public void TransferPackageFile(StitchGroupName groupName, string toNodeId, string filePath, string fileName, InstanceAdaptorDetails adaptor, string jobId, string taskId) { // TODO: More validation and error handling // TODO: We need to get more sophisticated about this, such as doing the transfer in chunks and allowing restarts if (!groupName.IsValid() || !groupName.IsVersionGroup()) { throw new Exception("Must use a valid version name for a package upload file"); } if (adaptor == null) { throw new Exception("Adaptor details must be provided"); } var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath); var envelope = new FileTransferEnvelope { Contents = bytes, GroupName = groupName.VersionString, JobId = jobId, TaskId = taskId, PacketNumber = 1, TotalNumberOfPackets = 1, FileName = fileName, Adaptor = adaptor }; var message = new ClusterMessageBuilder() .ToNode(toNodeId) .FromNode() .WithInternalObjectPayload(envelope) .Build(); Send(message); }
public void AddRemoteStitch(string nodeId, string networkNodeId, string id, StitchGroupName groupName) { var summary = new StitchSummary { GroupName = groupName, Id = id, Locale = StitchLocaleType.Remote, NodeId = nodeId, NetworkNodeId = networkNodeId }; if (!_remoteStitches.ContainsKey(nodeId)) { _remoteStitches.Add(nodeId, new List <StitchSummary> { summary }); return; } var summaries = _remoteStitches[nodeId] .Where(ss => ss.Id != id) .Concat(new[] { summary }) .ToList(); _remoteStitches[nodeId] = summaries; _allStitches = null; }
public CommandResponse Handle(CommandRequest request) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Target)) { return(CommandResponse.Create(false)); } var groupName = new StitchGroupName(request.Target); var job = _jobManager.CreateJob("Command=" + request.Command); var stitches = _data.GetStitchesInGroup(groupName); foreach (var stitch in stitches) { var subtask = job.CreateSubtask(CommandType, stitch.Id, _nodeId); if (stitch.NodeId == _nodeId) { SendLocal(job, subtask, stitch); } else { SendRemote(job, subtask, stitch); } } // Save the job to get an Id _jobManager.Save(job); return(CommandResponse.Started(job.Id)); }
public PackageFileUploadResponse UploadStitchPackageFile(PackageFileUploadRequest request) { if (!request.IsValidLocalRequest()) { return(new PackageFileUploadResponse(false, null, null)); } // Save the file and generate a unique Version name var result = _fileSystem.SavePackageToLibrary(request.GroupName.Application, request.GroupName.Component, request.Contents); var groupName = new StitchGroupName(request.GroupName.Application, request.GroupName.Component, result.Version); var packageFile = new PackageFile { Id = groupName.ToString(), Adaptor = request.Adaptor, FileName = request.FileName, GroupName = groupName }; bool ok = _data.Save(packageFile, true); if (!ok) { _log.LogError("Could not save PackageFile Id={0}", groupName.ToString()); } _log.LogDebug("Uploaded package file {0}", groupName); return(new PackageFileUploadResponse(ok, groupName, result.FilePath)); }
public Result UnzipLibraryPackageToRunningBase(StitchGroupName groupName, string instanceId) { string libraryDirectoryPath = Path.Combine(_config.AppLibraryBasePath, groupName.Application, groupName.Component); if (!Directory.Exists(libraryDirectoryPath)) { return(Result.Failure()); } string libraryFilePath = Path.Combine(libraryDirectoryPath, groupName.Version + ".zip"); var runningDirectory = GetInstanceRunningDirectory(instanceId); if (Directory.Exists(runningDirectory)) { Directory.Delete(runningDirectory, true); } Directory.CreateDirectory(runningDirectory); using (FileStream fileStream = File.Open(libraryFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { using (var archive = new ZipArchive(fileStream, ZipArchiveMode.Read, true)) { archive.ExtractToDirectory(runningDirectory); } } return(new Result { Success = true, Path = runningDirectory }); }
public void SendPackageFile(string networkNodeId, StitchGroupName groupName, string fileName, string filePath, InstanceAdaptorDetails adaptor, string jobId, string taskId) { _messageBus.Publish(new FileTransferRequest { FilePath = filePath, NetworkNodeId = networkNodeId, GroupName = groupName, JobId = jobId, TaskId = taskId, FileName = fileName, Adaptor = adaptor }); //var message = new ClusterMessageBuilder() // .FromNode() // .ToNode(networkNodeId) // .WithObjectPayload(new FileTransferRequest // { // FilePath = filePath, // GroupName = groupName, // JobId = jobId, // TaskId = taskId, // FileName = fileName // }) // .Build(); //_messageBus.Publish(ClusterMessage.SendEventName, message); }
private static void StartBuiltinStitch(CrossStitchCore core) { var group3 = new StitchGroupName("StitchStart", "BuiltIn", "1"); var packageResult3 = core.MessageBus.RequestWait <DataRequest <PackageFile>, DataResponse <PackageFile> >(DataRequest <PackageFile> .Save(new PackageFile { Id = group3.ToString(), GroupName = group3, Adaptor = new InstanceAdaptorDetails { Type = AdaptorType.BuildInClassV1, Parameters = new Dictionary <string, string> { { CrossStitch.Stitch.BuiltInClassV1.Parameters.TypeName, typeof(StitchStartBuiltInStitch).AssemblyQualifiedName } } }, }, true)); var createResult3 = core.MessageBus.RequestWait <LocalCreateInstanceRequest, LocalCreateInstanceResponse>(new LocalCreateInstanceRequest { Name = "StitchStart.BuiltIn", GroupName = group3, NumberOfInstances = 1 }); core.MessageBus.RequestWait <InstanceRequest, InstanceResponse>(InstanceRequest.ChannelStart, new InstanceRequest { Id = createResult3.CreatedIds.FirstOrDefault() }); }
private IEnumerable <StitchDataMessage> AddressApplicationMessage(StitchDataMessage message) { var messages = new List <StitchDataMessage>(); var groupName = new StitchGroupName(message.ToStitchGroup); var stitches = _stitches .Where(si => groupName.Contains(si.GroupName)) .Where(si => si.Id != message.FromStitchInstanceId) .ToList(); foreach (var stitch in stitches) { messages.Add(new StitchDataMessage { // Leave the ToNodeID and NetworkID empty, so it gets routed locally Data = message.Data, ToStitchInstanceId = stitch.Id, FromNetworkId = message.FromNetworkId, FromNodeId = message.FromNodeId, FromStitchInstanceId = message.FromStitchInstanceId, ToNetworkId = stitch.NetworkNodeId, ToNodeId = stitch.NodeId }); } return(messages); }
private static void StartProcessStitch(CrossStitchCore core, string name, MessageChannelType channelType) { var group1 = new StitchGroupName("StitchStart", name, "1"); var packageResult1 = core.MessageBus.RequestWait <DataRequest <PackageFile>, DataResponse <PackageFile> >(DataRequest <PackageFile> .Save(new PackageFile { Id = group1.ToString(), GroupName = group1, Adaptor = new InstanceAdaptorDetails { Type = AdaptorType.ProcessV1, Parameters = new Dictionary <string, string> { { Parameters.RunningDirectory, "." }, { Parameters.ExecutableName, "StitchStart.Client.exe" } }, RequiresPackageUnzip = false, Channel = channelType } }, true)); var createResult1 = core.MessageBus.RequestWait <LocalCreateInstanceRequest, LocalCreateInstanceResponse>(new LocalCreateInstanceRequest { Name = "StitchStart." + name, GroupName = group1, NumberOfInstances = 1, }); core.MessageBus.RequestWait <InstanceRequest, InstanceResponse>(InstanceRequest.ChannelStart, new InstanceRequest { Id = createResult1.CreatedIds.FirstOrDefault() }); }
public void ConstructFromParts_Version_Test() { var target = new StitchGroupName("A", "B", "C"); target.Application.Should().Be("A"); target.Component.Should().Be("B"); target.Version.Should().Be("C"); }
public void StitchDeleted(string id, StitchGroupName groupName) { _messageBus.Publish(StitchInstanceEvent.ChannelCreated, new StitchInstanceEvent { InstanceId = id, GroupName = groupName }); }
public void ConstructFromGroupName_Application_Test() { var target = new StitchGroupName("A"); target.Application.Should().Be("A"); target.Component.Should().BeNull(); target.Version.Should().BeNull(); }
public void ToString_Test() { var target = new StitchGroupName("A.B.C"); target.ToString().Should().Be("A.B.C"); target = new StitchGroupName("A", "B", "C"); target.ToString().Should().Be("A.B.C"); }
public void IsValid_Test() { var target = new StitchGroupName() { VersionString = null }; target.IsValid().Should().BeFalse(); }
private static void TestStep1(IMessageBus messageBus, string serverBNodeId, string serverBNetworkId) { Thread.Sleep(5000); _testLog.LogInformation("ServerB has joined the cluster."); // Zip up the Stitch.js file _testLog.LogInformation("Zipping the stitch"); var stream = new MemoryStream(); using (var zip = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true)) { var entry = zip.CreateEntry("Stitch.js"); using (var entryStream = entry.Open()) using (var writer = new StreamWriter(entryStream)) { writer.Write(File.ReadAllText(".\\Stitch.js")); } } stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Subscribe to the Job complete event, so we can move to the next step as soon as it is ready messageBus.Subscribe <JobCompleteEvent>(b => b .WithTopic(JobCompleteEvent.ChannelSuccess) .Invoke(m => TestStep2(messageBus, m)) .OnThreadPool() .MaximumEvents(1)); // "Upload" the stitch file to ServerA, which will broadcast to ServerB _testLog.LogInformation("Uploading the package file"); var response = messageBus.RequestWait <PackageFileUploadRequest, PackageFileUploadResponse>(new PackageFileUploadRequest { Contents = stream, FileName = "", GroupName = new StitchGroupName("StitchIntegration.Stitch"), LocalOnly = false, Adaptor = new InstanceAdaptorDetails { RequiresPackageUnzip = true, Type = AdaptorType.ProcessV1, Parameters = new Dictionary <string, string> { { Parameters.ArgumentsFormat, "{ExecutableName} {CoreArgs} -- {CustomArgs}" }, { Parameters.ExecutableFormat, "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" }, { Parameters.ExecutableName, "Stitch.js" } } }, }); _groupName = response.GroupName; _testLog.LogInformation("Uploaded version {0}", _groupName); if (!response.IsSuccess) { _testLog.LogError("Could not upload package file"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var nodeConfig = NodeConfiguration.GetDefault(); using (var core = new CrossStitchCore(nodeConfig)) { // Setup an in-memory data store var store = new InMemoryDataStorage(); core.AddModule(new DataModule(core.MessageBus, store)); // Backplane so we can cluster core.AddModule(new BackplaneModule(core)); // Stitches so we can host the stitch instances var stitchesConfig = StitchesConfiguration.GetDefault(); core.AddModule(new StitchesModule(core, stitchesConfig)); // Setup logging. var logger = new LoggerFactory().AddConsole(LogLevel.Debug).CreateLogger <Program>(); core.AddModule(new LoggingModule(core, logger)); // Create a stitch instance to run on startup var groupName = new StitchGroupName("PenPal.StitchA.1"); var packageFile = new PackageFile { Id = groupName.ToString(), GroupName = groupName, Adaptor = new InstanceAdaptorDetails { Type = AdaptorType.ProcessV1, Parameters = new Dictionary <string, string> { { Parameters.RunningDirectory, "." }, { Parameters.ExecutableArguments, "" }, { Parameters.ExecutableName, "PenPal.StitchA.exe" } } }, }; store.Save(packageFile, true); var stitch = new StitchInstance { Name = "StitchA", GroupName = groupName, OwnerNodeName = core.Name, OwnerNodeId = core.NodeId, State = InstanceStateType.Running }; store.Save(stitch, true); core.Start(); Console.ReadKey(); core.Stop(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var nodeConfig = NodeConfiguration.GetDefault(); using (var core = new CrossStitchCore(nodeConfig)) { var httpServer = new NancyHttpModule(core.MessageBus); core.AddModule(httpServer); var dataStorage = new InMemoryDataStorage(); var data = new DataModule(core.MessageBus, dataStorage); core.AddModule(data); var stitchesConfiguration = StitchesConfiguration.GetDefault(); var stitches = new StitchesModule(core, stitchesConfiguration); core.AddModule(stitches); var groupName = new StitchGroupName("HttpTest", "Stitch", "1"); var packageFile = new PackageFile { Id = groupName.ToString(), GroupName = groupName, Adaptor = new InstanceAdaptorDetails { Type = AdaptorType.ProcessV1, Parameters = new Dictionary <string, string> { { Parameters.RunningDirectory, "." }, { Parameters.ExecutableName, "HttpTest.Stitch.exe" }, //{ Parameters.ArgumentsFormat, "{ExecutableName} {CoreArgs} -- {CustomArgs}" }, //{ Parameters.ExecutableFormat, "dotnet" }, } }, }; dataStorage.Save(packageFile, true); var stitch = new StitchInstance { Name = "HttpTest.Stitch", GroupName = groupName, State = InstanceStateType.Running }; dataStorage.Save(stitch, true); var logger = new LoggerFactory().AddConsole(LogLevel.Debug).CreateLogger <Program>(); core.AddModule(new LoggingModule(core, logger)); core.Log.LogInformation("Started"); core.Start(); Console.ReadKey(); core.Stop(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var nodeConfig = NodeConfiguration.GetDefault(); using (var core = new CrossStitchCore(nodeConfig)) { var httpServer = new NancyHttpModule(core.MessageBus); core.AddModule(httpServer); var dataStorage = new InMemoryDataStorage(); var data = new DataModule(core.MessageBus, dataStorage); core.AddModule(data); var stitchesConfiguration = StitchesConfiguration.GetDefault(); var stitches = new StitchesModule(core, stitchesConfiguration); core.AddModule(stitches); var groupName = new StitchGroupName("HttpTest", "Stitch", "1"); var packageFile = new PackageFile { Id = groupName.ToString(), GroupName = groupName, Adaptor = new InstanceAdaptorDetails { Type = AdaptorType.ProcessV1, Parameters = new Dictionary <string, string> { { CrossStitch.Stitch.ProcessV1.Parameters.DirectoryPath, "." }, { CrossStitch.Stitch.ProcessV1.Parameters.ExecutableName, "HttpTest.Stitch.exe" } } }, }; dataStorage.Save(packageFile, true); var stitch = new StitchInstance { Name = "HttpTest.Stitch", GroupName = groupName, State = InstanceStateType.Running, LastHeartbeatReceived = 0 }; dataStorage.Save(stitch, true); core.AddModule(new LoggingModule(core, Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger("CrossStitch"))); core.Start(); Console.ReadKey(); core.Stop(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var config = NodeConfiguration.GetDefault(); using (var core = new CrossStitchCore(config)) { var dataStorage = new InMemoryDataStorage(); var groupName = new StitchGroupName("JsStitch", "Stitch", "1"); dataStorage.Save(new PackageFile { Id = groupName.ToString(), GroupName = groupName, Adaptor = new InstanceAdaptorDetails { Type = AdaptorType.ProcessV1, Parameters = new Dictionary <string, string> { { Parameters.RunningDirectory, "." }, { Parameters.ExecutableName, "JsStitch.Stitch.js" } } }, }, true); dataStorage.Save(new StitchInstance { Name = "JsStitch.Stitch", GroupName = groupName, State = InstanceStateType.Running }, true); var data = new DataModule(core.MessageBus, dataStorage); core.AddModule(data); var stitchesConfiguration = StitchesConfiguration.GetDefault(); var stitches = new StitchesModule(core, stitchesConfiguration); core.AddModule(stitches); var logger = new LoggerFactory().AddConsole(LogLevel.Debug).CreateLogger <Program>(); core.AddModule(new LoggingModule(core, logger)); core.Start(); Console.ReadKey(); core.Stop(); } }
public void AddLocalStitch(string id, StitchGroupName groupName) { var locals = _localStitches .Where(si => si.Id != id) .Concat(new[] { new StitchSummary { Id = id, GroupName = groupName, Locale = StitchLocaleType.Local, NodeId = _nodeId } }) .ToList(); _localStitches = locals; _allStitches = null; }
public List <StitchSummary> GetStitchSummaries(StitchSummaryRequest request) { IEnumerable <StitchSummary> query = _data.GetAllStitchSummaries(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.NodeId)) { query = query.Where(ss => ss.NodeId == request.NodeId); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.StitchGroupName)) { var name = new StitchGroupName(request.StitchGroupName); query = query.Where(ss => name.Contains(ss.GroupName)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.StitchId)) { query = query.Where(ss => ss.Id == request.StitchId); } return(query.ToList()); }
public bool Contains(StitchGroupName otherGroup) { if (Application != otherGroup.Application) { return(false); } if (IsApplicationGroup()) { return(true); } if (Component != otherGroup.Component) { return(false); } if (IsComponentGroup()) { return(true); } return(Version == otherGroup.Version); }
public PackageFileUploadResponse UploadStitchPackageFile(StitchGroupName groupName, string filePath, PackageFileUploadRequest request) { // Send this to all nodes which are running the Stitches module var nodes = _data.GetAll <NodeStatus>() .Where(n => n.Id != _core.NodeId) .Where(ns => ns.RunningModules.Contains(ModuleNames.Stitches)) .ToList(); if (nodes.Count == 0) { return(new PackageFileUploadResponse(true, groupName, filePath)); } var job = _jobManager.CreateJob("Command=PackageFileUpload"); foreach (var node in nodes) { var task = job.CreateSubtask(CommandType.UploadPackageFile, node.Id, node.Id); _clusterSender.SendPackageFile(node.NetworkNodeId, groupName, request.FileName, filePath, request.Adaptor, job.Id, task.Id); } _jobManager.Save(job); return(new PackageFileUploadResponse(true, groupName, filePath, job.Id)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var config = NodeConfiguration.GetDefault(); using (var core = new CrossStitchCore(config)) { var stitchesConfiguration = StitchesConfiguration.GetDefault(); var stitches = new StitchesModule(core, stitchesConfiguration); core.AddModule(stitches); var log = Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger("CrossStitch"); var logging = new LoggingModule(core, log); core.AddModule(logging); core.Start(); // First stitch is a processV1 var group1 = new StitchGroupName("StitchStart", "Client", "1"); var packageResult1 = core.MessageBus.Request <DataRequest <PackageFile>, DataResponse <PackageFile> >(DataRequest <PackageFile> .Save(new PackageFile { Id = group1.ToString(), GroupName = group1, Adaptor = new InstanceAdaptorDetails { Type = AdaptorType.ProcessV1, Parameters = new Dictionary <string, string> { { Parameters.DirectoryPath, "." }, { Parameters.ExecutableName, "StitchStart.Client.exe" } }, RequiresPackageUnzip = false } }, true)); var createResult1 = core.MessageBus.Request <LocalCreateInstanceRequest, LocalCreateInstanceResponse>(new LocalCreateInstanceRequest { Name = "StitchStart.Client", GroupName = group1, NumberOfInstances = 1, }); core.MessageBus.Request <InstanceRequest, InstanceResponse>(InstanceRequest.ChannelStart, new InstanceRequest { Id = createResult1.CreatedIds.FirstOrDefault() }); // Second stitch is a built-in class var group2 = new StitchGroupName("StitchStart", "BuiltIn", "1"); var packageResult2 = core.MessageBus.Request <DataRequest <PackageFile>, DataResponse <PackageFile> >(DataRequest <PackageFile> .Save(new PackageFile { Id = group2.ToString(), GroupName = group2, Adaptor = new InstanceAdaptorDetails { Type = AdaptorType.BuildInClassV1, Parameters = new Dictionary <string, string> { { CrossStitch.Stitch.BuiltInClassV1.Parameters.TypeName, typeof(StitchStartBuiltInStitch).AssemblyQualifiedName } } }, }, true)); var createResult2 = core.MessageBus.Request <LocalCreateInstanceRequest, LocalCreateInstanceResponse>(new LocalCreateInstanceRequest { Name = "StitchStart.BuiltIn", GroupName = group2, NumberOfInstances = 1 }); core.MessageBus.Request <InstanceRequest, InstanceResponse>(InstanceRequest.ChannelStart, new InstanceRequest { Id = createResult2.CreatedIds.FirstOrDefault() }); Console.ReadKey(); core.Stop(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var config = NodeConfiguration.GetDefault(); using (var core = new CrossStitchCore(config)) { var dataStorage = new InMemoryDataStorage(); var pingGroup = new StitchGroupName("PingPong", "Ping", "1"); var pingPackage = new PackageFile { Id = pingGroup.ToString(), GroupName = pingGroup, Adaptor = new InstanceAdaptorDetails { Type = AdaptorType.ProcessV1, Parameters = new Dictionary <string, string> { { Parameters.RunningDirectory, "." }, { Parameters.ExecutableName, "PingPong.Ping.exe" } } }, }; var ping = new StitchInstance { Name = "PingPong.Ping", GroupName = pingGroup, State = InstanceStateType.Running }; var pongGroup = new StitchGroupName("PingPong", "Pong", "1"); var pongPackage = new PackageFile { Id = pongGroup.ToString(), GroupName = pongGroup, Adaptor = new InstanceAdaptorDetails { Type = AdaptorType.ProcessV1, Parameters = new Dictionary <string, string> { { Parameters.RunningDirectory, "." }, { Parameters.ExecutableName, "PingPong.Pong.exe" } } }, }; var pong = new StitchInstance { Name = "PingPong.Pong", GroupName = pongGroup, State = InstanceStateType.Running }; dataStorage.Save(pingPackage, true); dataStorage.Save(ping, true); dataStorage.Save(pongPackage, true); dataStorage.Save(pong, true); var data = new DataModule(core.MessageBus, dataStorage); core.AddModule(data); var stitchesConfiguration = StitchesConfiguration.GetDefault(); var stitches = new StitchesModule(core, stitchesConfiguration); core.AddModule(stitches); var logger = new LoggerFactory().AddConsole(LogLevel.Debug).CreateLogger <Program>(); core.AddModule(new LoggingModule(core, logger)); // TODO: We need a way to start for initialization to complete, either having Start // block or providing an Initialized event which waits for all modules to report // being initialized core.Start(); Console.ReadKey(); core.Stop(); } }
public PackageFileUploadResponse(bool isSuccess, StitchGroupName groupName, string filePath, string jobId = null) { IsSuccess = isSuccess; GroupName = groupName; FilePath = filePath; }
public List <StitchSummary> GetStitchesInGroup(StitchGroupName group) { // TODO: Is there ever a case where we fall back to the data module? return(StitchCache.GetStitchSummaries().Where(si => group.Contains(si.GroupName)).ToList()); }