コード例 #1
        public string GenerateStockName(StockEnum stocktype)
            // Stock Name gets generated from the number of occurrences of that Stock Type

            int count = AllStocks.Where(c => c.StockType == stocktype).Count();

            return((stocktype == StockEnum.Equity ? "Equity" : "Bond") + (count + 1).ToString());
コード例 #2
        public void TransactionCostGreaterThanTolerance_Equity_ReturnRedBrush()
            IMultiValueConverter converter = new StockNameHighlightConverter();
            string    strMarketValue       = "10";
            string    strTransactionCost   = "250000";
            StockEnum strStocktype         = StockEnum.Equity;

            object[] values = new object[3];
            values[0] = strMarketValue;
            values[1] = strTransactionCost;
            values[2] = strStocktype;
            Double transactionCost = Double.TryParse(values[1].ToString(), out transactionCost) ? transactionCost : 0;
            object returnValue     = converter.Convert(values, null, null, null);

            Assert.AreEqual(returnValue, Brushes.Red);
コード例 #3
        public void TransactionCostLessThanTolerance_Bond_ReturnRedBrush()
            IMultiValueConverter converter = new StockNameHighlightConverter();
            string    strMarketValue       = "10";
            string    strTransactionCost   = "50000";
            StockEnum strStocktype         = StockEnum.Bond;

            object[] values = new object[3];
            values[0] = strMarketValue;
            values[1] = strTransactionCost;
            values[2] = strStocktype;
            Double transactionCost = Double.TryParse(values[1].ToString(), out transactionCost) ? transactionCost : 0;
            object returnValue     = converter.Convert(values, null, null, null);

コード例 #4
        public void MarketValueLessThan0_ReturnRedBrush()
            IMultiValueConverter converter = new StockNameHighlightConverter();
            string    strMarketValue       = "-10";
            string    strTransactionCost   = "10";
            StockEnum strStocktype         = StockEnum.Equity;

            object[] values = new object[3];
            values[0] = strMarketValue;
            values[1] = strTransactionCost;
            values[2] = strStocktype;
            Double marketValue = Double.TryParse(values[0].ToString(), out marketValue) ? marketValue : 0;
            object returnValue = converter.Convert(values, null, null, null);

            Assert.AreEqual(marketValue, -10);
            Assert.AreEqual(returnValue, Brushes.Red);
コード例 #5
 // This Converter is used to highligh Stock Name as Red for any Stocks whose Market Value < 0
 // or Transaction Cost > Tolerance where Tolerance = 100,000 when Stock Type is "Bond" or
 // Tolerance = 200,000 when Stock Type is "Equity";
 public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
     if (values != null)
         double marketValue, transactionCost, tolerance;
         marketValue     = Double.TryParse(values[0].ToString(), out marketValue) ? marketValue : 0;
         transactionCost = Double.TryParse(values[1].ToString(), out transactionCost) ? transactionCost : 0;
         StockEnum type = (StockEnum)values[2];
         if (type == StockEnum.Bond)
             tolerance = 100000;
             tolerance = 200000;
         if (marketValue < 0 || transactionCost > tolerance)