public Item GetBounty() { active = false; var item = ItemsList.GetItemByLvl(Game.maxDungeonLevel + (Game.player.perksSystem.CheckPerk(PerksList.luckPerk) ? 2 : 0)); StatusLine.AddLine(" " + " You got in the chest: " +; return(item); }
public void Attack(Persona persona) { StatusLine.AddLine(" " + name + " attack " +; persona.ReceiveAttack(attack, this); if (this is Player) { if (Game.player.perksSystem.CheckPerk(PerksList.doubleAttackPerk) && (persona.helth > 0)) { StatusLine.AddLine(" " + + " do double attack"); persona.ReceiveAttack(attack, this); } } }
static public void HuricaneBlast() { for (int i = -3; i < 4; ++i) { for (int j = -3; j < 4; ++j) { var enemy = + i, (int)Game.player.GetPosition().Y + j); if (enemy != null) { StatusLine.AddLine(" You use Huricane Blast on " +; enemy.ReceiveAttack(Game.player.specification.spellPower * 2, Game.player); } } } }
static public void EchoStun() { for (int i = -1; i < 2; ++i) { for (int j = -1; j < 2; ++j) { var enemy = + i, (int)Game.player.GetPosition().Y + j); if (enemy != null) { StatusLine.AddLine(" You stun: " +; enemy.inStun = true; } } } }
public void Cast() { if ( != "Empty magic") { if (Game.player.mana >= cost) { Game.player.mana -= cost; castDelegate(); StatusLine.AddLine(" You use magic: " + name + " for " + cost + " mana"); } else { StatusLine.AddLine(" You dont have enough mana for: " + name); } } }
static public void MeteorFlame() { for (int i = -1; i < 2; ++i) { for (int j = -1; j < 2; ++j) { var enemy = + i, (int)Game.player.GetPosition().Y + j); if (enemy != null) { StatusLine.AddLine(" You use Meteor Flame on" +; enemy.inStun = true; enemy.ReceiveAttack(Game.player.specification.spellPower, Game.player); } } } }
public void Update() { if (inStun) { StatusLine.AddLine(" " + name + " in stun"); inStun = false; } else { if (CheckPlayer()) { Attack(Game.player); } else { int value = DungeonGenerator.random.Next(0, 4); switch (value) { case 0: MoveUp(); break; case 1: MoveRight(); break; case 2: MoveDown(); break; case 3: MoveLeft(); break; } } } }
public void Update() { if (inStun) { StatusLine.AddLine(" " + name + " in stun"); inStun = false; isMove = true; } else { isMove = false; Console.SetCursorPosition(1, 1); char command = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar; switch (command) { case 'w': case 'W': isMove = true; AllChecks((int)position.X - 1, (int)position.Y); MoveUp(); break; case 'd': case 'D': isMove = true; AllChecks((int)position.X, (int)position.Y + 1); MoveRight(); break; case 's': case 'S': isMove = true; AllChecks((int)position.X + 1, (int)position.Y); MoveDown(); break; case 'a': case 'A': isMove = true; AllChecks((int)position.X, (int)position.Y - 1); MoveLeft(); break; case 'i': case 'I': inventory.OpenInventory(); break; case 'u': case 'U': specification.LevelUp(); break; case 'p': case 'P': perksSystem.ShowPerks(); break; case 'q': case 'Q': if (magicSystem.activeMagic != null) { magicSystem.activeMagic.Cast(); } break; case 'm': case 'M': magicSystem.ShowMagics(); break; } } Console.SetCursorPosition(1, 1); Console.Write(" "); Draw(); }
public void ReceiveAttack(int attack, Persona whoMadeAttack) { if (DungeonGenerator.random.Next(0, 100) > whoMadeAttack.accuracy) { StatusLine.AddLine(" " + + " miss on " + name); } else { if (DungeonGenerator.random.Next(0, 100) < evasion) { StatusLine.AddLine(" " + name + " dodged an attack"); } else { if ((this is Player) && Game.player.perksSystem.CheckPerk(PerksList.doubleMissPerk) && (DungeonGenerator.random.Next(0, 100) < evasion)) { StatusLine.AddLine(" " + name + " dodged an attack due to perk"); } else { int damage = attack - blocking; if (damage < 0) { damage = 0; } StatusLine.AddLine(" " + + " hit " + name); if (DungeonGenerator.random.Next(0, 100) < whoMadeAttack.criticalChance) { StatusLine.AddLine(" " + + " critical hit on " + name); damage *= 2; } StatusLine.AddLine(" " + name + " received damage " + damage); if (damage > 0) { helth -= damage; } StatusLine.AddLine(" " + name + " has helth: " + ((helth >= 0) ? Convert.ToString(helth) : "0")); if (helth <= 0) { StatusLine.AddLine(" " + name + " killed"); if (!(this is Player)) { int expectedExp = (this as Enemy).expectedExp; int expectedGold = (this as Enemy).expectedGold; if (Game.player.perksSystem.CheckPerk(PerksList.receiverPerk)) { expectedExp += (int)(expectedExp * 0.2); expectedGold += (int)(expectedGold * 0.2); } Game.player.specification.currentExp += expectedExp; Game.player.currentGold += expectedGold; if (Game.player.specification.currentExp >= Game.player.specification.maxExp) { ++Game.player.specification.levelPoint; ++Game.player.specification.level; int remainder = Game.player.specification.currentExp - Game.player.specification.maxExp; Game.player.specification.currentExp = remainder; Game.player.specification.maxExp += 5; } StatusLine.AddLine(" " + + " received experience: " + expectedExp + ", gold: " + expectedGold); if ( == "Diablo") { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(" YOU KILL DIABLO, YOU ARE THE BEST"); Console.ReadKey(); Game.EndGame(true); } if (Game.player.perksSystem.CheckPerk(PerksList.cannibalPerk)) { int canHeal = (int)(Game.player.maxHelth * 0.2); Game.player.helth += canHeal; if (Game.player.helth > Game.player.maxHelth) { Game.player.helth = Game.player.maxHelth; } StatusLine.AddLine(" " + + " after kill " + + " heal " + canHeal); } } else { (this as Player).isDead = true; Console.Clear(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(" You are dead. Game Over."); Console.ReadKey(); Game.EndGame(); } if (this is Enemy) { as Enemy); } } } } } }