { stmt = DB.Login.GetPreparedStatement(LoginStatements.SEL_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_GMLEVEL_TEST); stmt.AddValue(0, targetAccountId); stmt.AddValue(1, gm); SQLResult result = DB.Login.Query(stmt); if (!result.IsEmpty()) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.YoursSecurityIsLow); return(false); } } // Check if provided realmID has a negative value other than -1 if (gmRealmID < -1) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.InvalidRealmid); return(false); } RBACData rbac = isAccountNameGiven ? null : handler.getSelectedPlayer().GetSession().GetRBACData(); Global.AccountMgr.UpdateAccountAccess(rbac, targetAccountId, (byte)gm, gmRealmID); handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.YouChangeSecurity, targetAccountName, gm); return(true); }
static bool HandleModifyGenderCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } Player target = handler.getSelectedPlayerOrSelf(); if (!target) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.PlayerNotFound); return(false); } PlayerInfo info = Global.ObjectMgr.GetPlayerInfo(target.GetRace(), target.GetClass()); if (info == null) { return(false); } string gender_str = args.NextString(); Gender gender; if (gender_str == "male") // MALE { if (target.GetGender() == Gender.Male) { return(true); } gender = Gender.Male; } else if (gender_str == "female") // FEMALE { if (target.GetGender() == Gender.Female) { return(true); } gender = Gender.Female; } else { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.MustMaleOrFemale); return(false); } // Set gender target.SetByteValue(UnitFields.Bytes0, 3, (byte)gender); target.SetByteValue(PlayerFields.Bytes3, PlayerFieldOffsets.Bytes3OffsetGender, (byte)gender); // Change display ID target.InitDisplayIds(); handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.YouChangeGender, handler.GetNameLink(target), gender); if (handler.needReportToTarget(target)) { target.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.YourGenderChanged, gender, handler.GetNameLink()); } return(true); }
static bool HandleSetRegEmailCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } //- We do not want anything short of console to use this by default. //- So we force that. if (handler.GetSession()) { return(false); } // Get the command line arguments string accountName = args.NextString(); string email = args.NextString(); string emailConfirmation = args.NextString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(email) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailConfirmation)) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CmdSyntax); return(false); } uint targetAccountId = Global.AccountMgr.GetId(accountName); if (targetAccountId == 0) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.AccountNotExist, accountName); return(false); } // can set email only for target with less security // This also restricts setting handler's own email. if (handler.HasLowerSecurityAccount(null, targetAccountId, true)) { return(false); } if (!email.Equals(emailConfirmation)) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.NewEmailsNotMatch); return(false); } AccountOpResult result = Global.AccountMgr.ChangeRegEmail(targetAccountId, email); switch (result) { case AccountOpResult.Ok: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandEmail); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Player, "ChangeRegEmail: Account {0} [Id: {1}] had it's Registration Email changed to {2}.", accountName, targetAccountId, email); break; case AccountOpResult.NameNotExist: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.AccountNotExist, accountName); return(false); case AccountOpResult.EmailTooLong: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.EmailTooLong); return(false); default: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandNotchangeemail); return(false); } return(true); }
static bool HandleWpAddCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { // optional string path_number = null; uint pathid; if (!args.Empty()) { path_number = args.NextString(); } uint point = 0; Creature target = handler.GetSelectedCreature(); PreparedStatement stmt; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path_number)) { if (target) { pathid = target.GetWaypointPath(); } else { stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_WAYPOINT_DATA_MAX_ID); SQLResult result1 = DB.World.Query(stmt); uint maxpathid = result1.Read <uint>(0); pathid = maxpathid + 1; handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00New path started.|r"); } } else { if (!uint.TryParse(path_number, out pathid)) { return(false); } } // path_id . ID of the Path // point . number of the waypoint (if not 0) if (pathid == 0) { handler.SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffCurrent creature haven't loaded path.|r"); return(true); } stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_WAYPOINT_DATA_MAX_POINT); stmt.AddValue(0, pathid); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query(stmt); if (result.IsEmpty()) { point = result.Read <uint>(0); } Player player = handler.GetSession().GetPlayer(); stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.INS_WAYPOINT_DATA); stmt.AddValue(0, pathid); stmt.AddValue(1, point + 1); stmt.AddValue(2, player.GetPositionX()); stmt.AddValue(3, player.GetPositionY()); stmt.AddValue(4, player.GetPositionZ()); DB.World.Execute(stmt); handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00PathID: |r|cff00ffff{0} |r|cff00ff00: Waypoint |r|cff00ffff{1}|r|cff00ff00 created.|r", pathid, point + 1); return(true); }
static bool HandleAccountCreateCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } // Parse the command line arguments string accountName = args.NextString(); string password = args.NextString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { return(false); } if (!accountName.Contains('@')) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.AccountInvalidBnetName); return(false); } string createGameAccountParam = args.NextString(); bool createGameAccount = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(createGameAccountParam)) { createGameAccount = bool.Parse(createGameAccountParam); } string gameAccountName; switch (Global.BNetAccountMgr.CreateBattlenetAccount(accountName, password, createGameAccount, out gameAccountName)) { case AccountOpResult.Ok: if (createGameAccount) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.AccountCreatedBnetWithGame, accountName, gameAccountName); } else { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.AccountCreated, accountName); } if (handler.GetSession() != null) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Player, "Account: {0} (IP: {1}) Character:[{2}] ({3}) created account {4}{5}{6}", handler.GetSession().GetAccountId(), handler.GetSession().GetRemoteAddress(), handler.GetSession().GetPlayer().GetName(), handler.GetSession().GetPlayer().GetGUID().ToString(), accountName, createGameAccount ? " with game account " : "", createGameAccount ? gameAccountName : ""); } break; case AccountOpResult.NameTooLong: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.AccountNameTooLong); return(false); case AccountOpResult.PassTooLong: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.AccountPassTooLong); return(false); case AccountOpResult.NameAlreadyExist: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.AccountAlreadyExist); return(false); default: break; } return(true); }
static bool HandleWpModifyCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } // first arg: add del text emote spell waittime move string show = args.NextString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(show)) { return(false); } // Check // Remember: "show" must also be the name of a column! if ((show != "delay") && (show != "action") && (show != "action_chance") && (show != "move_flag") && (show != "del") && (show != "move")) { return(false); } // Did user provide a GUID // or did the user select a creature? // . variable lowguid is filled with the GUID of the NPC uint pathid; uint point; Creature target = handler.GetSelectedCreature(); // User did select a visual waypoint? if (!target || target.GetEntry() != 1) { handler.SendSysMessage("|cffff33ffERROR: You must select a waypoint.|r"); return(false); } // Check the creature PreparedStatement stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_WAYPOINT_DATA_BY_WPGUID); stmt.AddValue(0, target.GetSpawnId()); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query(stmt); if (result.IsEmpty()) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointNotfoundsearch, target.GetGUID().ToString()); // Select waypoint number from database // Since we compare float values, we have to deal with // some difficulties. // Here we search for all waypoints that only differ in one from 1 thousand // See also: string maxDiff = "0.01"; stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_WAYPOINT_DATA_BY_POS); stmt.AddValue(0, target.GetPositionX()); stmt.AddValue(1, maxDiff); stmt.AddValue(2, target.GetPositionY()); stmt.AddValue(3, maxDiff); stmt.AddValue(4, target.GetPositionZ()); stmt.AddValue(5, maxDiff); result = DB.World.Query(stmt); if (result.IsEmpty()) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointNotfounddbproblem, target.GetGUID().ToString()); return(true); } } do { pathid = result.Read <uint>(0); point = result.Read <uint>(1); }while (result.NextRow()); // We have the waypoint number and the GUID of the "master npc" // Text is enclosed in "<>", all other arguments not string arg_str = args.NextString(); // Check for argument if (show != "del" && show != "move" && arg_str == null) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointArgumentreq, show); return(false); } if (show == "del") { handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00DEBUG: wp modify del, PathID: |r|cff00ffff{0}|r", pathid); target.DeleteFromDB(); target.AddObjectToRemoveList(); stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.DEL_WAYPOINT_DATA); stmt.AddValue(0, pathid); stmt.AddValue(1, point); DB.World.Execute(stmt); stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.UPD_WAYPOINT_DATA_POINT); stmt.AddValue(0, pathid); stmt.AddValue(1, point); DB.World.Execute(stmt); handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointRemoved); return(true); } // del if (show == "move") { handler.SendSysMessage("|cff00ff00DEBUG: wp move, PathID: |r|cff00ffff{0}|r", pathid); Player chr = handler.GetSession().GetPlayer(); Map map = chr.GetMap(); // What to do: // Move the visual spawnpoint // Respawn the owner of the waypoints target.DeleteFromDB(); target.AddObjectToRemoveList(); // re-create Creature creature = Creature.CreateCreature(1, map, chr.GetPosition()); if (!creature) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointVpNotcreated, 1); return(false); } PhasingHandler.InheritPhaseShift(creature, chr); creature.SaveToDB(map.GetId(), new List <Difficulty>() { map.GetDifficultyID() }); ulong dbGuid = creature.GetSpawnId(); // current "wpCreature" variable is deleted and created fresh new, otherwise old values might trigger asserts or cause undefined behavior creature.CleanupsBeforeDelete(); creature.Dispose(); // To call _LoadGoods(); _LoadQuests(); CreateTrainerSpells(); creature = Creature.CreateCreatureFromDB(dbGuid, map); if (!creature) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointVpNotcreated, 1); return(false); } stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.UPD_WAYPOINT_DATA_POSITION); stmt.AddValue(0, chr.GetPositionX()); stmt.AddValue(1, chr.GetPositionY()); stmt.AddValue(2, chr.GetPositionZ()); stmt.AddValue(3, pathid); stmt.AddValue(4, point); DB.World.Execute(stmt); handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointChanged); return(true); } // move if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg_str)) { // show_str check for present in list of correct values, no sql injection possible DB.World.Execute("UPDATE waypoint_data SET {0}=null WHERE id='{1}' AND point='{2}'", show, pathid, point); // Query can't be a prepared statement } else { // show_str check for present in list of correct values, no sql injection possible DB.World.Execute("UPDATE waypoint_data SET {0}='{1}' WHERE id='{2}' AND point='{3}'", show, arg_str, pathid, point); // Query can't be a prepared statement } handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WaypointChangedNo, show); return(true); }
static bool HandleBanHelper(BanMode mode, StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } string nameOrIP = args.NextString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameOrIP)) { return(false); } string durationStr = args.NextString(); if (!uint.TryParse(durationStr, out uint duration)) { return(false); } string reasonStr = args.NextString(""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reasonStr)) { return(false); } switch (mode) { case BanMode.Character: if (!ObjectManager.NormalizePlayerName(ref nameOrIP)) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.PlayerNotFound); return(false); } break; case BanMode.IP: IPAddress address; if (!IPAddress.TryParse(nameOrIP, out address)) { return(false); } break; } string author = handler.GetSession() ? handler.GetSession().GetPlayerName() : "Server"; switch (Global.WorldMgr.BanAccount(mode, nameOrIP, durationStr, reasonStr, author)) { case BanReturn.Success: if (!uint.TryParse(durationStr, out uint tempValue) || tempValue > 0) { if (WorldConfig.GetBoolValue(WorldCfg.ShowBanInWorld)) { Global.WorldMgr.SendWorldText(CypherStrings.BanAccountYoubannedmessageWorld, author, nameOrIP, Time.secsToTimeString(Time.TimeStringToSecs(durationStr)), reasonStr); } else { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.BanYoubanned, nameOrIP, Time.secsToTimeString(Time.TimeStringToSecs(durationStr), true), reasonStr); } } else { if (WorldConfig.GetBoolValue(WorldCfg.ShowBanInWorld)) { Global.WorldMgr.SendWorldText(CypherStrings.BanAccountYoupermbannedmessageWorld, author, nameOrIP, reasonStr); } else { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.BanYoupermbanned, nameOrIP, reasonStr); } } break; case BanReturn.SyntaxError: return(false); case BanReturn.Notfound: switch (mode) { default: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.BanNotfound, "account", nameOrIP); break; case BanMode.Character: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.BanNotfound, "character", nameOrIP); break; case BanMode.IP: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.BanNotfound, "ip", nameOrIP); break; } return(false); case BanReturn.Exists: handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.BanExists); break; } return(true); }
static bool HandleGoObjectCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } Player player = handler.GetSession().GetPlayer(); // number or [name] Shift-click form |color|Hgameobject:go_guid|h[name]|h|r string id = handler.extractKeyFromLink(args, "Hgameobject"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) { return(false); } if (!ulong.TryParse(id, out ulong guidLow) || guidLow == 0) { return(false); } float x, y, z, o; uint mapId; // by DB guid GameObjectData goData = Global.ObjectMgr.GetGOData(guidLow); if (goData != null) { x = goData.posX; y = goData.posY; z = goData.posZ; o = goData.orientation; mapId = goData.mapid; } else { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandGoobjnotfound); return(false); } if (!GridDefines.IsValidMapCoord(mapId, x, y, z, o) || Global.ObjectMgr.IsTransportMap(mapId)) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.InvalidTargetCoord, x, y, mapId); return(false); } // stop flight if need if (player.IsInFlight()) { player.GetMotionMaster().MovementExpired(); player.CleanupAfterTaxiFlight(); } // save only in non-flight case else { player.SaveRecallPosition(); } player.TeleportTo(mapId, x, y, z, o); return(true); }
static bool HandleBanCharacterCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } string name = args.NextString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { return(false); } string durationStr = args.NextString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(durationStr)) { return(false); } if (!uint.TryParse(durationStr, out uint duration)) { return(false); } string reasonStr = args.NextString(""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reasonStr)) { return(false); } if (!ObjectManager.NormalizePlayerName(ref name)) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.PlayerNotFound); return(false); } string author = handler.GetSession() != null?handler.GetSession().GetPlayerName() : "Server"; switch (Global.WorldMgr.BanCharacter(name, durationStr, reasonStr, author)) { case BanReturn.Success: { if (duration > 0) { if (WorldConfig.GetBoolValue(WorldCfg.ShowBanInWorld)) { Global.WorldMgr.SendWorldText(CypherStrings.BanCharacterYoubannedmessageWorld, author, name, Time.secsToTimeString(Time.TimeStringToSecs(durationStr), true), reasonStr); } else { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.BanYoubanned, name, Time.secsToTimeString(Time.TimeStringToSecs(durationStr), true), reasonStr); } } else { if (WorldConfig.GetBoolValue(WorldCfg.ShowBanInWorld)) { Global.WorldMgr.SendWorldText(CypherStrings.BanCharacterYoupermbannedmessageWorld, author, name, reasonStr); } else { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.BanYoupermbanned, name, reasonStr); } } break; } case BanReturn.Notfound: { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.BanNotfound, "character", name); return(false); } default: break; } return(true); }
static bool HandleGoCreatureCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } Player player = handler.GetSession().GetPlayer(); // "id" or number or [name] Shift-click form |color|Hcreature_entry:creature_id|h[name]|h|r string param1 = handler.extractKeyFromLink(args, "Hcreature", "Hcreature_entry"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(param1)) { return(false); } string whereClause = ""; // User wants to teleport to the NPC's template entry if (param1.IsNumber()) { if (!int.TryParse(param1, out int entry) || entry == 0) { if (!ulong.TryParse(param1, out ulong guidLow) || guidLow == 0) { return(false); } whereClause += "WHERE guid = '" + guidLow + '\''; } else { whereClause += "WHERE id = '" + entry + '\''; } } else { // param1 is not a number, must be mob's name whereClause += ", creature_template WHERE = creature_template.entry AND LIKE '" + param1 + '\''; } SQLResult result = DB.World.Query("SELECT position_x, position_y, position_z, orientation, map FROM creature {0}", whereClause); if (result.IsEmpty()) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandGocreatnotfound); return(false); } float x = result.Read <float>(0); float y = result.Read <float>(1); float z = result.Read <float>(2); float o = result.Read <float>(3); uint mapId = result.Read <ushort>(4); if (result.NextRow()) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CommandGocreatmultiple); } if (!GridDefines.IsValidMapCoord(mapId, x, y, z, o) || Global.ObjectMgr.IsTransportMap(mapId)) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.InvalidTargetCoord, x, y, mapId); return(false); } // stop flight if need if (player.IsInFlight()) { player.GetMotionMaster().MovementExpired(); player.CleanupAfterTaxiFlight(); } // save only in non-flight case else { player.SaveRecallPosition(); } player.TeleportTo(mapId, x, y, z, o); return(true); }
static bool HandleBanListCharacterCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } string filter = args.NextString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) { return(false); } PreparedStatement stmt = DB.Characters.GetPreparedStatement(CharStatements.SEL_GUID_BY_NAME_FILTER); stmt.AddValue(0, filter); SQLResult result = DB.Characters.Query(stmt); if (result.IsEmpty()) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.BanlistNocharacter); return(true); } handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.BanlistMatchingcharacter); // Chat short output if (handler.GetSession()) { do { PreparedStatement stmt2 = DB.Characters.GetPreparedStatement(CharStatements.SEL_BANNED_NAME); stmt2.AddValue(0, result.Read <ulong>(0)); SQLResult banResult = DB.Characters.Query(stmt2); if (!banResult.IsEmpty()) { handler.SendSysMessage(banResult.Read <string>(0)); } }while (result.NextRow()); } // Console wide output else { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.BanlistCharacters); handler.SendSysMessage(" =============================================================================== "); handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.BanlistCharactersHeader); do { handler.SendSysMessage("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); string char_name = result.Read <string>(1); PreparedStatement stmt2 = DB.Characters.GetPreparedStatement(CharStatements.SEL_BANINFO_LIST); stmt2.AddValue(0, result.Read <ulong>(0)); SQLResult banInfo = DB.Characters.Query(stmt2); if (!banInfo.IsEmpty()) { do { long timeBan = banInfo.Read <uint>(0); DateTime tmBan = Time.UnixTimeToDateTime(timeBan); string bannedby = banInfo.Read <string>(2).Substring(0, 15); string banreason = banInfo.Read <string>(3).Substring(0, 15); if (banInfo.Read <uint>(0) == banInfo.Read <uint>(1)) { handler.SendSysMessage("|{0}|{1:D2}-{2:D2}-{3:D2} {4:D2}:{5:D2}| permanent |{6}|{7}|", char_name, tmBan.Year % 100, tmBan.Month + 1, tmBan.Day, tmBan.Hour, tmBan.Minute, bannedby, banreason); } else { long timeUnban = banInfo.Read <uint>(1); DateTime tmUnban = Time.UnixTimeToDateTime(timeUnban); handler.SendSysMessage("|{0}|{1:D2}-{2:D2}-{3:D2} {4:D2}:{5:D2}|{6:D2}-{7:D2}-{8:D2} {9:D2}:{10:D2}|{11}|{12}|", char_name, tmBan.Year % 100, tmBan.Month + 1, tmBan.Day, tmBan.Hour, tmBan.Minute, tmUnban.Year % 100, tmUnban.Month + 1, tmUnban.Day, tmUnban.Hour, tmUnban.Minute, bannedby, banreason); } }while (banInfo.NextRow()); } }while (result.NextRow()); handler.SendSysMessage(" =============================================================================== "); } return(true); }
static bool HandleGoXYZCommand(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } Player player = handler.GetSession().GetPlayer(); if (!float.TryParse(args.NextString(), out float x)) { return(false); } if (!float.TryParse(args.NextString(), out float y)) { return(false); } string goZ = args.NextString(); if (!uint.TryParse(args.NextString(), out uint mapId)) { mapId = player.GetMapId(); } if (!float.TryParse(args.NextString(), out float ort)) { ort = player.GetOrientation(); } float z; if (!goZ.IsEmpty()) { if (!float.TryParse(goZ, out z)) { return(false); } if (!GridDefines.IsValidMapCoord(mapId, x, y, z)) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.InvalidTargetCoord, x, y, mapId); return(false); } } else { if (!GridDefines.IsValidMapCoord(mapId, x, y)) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.InvalidTargetCoord, x, y, mapId); return(false); } Map map = Global.MapMgr.CreateBaseMap(mapId); z = Math.Max(map.GetStaticHeight(PhasingHandler.EmptyPhaseShift, x, y, MapConst.MaxHeight), map.GetWaterLevel(PhasingHandler.EmptyPhaseShift, x, y)); } // stop flight if need if (player.IsInFlight()) { player.GetMotionMaster().MovementExpired(); player.CleanupAfterTaxiFlight(); } // save only in non-flight case else { player.SaveRecallPosition(); } player.TeleportTo(mapId, x, y, z, ort); return(true); }
static bool Faction(StringArguments args, CommandHandler handler) { if (args.Empty()) { return(false); } string pfactionid = handler.extractKeyFromLink(args, "Hfaction"); Creature target = handler.getSelectedCreature(); if (!target) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.SelectCreature); return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pfactionid)) { uint _factionid = target.getFaction(); uint _flag = target.GetUInt32Value(UnitFields.Flags); ulong _npcflag = target.GetUInt64Value(UnitFields.NpcFlags); uint _dyflag = target.GetUInt32Value(ObjectFields.DynamicFlags); handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.CurrentFaction, target.GetGUID().ToString(), _factionid, _flag, _npcflag, _dyflag); return(true); } uint factionid = uint.Parse(pfactionid); uint flag; string pflag = args.NextString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pflag)) { flag = target.GetUInt32Value(UnitFields.Flags); } else { flag = uint.Parse(pflag); } string pnpcflag = args.NextString(); ulong npcflag; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pnpcflag)) { npcflag = target.GetUInt64Value(UnitFields.NpcFlags); } else { npcflag = ulong.Parse(pnpcflag); } string pdyflag = args.NextString(); uint dyflag; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pdyflag)) { dyflag = target.GetUInt32Value(ObjectFields.DynamicFlags); } else { dyflag = uint.Parse(pdyflag); } if (!CliDB.FactionTemplateStorage.ContainsKey(factionid)) { handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.WrongFaction, factionid); return(false); } handler.SendSysMessage(CypherStrings.YouChangeFaction, target.GetGUID().ToString(), factionid, flag, npcflag, dyflag); target.SetFaction(factionid); target.SetUInt32Value(UnitFields.Flags, flag); target.SetUInt64Value(UnitFields.NpcFlags, npcflag); target.SetUInt32Value(ObjectFields.DynamicFlags, dyflag); return(true); }