private static void StoreConsent(MyGuiScreenMessageBox.ResultEnum confirmationResult, bool consent, Action continuation) { if (confirmationResult != MyGuiScreenMessageBox.ResultEnum.YES) { return; } if (ConsentRequested && consent == ConsentGiven) { continuation?.Invoke(); return; } if (!StatsClient.Consent(consent)) { LogFile.WriteLine("Failed to register player consent on statistics server"); return; } var config = Main.Instance.Config; config.DataHandlingConsentDate = Tools.Tools.FormatDateIso8601(DateTime.Today); config.DataHandlingConsent = consent; config.Save(); if (consent) { StatsClient.Track(Main.Instance.TrackablePluginIds); } OnConsentChanged?.Invoke(); continuation?.Invoke(); }
private void ReportEnabledPlugins() { if (!PlayerConsent.ConsentGiven) { return; } Splash.SetText("Reporting plugin usage..."); LogFile.WriteLine("Reporting plugin usage"); // Config has already been validated at this point so all enabled plugins will have list items // FIXME: Move into a background thread if (StatsClient.Track(TrackablePluginIds)) { LogFile.WriteLine("List of enabled plugins has been sent to the statistics server"); } else { LogFile.WriteLine("Failed to send the list of enabled plugins to the statistics server"); } }