public async Task <JsonResult> HotProducts() { List <UniversalItem> lst = new List <UniversalItem>(); try { dynamic json = await HttpHelper.HttpGetJson("", false); json = json["result"]["products"]; foreach (var item in json) { try { string img = item["imageUrl"]; string priceText = item["localPrice"].ToString().Replace("$", "").Replace("US", ""); decimal price = decimal.Parse(priceText); string name = item["productTitle"]; string link = "/Home/?Keywords=" + name; UniversalItem uniItem = new UniversalItem() { Image = img, Name = name, Link = link, Price = price, PriceCoin = "USD", StoreName = "" }; uniItem.PriceWithCurrency = StoresAPI.GeneratePriceWithCurrency(uniItem.Price, uniItem.PriceCoin); lst.Add(uniItem); } catch { } } } catch { } return(new JsonResult(lst)); }
public override async Task <List <UniversalItem> > Items(string search, decimal minPrice, decimal maxPrice, int offset = 0) { List <UniversalItem> lst = new List <UniversalItem>(); try { string BackupFile = (Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\StaticData\\Geekbuy.xml"); XElement doc = XElement.Load(BackupFile); Log.ErrorMsg = "parse"; dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeXNode(doc)); Log.ErrorMsg = "object"; var items = data["feed"]["entry"]; Log.ErrorMsg = "items"; int bestMatch = 1000; foreach (var item in items) { try { if (Watch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0 >= 5) { break; } string name = item["g:title"]; if (!name.ToLower().Contains(search.ToLower())) { continue; } decimal price = decimal.Parse(item["g:price"].ToString().Replace("USD", "").Trim()); if (minPrice > 0 && price < minPrice) { continue; } if (maxPrice > 0 && price > maxPrice) { continue; } string desc = item["g:description"]; string img = item["g:image_link"]; string link = item["g:link"]; string affiliate = "415"; link = "" + affiliate + "&url=" + link; UniversalItem uniItem = new UniversalItem() { Image = img, Name = name, Link = link, Price = price, PriceCoin = "USD", StoreName = "GeekBuying", ItemRate = bestMatch, Description = desc }; uniItem.PriceWithCurrency = StoresAPI.GeneratePriceWithCurrency(uniItem.Price, uniItem.PriceCoin); uniItem.Image = uniItem.Image.Replace("https:", "http:"); lst.Add(uniItem); bestMatch--; } catch (Exception ex) { HasError = true; Log.ErrorMsg += " item: " + ex.Description(); } } if (minPrice > 0) { lst = lst.Where(x => x.PriceWithCurrency["USD"].Price >= minPrice).ToList(); } if (maxPrice > 0) { lst = lst.Where(x => x.PriceWithCurrency["USD"].Price <= maxPrice).ToList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { HasError = true; Log.ErrorMsg += " " + ex.Description(); } return(lst); }
public override async Task <List <UniversalItem> > Items(string search, decimal minPrice, decimal maxPrice, int offset = 0) { List <UniversalItem> lst = new List <UniversalItem>(); try { string fields = "longDescription,name,salePrice,largeImage,mediumImage,image,url,linkShareAffiliateUrl"; string apiKey = "GdzzX5e5C5oTrM1SXDD1kX1q"; string affiliate = "puyUxqWIkNE"; string request = string.Format("{0})?format=json&show={1}&pageSize=100&page=1&apiKey={2}&LID={3}", search, fields, apiKey, affiliate); Log.ErrorMsg = "req"; string jsonText = await HttpHelper.HttpGet(request, false); if (jsonText.IsEmpty()) { return(lst); } dynamic obj = null; Log.ErrorMsg = "parse"; try { obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonText); } catch { } if (obj == null) { return(lst); } Log.ErrorMsg = "object"; var items = obj["products"]; int bestMatch = 1000; Log.ErrorMsg = "items"; foreach (var item in items) { try { string img = item["largeImage"]; img = img.IsEmpty() ? item["mediumImage"] : img; img = img.IsEmpty() ? item["image"] : img; string link = item["url"]; string linkAffiliate = item["linkShareAffiliateUrl"]; decimal price = decimal.Parse(item["salePrice"].ToString()); UniversalItem uniItem = new UniversalItem() { Image = img, Name = item["name"], Link = linkAffiliate, Price = price, PriceCoin = "USD", StoreName = "BestBuy", ItemRate = bestMatch, Description = item["longDescription"] }; uniItem.PriceWithCurrency = StoresAPI.GeneratePriceWithCurrency(uniItem.Price, uniItem.PriceCoin); lst.Add(uniItem); bestMatch--; } catch (Exception ex) { HasError = true; Log.ErrorMsg += "item: " + ex.Description(); } } if (minPrice > 0) { lst = lst.Where(x => x.PriceWithCurrency["USD"].Price >= minPrice).ToList(); } if (maxPrice > 0) { lst = lst.Where(x => x.PriceWithCurrency["USD"].Price <= maxPrice).ToList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { HasError = true; Log.ErrorMsg += " " + ex.Description(); } return(lst); }
public override async Task <List <UniversalItem> > Items(string search, decimal minPrice, decimal maxPrice, int offset = 0) { List <UniversalItem> lst = new List <UniversalItem>(); try { string apiKey = "33503"; string fields = "fields=productTitle,productUrl,imageUrl,salePrice,localPrice"; string priceFilter = ""; if (maxPrice > 0) { priceFilter += "&originalPriceTo=" + maxPrice; } if (minPrice > 0) { priceFilter += "&originalPriceFrom=" + minPrice; } Log.ErrorMsg = "request"; string q = string.Format("{0}?{1}&keywords={2}&pageNo={3}&pagSize=40&language=en&localCurrency=USD{4}", apiKey, fields, search, (offset + 1), priceFilter); Log.ErrorMsg = "parse"; string jsonText = await HttpHelper.HttpGet(q, false); if (jsonText.IsEmpty()) { Log.ErrorMsg = ""; return(lst); } dynamic json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonText); if (json == null) { Log.ErrorMsg = ""; return(lst); } Log.ErrorMsg = "object"; var items = json["result"]["products"]; int bestMatch = 1000; foreach (var item in items) { try { Log.ErrorMsg = "item"; string img = item["imageUrl"]; string link = item["productUrl"]; string priceText = item["localPrice"].ToString().Replace("$", "").Replace("US", ""); decimal price = decimal.Parse(priceText); string name = item["productTitle"]; try { name = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(name, "<.*?>", String.Empty); } catch { HasError = true; Log.ErrorMsg += " item name regular expression"; } UniversalItem uniItem = new UniversalItem() { Image = img, Name = name, Link = link, Price = price, PriceCoin = "USD", StoreName = "Aliexpress", ItemRate = bestMatch }; uniItem.PriceWithCurrency = StoresAPI.GeneratePriceWithCurrency(uniItem.Price, uniItem.PriceCoin); lst.Add(uniItem); bestMatch--; } catch (Exception ex) { HasError = true; Log.ErrorMsg += " " + ex.Description(); } } if (minPrice > 0) { lst = lst.Where(x => x.PriceWithCurrency["USD"].Price >= minPrice).ToList(); } if (maxPrice > 0) { lst = lst.Where(x => x.PriceWithCurrency["USD"].Price <= maxPrice).ToList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { HasError = true; Log.ErrorMsg += " " + ex.Description(); } return(lst); }
public override async Task <List <UniversalItem> > Items(string search, decimal minPrice, decimal maxPrice, int offset = 0) { List <UniversalItem> lst = new List <UniversalItem>(); try { Log.ErrorMsg = "req"; string request = string.Format("{0}&store=1&lang=en-GB&sizeschema=EU¤cy=EUR&sort=freshness&channel=mobile-app&offset=0&limit=1000", search); request = await HttpHelper.HttpGet(request); Log.ErrorMsg = "parse"; dynamic obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(request); if (obj == null) { return(lst); } Log.ErrorMsg = "object"; var items = obj["products"]; int bestMatch = 1000; Log.ErrorMsg = "items"; foreach (var item in items) { try { string img = item["images"][0]["url"]; string link = "" + item["url"]; decimal price = decimal.Parse(item["price"]["current"]["value"].ToString()); UniversalItem uniItem = new UniversalItem() { Image = img, Name = item["name"], Link = link, Price = price, PriceCoin = "EUR", StoreName = "Asos", ItemRate = bestMatch }; uniItem.PriceWithCurrency = StoresAPI.GeneratePriceWithCurrency(uniItem.Price, uniItem.PriceCoin); lst.Add(uniItem); bestMatch--; } catch (Exception ex) { HasError = true; Log.ErrorMsg += "item: " + ex.Description(); } } if (minPrice > 0) { lst = lst.Where(x => x.PriceWithCurrency["USD"].Price >= minPrice).ToList(); } if (maxPrice > 0) { lst = lst.Where(x => x.PriceWithCurrency["USD"].Price <= maxPrice).ToList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { HasError = true; Log.ErrorMsg += " " + ex.Description(); } return(lst); }
public override async Task <List <UniversalItem> > Items(string search, decimal minPrice, decimal maxPrice, int offset = 0) { List <UniversalItem> lst = new List <UniversalItem>(); try { string apikey = "hg18hunjkx0ykt8wdfsmu54v"; string request = "" + apikey + "&keywords=" + search + "&offset=" + offset; Log.ErrorMsg = "req"; string jsonStr = await HttpHelper.HttpGet(request); Log.ErrorMsg = "parse"; dynamic json = (jsonStr).Replace("/**/(", "").Replace("\\", "").Replace(");", ""); json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json); int bestMatch = 1000; Log.ErrorMsg = "object"; var items = json["results"]; Log.ErrorMsg = "items"; foreach (var item in items) { try { string name = item["title"]; string img = item["Images"][0]["url_fullxfull"]; decimal price = decimal.Parse(item["price"].ToString()); string coin = item["currency_code"]; string link = item["url"]; string desc = name; try { desc = item["description"]; } catch { } UniversalItem uniItem = new UniversalItem() { Description = desc, Name = name, Image = img, Price = price, PriceCoin = coin, Link = link, StoreName = "Etsy", ItemRate = bestMatch }; uniItem.PriceWithCurrency = StoresAPI.GeneratePriceWithCurrency(uniItem.Price, uniItem.PriceCoin); lst.Add(uniItem); bestMatch--; } catch (Exception ex) { HasError = true; Log.ErrorMsg = Log.ErrorMsg.IsEmpty() ? "" : Log.ErrorMsg; Log.ErrorMsg += " item: " + ex.Description(); } } if (minPrice > 0) { lst = lst.Where(x => x.PriceWithCurrency["USD"].Price >= minPrice).ToList(); } if (maxPrice > 0) { lst = lst.Where(x => x.PriceWithCurrency["USD"].Price <= maxPrice).ToList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { HasError = true; Log.ErrorMsg += " " + ex.Description(); } return(lst); }
public override async Task <List <UniversalItem> > Items(string search, decimal minPrice, decimal maxPrice, int offset = 0) { List <UniversalItem> lst = new List <UniversalItem>(); try { string priceFilter = ""; if (maxPrice > 0 && minPrice > 0) { priceFilter = "&itemFilter(0).name=MaxPrice&itemFilter(0).value=" + maxPrice + "&itemFilter(1).name=MinPrice&itemFilter(1).value=" + minPrice; } else if (maxPrice > 0) { priceFilter = "&itemFilter(0).name=MaxPrice&itemFilter(0).value=" + maxPrice; } else if (minPrice > 0) { priceFilter = "&itemFilter(0).name=MinPrice&itemFilter(0).value=" + minPrice; } string affiliate = "&affiliate.trackingId=5338382419&affiliate.networkId=9"; Log.ErrorMsg = "req"; var ebayRes = await HttpHelper.HttpGet("" + search + priceFilter + affiliate); Log.ErrorMsg = "parse"; XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(ebayRes); string jsonText = JsonConvert.SerializeXNode(doc); dynamic obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonText); if (obj == null) { return(lst); } Log.ErrorMsg = "object"; var items = obj["findItemsByKeywordsResponse"]["searchResult"]["item"]; int bestMatch = 1000; if (items == null) { return(lst); } Log.ErrorMsg = "items"; foreach (var item in items) { try { string name = item["title"]; string img = item["galleryURL"]; decimal price = decimal.Parse(item["sellingStatus"]["currentPrice"]["#text"].ToString()); string coin = item["sellingStatus"]["currentPrice"]["@currencyId"]; string link = item["viewItemURL"]; string desc = ""; try { desc = name + " " + item["subtitle"]; } catch { } UniversalItem uniItem = new UniversalItem() { Description = desc, Name = name, Image = img, Price = price, PriceCoin = coin, Link = link, StoreName = "Ebay", ItemRate = bestMatch }; uniItem.PriceWithCurrency = StoresAPI.GeneratePriceWithCurrency(uniItem.Price, uniItem.PriceCoin); lst.Add(uniItem); bestMatch--; } catch (Exception ex) { HasError = true; Log.ErrorMsg += "item: " + ex.Description(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { HasError = true; Log.ErrorMsg += " " + ex.Description(); } return(lst); }
public override async Task <List <UniversalItem> > Items(string search, decimal minPrice, decimal maxPrice, int offset = 0) { List <UniversalItem> lst = new List <UniversalItem>(); try { string apikey = "xs8shrr2bz2pw5e44fa7pme2"; string priceFilter = ""; if (maxPrice > 0 && minPrice > 0) { priceFilter = "&facet.range=price:[ " + minPrice + " TO " + maxPrice + " ]"; } else if (maxPrice > 0) { priceFilter = "&facet.range=price:[ " + 0 + " TO " + maxPrice + " ]"; } else if (minPrice > 0) { priceFilter = "&facet.range=price:[ " + minPrice + " TO " + 99999 + " ]"; } int bestMatch = 1000; string affiliate = "&lsPublisherId=puyUxqWIkNE"; string q = "" + offset * 25 + 1 + "&numItems=25&apiKey=" + apikey + "&lsPublisherId=1&query=" + search + priceFilter + affiliate; Log.ErrorMsg = "req"; q = await HttpHelper.HttpGet(q, false); Log.ErrorMsg = "parse"; dynamic res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(q); if (res != null) { Log.ErrorMsg = "object"; dynamic items = res["items"]; Log.ErrorMsg = "items"; if (items != null) { foreach (var item in items) { try { decimal price = 0; try { price = decimal.Parse(item["salePrice"].ToString()); } catch { Log.ErrorMsg += " item error price parse"; } string desc = item["shortDescription"]; string link = item["productUrl"]; //link = item["productTrackingUrl"]; UniversalItem uniItem = new UniversalItem() { Description = desc, Name = item["name"], Image = item["largeImage"], Price = price, PriceCoin = "USD", ItemRate = bestMatch, Link = link, StoreName = "Walmart" }; uniItem.PriceWithCurrency = StoresAPI.GeneratePriceWithCurrency(uniItem.Price, uniItem.PriceCoin); lst.Add(uniItem); bestMatch--; } catch (Exception ex) { HasError = true; Log.ErrorMsg += " item: " + ex.Description(); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { HasError = true; Log.ErrorMsg += " " + ex.Description(); } return(lst); }