public void Batch_must_occur_within_30_seconds()
            var story = new Story("Must return an individual asset update in less than 30 seconds");
                .IWant("To enter information into the system")
                .SoThat("I can see the result in visualised in the external system")

                .WithScenario("Item is updated into our internal system")
                .Given(() => DataForItem_IsUpdatedInInternalSystem(56))
                    .And(Narrative.Text("Database trigger has occured"))
                    .And(Narrative.Text("New item exists in the queue"))
                .When(Narrative.Exec("_mockConnector Service runs", StartTimer))
                    .And(() => GetFleedIdsFrom_Within_Secs("", 20))
                    .And(() => HasMoreThan_Assets(310))
                    .And(() => GetsUpdatedItemsWithin_Secs(9))
                    .And(() => PutsSingleAsset_To_Within_Secs("281", "", 20))
                    .And(() => RetrievesNewDataFrom_ForAsset_XmlWithUtilisation_("", "281", 56))
                    .And(() => Within_Seconds(30));