public override bool Spawn(bool placing = false) { if (!(data.Has("sourceid", "destid", "sourcechildid", "destchildid"))) { return(false); } uint sourceid = uint.Parse(data.Get("sourceid")); uint destid = uint.Parse(data.Get("destid")); sourcechildid = uint.Parse(data.Get("sourcechildid")); destchildid = uint.Parse(data.Get("destchildid")); sourcecont = GetChildContainer(BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(sourceid), sourcechildid); destcont = GetChildContainer(BaseNetworkable.serverEntities.Find(destid), destchildid); if (sourcecont == null || destcont == null || sourcecont == destcont) { return(false); } sourceContainerIconUrl = Icons.GetContainerIconURL(sourcecont, 100); destContainerIconUrl = Icons.GetContainerIconURL(destcont, 100); isWaterPipe = sourcecont is LiquidContainer; destisstartable = IsStartable(destcont); flowrate = flowrates[int.Parse(data.Get("grade", "0"))]; mode = (Mode)int.Parse(data.Get("mode", "0")); startPosition = sourcecont.CenterPoint() + ContainerOffset.Get(sourcecont); endPosition = destcont.CenterPoint() + ContainerOffset.Get(destcont); distance = Vector3.Distance(startPosition, endPosition); Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(endPosition - startPosition); //isStartable(); // spawn pillars int segments = (int)Mathf.Ceil(distance / pipesegdist); float segspace = (distance - pipesegdist) / (segments - 1); startPosition += ((rotation * Vector3.forward) * pipesegdist * 0.5f) + ((rotation * Vector3.down) * 0.7f); for (int i = 0; i < segments; i++) { // create pillar BaseEntity ent; if (i == 0) { // the position thing centers the pipe if there is only one segment ent = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/building core/wall.low/wall.low.prefab", (segments == 1) ? (startPosition + ((rotation * Vector3.up) * ((distance - pipesegdist) * 0.5f))) : startPosition, rotation); data.SetTransform(ent.transform); SetMainParent((BaseCombatEntity)ent); } else { ent = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/building core/wall.low/wall.low.prefab", Vector3.forward * (segspace * i) + ((i % 2 == 0) ? : pipefightoffset)); //ent = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/building core/pillar/pillar.prefab", startPosition); } ent.enableSaving = false; BuildingBlock block = ent.GetComponent <BuildingBlock>(); if (block != null) { block.grounded = true; block.grade = (BuildingGrade.Enum) int.Parse(data.Get("grade", "0")); block.enableSaving = false; block.Spawn(); block.SetHealthToMax(); } else { return(false); } //((DecayEntity) ent).GetNearbyBuildingBlock(); if (i != 0) { if (placing) // placing animation { ent.gameObject.AddComponent <Child>()?.RunDelayed(i * 0.2f, () => { AddChildEntity((BaseCombatEntity)ent); Effect.server.Run("assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/build/promote_wood.prefab", ent.transform.position + (ent.transform.up * (segspace * 0.5f)), Vector3.up); }); } else { AddChildEntity((BaseCombatEntity)ent); } } // xmas lights //BaseEntity lights = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/christmas_lights/xmas.lightstring.deployed.prefab", (Vector3.up * pipesegdist * 0.5f) + (Vector3.forward * 0.13f) + (Vector3.up * (segspace * i) + ((i % 2 == 0) ? : pipefightoffset)), Quaternion.Euler(0, -60, 90)); //lights.Spawn(); //AddChildEntity((BaseCombatEntity) lights); } if (placing) { SetHealth(GetEntities()[0].MaxHealth()); } else { SetHealth(; } return(true); }