コード例 #1
		static string GenerateSteticCodeStructure (DotNetProject project, Stetic.ProjectItemInfo item, Stetic.Component component, Stetic.ComponentNameEventArgs args, bool saveToFile, bool overwrite)
			// Generate a class which contains fields for all bound widgets of the component
			string name = item != null ? item.Name : component.Name;
			string fileName = GetBuildCodeFileName (project, name);
			string ns = "";
			int i = name.LastIndexOf ('.');
			if (i != -1) {
				ns = name.Substring (0, i);
				name = name.Substring (i + 1);
			if (saveToFile && !overwrite && File.Exists (fileName))
				return fileName;
			if (item != null)
				component = item.Component;
			CodeCompileUnit cu = new CodeCompileUnit ();
			if (project.UsePartialTypes) {
				CodeNamespace cns = new CodeNamespace (ns);
				cu.Namespaces.Add (cns);
				CodeTypeDeclaration type = new CodeTypeDeclaration (name);
				type.IsPartial = true;
				type.Attributes = MemberAttributes.Public;
				type.TypeAttributes = System.Reflection.TypeAttributes.Public;
				cns.Types.Add (type);
				foreach (Stetic.ObjectBindInfo binfo in component.GetObjectBindInfo ()) {
					// When a component is being renamed, we have to generate the 
					// corresponding field using the old name, since it will be renamed
					// later using refactory
					string nname = args != null && args.NewName == binfo.Name ? args.OldName : binfo.Name;
					type.Members.Add (
						new CodeMemberField (
			} else {
				if (!saveToFile)
					return fileName;
				CodeNamespace cns = new CodeNamespace ();
				cns.Comments.Add (new CodeCommentStatement ("Generated code for component " + component.Name));
				cu.Namespaces.Add (cns);
			CodeDomProvider provider = project.LanguageBinding.GetCodeDomProvider ();
			if (provider == null)
				throw new UserException ("Code generation not supported for language: " + project.LanguageName);
			TextWriter fileStream;
			if (saveToFile)
				fileStream = new StreamWriter (fileName);
				fileStream = new StringWriter ();
			try {
				var pol = project.Policies.Get<TextStylePolicy> ();
				var options = new CodeGeneratorOptions () {
					IndentString = pol.TabsToSpaces? new string (' ', pol.TabWidth) : "\t",
					BlankLinesBetweenMembers = true,
				provider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit (cu, fileStream, options);
			} finally {
				fileStream.Close ();

			if (ProjectDomService.HasDom (project)) {
				// Only update the parser database if the project is actually loaded in the IDE.
				if (saveToFile) {
					ProjectDomService.Parse (project, fileName);
					FileService.NotifyFileChanged (fileName);
				} else
					ProjectDomService.Parse (project, fileName, ((StringWriter)fileStream).ToString ());

			return fileName;