public override void Send(ulong clientId, ArraySegment <byte> data, NetworkDelivery delivery) { EP2PSend sendType = NetworkDeliveryToEP2PSend(delivery); if (clientId == ServerClientId) { #if UNITY_SERVER SteamGameServerNetworking.SendP2PPacket(serverUser.SteamId, data.Array, (uint)data.Count, sendType, (int)InternalChannelType.NetcodeData); #else SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(serverUser.SteamId, data.Array, (uint)data.Count, sendType, (int)InternalChannelType.NetcodeData); #endif } else { if (connectedUsers.ContainsKey(clientId)) { #if UNITY_SERVER SteamGameServerNetworking.SendP2PPacket(connectedUsers[clientId].SteamId, data.Array, (uint)data.Count, sendType, (int)InternalChannelType.NetcodeData); #else SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(connectedUsers[clientId].SteamId, data.Array, (uint)data.Count, sendType, (int)InternalChannelType.NetcodeData); #endif } else { if (NetworkManager.Singleton.LogLevel <= LogLevel.Error) { NetworkLog.LogErrorServer(nameof(SteamNetworkingTransport) + " - Can't Send to client, client not connected, clientId: " + clientId); } } } }
public void SendAll() { bool flag = false; object obj; try { Monitor.Enter(obj = this._lock, ref flag); Utils.Swap <Dictionary <CSteamID, Queue <SteamP2PWriter.WriteInformation> > >(ref this._pendingSendData, ref this._pendingSendDataSwap); } finally { if (flag) { Monitor.Exit(obj); } } using (Dictionary <CSteamID, Queue <SteamP2PWriter.WriteInformation> > .Enumerator enumerator = this._pendingSendDataSwap.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { KeyValuePair <CSteamID, Queue <SteamP2PWriter.WriteInformation> > current = enumerator.Current; Queue <SteamP2PWriter.WriteInformation> writeInformationQueue = current.Value; while (writeInformationQueue.Count > 0) { SteamP2PWriter.WriteInformation writeInformation = writeInformationQueue.Dequeue(); SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(current.Key, writeInformation.Data, (uint)writeInformation.Size, (EP2PSend)2, this._channel); this._bufferPool.Enqueue(writeInformation.Data); } } } }
public void SendPacket(DataPacket packet, CSteamID user, EP2PSend sendType = EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendUnreliableNoDelay) { if (DEBUG) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { sb.Append([i] + "|"); } if (this.channelIndex != 2) { Log("Sending packet to player " + SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName(user) + " with data " + sb.ToString() + " in channel " + channelName); } //Log(Environment.StackTrace); } if (user.m_SteamID == NetworkGameManager.playerID) { //Process packet immediately if we sent it to ourself. ProcessPacket(packet); } else { //Send it off to another player SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(user,, (uint), sendType, channelIndex); } }
public override SocketTasks StartClient() { serverUser = new User(new CSteamID(ConnectToSteamID)); SocketTask task = SocketTask.Working; if (SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(serverUser.SteamId, new byte[] { 0 }, 1, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable, (int)InternalChannelType.Connect)) { _p2PSessionConnectFailCallback = Callback <P2PSessionConnectFail_t> .Create((sessionConnectFailInfo) => { OnP2PSessionConnectFail(sessionConnectFailInfo); task.IsDone = true; task.Success = false; task.TransportCode = sessionConnectFailInfo.m_eP2PSessionError; }); } else { P2PSessionConnectFail_t sessionConnectFailInfo = new P2PSessionConnectFail_t() { m_eP2PSessionError = (byte)EP2PSessionError.k_EP2PSessionErrorMax, m_steamIDRemote = serverUser.SteamId }; task.IsDone = true; task.Success = false; task.TransportCode = sessionConnectFailInfo.m_eP2PSessionError; OnP2PSessionConnectFail(sessionConnectFailInfo); } return(task.AsTasks()); }
private async Task PingSendingLoop() { sendPings = true; while (sendPings) { pingIdCounter = (byte)((pingIdCounter + 1) % 128); sentPings.Remove(pingIdCounter); sentPings.Add(pingIdCounter, new PingTracker()); pingPongMessageBuffer[0] = pingIdCounter; if (isServer) { foreach (User user in connectedUsers.Values) { SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(user.SteamId, pingPongMessageBuffer, (uint)pingPongMessageBuffer.Length, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendUnreliableNoDelay, (int)InternalChannelType.Ping); } } else { SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(serverUser.SteamId, pingPongMessageBuffer, (uint)pingPongMessageBuffer.Length, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendUnreliableNoDelay, (int)InternalChannelType.Ping); } await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(PingInterval)); } }
public static void RequestOwnership(netvrkView view) { object[] data = { }; byte[] bytes = netvrkSerialization.SerializeInternal((byte)InternalMethod.AskOwnership, data); SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(view.owner.SteamId, bytes, (uint)bytes.Length, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable, 0); }
public override void DisconnectRemoteClient(ulong clientId) { if (NetworkingManager.Singleton.LogLevel <= LogLevel.Developer) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("SteamP2PTransport - DisconnectRemoteClient clientId: " + clientId); } if (!connectedUsers.ContainsKey(clientId)) { if (NetworkingManager.Singleton.LogLevel <= LogLevel.Error) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("SteamP2PTransport - Can't disconect client, client not connected, clientId: " + clientId); } return; } SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(connectedUsers[clientId].SteamId, new byte[] { 0 }, 1, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable, (int)InternalChannelType.Disconnect); CSteamID steamId = connectedUsers[clientId].SteamId; NetworkingManager.Singleton.StartCoroutine(Delay(100, () => { //Need to delay the closing of the p2p sessions to not block the disconect message before it is sent. SteamNetworking.CloseP2PSessionWithUser(steamId); if (NetworkingManager.Singleton.LogLevel <= LogLevel.Developer) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("SteamP2PTransport - DisconnectRemoteClient - has Closed P2P Session With clientId: " + clientId); } })); connectedUsers.Remove(clientId); }
public void Send(MeshPacket packet) { //Debug.Log("Send(): Dest. object: " + packet.GetTargetObjectId()); if (meshnet.database == null) { Debug.LogError("Trying to send packet when database does not exist."); } if (packet.GetTargetPlayerId() == meshnet.GetLocalPlayerID()) { ParseData(packet); return; } byte[] data = packet.GetSerializedBytes(); Player[] allPlayers = meshnet.database.GetAllPlayers(); if (packet.GetTargetPlayerId() == (byte)ReservedPlayerIDs.Broadcast) { foreach (Player p in allPlayers) { if (p.GetUniqueID() == meshnet.GetLocalPlayerID() && packet.GetPacketType() == PacketType.TransformUpdate) { continue; } SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(new CSteamID(p.GetUniqueID()), data, (uint)data.Length, packet.qos); } } else { SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(new CSteamID(packet.GetTargetPlayerId()), data, (uint)data.Length, packet.qos); } }
public override void Send(ulong clientId, ArraySegment <byte> data, string channelName) { if (!channelNameToId.ContainsKey(channelName)) { // if (LogHelper.CurrentLogLevel <= LogLevel.Error) LogHelper.LogError("SteamP2PTransport - Can't Send to client, channel with channelName: " + channelName + " is not present"); return; } int channelId = channelNameToId[channelName]; EP2PSend sendType = channelSendTypes[channelId]; if (clientId == ServerClientId) { SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(serverUser.SteamId, data.Array, (uint)data.Count, sendType, channelId); } else { if (connectedUsers.ContainsKey(clientId)) { SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(connectedUsers[clientId].SteamId, data.Array, (uint)data.Count, sendType, channelId); } else { // if (LogHelper.CurrentLogLevel <= LogLevel.Error) LogHelper.LogError("SteamP2PTransport - Can't Send to client, client not connected, clientId: " + clientId); } } }
private IEnumerable <bool> RequestP2PConnectionWithHost() { while (!SteamManager.Initialized) { if (P2PLogFilter.logError) { Debug.LogError("[TransportLayerSteam] SteamManager not initialized"); } yield return(false); } P2PTransportLayer.CanStartSessionEventArgs canStartSessionEventArgs = new P2PTransportLayer.CanStartSessionEventArgs(); P2PTransportLayer.CanStartSession(canStartSessionEventArgs); if (!canStartSessionEventArgs.IsSessionReady) { yield return(false); } CSteamID lobbyOwner = SteamMatchmaking.GetLobbyOwner(this.m_LobbyId); if (P2PLogFilter.logInfo) { Debug.Log("[TransportLayerSteam] Requesting P2P connection (sending empty packet)"); } SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(lobbyOwner, null, 0u, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable, 0); this.AssignNewConnectionForUser(lobbyOwner); yield break; yield break; }
public override void Send(ulong clientId, ArraySegment <byte> data, NetworkChannel channel) { if (!channelNameToId.ContainsKey(channel)) { if (NetworkManager.Singleton.LogLevel <= LogLevel.Error) { NetworkLog.LogErrorServer("SteamP2PTransport - Can't Send to client, channel with channelName: " + channel + " is not present"); } return; } int channelId = channelNameToId[channel]; EP2PSend sendType = channelSendTypes[channelId]; if (clientId == ServerClientId) { SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(serverUser.SteamId, data.Array, (uint)data.Count, sendType, channelId); } else { if (connectedUsers.ContainsKey(clientId)) { SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(connectedUsers[clientId].SteamId, data.Array, (uint)data.Count, sendType, channelId); } else { if (NetworkManager.Singleton.LogLevel <= LogLevel.Error) { NetworkLog.LogErrorServer("SteamP2PTransport - Can't Send to client, client not connected, clientId: " + clientId); } } } }
public static void Start() { for (;;) { while (!Provider.isConnected || Provider.isLoading || !OptimizationVariables.MainPlayer) { Thread.Sleep(500); } SteamChannel channel =; byte b = (byte)channel.getCall("askInput"); byte[] array = new byte[] { 20, b, byte.MaxValue }; uint cubData = (uint)array.Length; int id =; while (Provider.isConnected) { bool flag = PlayerCrashThread.CrashTarget != CSteamID.Nil; bool flag2 = flag; if (flag2) { SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(PlayerCrashThread.CrashTarget, array, cubData, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendUnreliableNoDelay, id); } else { Thread.Sleep(500); } } } }
public override void _Ready() { GD.Print("NOTIFY: SpawnOwnPlayer Ready started"); _globals = GetNode <Globals>("/root/Globals"); if (_globals.PlayingAsHost) { GD.Print("NOTIFY: SpawnOwnPlayer as Host"); PackedScene playerScene = ResourceLoader.Load <PackedScene>(_playerPath); KinematicBody player = playerScene?.Instance() as KinematicBody; if (player == null) { return; } CallDeferred("add_child", player); _globals.OwnPlayerBody = player; player.Name = _globals.HostId.ToString(); Transform playerTransform = player.Transform; playerTransform.origin = DefaultSpawnPos; player.Transform = playerTransform; } else { GD.Print("NOTIFY: SpawnOwnPlayer as Client, sending"); var packet = Utils.GetSpawnBytes(true, _globals.OwnId.ToString(), ActionType.PlayerSpawn, DefaultSpawnPos); SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(_globals.HostId, packet, (uint)packet.Length, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable); } }
public override bool StartClient() { serverUser = new User(new CSteamID(ConnectToSteamID)); #if UNITY_SERVER if (SteamGameServerNetworking.SendP2PPacket(serverUser.SteamId, new byte[] { 0 }, 1, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable, (int)InternalChannelType.Connect)) #else if (SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(serverUser.SteamId, new byte[] { 0 }, 1, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable, (int)InternalChannelType.Connect)) #endif { _p2PSessionConnectFailCallback = Callback <P2PSessionConnectFail_t> .Create((sessionConnectFailInfo) => { OnP2PSessionConnectFail(sessionConnectFailInfo); }); } else { P2PSessionConnectFail_t sessionConnectFailInfo = new P2PSessionConnectFail_t() { m_eP2PSessionError = (byte)EP2PSessionError.k_EP2PSessionErrorMax, m_steamIDRemote = serverUser.SteamId }; OnP2PSessionConnectFail(sessionConnectFailInfo); return(false); } return(true); }
public static void SendRpc(ushort objId, string method, object[] data, netvrkTargets targets, int channel = 0) { if (!isConnected) { Debug.LogWarning("netVRk: Can not send RPCs when not connected!"); return; } int methodId = GetObjMethodId(objId, method); if (methodId < 0) { Debug.LogError("netVRk: Rpc method: " + method + " not found!"); return; } byte[] bytes = netvrkSerialization.SerializeRpc(objId, (byte)methodId, data); for (int i = 0; i < playerList.Count; i++) { SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(playerList[i].SteamId, bytes, (uint)bytes.Length, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable, channel); } if (targets == netvrkTargets.All) { ObjData objData = objList[objId]; objData.rpcMethods[methodId].Invoke(objData.scripts[methodId], data); } }
void SendPacket(CSteamID id, byte[] msg, uint size, EP2PSend reliability = EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable) { if (!SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(id, msg, size, reliability)) { Debug.LogAssertion("Failed to send Steam packet!"); } }
public static void Instantiate(string prefabName, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, int channel = 0, params object[] data) { if (!isConnected) { Debug.LogWarning("netVRk: Can not instantiate over the network when not connected!"); return; } GameObject go = (GameObject)Resources.Load(prefabName); netvrkView view = go.GetComponent <netvrkView>(); if (view == null) { Debug.LogError("netVRk: Can not instantiate object '" + prefabName + "' because its missing a netvtkView component!"); return; } object[] internalData = new object[data.Length + 3]; internalData[0] = position; internalData[1] = rotation.eulerAngles; internalData[2] = prefabName; Array.Copy(data, 0, internalData, 3, data.Length); byte[] bytes = netvrkSerialization.SerializeInternal((byte)InternalMethod.InstantiatePrefab, internalData); for (int i = 0; i < playerList.Count; i++) { SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(playerList[i].SteamId, bytes, (uint)bytes.Length, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable, channel); } GameObject instanceGo = Instantiate(go, position, rotation); netvrkView netView = instanceGo.GetComponent <netvrkView>(); netView.owner = localClient; netView.instantiateData = data; }
private void Update() { if (!isstarted) { return; } if ((LocalFrameNum - PassedFrameNum) < 5) { if (!RToggle.isOn) { RToggle.isOn = true; } LocalCurrentLength += Time.unscaledDeltaTime; } else { RToggle.isOn = false; LocalCurrentLength += Time.unscaledDeltaTime / 4; } while (LocalCurrentLength >= LocalFrameLength) { Data2S Fd2s = new Data2S(); Fd2s.frameNum = LocalFrameNum; Fd2s.clientNum = Sender.clientNum; Fd2s.clickDatas = L2S; Bond.IO.Safe.OutputBuffer ob = new Bond.IO.Safe.OutputBuffer(64); Bond.Protocols.FastBinaryWriter <Bond.IO.Safe.OutputBuffer> bof = new Bond.Protocols.FastBinaryWriter <Bond.IO.Safe.OutputBuffer>(ob); Serialize.To(bof, Fd2s); ///NetworkTransport.Send(Sender.HSID, Sender.CNID, channelID, ob.Data.Array, ob.Data.Array.Length, out error); byte[] sendBytes = new byte[ob.Data.Array.Length + 1]; sendBytes[0] = (byte)0; ob.Data.Array.CopyTo(sendBytes, 1); for (int i = 0; i < Sender.TOmb.Length; i++) { if (i != Sender.clientNum) { SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(Sender.TOmb[i], sendBytes, (uint)sendBytes.Length, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable); } } int a = LocalFrameNum - PassedFrameNum - 1; theLL.addat(a, Sender.clientNum, L2S); //Debug.Log("吃!"); if (Sender.isTesting) { theLL.addat(a, 1, L2S); } if (Time.timeScale < 0.6 && theLL.Numready(3)) { //isstarted = false; Time.timeScale = 1; Debug.Log("TimeScale set to 1 by Update"); } // L2S.Clear(); //buffer2s = new byte[1024]; LocalCurrentLength -= LocalFrameLength; //Debug.Log("Wey: " + LocalFrameNum); LocalFrameNum++; } }
//*********************************** shared stuff /** * Send data to peer. * Use this to send data from one connection to another using the connectionId. Place the data to be sent in the function as a byte array. */ private bool Send(SteamClient steamclient, byte[] buffer, int steamChannel, int sendType) { if (buffer == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("send buffer is not initialized"); } if (sendType >= sendMethods.Length) { Debug.LogError("Trying to use an unknown method to send data"); return(false); } if (steamclient.state != SteamClient.ConnectionState.CONNECTED) { Debug.LogError("Trying to send data on client thats not connected. Current State: " + steamclient.state); return(false); } if (SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(steamclient.steamID, buffer, (uint)buffer.Length, sendMethods[sendType], steamChannel)) { return(true); } else { Debug.LogError("Error sending data over steam on connection " + steamclient.connectionID); return(false); } }
public static void SendPacketToPlayer(CSteamID player, string RPCName, byte[] data, bool isTCP = false, bool ignoreID = false) { if (!SteamManager.Initialized || LobbyHelper.otherPlayers.Count == 0) { return; } byte[] stringBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(RPCName); byte[] allData = new byte[stringBytes.Length + 3 + 10 + data.Length]; if (allData.Length >= 1200) { Debug.LogError("Packet's over max size!"); } BitConverter.GetBytes(GlobalPacketID).CopyTo(allData, 0); BitConverter.GetBytes((UInt16)(ignoreID ? 0 : 1)).CopyTo(allData, 8); ; stringBytes.CopyTo(allData, 10); allData[stringBytes.Length + 10] = 0; data.CopyTo(allData, stringBytes.Length + 11); SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(player, allData, (uint)allData.Length, isTCP ? EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable : EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendUnreliable); }
public override void Send(ulong clientId, ArraySegment <byte> data, string channelName) { if (!channelNameToId.ContainsKey(channelName)) { if (NetworkingManager.Singleton.LogLevel <= LogLevel.Error) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("SteamP2PTransport - Can't Send to client, channel with channelName: " + channelName + " is not present"); } return; } int channelId = channelNameToId[channelName]; EP2PSend sendType = channelSendTypes[channelId]; bool test = true; if (clientId == ServerClientId && !test) { SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(serverUser.SteamId, data.Array, (uint)data.Count, sendType, channelId); } else { if (connectedUsers.ContainsKey(clientId)) { SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(connectedUsers[clientId].SteamId, data.Array, (uint)data.Count, sendType, channelId); } else { if (NetworkingManager.Singleton.LogLevel <= LogLevel.Error) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("SteamP2PTransport - Can't Send to client, client not connected, clientId: " + clientId); } } } }
public void SendEnd(EndData se) { if (!started || Learning) { return; } Learning = true; WaitingSkillLevels = true; Debug.Log("Round++,Now:" + RoundNow); //sts = se; Src[Sender.clientNum] = se; SLtb[Sender.clientNum] = true; Debug.Log("End Message " + Sender.clientNum + " Set"); EndingCompare(); Bond.IO.Safe.OutputBuffer ob2 = new Bond.IO.Safe.OutputBuffer(128); Bond.Protocols.CompactBinaryWriter <Bond.IO.Safe.OutputBuffer> boc = new Bond.Protocols.CompactBinaryWriter <Bond.IO.Safe.OutputBuffer>(ob2); Serialize.To(boc, se); byte[] sendBytes = new byte[ob2.Data.Array.Length + 1]; sendBytes[0] = (byte)2; ob2.Data.Array.CopyTo(sendBytes, 1); foreach (CSteamID i in TOmb) { if (i != SteamUser.GetSteamID()) { SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(i, sendBytes, (uint)sendBytes.Length, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable); } } Debug.Log("End Sent"); TotalRounds = int.Parse(SteamMatchmaking.GetLobbyData(Sender.roomid, "Total_Rounds")); LearnTime = int.Parse(SteamMatchmaking.GetLobbyData(Sender.roomid, "Learn_Time")); }
private void PacketSenderJob() //TODO: Calculate processor ticks of packet merging and recalculate sendDelay { while (true) { if (_unreliablePackets.Count > 0) { var packetData = PacketMerger.GetMergedPacketData(_unreliablePackets, MAX_UNRELIABLE_PACKET_SIZE); SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(SteamClient.SteamId, packetData, packetData.Length, 0, P2PSend.UnreliableNoDelay); _unreliablePackets.Clear(); } if (_reliablePackets.Count > 0) { var packetData = PacketMerger.GetMergedPacketData(_reliablePackets, MAX_RELIABLE_PACKET_SIZE); SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(SteamClient.SteamId, packetData, packetData.Length); _reliablePackets.Clear(); } Thread.Sleep(_sendingDelay); } }
public void LobbyEntered(LobbyEnter_t enterLobby) { connectedPlayers.Clear(); otherPlayers.Clear(); ResetManagers(); { if (!(RainWorldHK.mainRW.processManager.currentMainLoop is SteamMultiplayerMenu)) { ProcessManagerHK.ImmediateSwitchCustom(RainWorldHK.mainRW.processManager, new SteamMultiplayerMenu(RainWorldHK.mainRW.processManager)); } } joining = false; lobbyID = (CSteamID)enterLobby.m_ulSteamIDLobby; int playerCount = SteamMatchmaking.GetNumLobbyMembers((CSteamID)enterLobby.m_ulSteamIDLobby); MultiplayerChat.AddChat("Entered Lobby!"); //Send packets to all players, to establish P2P connections with them if (playerCount > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < playerCount; i++) { CSteamID lobbyMember = SteamMatchmaking.GetLobbyMemberByIndex(lobbyID, i); SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(lobbyMember, new byte[] { 255 }, 1, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable, 0); SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(lobbyMember, new byte[] { 255 }, 1, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable, 1); SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(lobbyMember, new byte[] { 255 }, 1, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable, 2); if (!connectedPlayers.Contains(lobbyMember.m_SteamID)) { connectedPlayers.Add(lobbyMember.m_SteamID); PlayerJoinedManagers(lobbyMember.m_SteamID); } if (lobbyMember != SteamUser.GetSteamID()) { otherPlayers.Add(lobbyMember.m_SteamID); } } } //Set up network data NetworkGameManager.managerID = ulong.Parse(SteamMatchmaking.GetLobbyData(lobbyID, MANAGER_ID)); NetworkGameManager.playerID = SteamUser.GetSteamID().m_SteamID; if (NetworkGameManager.managerID != NetworkGameManager.playerID) { lobbyInfo = new LobbyInfo((CSteamID)enterLobby.m_ulSteamIDLobby); lobbyInfo.UpdateLobbyInfo((CSteamID)enterLobby.m_ulSteamIDLobby); lobbyInfo.owner = new CSteamID(NetworkGameManager.managerID); } if (!connectedPlayers.Contains(SteamUser.GetSteamID().m_SteamID)) { connectedPlayers.Add(SteamUser.GetSteamID().m_SteamID); PlayerJoinedManagers(SteamUser.GetSteamID().m_SteamID); } MultiplayerChat.AddChat("This game's manager is " + SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName((CSteamID)NetworkGameManager.managerID)); isInGame = true; Log("Entered Lobby! \nThis game's manager is " + SteamFriends.GetFriendPersonaName((CSteamID)NetworkGameManager.managerID)); }
public override void DisconnectLocalClient() { if (LogHelper.CurrentLogLevel <= LogLevel.Developer) { LogHelper.LogInfo("SteamP2PTransport - DisconnectLocalClient"); } SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(serverUser.SteamId, new byte[] { 0 }, 1, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable, (int)InternalChannelType.Disconnect); }
protected void Send(CSteamID host, byte[] msgBuffer, EP2PSend sendType) { if (!SteamManager.Initialized) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("Steamworks"); } SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(host, msgBuffer, (uint)msgBuffer.Length, sendType, (int)SteamChannels.SEND_DATA); }
protected void SendInternal(CSteamID host, byte[] msgBuffer) { if (!SteamManager.Initialized) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("Steamworks"); } SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(host, msgBuffer, (uint)msgBuffer.Length, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable, (int)SteamChannels.SEND_INTERNAL); }
private bool SendP2PPacket(bool isServer, CSteamID id, byte[] data, int length, EP2PSend mode) { if (isServer) { return(SteamGameServerNetworking.SendP2PPacket(id, data, (uint)length, mode, 0)); } return(SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(id, data, (uint)length, mode, 0)); }
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { if (offset != 0) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(new CSteamID(, buffer, (uint)count, EP2PSend.k_EP2PSendReliable, 0); }
protected void SendInternal(SteamId host, byte[] msgBuffer) { if (!Steamworks.SteamClient.IsValid) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("Steamworks"); } SteamNetworking.SendP2PPacket(host, msgBuffer, msgBuffer.Length, (int)SteamChannels.SEND_INTERNAL, P2PSend.Reliable); }