コード例 #1
    public void RenderOnGUI()
        GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(Screen.width - 200, 0, 200, Screen.height));
        GUILayout.Label("m_Init: " + m_Init);
        GUILayout.Label("m_HHTMLBrowser: " + m_HHTMLBrowser);
        GUILayout.Label("m_URL: " + m_URL);
        GUILayout.Label("m_Texture: " + m_Texture);
        GUILayout.Label("m_Width: " + m_Width);
        GUILayout.Label("m_Height: " + m_Height);
        GUILayout.Label("m_CanGoBack: " + m_CanGoBack);
        GUILayout.Label("m_CanGoForward: " + m_CanGoForward);
        GUILayout.Label("m_Rect: " + m_Rect);
        GUILayout.Label("m_LastMousePos: " + m_LastMousePos);
        GUILayout.Label("m_VerticalScrollMax: " + m_VerticalScrollMax);
        GUILayout.Label("m_VeritcalScrollCurrent: " + m_VeritcalScrollCurrent);
        GUILayout.Label("m_HorizontalScrollMax: " + m_HorizontalScrollMax);
        GUILayout.Label("m_HorizontalScrollCurrent: " + m_HorizontalScrollCurrent);
        GUILayout.Label("m_SetKeyFocus: " + m_SetKeyFocus);
        GUILayout.Label("m_Find: " + m_Find);
        GUILayout.Label("m_CurrentlyInFind: " + m_CurrentlyInFind);
        GUILayout.Label("m_ScaleFactor: " + m_ScaleFactor);
        GUILayout.Label("m_BackgroundMode: " + m_BackgroundMode);

        if (m_Texture)
            GUI.DrawTexture(m_Rect, m_Texture);

        if (!m_Init)
            GUILayout.Label("SteamHTMLSurface.Init() returned false");

        //SteamHTMLSurface.Init() // N/A - Called in OnEnable

        //SteamHTMLSurface.Shutdown() // N/A - Called in OnDisable

        if (GUILayout.Button("CreateBrowser(\"SpaceWars Test\", null)"))
            RemoveBrowser();             // Remove an old browser if it exists.
            SteamAPICall_t handle = SteamHTMLSurface.CreateBrowser("SpaceWars Test", null);
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.CreateBrowser(" + "\"SpaceWars Test\"" + ", " + null + ") : " + handle);

        if (GUILayout.Button("RemoveBrowser(m_HHTMLBrowser)"))

        m_URL = GUILayout.TextField(m_URL);
        if (GUILayout.Button("LoadURL(m_HHTMLBrowser, m_URL, null)"))
            SteamHTMLSurface.LoadURL(m_HHTMLBrowser, m_URL, null);
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.LoadURL(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ", " + m_URL + ", " + null + ")");

        if (GUILayout.Button("SetSize(m_HHTMLBrowser, m_Width, m_Height)"))
            m_Width   = (uint)Screen.width - WidthOffset;
            m_Height  = (uint)Screen.height - HeightOffset;
            m_Rect    = new Rect(WidthOffset, m_Height + HeightOffset, m_Width, -m_Height);          // This flips the viewport since Unity renders textures upside down.
            m_Texture = null;
            SteamHTMLSurface.SetSize(m_HHTMLBrowser, m_Width, m_Height);
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.SetSize(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ", " + m_Width + ", " + m_Height + ")");

        if (GUILayout.Button("StopLoad(m_HHTMLBrowser)"))
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.StopLoad(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ")");

        if (GUILayout.Button("Reload(m_HHTMLBrowser)"))
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.Reload(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ")");

        GUI.enabled = m_CanGoBack;
        if (GUILayout.Button("GoBack(m_HHTMLBrowser)"))
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.GoBack(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ")");

        GUI.enabled = m_CanGoForward;
        if (GUILayout.Button("GoForward(m_HHTMLBrowser)"))
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.GoForward(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ")");

        GUI.enabled = true;
        if (GUILayout.Button("AddHeader(m_HHTMLBrowser, \"From\", \"[email protected]\")"))
            SteamHTMLSurface.AddHeader(m_HHTMLBrowser, "From", "*****@*****.**");
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.AddHeader(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ", " + "\"From\"" + ", " + "\"[email protected]\"" + ")");

        if (GUILayout.Button("ExecuteJavascript(m_HHTMLBrowser, \"window.alert('Test');\")"))
            SteamHTMLSurface.ExecuteJavascript(m_HHTMLBrowser, "window.alert('Test');");
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.ExecuteJavascript(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ", " + "\"window.alert('Test');\"" + ")");

        //SteamHTMLSurface.MouseUp() // All interaction calls are dealt with at the end of OnGUI

        //SteamHTMLSurface.MouseDown() // All interaction calls are dealt with at the end of OnGUI

        //SteamHTMLSurface.MouseDoubleClick() // All interaction calls are dealt with at the end of OnGUI

        //SteamHTMLSurface.MouseMove() // All interaction calls are dealt with at the end of OnGUI

        //SteamHTMLSurface.MouseWheel() // All interaction calls are dealt with at the end of OnGUI

        //SteamHTMLSurface.KeyDown() // All interaction calls are dealt with at the end of OnGUI

        //SteamHTMLSurface.KeyUp() // All interaction calls are dealt with at the end of OnGUI

        //SteamHTMLSurface.KeyChar() // All interaction calls are dealt with at the end of OnGUI

        //SteamHTMLSurface.SetHorizontalScroll() // All interaction calls are dealt with at the end of OnGUI

        //SteamHTMLSurface.SetVerticalScroll() // All interaction calls are dealt with at the end of OnGUI

        if (GUILayout.Button("SetKeyFocus(m_HHTMLBrowser, !m_SetKeyFocus)"))
            SteamHTMLSurface.SetKeyFocus(m_HHTMLBrowser, !m_SetKeyFocus);
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.SetKeyFocus(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ", " + !m_SetKeyFocus + ")");
            m_SetKeyFocus = !m_SetKeyFocus;

        if (GUILayout.Button("ViewSource(m_HHTMLBrowser)"))
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.ViewSource(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ")");

        if (GUILayout.Button("CopyToClipboard(m_HHTMLBrowser)"))
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.CopyToClipboard(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ")");

        if (GUILayout.Button("PasteFromClipboard(m_HHTMLBrowser)"))
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.PasteFromClipboard(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ")");

        m_Find = GUILayout.TextField(m_Find);
        if (GUILayout.Button("Find(m_HHTMLBrowser, m_Find, m_CurrentlyInFind, false)"))
            SteamHTMLSurface.Find(m_HHTMLBrowser, m_Find, m_CurrentlyInFind, false);
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.Find(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ", " + m_Find + ", " + m_CurrentlyInFind + ", " + false + ")");
            m_CurrentlyInFind = true;

        if (GUILayout.Button("StopFind(m_HHTMLBrowser)"))
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.StopFind(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ")");
            m_CurrentlyInFind = false;

        if (GUILayout.Button("GetLinkAtPosition(m_HHTMLBrowser, (500 - WidthOffset), (120 - HeightOffset))"))
            SteamHTMLSurface.GetLinkAtPosition(m_HHTMLBrowser, (500 - WidthOffset), (120 - HeightOffset));
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.GetLinkAtPosition(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ", " + (500 - WidthOffset) + ", " + (120 - HeightOffset) + ")");

        if (GUILayout.Button("SetCookie(m_URL, \"testcookiekey\", \"testcookievalue\")"))
            // Use with http://httpbin.org/cookies
            SteamHTMLSurface.SetCookie(m_URL, "testcookiekey", "testcookievalue");
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.SetCookie(" + m_URL + ", " + "\"testcookiekey\"" + ", " + "\"testcookievalue\"" + ")");

        m_ScaleFactor = GUILayout.HorizontalScrollbar(m_ScaleFactor, 0.25f, 0f, 2f);
        if (GUILayout.Button("SetPageScaleFactor(m_HHTMLBrowser, m_ScaleFactor, 0, 0)"))
            SteamHTMLSurface.SetPageScaleFactor(m_HHTMLBrowser, m_ScaleFactor, 0, 0);
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.SetPageScaleFactor(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ", " + m_ScaleFactor + ", " + 0 + ", " + 0 + ")");

        if (GUILayout.Button("SetBackgroundMode(m_HHTMLBrowser, m_BackgroundMode)"))
            SteamHTMLSurface.SetBackgroundMode(m_HHTMLBrowser, m_BackgroundMode);
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.SetBackgroundMode(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ", " + m_BackgroundMode + ")");
            m_BackgroundMode = !m_BackgroundMode;

        if (GUILayout.Button("SetDPIScalingFactor(m_HHTMLBrowser, 1.0f)"))
            SteamHTMLSurface.SetDPIScalingFactor(m_HHTMLBrowser, 1.0f);
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.SetDPIScalingFactor(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ", " + 1.0f + ")");

        if (GUILayout.Button("OpenDeveloperTools(m_HHTMLBrowser)"))
            print("SteamHTMLSurface.OpenDeveloperTools(" + m_HHTMLBrowser + ")");

        //SteamHTMLSurface.AllowStartRequest() // ['N/A - You MUST call this in response to a HTML_StartRequest_t callback']

        //SteamHTMLSurface.JSDialogResponse() // [' N/A - You MUST call this in response to a HTML_JSAlert_t or HTML_JSConfirm_t callback']

        //SteamHTMLSurface.FileLoadDialogResponse() // N/A - You MUST call this in response to a HTML_FileOpenDialog_t callback

        if (m_HHTMLBrowser == HHTMLBrowser.Invalid)

        // We set the moust position before checking for mouse presses just incase the mouse moved in the same OnGUI frame as a mouse press.
        Event e = Event.current;

        if (e.mousePosition != m_LastMousePos)
            if ((e.mousePosition.x >= WidthOffset && e.mousePosition.x <= m_Width + WidthOffset) && (e.mousePosition.y >= HeightOffset && e.mousePosition.y <= m_Height + HeightOffset))
                m_LastMousePos = e.mousePosition;
                SteamHTMLSurface.MouseMove(m_HHTMLBrowser, (int)(e.mousePosition.x - WidthOffset), (int)(e.mousePosition.y - HeightOffset));

        //virtual void MouseDoubleClick( HHTMLBrowser unBrowserHandle, EHTMLMouseButton eMouseButton ) = 0; //TODO
        switch (e.type)
        case EventType.MouseDown:
            SteamHTMLSurface.MouseDown(m_HHTMLBrowser, (EHTMLMouseButton)e.button);

        case EventType.MouseUp:
            SteamHTMLSurface.MouseUp(m_HHTMLBrowser, (EHTMLMouseButton)e.button);

        case EventType.ScrollWheel:
            SteamHTMLSurface.MouseWheel(m_HHTMLBrowser, (int)(-e.delta.y * 100));

        case EventType.KeyDown:
            //print("KeyDown: " + e.keyCode + " - " + (int)e.character + " - " + e.character);
            EHTMLKeyModifiers modifiers = EHTMLKeyModifiers.k_eHTMLKeyModifier_None;
            if (e.alt)
                modifiers = modifiers | EHTMLKeyModifiers.k_eHTMLKeyModifier_AltDown;
            if (e.shift)
                modifiers = modifiers | EHTMLKeyModifiers.k_eHTMLKeyModifier_ShiftDown;
            if (e.control)
                modifiers = modifiers | EHTMLKeyModifiers.k_eHTMLKeyModifier_CtrlDown;

            if (e.keyCode != KeyCode.None)
                SteamHTMLSurface.KeyDown(m_HHTMLBrowser, (uint)e.keyCode, modifiers);
            if (e.character != 0)
                SteamHTMLSurface.KeyChar(m_HHTMLBrowser, (uint)e.character, modifiers);

            if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.DownArrow)
                m_VeritcalScrollCurrent = System.Math.Min(m_VeritcalScrollCurrent + 100, m_VerticalScrollMax);
                SteamHTMLSurface.SetVerticalScroll(m_HHTMLBrowser, m_VeritcalScrollCurrent);
            else if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.UpArrow)
                if (m_VeritcalScrollCurrent - 100 > m_VeritcalScrollCurrent)                         // Underflow
                    m_VeritcalScrollCurrent = 0;
                    m_VeritcalScrollCurrent -= 100;
                SteamHTMLSurface.SetVerticalScroll(m_HHTMLBrowser, m_VeritcalScrollCurrent);
            else if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.RightArrow)
                m_HorizontalScrollCurrent = System.Math.Min(m_HorizontalScrollCurrent + 100, m_HorizontalScrollMax);
                SteamHTMLSurface.SetHorizontalScroll(m_HHTMLBrowser, m_HorizontalScrollCurrent);
            else if (e.keyCode == KeyCode.LeftArrow)
                if (m_HorizontalScrollCurrent - 100 > m_HorizontalScrollCurrent)                         // Underflow
                    m_HorizontalScrollCurrent = 0;
                    m_HorizontalScrollCurrent -= 100;
                SteamHTMLSurface.SetHorizontalScroll(m_HHTMLBrowser, m_HorizontalScrollCurrent);

        case EventType.KeyUp:
            //print("KeyUp: " + e.keyCode + " - " + (int)e.character + " - " + e.character);
            modifiers = EHTMLKeyModifiers.k_eHTMLKeyModifier_None;
            if (e.alt)
                modifiers = modifiers | EHTMLKeyModifiers.k_eHTMLKeyModifier_AltDown;
            if (e.shift)
                modifiers = modifiers | EHTMLKeyModifiers.k_eHTMLKeyModifier_ShiftDown;
            if (e.control)
                modifiers = modifiers | EHTMLKeyModifiers.k_eHTMLKeyModifier_CtrlDown;

            if (e.keyCode != KeyCode.None)
                SteamHTMLSurface.KeyUp(m_HHTMLBrowser, (uint)e.keyCode, modifiers);