コード例 #1
        //public double psiM2 { get; set; }

        public override IDictionary <string, object> BuildResultsForDisplay()
            var dict = base.BuildResultsForDisplay();

            dict.Add("Bdelta", Bdelta);
            dict.Add("phiD", phiD);
            dict.Add("gammaM", gammaM);
            dict.Add("phiM", phiM);
            dict.Add("phib", phib);
            dict.Add("phiFe", phiFe);
            dict.Add("FM", FM);
            dict.Add("BM", BM);
            dict.Add("HM", HM);
            dict.Add("PC", pc);
            dict.Add("Fz", Fz);
            dict.Add("Fy", Fy);
            dict.Add("Bz", Bz);
            dict.Add("By", By);
            dict.Add("kPMz", kPMz);
            dict.Add("kPMy", kPMy);
            dict.Add("wd", wd);
            dict.Add("psiM (max)", psiM);
            //dict.Add("psiM2", psiM2);
            dict.Add("Ld", Ld);
            dict.Add("Lq", Lq);
            dict.Add("LL", LL);
            dict.Add("R", R);
            dict.Add("psiM/Ld", psiM / Ld);//maximum
            Stator3Phase stator = Analyser.Motor.Stator as Stator3Phase;

            if (stator != null)
                double Jrequired = psiM / Ld / (stator.WireDiameter * stator.WireDiameter / 4 * Math.PI) / Math.Sqrt(2);
                dict.Add("psiM/Ld/Swire (rms)", Jrequired);
                dict.Add("length_one_turn", stator.wirelength_oneturn);
            dict.Add("Ikm", Ikm);

            dict.Add("L1", L1);
            dict.Add("L2", L2);

            dict.Add("dmin", dmin);
            dict.Add("dmax", dmax);

            double b1 = Bdelta * 4 / Math.PI * Math.Sin(gammaM * Math.PI / 180 / 2);
            double b3 = Bdelta * 4 / (Math.PI * 3) * Math.Sin(3 * gammaM * Math.PI / 180 / 2);

            dict.Add("Bd_1", b1);
            dict.Add("Bd_3", b3);

コード例 #2
        private void analyzeOne(DQCurrentPointData p)
            PMTransientAnalyser analyser = new PMTransientAnalyser();
            Stator3Phase        stator   = this.Motor.Stator as Stator3Phase;
            double id = p.idq.d;
            double iq = p.idq.q;

            analyser.Motor                = this.Motor;
            analyser.OutputPath           = this.Path_ToAnalysisVariant;
            analyser.Path_OriginalFEMFile = this.Path_OriginalFEMFile;
            analyser.AnalysisName         = string.Format("{0},{1}", p.index_d, p.index_q);

            analyser.StepCount = StepCount;
            double endtime = 1 / (BaseSpeed / 60 * Motor.Rotor.p);

            analyser.EndTime    = endtime;
            analyser.RotorSpeed = BaseSpeed;
            double beta = (id != 0) ? Math.Atan(iq / id) : Math.PI / 2;

            if (beta <= 0)
                beta = beta + Math.PI;
            double omega = BaseSpeed / 60 * 2 * Math.PI * Motor.Rotor.p;
            double II    = Math.Sqrt(id * id + iq * iq);

            analyser.StartAngle = stator.VectorMMFAngle - 360.0 / (Motor.Rotor.p * 2.0) / 2.0;
            analyser.IA         = string.Format("{0}*sin({1}*time+{2})", II, omega, beta);
            analyser.IB         = string.Format("{0}*sin({1}*time+{2}-2*pi/3)", II, omega, beta);
            analyser.IC         = string.Format("{0}*sin({1}*time+{2}+2*pi/3)", II, omega, beta);


            p.transientResult = analyser.Results as PMTransientResults;

            // release memory ocupied by coreloss
            p.transientResult.RotorCoreLossResults  = null;
            p.transientResult.StatorCoreLossResults = null;
            p.transientResult.Analyser = null;

コード例 #3
        private void measureData(FEMM femm)
            Stator3Phase         stator  = Motor.Stator as Stator3Phase;
            PM_ACAnalysisResults Results = this.Results as PM_ACAnalysisResults;

            //select block
            double r = (stator.xD + stator.xE) / 2;

            foreach (Stator3Phase.Coil sci in stator.coils)
                int i = stator.coils.IndexOf(sci);

                //angle go clockwise from 3 o'clock (=0 degree in decarter), shift +pi/Q (to match rotor)
                int    nn = stator.Q / (2 * Motor.Rotor.p);
                double aa = -2 * Math.PI * i / stator.Q + (nn % 2 == 0 ? Math.PI / stator.Q : 0);
                double x  = r * Math.Cos(aa);
                double y  = r * Math.Sin(aa);
                if (aa > -Motor.Rotor.alpha || aa < -2 * Math.PI + Motor.Rotor.alpha)
                    femm.mo_selectblock(x, y);

            double r2 = (stator.xF2 + stator.RGap) / 2;

            femm.mo_selectblock(r2, 0);

            // measure data
            double lossMagnetic  = femm.mo_blockintegral(FEMM.BlockIntegralType.Losses_Hysteresis);
            double lossResistive = femm.mo_blockintegral(FEMM.BlockIntegralType.Losses_Resistive);

            Results.coefficient_lossMagnetic  = lossMagnetic / (Current * Current * Freq * Freq);
            Results.coefficient_lossResistive = lossResistive / (Current * Current);//=3/2*R

            Results.freq    = Freq;
            Results.current = Current;
コード例 #4
        public override void RunAnalysis()
            int len = Barray.Length;
            // table phid-fz
            Vector <double> Fz_vector      = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => Harray[i] * lz);
            Vector <double> phid_Fz_vector = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => Barray[i] * Sz + Fz_vector[i] * Pslot);

            // table phid-fy
            Vector <double> Fy_vector      = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => Harray[i] * ly);
            Vector <double> phid_Fy_vector = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => Barray[i] * Sy);

            // reshape phid-fy, using interpolation to create new vector corresponding with phid_fy = phid_fz
            Vector <double> phid_vector = mybuilder.DenseOfVector(phid_Fz_vector);//same phid table for all

            LinearSpline    ls           = LinearSpline.Interpolate(phid_Fy_vector.ToArray(), Fy_vector.ToArray());
            Vector <double> eqvFy_vector = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => ls.Interpolate(phid_vector[i]));

            // table f_phid
            Vector <double> f_phid = mybuilder.Dense(len, i => phid_vector[i] / Pd + Fz_vector[i] + eqvFy_vector[i] - (phiR - phiHFe - phid_vector[i]) / (PM + PFe + Pb));

            var Results = new PMAnalyticalResults();

            Results.Analyser = this;
            this.Results     = Results;

            // calc phiD
            ls = LinearSpline.Interpolate(f_phid.ToArray(), phid_vector.ToArray());
            double phiD  = ls.Interpolate(0);
            double FM    = (phiR - phiHFe - phiD) / (PM + PFe + Pb);
            double phib  = FM * Pb;
            double phiFe = phiHFe + FM * PFe;
            double phiM  = phiD + phib + phiFe;

            ls = LinearSpline.Interpolate(phid_vector.ToArray(), Fz_vector.ToArray());
            double Fz = ls.Interpolate(phiD);

            ls = LinearSpline.Interpolate(phid_vector.ToArray(), eqvFy_vector.ToArray());
            double Fy = ls.Interpolate(phiD);

            double Bdelta = phiD / (L * wd * 1e-6);
            double BM     = phiM / (L * wm * 1e-6);
            double HM     = FM / (lm * 1e-3);
            double pc     = phiM / (PM * FM);

            double Bz = phiD / Sz;
            double By = phiD / Sy;

            double Vz   = Sz * lz;
            double Vy   = Sy * ly;
            double ro_  = 7800;//kg/m^3 - specific weight
            double kPMz = 1.3 * Bz * Bz * ro_ * Vz;
            double kPMy = 1.3 * By * By * ro_ * Vy;

            Results.kPMz = kPMz;
            Results.kPMy = kPMy;

            // assign results
            Results.phiD   = phiD;
            Results.Bdelta = Bdelta;
            Results.phiM   = phiM;
            Results.BM     = BM;
            Results.FM     = FM;
            Results.HM     = HM;
            Results.pc     = pc;
            Results.phib   = phib;
            Results.phiFe  = phiFe;
            Results.Fz     = Fz;
            Results.Fy     = Fy;
            Results.Bz     = Bz;
            Results.By     = By;
            Results.wd     = wd;
            Results.gammaM = gammaM;

            int    q  = Q / 3 / p / 2;
            double kp = Math.Sin(Math.PI / (2 * 3)) / (q * Math.Sin(Math.PI / (2 * 3 * q)));

            //Results.psiM = phiD * Nstrand * p * q * kp /*4 / Math.PI * Math.Sin(gammaM / 2 * Math.PI / 180)*/;

            // Ld, Lq

            //double In = 3;//Ampe whatever
            //double Fmm = q * kp * Nstrand * In;
            //double phidelta = (Fmm) / (1 / PMd + Fz / phiD + Fy / phiD) / 2;//2time,PMd=PM+Pdelta
            //double psi = phidelta * q * kp * Nstrand;
            //double LL = p * psi / In;

            //Results.LL = LL;
            //Results.Ld = 1.5 * LL;//M=-1/2L

            //phidelta = (Fmm) / (1 / PMq + Fz / phiD + Fy / phiD) / 2;//
            //psi = phidelta * q * kp * Nstrand;
            //LL = p * psi / In;
            //Results.Lq = 1.5 * LL;

            // Resistant
            Stator3Phase stator = Motor.Stator as Stator3Phase;

            Results.R = stator.resistancePhase;

            double delta2 = delta * 1.1;
            double ns     = 4 / Math.PI * kp * stator.NStrands * q;
            double dmin   = delta2;
            double alphaM = Motor.Rotor is VPMRotor ? (Motor.Rotor as VPMRotor).alphaM : 180;
            //double dmax = delta2 + lm / Math.Sin(alphaM);
            double dmax = delta2 + Constants.mu_0 * L * wd * 1e-3 * (1 / (PM + PFe + Pb) + Fy / phiD + Fz / phiD);//* wd / wm2 * ((VPMRotor)Motor.Rotor).mu_M;
            //double dmax = L * wd * 1e-3 * Constants.mu_0 / PMd;
            //double dmin2 = 1 / Math.PI * ((180 - gammaM) * dmin + gammaM * dmax) * Math.PI / 180 - 2 / Math.PI * Math.Sin(gammaM * Math.PI / 180) * (dmax - dmin);
            //double dmax2 = 1 / Math.PI * ((180 - gammaM) * dmin + gammaM * dmax) * Math.PI / 180 + 2 / Math.PI * Math.Sin(gammaM * Math.PI / 180) * (dmax - dmin);
            //double a1 = 0.5 * (1 / dmin2 + 1 / dmax2) * 1e3;
            //double a2 = 0.5 * (1 / dmin2 - 1 / dmax2) * 1e3;
            //double a1 = 0.5 * (dmin + dmax) / (dmin * dmax) * 1e3;
            //double a2 = 0.5 * (dmax - dmin) / (dmin * dmax) * 1e3;

            // test override

            double gm = gammaM * Math.PI / 180;
            double a1 = 1 / Math.PI * (gm / dmax + (Math.PI - gm) / dmin) * 1e3;
            double a2 = -2 / Math.PI * Math.Sin(gm) * (1 / dmax - 1 / dmin) * 1e3;
            double L1 = (ns / 2) * (ns / 2) * Math.PI * Motor.Rotor.RGap * Motor.GeneralParams.MotorLength * 1e-6 * a1 * 4 * Math.PI * 1e-7;
            double L2 = 0.5 * (ns / 2) * (ns / 2) * Math.PI * Motor.Rotor.RGap * Motor.GeneralParams.MotorLength * 1e-6 * a2 * 4 * Math.PI * 1e-7;

            Results.dmin = dmin;
            Results.dmax = dmax;
            Results.L1   = L1;
            Results.L2   = L2;
            Results.Ld   = 1.5 * (L1 - L2);
            Results.Lq   = 1.5 * (L1 + L2);

            double psim = 2 * Math.Sin(gammaM * Math.PI / 180 / 2) * ns * Bdelta * Motor.Rotor.RGap * Motor.GeneralParams.MotorLength * 1e-6;

            Results.psiM = psim;

            // current demagnetizing
            //Results.Ikm = 2 * phiR / PM / (kp * Nstrand * q); //old
            double hck = Motor.Rotor is VPMRotor ? (Motor.Rotor as VPMRotor).Hck : 0;

            Results.Ikm = Math.PI * (hck - HM) * lm * 1e-3 / (2 * q * Nstrand * kp);

            dataValid = (Results.Ld > 0 && Results.Lq > 0 && Results.psiM >= 0 && gm > 0);
コード例 #5
        protected override void measureInOpenedFem(FEMM femm)
            // Begin to measure
            FEMM.LineIntegralResult lir = new FEMM.LineIntegralResult();

            VPMMotor          Motor         = this.Motor as VPMMotor;
            VPMRotor          Rotor         = Motor.Rotor;
            Stator3Phase      Stator        = Motor.Stator;
            GeneralParameters GeneralParams = Motor.GeneralParams;
            AirgapNormal      Airgap        = Motor.Airgap;
            PMStaticResults   Results       = this.Results as PMStaticResults;

            double xS = Rotor.Rrotor * Math.Cos(Rotor.alpha * 0.9999);
            double yS = Rotor.Rrotor * Math.Sin(Rotor.alpha * 0.9999);

            // get phiD
            femm.mo_addcontour(xS, yS);
            //femm.mo_selectpoint(Rotor.xR, Rotor.yR);
            femm.mo_addcontour(xS, -yS);
            femm.mo_bendcontour(-360 / (2 * Rotor.p), 1);
            lir          = femm.mo_lineintegral_full();
            Results.phiD = Math.Abs(lir.totalBn);

            // get phiM
            femm.mo_selectpoint(Rotor.xD, Rotor.yD);
            femm.mo_selectpoint(Rotor.xG, Rotor.yG);
            FEMM.LineIntegralResult rr = femm.mo_lineintegral(FEMM.LineIntegralType.Bn);
            Results.phiM = Math.Abs(rr.totalBn * 2);

            // get phib
            femm.mo_selectpoint(Rotor.xH, Rotor.yH);
            femm.mo_selectpoint(Rotor.xH, -Rotor.yH);
            rr           = femm.mo_lineintegral(FEMM.LineIntegralType.Bn);
            Results.phib = Math.Abs(rr.totalBn);

            femm.mo_selectpoint(Rotor.xE, Rotor.yE);
            femm.mo_selectpoint(Rotor.xA, Rotor.yA);
            rr            = femm.mo_lineintegral(FEMM.LineIntegralType.Bn);
            Results.phib += Math.Abs(rr.totalBn * 2);

            // get phisigmaFe
            femm.mo_addcontour(Rotor.xA, Rotor.yA);
            femm.mo_addcontour(xS, yS);
            rr            = femm.mo_lineintegral(FEMM.LineIntegralType.Bn);
            Results.phiFe = Math.Abs(rr.totalBn * 2);

            // get phisigmaS
            double xZ = (Stator.Rinstator + 5) * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI / (4 * Rotor.p) - 2 * Math.PI / 180);
            double yZ = (Stator.Rinstator + 5) * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI / (4 * Rotor.p) - 2 * Math.PI / 180);

            femm.mo_selectpoint(Rotor.xS, Rotor.yS);
            femm.mo_selectpoint(xZ, yZ);
            rr = femm.mo_lineintegral(FEMM.LineIntegralType.Bn);
            Results.phisigmaS = Math.Abs(rr.totalBn * 2);

            // get FM
            femm.mo_addcontour((Rotor.xI + Rotor.xF) / 2, (Rotor.yI + Rotor.yF) / 2);
            femm.mo_addcontour((Rotor.xD + Rotor.xG) / 2, (Rotor.yD + Rotor.yG) / 2);
            rr         = femm.mo_lineintegral(FEMM.LineIntegralType.Ht);
            Results.FM = Math.Abs(rr.totalHt);

            // get B_airgap
            int n = 128;

            Results.Bairgap = new PointD[n * 2];
            double RR = (Rotor.Rrotor + Stator.Rinstator) / 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                double a  = -(i - n / 2.0) / n * 2 * Rotor.alpha;
                double px = RR * Math.Cos(a);
                double py = RR * Math.Sin(a);

                FEMM.PointValues pv = femm.mo_getpointvalues(px, py);
                Results.Bairgap[i].X = 2 * Rotor.alpha * RR * i / n;
                Results.Bairgap[i].Y = pv.B1 * Math.Cos(a) + pv.B2 * Math.Sin(a);
                if (double.IsNaN(Results.Bairgap[i].Y))
                    Results.Bairgap[i].Y = 0;

                if (Results.Bdelta_max < Math.Abs(Results.Bairgap[i].Y))
                    Results.Bdelta_max = Math.Abs(Results.Bairgap[i].Y);

            // make a mirror (odd function)
            double dd = 2 * Rotor.alpha * RR;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                Results.Bairgap[i + n].X = Results.Bairgap[i].X + dd;
                Results.Bairgap[i + n].Y = -Results.Bairgap[i].Y;
            double wd = Rotor.gammaMedeg / 180 * (Rotor.Rrotor + Airgap.delta / 2) * 2 * Math.PI / (2 * Rotor.p);

            Results.Bdelta = Results.phiD / (GeneralParams.MotorLength * wd * 1e-6);

            // psiM
            Dictionary <String, FEMM.CircuitProperties> cps = Stator.getCircuitsPropertiesInAns(femm);

            if (cps.ContainsKey("A") && cps.ContainsKey("B") && cps.ContainsKey("C"))
                Fdq fdq = ParkTransform.abc_dq(cps["A"].fluxlinkage, cps["B"].fluxlinkage, cps["C"].fluxlinkage, 0);
                Results.psiM = fdq.Magnitude;
                Results.psiM = double.NaN;

コード例 #6
        protected override void DoMeasureData(TransientStepArgs args, FEMM femm)
            // measure base data
            base.DoMeasureData(args, femm);

            // measure only one, not all those for skew angle
            if (args.skewAngleAdded != 0)

            // measure loss
            // other processes need to wait for the first to finish this block of code
            lock (lock_first)
                if (allElements == null)
                    Stator3Phase stator             = Motor.Stator as Stator3Phase;
                    int          rotor_steel_group  = -1;
                    int          rotor_magnet_group = -1;
                    double       rotor_Keddy        = 0;
                    double       rotor_Kh           = 0;
                    double       rotor_ro           = 0;
                    if (Motor.Rotor is SPMRotor)
                        var rotor = Motor.Rotor as SPMRotor;
                        rotor_steel_group  = rotor.Group_BlockLabel_Steel;
                        rotor_magnet_group = rotor.Group_BlockLabel_Magnet_Air;
                        rotor_Keddy        = rotor.P_eddy_10_50;
                        rotor_Kh           = rotor.P_hysteresis_10_50;
                        rotor_ro           = rotor.Steel_ro;
                    else if (Motor.Rotor is VPMRotor)
                        var rotor = Motor.Rotor as VPMRotor;
                        rotor_steel_group  = rotor.Group_BlockLabel_Steel;
                        rotor_magnet_group = rotor.Group_BlockLabel_Magnet_Air;
                        rotor_Keddy        = rotor.P_eddy_10_50;
                        rotor_Kh           = rotor.P_hysteresis_10_50;
                        rotor_ro           = rotor.Steel_ro;

                    List <PointD> nodes = new List <PointD>();
                    int           n     = femm.mo_numnodes();
                    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                        var p = femm.mo_getnode(i);

                    allElements = new List <FEMM.Element>();
                    n           = femm.mo_numelements();
                    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) // start from 1
                        var e = femm.mo_getelement(i);
                        for (int j = 0; j < e.nodes.Length; j++)
                            e.nodes[j]--;//convert from 1-base index to 0-base index

                    var statorElements = allElements.Where(e => e.group == stator.Group_BlockLabel_Steel).ToList();

                    statorLoss       = new CoreLoss(this, nodes, statorElements);
                    statorLoss.name  = "Stator_";
                    statorLoss.ro    = stator.Steel_ro;
                    statorLoss.Keddy = stator.P_eddy_10_50;
                    statorLoss.Kh    = stator.P_hysteresis_10_50;

                    var rotorElements = allElements.Where(e => e.group == rotor_steel_group || e.group == rotor_magnet_group).ToList();

                    // convert coordinates of elements back to 0 degree rotor angle
                    // hashset of node to mark rotated node
                    HashSet <int> rotatedNodes = new HashSet <int>();
                    // angle to rotate back
                    double a = Motor.GetNormalizedRotorAngle(args.RotorAngle) * Math.PI / 180;
                    // for each element
                    foreach (var e in rotorElements)
                        double xx = e.center.X;
                        double yy = e.center.Y;
                        e.center.X = xx * Math.Cos(-a) - yy * Math.Sin(-a);
                        e.center.Y = xx * Math.Sin(-a) + yy * Math.Cos(-a);

                        // rotate nodes of this element also
                        for (int i = 0; i < e.nodes.Length; i++)
                            int node_index = e.nodes[i];

                            // if already rotated
                            if (rotatedNodes.Contains(node_index))

                            xx = nodes[node_index].X;
                            yy = nodes[node_index].Y;
                            nodes[node_index] = new PointD()
                                X = xx * Math.Cos(-a) - yy * Math.Sin(-a),
                                Y = xx * Math.Sin(-a) + yy * Math.Cos(-a),

                            // mark as rotated

                    rotorLoss         = new CoreLoss(this, nodes, rotorElements);
                    rotorLoss.name    = "Rotor_";
                    rotorLoss.isRotor = true;
                    rotorLoss.Keddy   = rotor_Keddy;
                    rotorLoss.Kh      = rotor_Kh;
                    rotorLoss.ro      = rotor_ro;
            }// lock(..)

            statorLoss.GatherData(args, femm);
            rotorLoss.GatherData(args, femm);
コード例 #7
ファイル: SPMMotor.cs プロジェクト: wtliu/pmsm_calculation
        public static SPMMotor GetSampleMotor()
            ////// all length is in mm
            SPMMotor m = new SPMMotor();

            // general information
            GeneralParameters gp = new GeneralParameters();

            gp.MotorLength       = 125;
            gp.FullBuildFEMModel = false;

            m.GeneralParams = gp;

            // materials
            PointBH[] BH = JSON.ToObject <List <PointBH> >(Properties.Resources.bhsample).ToArray();

            Stator3Phase sp = new Stator3Phase();

            sp.Q       = 36;
            sp.DiaYoke = 191;
            sp.DiaGap  = 126;

            sp.HS0 = 0.5;
            sp.HS1 = 1;
            sp.HS2 = 13.3;
            sp.BS0 = 3;
            sp.BS1 = 5;
            sp.BS2 = 8.2;
            sp.RS  = 0.5;

            sp.Kfill          = 0.8;
            sp.WindingsConfig = "A:1-7,12-18,13-19,24-30,25-31,36-6;B:8-14,9-15,20-26,21-27,32-2,33-3;C:4-10,5-11,16-22,17-23,28-34,29-35";
            sp.NStrands       = 10;
            sp.WireConduct  = 58;
            sp.WireType     = FEMM.WireType.MagnetWire;
            sp.WireDiameter = 1.2;
            sp.Copper_ro    = 8930;
            sp.Lam_fill           = 0.98;
            sp.Lam_d              = 0.635;
            sp.BH                 = BH;
            sp.Steel_ro           = 7650;
            sp.P_eddy_10_50       = 2.5;
            sp.P_hysteresis_10_50 = 0;

            m.Stator = sp;

            AirgapNormal airgap = new AirgapNormal();

            airgap.Kc = 1.1;
            m.Airgap  = airgap;

            SPMRotor rotor = new SPMRotor();

            // steel
            rotor.BH       = BH;
            rotor.Lam_fill = 0.98;
            rotor.Lam_d    = 0.635;
            rotor.Steel_ro = 7650;

            rotor.Hc        = 883310;
            rotor.mu_M      = 1.045;
            rotor.Magnet_ro = 7500;
            rotor.ThickMag  = 6; // magnet length

            rotor.GammaM         = 133;
            rotor.DiaYoke        = 32;
            rotor.p              = 3;       // pair poles
            rotor.DiaGap         = 126 - 2; // airgap
            rotor.Poletype       = SPMRotor.PoleType.Normal;
            rotor.PreRotateAngle = 0;

            m.Rotor = rotor;
