public static void CreateStoredPose() { string name = "New"; StoredPoseAsset sp = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <StoredPoseAsset>(); Transform root = Selection.activeGameObject.transform; //SkeletonConfiguration cpp = Selection.activeGameObject.transform.GetComponent<SkeletonConfiguration>(); //if (cpp == null) cpp = Selection.activeGameObject.transform.GetComponentInChildren<SkeletonConfiguration>(); //if (cpp == null) cpp = Selection.activeGameObject.transform.GetComponentInParent<SkeletonConfiguration>(); //if (cpp != null) { name =; //if (cpp.rootBone != null) // sp.pose = StoredPoseAsset.StorePose(cpp.rootBone); //else sp.pose = StoredPoseAsset.StorePose(cpp.transform); sp.pose = StoredPoseAsset.StorePose(root); //} else { // Debug.LogError("Failed to create a StoredPose. Select a SkeletonConfiguration in the hierarchy panel."); //} AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(sp, "Assets/" + name + "StoredPose.asset"); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); EditorUtility.FocusProjectWindow(); Selection.activeObject = sp; }
public VJoint[] GenerateVJoints() { if (vJoints != null && vJoints.Length > 0) { return(vJoints); } Animator a = GetComponent <Animator>(); if (a != null) { a.enabled = false; } StoredPoseAsset.ApplyPose(aPose.pose, transform); List <BoneMapAsset.HAnimBoneMapping> mergedMap = new List <BoneMapAsset.HAnimBoneMapping>(); foreach (BoneMapAsset.HAnimBoneMapping m in boneMap.mappings) { mergedMap.Add(m); } foreach (BoneMapAsset.ExtraBone eb in boneMap.extraBones) { string bone_name = eb.hanim_bone.ToString(); if (eb.hanim_bone == CanonicalRepresentation.HAnimBones.NONE) { bone_name = eb.bone_name; } Transform ebTransform = transform.FindChildRecursive(bone_name); Transform ebParentTransform = transform.FindChildRecursive(eb.parent_src_bone); if (ebTransform == null && ebParentTransform != null) { ebTransform = (new GameObject(bone_name)).transform; ebTransform.SetParent(ebParentTransform); ebTransform.position = ebParentTransform.position + eb.localPosition; ebTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(eb.localEulerRotation.x, eb.localEulerRotation.y, eb.localEulerRotation.z); } BoneMapAsset.HAnimBoneMapping newMap; newMap.hanim_bone = eb.hanim_bone; newMap.src_bone = bone_name; mergedMap.Add(newMap); } rig = new CanonicalRig(transform, mergedMap.ToArray()); if (rig.boneMap == null) { _ready = false; rig = null; Debug.LogError("Failed to create CanonicalRig"); return(null); } VJoint[] res = new VJoint[rig.boneMap.Length]; Dictionary <string, VJoint> lut = new Dictionary <string, VJoint>(); for (int b = 0; b < rig.boneMap.Length; b++) { Transform bone = rig.boneMap[b].bone; if (rig.boneMap[b].canonicalBoneName == CanonicalRepresentation.HAnimBones.skullbase) { head = bone; } VJoint parent = null; Vector3 pos =; Quaternion rot = rig.boneMap[b].CurrentRotationInCanonical(); if (b == 0) { pos = rootPosition; rot = rot * rootRotation; } else { pos = (bone.position - bone.parent.position); parent = lut[]; if (parent == null) { Debug.LogError("Parent of " + + " not added yet"); return(null); } } string hAnimName = ""; if (rig.boneMap[b].canonicalBoneName != CanonicalRepresentation.HAnimBones.NONE) { hAnimName = rig.boneMap[b].canonicalBoneName.ToString(); } res[b] = new VJoint(, hAnimName, pos, rot, parent); lut.Add(, res[b]); } vJoints = res; _ready = true; return(vJoints); }