public void Awake() { SetupConfig(); LobbyViewType = (StaticValues.LobbyViewType)SelectViewMode.Value; SceneType = (StaticValues.SceneType)SelectedScene.Value; CommandHelper.AddToConsoleWhenReady(); On.RoR2.UI.CharacterSelectController.Awake += CharacterSelectController_Awake; // BACKGROUND ELEMENTS // if (DisableShaking.Value) { On.RoR2.PreGameShakeController.Awake += SetShakerInactive; } // SURVIVORS IN LOBBY // switch (LobbyViewType) { case LobbyViewType.Default: break; case LobbyViewType.Hide: On.RoR2.UI.CharacterSelectController.OnNetworkUserLoadoutChanged += HideOnSelected; break; case LobbyViewType.Zoom: On.RoR2.UI.CharacterSelectController.SelectSurvivor += ZoomOnSelected; break; } if (SurvivorsInLobby.Value && LivePreview.Value) { On.RoR2.UI.CharacterSelectController.OnNetworkUserLoadoutChanged += UpdateCharacterPreview; } if (ReplayAnim.Value) { On.RoR2.UI.CharacterSelectController.OnNetworkUserLoadoutChanged += ReplayAnimationOnSelect; } }
public void SetupConfig() { //default new Color32((byte)0.981, (byte)0.356, (byte)0.356, (byte)1.000) //250.155, 90.78, 90.78 // Lights Light_Color = Config.Bind("Lights", "Hex Color", "default", "Change the default color of the light"); //#fa5a5a Light_Flicker_Disable = Config.Bind("Lights", "Disable FlickerLight", true, "Makes the light not flicker anymore."); Light_Intensity = Config.Bind("Lights", "Intensity", 1f, "Change the intensity of the light."); //UI PostProcessing = Config.Bind("UI", "Disable Post Processing", true, "Disables the blurry post processing."); HideFade = Config.Bind("UI", "Hide Fade", true, "There's a dark fade on the top and bottom, this disables it."); BlurValue = Config.Bind("UI", "Adjust Blur (Not Implemented)", 255, "Adjusts the blur behind the UI elements on the left and right." + "\n0:fully transparent - 255:default"); UIScale = Config.Bind("UI", "UI Scale", 1f, "Resizes the UIs on the left and right."); //def 1f //BG MeshProps = Config.Bind("Background", "Hide MeshProps", false, "Hides all the background meshprops."); PhysicsProps = Config.Bind("Background", "Hide Physics Props", false, "Hides only the physics props like the Chair."); DisableShaking = Config.Bind("Background", "Disable Shaking", false, "Disables the random shaking that rattles the ship."); CharacterPadScale = Config.Bind("Background", "Character Display Scale", 1f, "Resizes character displays. "); //def 1f SurvivorsInLobby = Config.Bind("Background", "Survivors In Lobby", true, "Shows survivors in the lobby." + "\nThese background survivors don't reflect the loadouts in the lobby."); //Custom BG SelectedScene = Config.Bind("Background", "Select Scene", 0, "0 = Default"); //other SelectViewMode = Config.Bind("Other", "Select View Mode (Requires SurvivorsInLobby set to true)", 0, "0 = None" + "\n1 = Disappear on selection" + "\n2 = Zoom on selection"); //def 1f ReplayAnim = Config.Bind("Background", "Replay Animation", true, "Replays the animation for the selected character."); LivePreview = Config.Bind("Background", "Live Preview", true, "Updates the appearance for the selected character."); LobbyViewType = (StaticValues.LobbyViewType)SelectViewMode.Value; SceneType = (StaticValues.SceneType)SelectedScene.Value; }