コード例 #1
        public bool ExportCore(Project Project, string FileName)
            using (StreamWriter SW = new StreamWriter(new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Create)))
                // maybe remove this
                SW.WriteLine("<!-- EasyTimeline export generated by Track Maker 2.0 © 2019-2021 starfrost. -->");
                SW.WriteLine("<div style=\"overflow:auto\">");
                SW.WriteLine("ImageSize = width:950 height:200");                     // the image size of the timeline
                SW.WriteLine("PlotArea  = top:10 bottom:80 right:20 left:20");        // the plot area of the timeline
                SW.WriteLine("Legend    = columns:3 left:30 top:58 columnwidth:300"); // the plot area of the timeline
                SW.WriteLine("AlignBars = early");                                    // bar alignment

                // section 2: definition part 2

                // This code is a mess

                List <Storm> FlatList = Project.SelectedBasin.GetFlatListOfStorms();

                DateTime _startdate        = FlatList[0].FormationDate;                                                                   // The formation date of the first storm.
                DateTime _startdate_period = _startdate.AddDays(-_startdate.Day).AddMonths(-1);
                DateTime _enddate          = FlatList[FlatList.Count - 1].GetDissipationDate().AddDays(1);                                // The dissipation date of the last storm.

                SW.WriteLine("DateFormat = dd/mm/yyyy\n");                                                                                // date format
                SW.WriteLine($"Period = from:{_startdate_period.ToString("dd'/'MM'/'yyyy")} till:{_enddate.ToString("dd'/'MM'/'yyyy")}"); // the period. generated dynamically.
                SW.WriteLine("TimeAxis = orientation:horizontal");                                                                        // the time axis - x or y
                SW.WriteLine($"ScaleMinor = grid:black unit:month increment:1 start:{_startdate_period.ToString("dd'/'MM'/'yyyy")}");

                // section 3: definition part 3: C O L O U R S

                SW.WriteLine("Colors = ");

                // Dynamically generate the colour list.
                SW.WriteLine("  id:canvas value:gray(0.88)");
                SW.WriteLine("  id:GP     value:red");

                // Dynamically generate the colours - conversion system for 1.0/2.0?

                foreach (Category Cat in GlobalState.CategoryManager.CurrentCategorySystem.Categories)
                    if (Cat.HigherBound < 1000)
                        SW.WriteLine($"  id:{Cat.Name.Replace(" ", "")} value:rgb({Cat.Color.ScR}, {Cat.Color.ScG}, {Cat.Color.ScB}) legend:{Cat.Name.Replace(" ", "_")}_-_{Cat.LowerBound}-{Cat.HigherBound}_mph_({Utilities.RoundNearest(Cat.LowerBound * 1.61, 1)}-{Utilities.RoundNearest(Cat.HigherBound * 1.61, 1)}_km/h)");
                        SW.WriteLine($"  id:{Cat.Name.Replace(" ", "")} value:rgb({Cat.Color.ScR}, {Cat.Color.ScG}, {Cat.Color.ScB}) legend:{Cat.Name.Replace(" ", "_")}_-_>{Cat.LowerBound}_mph_(>{Utilities.RoundNearest(Cat.LowerBound * 1.61, 1)}_km/h)");

                // section 4: definition part 4: Background C O L O U R S
                SW.WriteLine("Backgroundcolors = canvas:canvas");

                // section 5: bar data
                SW.WriteLine("BarData = ");
                SW.WriteLine("  barset:Hurricane");
                SW.WriteLine("  bar:Month");

                // section 6: plot data
                SW.WriteLine("PlotData = ");
                SW.WriteLine("  barset:Hurricane width:10 align:left fontsize:S shift:(4,-4) anchor:till"); // write the basic information

                // Write the storm information for EasyTimeline - section 7
                for (int i = 0; i < FlatList.Count; i++)
                    // Get the peak storm category.
                    Storm    St  = FlatList[i];
                    Category Cat = St.GetPeakCategory(St, GlobalState.CategoryManager.CurrentCategorySystem);

                    // write the storm info in ddmmyyyy format
                    SW.WriteLine($"  from:{St.FormationDate.ToString("dd'/'MM'/'yyyy")} till:{St.GetDissipationDate().ToString("dd'/'MM'/'yyyy")} color:{Cat.Name.Replace(" ", "")} text:{St.Name} ({Cat.Name})");

                    if (i % 6 == 5) // every 6, do this
                        SW.WriteLine("  barset:break");

                // section 8: months
                SW.WriteLine("  bar:Month width:5 align:center fontsize:S shift:(0,-20) anchor:middle color:canvas");

                for (int i = 0; i <= Utilities.GetMonthsBetweenTwoDates(_startdate_period, _enddate); i++)
                    DateTime TD      = new DateTime();
                    DateTime TD_next = new DateTime();

                    // Prevent goin before the startdate and causing EasyTimeline to generate an error
                    if (i == 0)
                        TD = _startdate.AddDays(-_startdate.Day).AddMonths(-1);
                        // don't bother with i+1
                        TD_next = TD.AddMonths(1);
                        TD      = _startdate_period.AddMonths(i);
                        TD_next = TD.AddMonths(1); // 7es

                        // Add this.
                        if (TD_next > _enddate)
                            continue; // force continue so we don't have dupes

                    SW.WriteLine($"  from:{TD.ToString("dd'/'MM'/'yyyy")} till:{TD_next.ToString("dd'/'MM'/'yyyy")} text:{TD_next.ToString("MMMM")}");

                // section 9: end

            string[] Lines = File.ReadAllLines(FileName); //V2 LineArray

            // on success

            MessageBox.Show("Saving successful. The EasyTimeline syntax has also been copied to the clipboard.", "Information", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);