コード例 #1
        public Stetic.CodeGenerationResult GenerateCode(ArrayList projectFolders, bool useGettext, string gettextClass, bool usePartialClasses, GtkDesignInfo info)

            Stetic.Application app = Stetic.ApplicationFactory.CreateApplication(Stetic.IsolationMode.None);

            Stetic.Project[] projects = new Stetic.Project [projectFolders.Count];
            for (int n = 0; n < projectFolders.Count; n++)
                projects [n] = app.CreateProject(info);
                projects [n].Load((string)projectFolders [n]);

            Stetic.GenerationOptions options = new Stetic.GenerationOptions();
            options.UseGettext   = useGettext;
            options.GettextClass = gettextClass;

            return(app.GenerateProjectCode(options, projects));
コード例 #2
        public Stetic.CodeGenerationResult GenerateCode(ArrayList projectFiles, bool useGettext, string gettextClass, string resourceLoaderClass, bool usePartialClasses)

            Stetic.Application app = Stetic.ApplicationFactory.CreateApplication(Stetic.IsolationMode.None);

            Stetic.Project[] projects = new Stetic.Project [projectFiles.Count];
            for (int n = 0; n < projectFiles.Count; n++)
                projects [n] = app.CreateProject();
                projects [n].Load((string)projectFiles [n]);

            Stetic.GenerationOptions options = new Stetic.GenerationOptions();
            options.UseGettext               = useGettext;
            options.GettextClass             = gettextClass;
            options.ImageResourceLoaderClass = resourceLoaderClass;
            options.UsePartialClasses        = usePartialClasses;
            options.GenerateSingleFile       = false;

            return(app.GenerateProjectCode(options, projects));
コード例 #3
        public async static Task <Stetic.CodeGenerationResult> GenerateSteticCode(ProgressMonitor monitor, DotNetProject project, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
            if (generating || !GtkDesignInfo.HasDesignedObjects(project))

            using (var timer = Counters.SteticFileGeneratedTimer.BeginTiming()) {
                timer.Trace("Checking references");
                GtkDesignInfo info = GtkDesignInfo.FromProject(project);

                DateTime last_gen_time = File.Exists(info.SteticGeneratedFile) ? File.GetLastWriteTime(info.SteticGeneratedFile) : DateTime.MinValue;

                bool ref_changed = false;

                // Disabled check for changes in referenced assemblies, since it cause too much
                // regeneration of code. If a component has changed in a referenced project, this
                // project may not build, but this can be solved by editing some file in the
                // designer and saving.

/*				foreach (ProjectReference pref in project.References) {
 *                                      if (!pref.IsValid)
 *                                              continue;
 *                                      foreach (string filename in pref.GetReferencedFileNames (configuration)) {
 *                                              if (File.GetLastWriteTime (filename) > last_gen_time) {
 *                                                      ref_changed = true;
 *                                                      break;
 *                                              }
 *                                      }
 *                                      if (ref_changed)
 *                                              break;
 *                              }*/

                // Check if generated code is already up to date.
                if (!ref_changed && last_gen_time >= File.GetLastWriteTime(info.SteticFile))

                if (info.GuiBuilderProject.HasError)
                    var error = GettextCatalog.GetString("GUI code generation failed for project '{0}'. The file '{1}' could not be loaded.", project.Name, info.SteticFile);
                    monitor.ReportError(error, null);
                    throw new UserException(error);

                if (info.GuiBuilderProject.IsEmpty)

                monitor.Log.WriteLine(GettextCatalog.GetString("Generating GUI code for project '{0}'...", project.Name));

                timer.Trace("Copy support files");

                // Make sure the referenced assemblies are up to date. It is necessary to do
                // it now since they may contain widget libraries.
                project.CopySupportFiles(monitor, configuration);

                timer.Trace("Update libraries");


                ArrayList projects = new ArrayList();

                generating = true;
                Stetic.CodeGenerationResult generationResult = null;
                Exception generatedException = null;

                bool canGenerateInProcess = IsolationMode != Stetic.IsolationMode.None || info.GuiBuilderProject.SteticProject.CanGenerateCode;

                if (!canGenerateInProcess)
                    timer.Trace("Generating out of process");

                    await Task.Run(delegate {
                        try {
                            // Generate the code in another process if stetic is not isolated
                            CodeGeneratorProcess cob = (CodeGeneratorProcess)Runtime.ProcessService.CreateExternalProcessObject(typeof(CodeGeneratorProcess), false);
                            using (cob) {
                                generationResult = cob.GenerateCode(projects, info.GenerateGettext, info.GettextClass, info.ImageResourceLoaderClass, project.UsePartialTypes);
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            generatedException = ex;
                        } finally {
                            generating = false;
                    timer.Trace("Generating in-process");
                    // No need to create another process, since stetic has its own backend process
                    // or the widget libraries have no custom wrappers
                    try {
                        Stetic.GenerationOptions options = new Stetic.GenerationOptions();
                        options.UseGettext               = info.GenerateGettext;
                        options.GettextClass             = info.GettextClass;
                        options.ImageResourceLoaderClass = info.ImageResourceLoaderClass;
                        options.UsePartialClasses        = project.UsePartialTypes;
                        options.GenerateSingleFile       = false;
                        options.GenerateModifiedOnly     = true;
                        generationResult = SteticApp.GenerateProjectCode(options, info.GuiBuilderProject.SteticProject);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        generatedException = ex;
                    generating = false;
                timer.Trace("Writing code units");

                if (generatedException != null)
                    LoggingService.LogError("GUI code generation failed", generatedException);
                    throw new UserException("GUI code generation failed: " + generatedException.Message);

                if (generationResult == null)

                CodeDomProvider provider = project.LanguageBinding.GetCodeDomProvider();
                if (provider == null)
                    throw new UserException("Code generation not supported for language: " + project.LanguageName);

                string basePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(info.SteticGeneratedFile);
                string ext      = Path.GetExtension(info.SteticGeneratedFile);

                var pol = project.Policies.Get <TextStylePolicy> ();
                var codeGeneratorOptions = new CodeGeneratorOptions()
                    IndentString             = pol.TabsToSpaces? new string (' ', pol.TabWidth) : "\t",
                    BlankLinesBetweenMembers = true

                foreach (Stetic.SteticCompilationUnit unit in generationResult.Units)
                    string fname;
                    if (unit.Name.Length == 0)
                        fname = info.SteticGeneratedFile;
                        fname = Path.Combine(basePath, unit.Name) + ext;
                    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                    try {
                        foreach (CodeNamespace ns in unit.Namespaces)
                            ns.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement("This file has been generated by the GUI designer. Do not modify."));
                        timer.Trace("Generating code for " + unit.Name);
                        provider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(unit, sw, codeGeneratorOptions);
                        string content = sw.ToString();

                        timer.Trace("Formatting code");
                        content = FormatGeneratedFile(fname, content, project, provider);
                        timer.Trace("Writing code");
                        File.WriteAllText(fname, content);
                    } finally {
                        timer.Trace("Notifying changes");

                timer.Trace("Updating GTK folder");

                // Make sure the generated files are added to the project
                if (info.UpdateGtkFolder())
                    Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate {

コード例 #4
        public static Stetic.CodeGenerationResult GenerateSteticCode(IProgressMonitor monitor, DotNetProject project, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
            if (generating || !GtkDesignInfo.HasDesignedObjects(project))

            GtkDesignInfo info = GtkDesignInfo.FromProject(project);


            DateTime last_gen_time = File.Exists(info.SteticGeneratedFile) ? File.GetLastWriteTime(info.SteticGeneratedFile) : DateTime.MinValue;

            bool ref_changed = false;

            foreach (ProjectReference pref in project.References)
                if (!pref.IsValid)
                foreach (string filename in pref.GetReferencedFileNames(configuration))
                    if (File.GetLastWriteTime(filename) > last_gen_time)
                        ref_changed = true;
                if (ref_changed)

            // Check if generated code is already up to date.
//			if (!ref_changed && last_gen_time >= File.GetLastWriteTime (info.SteticFile))
//				return null;

            if (info.GuiBuilderProject.HasError)
                monitor.ReportError(GettextCatalog.GetString("GUI code generation failed for project '{0}'. The file '{1}' could not be loaded.", project.Name, info.SteticFile), null);

            if (info.GuiBuilderProject.IsEmpty)

            monitor.Log.WriteLine(GettextCatalog.GetString("Generating GUI code for project '{0}'...", project.Name));

            // Make sure the referenced assemblies are up to date. It is necessary to do
            // it now since they may contain widget libraries.
            project.CopySupportFiles(monitor, configuration);


            ArrayList projectFolders = new ArrayList();


            generating = true;
            Stetic.CodeGenerationResult generationResult = null;
            Exception generatedException = null;

            bool canGenerateInProcess = IsolationMode != Stetic.IsolationMode.None || info.GuiBuilderProject.SteticProject.CanGenerateCode;

            if (!canGenerateInProcess)
                // Run the generation in another thread to avoid freezing the GUI
                System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate {
                    try {
                        // Generate the code in another process if stetic is not isolated
                        CodeGeneratorProcess cob = (CodeGeneratorProcess)Runtime.ProcessService.CreateExternalProcessObject(typeof(CodeGeneratorProcess), false);
                        using (cob) {
                            generationResult = cob.GenerateCode(projectFolders, info.GenerateGettext, info.GettextClass, project.UsePartialTypes, info);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        generatedException = ex;
                    } finally {
                        generating = false;

                while (generating)
                // No need to create another process, since stetic has its own backend process
                // or the widget libraries have no custom wrappers
                try {
                    Stetic.GenerationOptions options = new Stetic.GenerationOptions();
                    options.UseGettext   = info.GenerateGettext;
                    options.GettextClass = info.GettextClass;
                    generationResult     = SteticApp.GenerateProjectCode(options, info.GuiBuilderProject.SteticProject);
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    generatedException = ex;
                generating = false;

            if (generatedException != null)
                string msg = string.Empty;

                if (generatedException.InnerException != null)
                    msg = string.Format("{0}\n{1}\nInner Exception {2}\n{3}",
                    msg = string.Format("{0}\n{1}",

//				LoggingService.LogError ("GUI code generation failed", generatedException);
                LoggingService.LogError("GUI code generation failed: " + msg);
                throw new UserException("GUI code generation failed: " + msg);

            if (generationResult == null)

            CodeDomProvider provider = project.LanguageBinding.GetCodeDomProvider();

            if (provider == null)
                throw new UserException("Code generation not supported for language: " + project.LanguageName);

            foreach (Stetic.SteticCompilationUnit unit in generationResult.Units)
                string fname;
                if (unit.Name.Length == 0)
                    fname = info.SteticGeneratedFile;
                    fname = GetBuildCodeFileName(project,
                                                 (unit.Namespace != null) ? unit.Namespace.Name : string.Empty);

                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                try {
                    foreach (CodeNamespace ns in unit.Namespaces)
                        ns.Comments.Add(new CodeCommentStatement("This file has been generated by the GUI designer. Do not modify."));
                    provider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(unit, sw, new CodeGeneratorOptions());
                    string content = sw.ToString();
                    content = FormatGeneratedFile(fname, content, provider);
                    File.WriteAllText(fname, content);
                } finally {

            // Make sure the generated files are added to the project
            if (info.UpdateGtkFolder())
                Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate {

コード例 #5
		public Stetic.CodeGenerationResult GenerateCode (ArrayList projectFiles, bool useGettext, string gettextClass, bool usePartialClasses)
			Gtk.Application.Init ();
			Stetic.Application app = Stetic.ApplicationFactory.CreateApplication (Stetic.IsolationMode.None);
			Stetic.Project[] projects = new Stetic.Project [projectFiles.Count];
			for (int n=0; n < projectFiles.Count; n++) {
				projects [n] = app.CreateProject ();
				projects [n].Load ((string) projectFiles [n]);
			Stetic.GenerationOptions options = new Stetic.GenerationOptions ();
			options.UseGettext = useGettext;
			options.GettextClass = gettextClass;
			options.UsePartialClasses = usePartialClasses;
			options.GenerateSingleFile = false;
			return app.GenerateProjectCode (options, projects);
コード例 #6
		public static Stetic.CodeGenerationResult GenerateSteticCode (IProgressMonitor monitor, DotNetProject project, ConfigurationSelector configuration)
			if (generating || !GtkDesignInfo.HasDesignedObjects (project))
				return null;
			using (var timer = Counters.SteticFileGeneratedTimer.BeginTiming ()) {
				timer.Trace ("Checking references");
				GtkDesignInfo info = GtkDesignInfo.FromProject (project);
				DateTime last_gen_time = File.Exists (info.SteticGeneratedFile) ? File.GetLastWriteTime (info.SteticGeneratedFile) : DateTime.MinValue;
				bool ref_changed = false;
				foreach (ProjectReference pref in project.References) {
					if (!pref.IsValid)
					foreach (string filename in pref.GetReferencedFileNames (configuration)) {
						if (File.GetLastWriteTime (filename) > last_gen_time) {
							ref_changed = true;
					if (ref_changed)
				// Check if generated code is already up to date.
				if (!ref_changed && last_gen_time >= File.GetLastWriteTime (info.SteticFile))
					return null;
				if (info.GuiBuilderProject.HasError) {
					monitor.ReportError (GettextCatalog.GetString ("GUI code generation failed for project '{0}'. The file '{1}' could not be loaded.", project.Name, info.SteticFile), null);
					monitor.AsyncOperation.Cancel ();
					return null;
				if (info.GuiBuilderProject.IsEmpty) 
					return null;
				monitor.Log.WriteLine (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Generating GUI code for project '{0}'...", project.Name));
				timer.Trace ("Copy support files");
				// Make sure the referenced assemblies are up to date. It is necessary to do
				// it now since they may contain widget libraries.
				project.CopySupportFiles (monitor, configuration);
				timer.Trace ("Update libraries");
				info.GuiBuilderProject.UpdateLibraries ();
				ArrayList projects = new ArrayList ();
				projects.Add (info.GuiBuilderProject.File);
				generating = true;
				Stetic.CodeGenerationResult generationResult = null;
				Exception generatedException = null;
				bool canGenerateInProcess = IsolationMode != Stetic.IsolationMode.None || info.GuiBuilderProject.SteticProject.CanGenerateCode;
				if (!canGenerateInProcess) {
					timer.Trace ("Generating out of process");
					// Run the generation in another thread to avoid freezing the GUI
					System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (delegate {
						try {
							// Generate the code in another process if stetic is not isolated
							CodeGeneratorProcess cob = (CodeGeneratorProcess)Runtime.ProcessService.CreateExternalProcessObject (typeof(CodeGeneratorProcess), false);
							using (cob) {
								generationResult = cob.GenerateCode (projects, info.GenerateGettext, info.GettextClass, project.UsePartialTypes);
						} catch (Exception ex) {
							generatedException = ex;
						} finally {
							generating = false;
					while (generating) {
						DispatchService.RunPendingEvents ();
						System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (100);
				} else {
					timer.Trace ("Generating in-process");
					// No need to create another process, since stetic has its own backend process
					// or the widget libraries have no custom wrappers
					try {
						Stetic.GenerationOptions options = new Stetic.GenerationOptions ();
						options.UseGettext = info.GenerateGettext;
						options.GettextClass = info.GettextClass;
						options.UsePartialClasses = project.UsePartialTypes;
						options.GenerateSingleFile = false;
						generationResult = SteticApp.GenerateProjectCode (options, info.GuiBuilderProject.SteticProject);
					} catch (Exception ex) {
						generatedException = ex;
					generating = false;
				timer.Trace ("Writing code units");
				if (generatedException != null) {
					LoggingService.LogError ("GUI code generation failed", generatedException);
					throw new UserException ("GUI code generation failed: " + generatedException.Message);
				if (generationResult == null)
					return null;
				CodeDomProvider provider = project.LanguageBinding.GetCodeDomProvider ();
				if (provider == null)
					throw new UserException ("Code generation not supported for language: " + project.LanguageName);
				string basePath = Path.GetDirectoryName (info.SteticGeneratedFile);
				string ext = Path.GetExtension (info.SteticGeneratedFile);
				var pol = project.Policies.Get<TextStylePolicy> ();
				var codeGeneratorOptions = new CodeGeneratorOptions () {
					IndentString = pol.TabsToSpaces? new string (' ', pol.TabWidth) : "\t",
					BlankLinesBetweenMembers = true

				foreach (Stetic.SteticCompilationUnit unit in generationResult.Units) {
					string fname;
					if (unit.Name.Length == 0)
						fname = info.SteticGeneratedFile;
						fname = Path.Combine (basePath, unit.Name) + ext;
					StringWriter sw = new StringWriter ();
					try {
						foreach (CodeNamespace ns in unit.Namespaces)
							ns.Comments.Add (new CodeCommentStatement ("This file has been generated by the GUI designer. Do not modify."));
						timer.Trace ("Generating code for " + unit.Name);
						provider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit (unit, sw, codeGeneratorOptions);
						string content = sw.ToString ();
						timer.Trace ("Formatting code");
						content = FormatGeneratedFile (fname, content, provider);
						timer.Trace ("Writing code");
						File.WriteAllText (fname, content);
					} finally {
						timer.Trace ("Notifying changes");
						FileService.NotifyFileChanged (fname);
				timer.Trace ("Updating GTK folder");
				// Make sure the generated files are added to the project
				if (info.UpdateGtkFolder ()) {
					Gtk.Application.Invoke (delegate {
						IdeApp.ProjectOperations.Save (project);
				return generationResult;