コード例 #1
 public static object VARAsync(
     [ExcelArgument(Description = "The hash of a valid StochArray object", Name = "Stoch Array")] string hash,
     [ExcelArgument(Description = "The relevant year", Name = "Year")] double year,
     [ExcelArgument(Description = "The relevant confidence level", Name = "Confidence level")] object confidenceLevel)
     return(RunAsync(() => StochArrayLogic.VAR(hash, year, confidenceLevel), "Lloyds.Async.StochArray.VAR"));
コード例 #2
 public static object Value(
     [ExcelArgument(Description = "The hash of a valid StochArray object", Name = "Stoch Array")] string hash,
     [ExcelArgument(Description = "The relevant sim", Name = "Sim")] double sim,
     [ExcelArgument(Description = "The relevant year", Name = "Year")] double year)
     return(Run(() => StochArrayLogic.Value(hash, sim, year)));
コード例 #3
 public static object CombineAsync(
     [ExcelArgument(Description = "The hashes of valid StochArray objects", Name = "Stoch Array Range")] object[,] hashes,
     [ExcelArgument(Description = "The starting porpotions to use for combining", Name = "Proportions Range")] object[,] proportions,
     [ExcelArgument(Description = "[OPTIONAL] Rebalance the stocharray at each time step? 'Rebalance' or 'NoRebalancing'. Deafult = 'Rebalance'", Name = "Rebalance")] object rebalance)
     rebalance = rebalance is ExcelMissing ? string.Empty : rebalance;
     return(RunAsync(() => StochArrayLogic.Combine(hashes, proportions, rebalance), "Lloyds.Async.StochArray.Combine"));
コード例 #4
 public static object AccumulateAsync(
     [ExcelArgument(Description = "The hash of a valid StochArray object", Name = "Stoch Array")] string hash,
     [ExcelArgument(Description = "[OPTIONAL] The accumulation year. Default = MaxHorizon", Name = "Year")] object year,
     [ExcelArgument(Description = "[OPTIONAL] Annualise the result? 'Y' or 'N'. Deafult = 'Y'", Name = "Annualise")] object annualise)
     year      = year is ExcelMissing ? string.Empty : year;
     annualise = annualise is ExcelMissing ? string.Empty : annualise;
     return(RunAsync(() => StochArrayLogic.Accumulate(hash, year, annualise), "Lloyds.Async.StochArray.Accumulate"));
コード例 #5
 public static object Volatility([ExcelArgument(Description = "The hash of a valid StochArray object", Name = "Stoch Array")] string hash)
     return(Run(() => StochArrayLogic.Volatility(hash)));
コード例 #6
 public static object GetYearAsSample(
     [ExcelArgument(Description = "The hash of a valid StochArray object", Name = "Stoch Array")] string hash,
     [ExcelArgument(Description = "The year. Must be an ineger > 0", Name = "Year")] double year)
     return(Run(() => StochArrayLogic.GetYearAsSample(hash, year)));
コード例 #7
 public static object VolatilityAsync([ExcelArgument(Description = "The hash of a valid StochArray object", Name = "Stoch Array")] string hash)
     return(RunAsync(() => StochArrayLogic.Volatility(hash), "Lloyds.Async.StochArray.Volatility"));