public void RfidDetected_LadeskabeStateLockedAndIdEqualOldId_LadeskabeIsAvailable() { // Arrange _usbCharger = Substitute.For <IUsbCharger>(); _logfile = Substitute.For <Logfile>(); _chargeControl = new ChargeControl(_usbCharger, _display); int id = 100; StationControl uut = new StationControl(_rfidReader, _door, _display, _logfile, _chargeControl); //act uut._state = Ladeskab.StationControl.LadeskabState.Available; _usbCharger.Connected.Returns(true); uut.RfidDetected(id); //Sætter oldId = id uut.RfidDetected(id); //Assert Assert.That(uut._state, Is.EqualTo(Ladeskab.StationControl.LadeskabState.Available)); }
public void RfidDetected_Locked_idIsOldId_isCorrect() { // Arrange IUsbCharger fakeCharger = Substitute.For <IUsbCharger>(); fakeCharger.Connected.Returns(true); var uut = new StationControl(new Door(), new RFIDReader(), fakeCharger, new Display()); // Act uut._state = StationControl.LadeskabState.Available; // Call with id = 1 uut.RfidDetected(1); // State is "locked" with _oldId = 1 Assert.That(uut._state == StationControl.LadeskabState.Locked); // Calling with same id, unlocking and changing state to available uut.RfidDetected(1); // Assert Assert.That(uut._state == StationControl.LadeskabState.Available); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Assemble your system here from all the classes IDoor door = new DoorSimulator(); IRFID rfidReader = new RFIDReader(); ILogger fileLogger = new FileLogger(); IUsbCharger usbCharger = new UsbChargerSimulator(); IDisplay display = new ConsoleDisplay(); IChargeControl chargeControl = new ChargeControl(display, usbCharger); StationControl StationController = new StationControl(chargeControl, door, display, fileLogger, rfidReader); Console.WriteLine("E for Exit, O for opening the door, C for closing the door, R to read an RFID-tag"); Console.WriteLine("K for connecting phone to charger, L for disconnecting phone from charger"); bool finish = false; do { System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast E, O, C, R, K, L: "); string input; input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } switch (input[0]) { case 'E': finish = true; break; case 'O': door.OnDoorOpen(); break; case 'C': door.OnDoorClose(); break; case 'R': System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast RFID id: "); string idString = System.Console.ReadLine(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(idString); rfidReader.OnRfidRead(id); break; case 'K': if (door.DoorIsOpen && !usbCharger.Connected) { usbCharger.SimulateConnected(true); Console.WriteLine("Telefon tilsluttet"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Laderen er optaget ellers er døren ikke åben"); } break; case 'L': if (door.DoorIsOpen && usbCharger.Connected) { usbCharger.SimulateConnected(false); Console.WriteLine("Telefon taget ud af charger"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Døren skal være åben og laderen optaget før du kan tage den ud af opladning"); } break; default: break; } } while (!finish); }
static void Main(string[] args) { IDoor door = new Door(); IRfidReader rfid = new RfidReader(); IDisplay display = new Display(); ILogFile logfile = new LogFile("logfile.txt"); UsbCharger charger = new UsbCharger(); IChargeControl chargeControl = new ChargeControl(display, charger); StationControl ladeSkab = new StationControl(door, rfid, display, chargeControl, logfile); Console.WriteLine("e - Close program."); Console.WriteLine("o - Open/close door."); Console.WriteLine("r - Scan RFID."); Console.WriteLine("c - Phone connected."); Console.WriteLine("d - Phone disconnected.\n"); bool finish = false; do { string input; Console.Write("> "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } switch (input[0]) { case 'e': finish = true; break; case 'o': door.ToggleDoor(); break; case 'r': Console.WriteLine("Enter RFID id: "); string inputId = Console.ReadLine(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(inputId); rfid.OnKeySwiped(id); break; case 'c': Console.WriteLine("Phone connected."); charger.SimulateConnected(true); break; case 'd': Console.WriteLine("Phone disconnected."); charger.SimulateConnected(false); break; default: Console.WriteLine("!INVALID INPUT!"); break; } Console.WriteLine(); } while (!finish); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Assemble your system here from all the classes RFIDReader reader = new RFIDReader(); Door door = new Door(); IConsoleWrite iWrite = new ConsoleWrite(); Display display = new Display(iWrite); USBCharger charger = new USBCharger(); TimeProvider timeprovider = new TimeProvider(); FileWriter filewriter = new FileWriter(); LogFile logfile = new LogFile(filewriter, timeprovider); ChargeControl chargecontrol = new ChargeControl(charger); StationControl stationControl = new StationControl(reader, door, display, chargecontrol, logfile); bool finish = false; do { string input; System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast E (exit), O (open door), C (close door), R (rfid id), T (mobil tilsluttet), F (mobil fjernet): "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } switch (input[0]) { case 'E': finish = true; break; case 'O': door.DoorOpen(); break; case 'C': door.DoorClose(); break; case 'R': System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast RFID id: "); string idString = System.Console.ReadLine(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(idString); reader.Readtag(id); break; case 'T': System.Console.WriteLine("Mobiltelefon forbundet"); charger.SimulateConnected(true); break; case 'F': System.Console.WriteLine("Mobiltelefon ikke forbundet"); charger.SimulateConnected(false); break; default: break; } } while (!finish); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Assemble your system here from all the classes Door _door = new Door(); RfidReaderSimulator _rfid = new RfidReaderSimulator(); UsbChargerSimulator _usbCharger = new UsbChargerSimulator(); DisplayOutput _displayOutput = new DisplayOutput(); DisplaySimulator _display = new DisplaySimulator(_displayOutput); ChargeControl _chargeControl = new ChargeControl(_display, _usbCharger); LogOutput _logOutput = new LogOutput(); LogfileWriter _logfile = new LogfileWriter(_logOutput); StationControl _stationControl = new StationControl(_chargeControl, _door, _rfid, _display, _logfile); bool finish = false; System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast:\n" + "(E) Exit\n" + "(O) Open\n" + "(C) Close\n" + "(R) Read RF-ID"); do { string input = null; // Gate the blocking ReadLine function if (Console.KeyAvailable) { input = Console.ReadLine(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } input = input.ToUpper(); switch (input[0]) { case 'E': finish = true; break; case 'O': _door.DoorOpened(); break; case 'C': _door.DoorClosed(); break; case 'R': System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast RFID id: "); string idString = System.Console.ReadLine(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(idString); _rfid.ScanRfidTag(id); break; default: break; } System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast:\n" + "(E) Exit\n" + "(O) Open\n" + "(C) Close\n" + "(R) Read RF-ID"); } while (!finish); }
public void Setup() { _uut = new StationControl(_fakeIdReader, _fakeDoor, _fakeChargeControl, _fakeLogger); }
public VacantDoorClosedPhoneConnectedAwaitingRFID(StationControl stationControlRef) { StationControlRef = stationControlRef; }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool finish = false; //Assemble your system here from all the classes Door door = new Door(); //Der bruges metoder (open og close) der ikke er en del af interface IDisplay display = new Display(new ConsoleWriter()); IUsbCharger usb = new UsbChargerSimulator(); ChargeControl chargeControl = new ChargeControl(usb, display); ILogFile logFile = new LogFile(new TimeProvider(), new FileWriter()); RfidReader rfidReader = new RfidReader(); door = new Door(); StationControl station = new StationControl(door, rfidReader, display, chargeControl, logFile); System.Console.WriteLine( "Velkommen til ladeskabet :) Her kan du få frisk strøm, mens din telefon er låst inde\n"); do { string input; System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast bogstav: E_nd, O_pen, C_lose, R_rfid, P_lug eller U_nplug: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } input = input.ToUpper(); switch (input[0]) { case 'E': finish = true; break; case 'O': door.OpenDoor(); break; case 'C': door.CloseDoor(); break; case 'R': System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast RFID id: "); string idString = System.Console.ReadLine(); rfidReader.ManualScanTag(idString); break; case 'P': chargeControl.PlugPhoneIn(); break; case 'U': chargeControl.UnPlugPhone(); break; default: break; } } while (!finish); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Assemble your system here from all the classes IDoor door = new Door(); IRFIDReader rfidReader = new RFIDReader(); ILogFile logFile = new LogFile(); IUsbCharger usbCharger = new UsbCharger(); IChargeControl chargeControl = new ChargeControl(usbCharger); IDisplay display = new Display(); StationControl stationController = new StationControl(door, logFile, rfidReader, chargeControl, usbCharger, display); bool finish = false; do { string input; System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast (E)nd, (O)pen, (C)lose, (R)ead Card, Connect (P)hone: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } switch (input[0]) { case 'E': System.Environment.Exit(1); break; case 'O': door.OpenDoor(); break; case 'C': door.CloseDoor(); break; case 'R': rfidReader.CardID = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); break; case 'P': if (door.Closed) { Console.WriteLine("Cant connect phone when door is closed"); } else { usbCharger.Connected = true; Console.WriteLine("Phone connected"); } break; default: break; } } while (!finish); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); // Assemble your system here from all the classes var door = new Door(); IUsbCharger usbCharger = new UsbChargerSimulator(); var chargeDisplay = new ChargeDisplay(); var charger = new ChargeControl(usbCharger, chargeDisplay); var reader = new RfidReader(); var display = new Display(); var fileWriter = new FileWriter("LogFile.txt"); var timeStamp = new DateTime(); var log = new Log(fileWriter, timeStamp); var stationControl = new StationControl(door, charger, reader, display, log); bool finish = false; do { string input; System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast E, O, C, R, T: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } switch (input[0]) { case 'E': finish = true; break; case 'O': door.SimulateDoorOpens(); break; case 'C': door.SimulateDoorCloses(); break; case 'R': System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast RFID id: "); string idString = System.Console.ReadLine(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(idString); reader.SimulateDetection(); reader.RfidDetected(id); break; case 'T': // Tilføjet for at kunne "Connected" telefonen til opladeren. charger.Connected = true; break; default: break; } } while (!finish); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Assemble your system here from all the classes Door door = new Door(); DisplayControl display = new DisplayControl(); UsbChargerSimulator usbCharger = new UsbChargerSimulator(); RFIDReader rfidReader = new RFIDReader(); ChargeControl chargeControl = new ChargeControl(usbCharger, display); StationControl stationControl = new StationControl(rfidReader, door, display, chargeControl); bool connectedPhone = true; bool overcharge = false; bool finish = false; do { string input; System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast (E)xit, (O)pendoor, (C)losedoor, (P)hone, (K)overload (R)fid: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } switch (input[0]) { case 'e': case 'E': finish = true; break; case 'o': case 'O': door.Open(); break; case 'c': case 'C': door.Close(); break; case 'r': case 'R': System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast RFID id: "); string idString = System.Console.ReadLine(); int id = 0; while (!Int32.TryParse(idString, out id)) { System.Console.WriteLine("Rfid not accepted, Try again: "); idString = System.Console.ReadLine(); } rfidReader.RfidEvent(id); break; case 'P': case 'p': if (connectedPhone == false) { usbCharger.SimulateConnected(true); connectedPhone = true; } else { usbCharger.SimulateConnected(false); } connectedPhone = false; break; case 'k': case 'K': if (overcharge == false) { usbCharger.SimulateOverload(true); overcharge = true; } else { usbCharger.SimulateConnected(false); } overcharge = false; break; default: break; } } while (!finish); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Display _display = new Display(); UsbChargerSimulator _usbChargerSimulator = new UsbChargerSimulator(); ChargeControl _chargeControl = new ChargeControl(_display, _usbChargerSimulator); RFIDReaderSimulator _RFIDReaderSimulator = new RFIDReaderSimulator(); DoorSimulator _doorSimulator = new DoorSimulator(); LogFile _logfile = new LogFile(); StationControl _stationControl = new StationControl(_display, _doorSimulator, _logfile, _RFIDReaderSimulator, _chargeControl); bool finish = false; System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast E = Exit\nO = Open\nC = Close\nR = RFID Read\nT = Tilslut/Fjern telefon"); do { string input; input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } switch (input[0]) { case 'E': finish = true; break; case 'O': _doorSimulator.SimulateDoorOpen(); break; case 'C': _doorSimulator.SimulateDoorClose(); break; case 'T': if (_stationControl._state == StationControl.LadeskabState.DoorOpen) { _usbChargerSimulator.SimulateConnected(!_usbChargerSimulator.Connected); Console.WriteLine("Telephone connected: " + _usbChargerSimulator.Connected); } else { Console.WriteLine("Open door first!"); } break; case 'R': Console.WriteLine("Indtast RFID id: "); string idString = Console.ReadLine(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(idString); _RFIDReaderSimulator.SimulateReadRFID(id); break; default: break; } } while (!finish); }
static void Main(string[] args) { #region Instantiering af dependencies IUsbCharger usbCharger = new UsbCharger(); IDisplay display = new Display(); IDoor door = new Door(); ILogging logging = new LogFileDAL(); IRFIDReader rfidReader = new RFIDReader(); IChargeControl chargeControl = new ChargeControl(usbCharger); IStationControl stationControl = new StationControl(door, rfidReader, chargeControl, logging, display); #endregion bool finish = false; do { string input; System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast E (exit), O (open), C (close), R (rfid), P (phone): "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } switch (input[0]) { case 'E': case 'e': finish = true; break; case 'O': case 'o': if (stationControl.State == PhoneLockerState.DoorOpen) { display.DisplayText("Ladedøren er allerede åben. Frakobl eller tilslut mobil."); break; } else { stationControl.State = PhoneLockerState.DoorOpen; display.DisplayText("Døren er åben"); display.DisplayText("Tilslut telefon"); } break; case 'C': case 'c': if (stationControl.State != PhoneLockerState.DoorOpen) { break; } stationControl.State = PhoneLockerState.Available; display.DisplayText("Døren er lukket"); display.DisplayText("Scan venligst RFID"); break; case 'R': case 'r': Console.Clear(); display.DisplayText("Indtast RFID id: "); string idString = System.Console.ReadLine(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(idString); rfidReader.ReadRFID(id); break; case 'P': case 'p': if (stationControl.State != PhoneLockerState.DoorOpen) { display.DisplayText("Døren er lukket. Åben før der kan tilsluttes."); break; } if (chargeControl.Connected) { chargeControl.Connected = false; display.DisplayText("Telefon frakoblet"); } else { chargeControl.Connected = true; display.DisplayText("Telefon tilsluttet"); } break; default: break; } } while (!finish); }
// this method will be reworked private void Load() { Stations = new ObservableCollection <StationViewModel>(); StationConnections = new ObservableCollection <StationConnectionViewModel>(); SelectStationCommand = new RelayCommand(SelectStation); List <Station> stationsData; double canvasLeft; double canvasBottom; StationControl sc = new StationControl(); using (var context = new MetroNavigationContext()) { stationsData = context.Stations. Include(s => s.StationConnection).ToList(); } MinX = stationsData.Min(s => s.OsX); MaxX = stationsData.Max(s => s.OsX); MinY = stationsData.Min(s => s.OsY); MaxY = stationsData.Max(s => s.OsY); List <double> l = new List <double>(); foreach (var station in stationsData) { canvasLeft = (SystemParameters.WorkArea.Width * 0.9) * (station.OsX - MinX) / (MaxX - MinX); canvasBottom = (SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height * 0.9) * (station.OsY - MinY) / (MaxY - MinY); canvasLeft = canvasLeft > (SystemParameters.WorkArea.Width * 0.9) ? canvasLeft : canvasLeft; canvasBottom = canvasBottom > (SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height * 0.9) ? canvasBottom : canvasBottom; Stations.Add(new StationViewModel() { CanvasLeft = canvasLeft, CanvasBottom = canvasBottom, Name = station.Name, Line = station.Line, ConnectedStationO = new StationConnectionViewModel() { NextStation = station.StationConnection.NextStation, PreviousStation = station.StationConnection.PreviousStation }, TransitToLine = station.TransitToLine, TransitToStation = station.TransitToStation }); } var temp = Stations.OrderBy(s => s.Line).ToList(); foreach (StationViewModel station in temp) { StationViewModel connected = null; if (station.ConnectedStationO.NextStation != null) { connected = temp.Find(s => s.Name.Trim() == station.ConnectedStationO.NextStation.Trim()); } if (connected != null) { Brush lineColor = Brushes.Black; if (station.Line == 1) { lineColor = Brushes.Red; } else if (station.Line == 2) { lineColor = Brushes.Green; } else if (station.Line == 3) { lineColor = Brushes.Blue; } if (station.CanvasBottom > connected.CanvasBottom & station.CanvasLeft > connected.CanvasLeft | station.CanvasBottom > connected.CanvasBottom & station.CanvasLeft < connected.CanvasLeft) { StationConnections.Add(new StationConnectionViewModel() { X1 = station.CanvasLeft + sc.MaxHeight / 2, X2 = connected.CanvasLeft + sc.MaxHeight / 2, Y1 = SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height - station.CanvasBottom, Y2 = SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height - connected.CanvasBottom, CanvasBottom = connected.CanvasBottom + (sc.MaxHeight / 2) - 2, LineColor = lineColor, NextStation = connected.Name }); } else if (station.CanvasBottom < connected.CanvasBottom & station.CanvasLeft < connected.CanvasLeft | station.CanvasBottom <connected.CanvasBottom& station.CanvasLeft> connected.CanvasLeft) { StationConnections.Add(new StationConnectionViewModel() { X1 = station.CanvasLeft + sc.MaxHeight / 2, X2 = connected.CanvasLeft + sc.MaxHeight / 2, Y1 = SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height - connected.CanvasBottom + (station.CanvasBottom - connected.CanvasBottom), Y2 = (SystemParameters.WorkArea.Height - connected.CanvasBottom) + (station.CanvasBottom - connected.CanvasBottom) * 2, CanvasBottom = station.CanvasBottom + (sc.MaxHeight / 2) - 2, LineColor = lineColor, NextStation = connected.Name }); } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //set up DI ServiceProvider ServiceProvider; ServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection(); //register services and build service provider ConfigureServices(services); ServiceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider(); //get instances IDoor door = ServiceProvider.GetService <IDoor>(); IRfidReader rfidReader = ServiceProvider.GetService <IRfidReader>(); IDisplay Display = ServiceProvider.GetService <IDisplay>(); StationControl _stationControl = ServiceProvider.GetService <StationControl>(); //local vars bool finish = false; do { Display.NotifyStation("Indtast E, O, C, R: "); string input = Display.ReadInput(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } switch (input[0]) { case 'E': finish = true; break; case 'O': door.OpenDoor(); break; case 'C': door.CloseDoor(); break; case 'R': Display.NotifyStation("Input RFID id: "); string idString = Display.ReadInput(); //fix maybe? try { int id = Convert.ToInt32(idString); rfidReader.Read(id); } catch (FormatException e) { Display.NotifyStation("You must input a valid number!"); } break; default: break; } } while (!finish); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Classes that need to be influenced outside stationControl IDoor door = new Door(); IRfidReader rfidReader = new RfidReader(); IUsbCharger sim = new UsbChargerSimulator(); IChargeControl chargeControl = new ChargeControl(sim); //Classes only used inside stationControl just declared in ctor args StationControl stationControl = new StationControl(new Logger(), new Display(), door, rfidReader, chargeControl); //Circular dependency sim.Controller = stationControl; //User interaction: bool keepGoing = true; bool connected = false; bool shorted = false; Console.WriteLine("INPUTS:"); Console.WriteLine("[P/p]: Toggle phone plugged in.\t[S/s]: Toggle a short in the charger"); Console.WriteLine("[O/o]: Try to open door\t\t[C/c]: Try to close door"); Console.WriteLine("[R/r]: Scan RFID 1: 12345\t[T/t]: Scan RFID 2: 54321"); Console.WriteLine("[Q/q]: Quit"); stationControl.Start(); while (keepGoing) { switch (Console.ReadKey(true).Key) { case ConsoleKey.P: connected = !connected; ((UsbChargerSimulator)sim).SimulateConnected(connected); break; case ConsoleKey.S: shorted = !shorted; ((UsbChargerSimulator)sim).SimulateOverload(shorted); break; case ConsoleKey.O: ((Door)door).OpenDoor(); break; case ConsoleKey.C: ((Door)door).CloseDoor(); break; case ConsoleKey.R: ((RfidReader)rfidReader).RfidRead(12345); break; case ConsoleKey.T: ((RfidReader)rfidReader).RfidRead(54321); break; case ConsoleKey.Q: keepGoing = false; break; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Assemble your system here from all the classes IDoor _door = new Door(); IConsoleWriter _consoleWriter = new ConsoleWriter(); IRFidReader _rfidReader = new RFidReader(); IUsbCharger _charger = new UsbChargerSimulator(); IFileLogger _fileLogger = new FileLogger(); IChargeControl _chargeControl = new ChargeControl(_charger, _consoleWriter); StationControl _stationControl = new StationControl(_door, _rfidReader, _chargeControl, _fileLogger, _consoleWriter); //Use this //System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast E: Finish, O: Open , C: Close, R: RFid, K: Telefon sat til, L: Overload: "); System.Console.WriteLine("E: Finish"); System.Console.WriteLine("O: Open"); System.Console.WriteLine("C: Close"); System.Console.WriteLine("R: RFid"); System.Console.WriteLine("K: Connect phone"); System.Console.WriteLine("L: Simulate overload"); System.Console.WriteLine("___________________________"); bool finish = false; do { string input; input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } switch (input[0]) { case 'E': finish = true; break; case 'O': //_door.DoorOpened(); _door.SetDoorState(true); break; case 'C': //_door.DoorClosed(); _door.SetDoorState(false); break; case 'R': System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast RFID id: "); string idString = System.Console.ReadLine(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(idString); _rfidReader.SetID(id); break; case 'K': System.Console.WriteLine("Telefon er sat til "); _charger.SimulateConnected(true); break; case 'L': System.Console.WriteLine("Kabel Overloaded "); _charger.SimulateOverload(true); break; default: break; } } while (!finish); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // Assemble your system here from all the classes Door _door = new Door(); RFIDReader _rfid = new RFIDReader(); PrintToDisplay _printToDisplay = new PrintToDisplay(); Display _display = new Display(_printToDisplay); LogDisplay _logDisplay = new LogDisplay(); Log _log = new Log(_logDisplay); UsbCharger _charger = new UsbCharger(); ChargeControl _chargeControl = new ChargeControl(_display, _charger); StationControl _stationControl = new StationControl(_chargeControl, _door, _display, _rfid, _log); bool finish = false; string input; System.Console.WriteLine(" -----------------------------------------\n\n " + " INDTAST FOR AT FORTAGE EN HANDLING\n " + " E (Exit)\n " + " O (Open)\n " + " C (Closed)\n " + " R (Read RFID)\n " + " G (Guide)\n\n" + "-----------------------------------------"); do { input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } switch (input[0]) { case 'E': case 'e': finish = true; break; case 'O': case 'o': _door.DoorOpen(); break; case 'C': case 'c': _door.DoorClosed(); break; case 'R': case 'r': System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast RFID id: "); string idString = System.Console.ReadLine(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(idString); if (id > 0) { _rfid.OnRfidRead(id); } else { System.Console.WriteLine("RFID er ugyldigt! RFID kan ikke være et negativt tal eller over 10.000!"); } break; case 'G': case 'g': System.Console.WriteLine(" -----------------------------------------\n\n " + " 1. Open the door of the Ladeskab\n " + " 2. Insert your phone into the Ladeskab\n " + " 3. Connect your phone to the USB charger inside the Ladeskab\n " + " 4. CLose the door of the Ladeskab\n " + " 5. Read your RFID tag on the RFID-Reader\n " + " !!Congratulations! Your phone is now charging!!\n\n" + " Note: To remove your phone from the Ladeskab read your RFID tag on the RFID Reader and open the door to the Ladeskab\n\n" + "-----------------------------------------"); break; default: break; } } while (!finish); //test af push }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Assemble your system here from all the classes IDoor door = new Door(); IDisplay display = new Display(); IRFID rfidReader = new RFIDReader(); IUsbCharger usbCharger = new UsbChargerSimulator(); StationControl stationControl = new StationControl(door, rfidReader, usbCharger, display); // Udskriver de forskellige muligheder brugeren har i starten System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast 'E' for 'Exit'\n" + "Indtast 'O' for 'Open door'\n" + "Indtast 'C' for 'Close door'\n" + "Indtast 'K' for 'Connect phone'\n" + "Indtast 'R' for 'RFID'"); // Kalder chargeSurveillance hvert 5. sekund - udskriver status og stopper opladning når fuldt opladt. var timer = new System.Threading.Timer( e => stationControl.chargeSurveillance(), null, TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); bool finish = false; do { string input; //Console.WriteLine("Indtast E, O, C, K, R: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } switch (input[0]) { case 'E': finish = true; break; case 'O': door.OnDoorOpen(); break; case 'C': door.OnDoorClose(); break; case 'K': bool isconnect = usbCharger.Connected; while (isconnect == false) { Console.WriteLine("Telefon ikke tilsluttet"); break; } Console.WriteLine("Telefon tilsluttet. Luk venligst døren"); break; case 'R': System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast RFID id: "); string idString = System.Console.ReadLine(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(idString); rfidReader.OnRfidRead(id); break; default: break; } } while (!finish); }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Assemble your system here from all the classes //DoorSimulator doorSimulator = new DoorSimulator(); IUsbCharger charger = new UsbChargerSimulator(); IDisplay display = new Display(); IChargeControl chargeControl = new ChargeControl(charger, display); IDoor doorSimulator = new DoorSimulator(); //RfidReaderSimulator rfidReaderSimulator = new RfidReaderSimulator(); IRfidReader rfidReaderSimulator = new RfidReaderSimulator(); IFileLog fileLog = new FileLog(); StationControl stationControl = new StationControl(doorSimulator, rfidReaderSimulator, chargeControl, fileLog, display); //Det man indtaster simulerer det som brugeren fysisk gør. //Fra program bliver der sat gang i Events, som StationControl får besked om bool finish = false; do { string input; System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast E, O, C, R, Y, N: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } switch (input[0]) { case 'E': finish = true; break; case 'O': doorSimulator.OnDoorOpen(); break; case 'C': doorSimulator.OnDoorClose(); break; case 'R': System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast RFID id: "); string idString = System.Console.ReadLine(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(idString); rfidReaderSimulator.OnRfidRead(id); break; case 'Y': charger.SimulateConnected(true); break; case 'N': charger.SimulateConnected(false); break; default: break; } } while (!finish); }
public VacantDoorClosedNoPhoneConnected(StationControl stationControlRef) { StationControlRef = stationControlRef; }
public OccupiedDoorClosedAwaitingRFID(StationControl stationControlRef) { StationControlRef = stationControlRef; }
private static void Main(string[] args) { // Assemble your system here from all the classes //Make objects, so that we can call door methods and rfidreader. IRFIDReader rfidReader = new RFIDReader(); IDoor door = new Door(); IDisplay display = new Display(); IChargeControl chargeControl = new ChargeControl(new UsbChargerSimulator()); IStationControl stationControl = new StationControl(door, display, rfidReader, chargeControl); var finish = false; do { string input; Console.WriteLine("Indtast E, O, C, R: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } switch (input[0]) { case 'E': case 'e': finish = true; break; case 'O': case 'o':; break; case 'C': case 'c': door.close(); break; case 'R': case 'r': if (door.getDoorState() == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Indtast RFID id: "); var idString = Console.ReadLine(); var id = Convert.ToInt32(idString); rfidReader.onRfidDetectedEvent(id); } else { { Console.WriteLine("Luk venligst døren"); } } break; default: break; } } while (!finish); }
public VacantDoorOpenPhoneConnected(StationControl stationControlRef) { StationControlRef = stationControlRef; }
static void Main(string[] args) { // Assemble your system here from all the classes IDoor _door = new Door(); IUsbCharger _usbCharger = new UsbChargerSimulator(); IDisplay _display = new Display(); IRFIDReader _rfidReader = new RFIDReaderSimulator(); ILogWriter _log = new LogWriter(); IChargeControl _charge = new ChargeControl(_display, _usbCharger); StationControl stationControl = new StationControl(_door, _display, _rfidReader, _log, _charge); int runs = 0; bool finish = false; do { string input; if (runs == 0) { System.Console.WriteLine("Welcome to ChargingLocker"); System.Console.WriteLine("Type 'Open' to open locker door"); System.Console.WriteLine("Type 'Close' to close locker door"); System.Console.WriteLine("Type 'Scan' to scan your RFID tag"); System.Console.WriteLine("Type 'Exit' to exit program"); } else { System.Console.WriteLine("Type 'List' to show all options"); } runs = 1; System.Console.Write("Input: "); input = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input)) { continue; } switch (input) { case "Exit" or "exit": finish = true; break; case "Open" or "open": if (_door._lock == true) { _display.DisplayDoorIsLocked(); } else { _door.DoorOpened(); } break; case "Close" or "close": if (_door._lock == true) { _display.DisplayDoorIsLocked(); } else { _door.DoorClosed(); } break; case "Scan" or "scan": System.Console.WriteLine("Indtast RFID id: "); string idString = System.Console.ReadLine(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(idString); stationControl.runProgram(id); break; case "List" or "list": runs = 0; break; default: break; } } while (!finish); }