コード例 #1
        public IActionResult Get()
            // Setting the required options on the server side
            var requestParams = StiAngularDesigner.GetRequestParams(this);

            if (requestParams.Action == StiAction.Undefined)
                var options = new StiAngularDesignerOptions();
                return(StiAngularDesigner.DesignerDataResult(requestParams, options));

コード例 #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Get([FromQuery] Guid?template = null)
            var requestParams = StiNetCoreDesigner.GetRequestParams(this);

            if (requestParams.Action == StiAction.Undefined)
                var options = new StiAngularDesignerOptions
                    Behavior = new StiNetCoreDesignerOptions.BehaviorOptions
                        ShowSaveDialog = false
                    Exports = new StiNetCoreDesignerOptions.ExportOptions
                        ShowExportToCsv                = false,
                        ShowExportToDbf                = false,
                        ShowExportToDif                = false,
                        ShowExportToDocument           = false,
                        ShowExportToExcel              = false,
                        ShowExportToExcel2007          = true,
                        ShowExportToExcelXml           = false,
                        ShowExportToHtml               = false,
                        ShowExportToHtml5              = false,
                        ShowExportToImageBmp           = false,
                        ShowExportToImageGif           = false,
                        ShowExportToImageJpeg          = false,
                        ShowExportToImageMetafile      = false,
                        ShowExportToImagePcx           = false,
                        ShowExportToImagePng           = true,
                        ShowExportToImageSvg           = true,
                        ShowExportToImageSvgz          = false,
                        ShowExportToImageTiff          = true,
                        ShowExportToJson               = true,
                        ShowExportToMht                = false,
                        ShowExportToOpenDocumentCalc   = true,
                        ShowExportToOpenDocumentWriter = true,
                        ShowExportToPdf                = true,
                        ShowExportToPowerPoint         = true,
                        ShowExportToRtf                = true,
                        ShowExportToSylk               = false,
                        ShowExportToText               = false,
                        ShowExportToWord2007           = true,
                        ShowExportToXml                = false,
                        ShowExportToXps                = false,
                        DefaultSettings                = new StiDefaultExportSettings
                            ExportToPdf =
                                PdfComplianceMode = StiPdfComplianceMode.A3,
                                AllowEditable     = StiPdfAllowEditable.No
                    FileMenu = new StiNetCoreDesignerOptions.FileMenuOptions
                        ShowExit        = false,
                        ShowAbout       = false,
                        ShowClose       = false,
                        ShowHelp        = false,
                        ShowNew         = false,
                        ShowInfo        = false,
                        ShowOpen        = true,
                        ShowOptions     = false,
                        ShowSave        = true,
                        ShowSaveAs      = true,
                        ShowReportSetup = false
                return(StiAngularDesigner.DesignerDataResult(requestParams, options));

            return(await StiNetCoreDesigner.ProcessRequestResultAsync(this));