private static void ParsePersistentState(string content) { string[] Lines = content.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string Line in Lines) { string[] Splitted = Line.Split('='); if (Splitted.Length < 2) { continue; } string Key = Splitted[0].Trim().ToLower(); string Value = Splitted[1]; for (int i = 2; i < Splitted.Length; i++) { Value += "=" + Splitted[i]; } Value = Value.Trim(); StateTable.Add(Key, Value); if (DebugTrace) { Debug.WriteLine($"{Key}={Value}"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Reduces an existing node. Opposite of Expand. /// </summary> /// <param name="reducedIndex">Index of the reduced node.</param> /// <param name="isChanged">True upon return if the node was changed. False if the node was already reduced.</param> public virtual void Reduce(IWriteableNodeIndex reducedIndex, out bool isChanged) { Contract.RequireNotNull(reducedIndex, out IWriteableNodeIndex ReducedIndex); Debug.Assert(StateTable.ContainsKey(ReducedIndex)); Debug.Assert(StateTable[ReducedIndex] is IWriteablePlaceholderNodeState); WriteableOperationList OperationList = CreateOperationList(); Reduce(ReducedIndex, OperationList, isNested: false); if (OperationList.Count > 0) { WriteableOperationReadOnlyList OperationReadOnlyList = OperationList.ToReadOnly(); WriteableOperationGroup OperationGroup = CreateOperationGroup(OperationReadOnlyList, null); SetLastOperation(OperationGroup); CheckInvariant(); isChanged = true; } else { isChanged = false; } }
public static string GetValue(string key, string defaultValue) { if (StateTable == null) { LoadPersistentState(); } string Result; if (StateTable.ContainsKey(key) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(StateTable[key])) { Result = StateTable[key]; } else { Result = defaultValue; } if (DebugTrace) { Debug.WriteLine($"GetValue(\"{key}\") <- {Result}"); } return(Result); }
public static void SetValue(string key, string value) { if (StateTable == null) { LoadPersistentState(); } if (StateTable.ContainsKey(key)) { if (DebugTrace) { Debug.WriteLine($"SetValue(\"{key}\") -> {value}"); } StateTable[key] = value; } else { if (DebugTrace) { Debug.WriteLine($"[{key}, {value}] added"); } StateTable.Add(key, value); } Commit(); }
public void disp_StateTable() { //Creates a command for the SQL query SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; string query = " SELECT processing_date AS 'Processing Date' ," + " CONCAT('$', amount) AS Amount ," + " CONCAT('$', balance) AS Balance ," + " Action ," + " Description ," + " State FROM CustomerData" + " WHERE STATE IN ( SELECT Description" + " FROM TRIGGERS ); "; cmd.CommandText = query; //Executes the SQL query cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //Data Table Read from sql server DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); //Fills the SQL Data by the Data Table da.Fill(dt); //Gets the Data from the data table and places it into the HTML StateTable.DataSource = dt; StateTable.DataBind(); }
private void UpdateList(Node root, StateTable inputs, List <DataEntry> aviable) { var booleans = inputs.BooleanEntries; var integers = inputs.IntegerEntries; int neededCount = booleans.Count + integers.Count; for (int i = aviable.Count; i < neededCount; i++) { var entry = _dataEntryScene.Instance <DataEntry>(); root.AddChild(entry); aviable.Add(entry); } for (int i = aviable.Count; i > neededCount; i--) { aviable[i - 1].QueueFree(); aviable.RemoveAt(i - 1); } int state = 0; foreach (var entry in booleans) { aviable[state].UpdateText(entry); state++; } foreach (var entry in integers) { aviable[state].UpdateText(entry); state++; } }
public Input_AI_Expand(Input_AI input, IBattleField battlefield, CharController_Direct _self, FB.FFSM.AI_StateTable table, AILevel aiLevel) { this.selfCC = _self; this.battlefield = battlefield; this.input = input; this.aiLevel = aiLevel; this.ai_table = table; //ai改变属性 AILevelChange(); vIdlePos = (battlefield as BattleField).GetRealChar(selfCC.idCare).transform.position; enemyCC = battlefield.GetAllCCBySide(1)[0] as CharController_Direct; //enemyCC.SetCCLife(0); stateTable = (battlefield as BattleField).GetRealChar(selfCC.idCare).transform.GetComponent <FB.FFSM.com_FightFSM>().stateTable; Start(); ChangeState(StateMachine.idle); ai_attackstate_map = new Dictionary <int, List <AI_StateItem> >(); for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { ai_attackstate_map[i] = new List <AI_StateItem>();//0 移动系列 } if (ai_table == null || ai_table.allstates == null) { return; } foreach (var a in ai_table.allstates) { ai_attackstate_map[a.attacktype].Add(a); } }
void Awake() { fightfsm = transform.GetComponent <com_FightFSM>(); ap = transform.GetComponent <AniPlayer>(); ai_table = fightfsm.aiStateTable; table = fightfsm.stateTable; }
public void BooleanIO(string iBKey, string bTest, bool iBValid, string iAKey, string assignment, bool iAValid) { var inputBoolKeys = new List <StateEntry <bool> >() { { new StateEntry <bool>(iBKey, true, "", "") } }; var outputBoolKeys = new List <StateEntry <bool> >() { { new StateEntry <bool>(iAKey, true, "", "") } }; var inputRegisters = new StateTable(inputBoolKeys, new List <StateEntry <int> >()); var outputRegisters = new StateTable(outputBoolKeys, new List <StateEntry <int> >()); ProcessingUnitMock pu = new ProcessingUnitMock(inputRegisters, outputRegisters); BooleanExpression expressionA = Interpreter.AsBooleanExpression(bTest, pu); if (iBValid) { Assert.IsTrue(expressionA.IsValid()); Assert.IsEqual(expressionA.Result(pu), true); } else { Assert.IsTrue(expressionA == null || !expressionA.IsValid()); } var ae = Osls.St.Assignment.Interpreter.AsAssignmentExpression(assignment, pu); if (iAValid) { Assert.IsTrue(ae.IsValid()); } else { Assert.IsTrue(ae == null || !ae.IsValid()); } }
/// <summary> /// Unassign the optional node. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeIndex">Index of the optional node.</param> /// <param name="isChanged">True upon return if the node was changed. False if the node was already not assigned.</param> public virtual void Unassign(IWriteableBrowsingOptionalNodeIndex nodeIndex, out bool isChanged) { Contract.RequireNotNull(nodeIndex, out IWriteableBrowsingOptionalNodeIndex NodeIndex); Debug.Assert(StateTable.ContainsKey(NodeIndex)); IWriteableOptionalNodeState State = StateTable[NodeIndex] as IWriteableOptionalNodeState; Debug.Assert(State != null); IWriteableOptionalInner <IWriteableBrowsingOptionalNodeIndex> Inner = State.ParentInner as IWriteableOptionalInner <IWriteableBrowsingOptionalNodeIndex>; Debug.Assert(Inner != null); if (Inner.IsAssigned) { Action <IWriteableOperation> HandlerRedo = (IWriteableOperation operation) => RedoUnassign(operation); Action <IWriteableOperation> HandlerUndo = (IWriteableOperation operation) => UndoUnassign(operation); WriteableAssignmentOperation Operation = CreateAssignmentOperation(Inner.Owner.Node, Inner.PropertyName, HandlerRedo, HandlerUndo, isNested: false); Operation.Redo(); SetLastOperation(Operation); CheckInvariant(); isChanged = true; } else { isChanged = false; } }
public void Test_StateTable_GetStateOfDefinitelyOccupied_2() { var input = Permutator.Run_v2_withoutConsideringWeekNumber(TestData .GetSlotsByName(TestData.Subjects.HighwayAndTransportation).ToArray()); var expected = StateTable.ParseString_AsStateOfDefinitelyOccupied( "00000000000000000000001100000000~" + "00000000000000000000000000000000~" + "00000011110000000000000000000000~" + "00000000000000000000000000000000~" + "00000000000000000000000000000000~" + "00000000000000000000000000000000~" + "00000000000000000000000000000000" ); var actual = StateTable.GetStateOfDefinitelyOccupied(input); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (expected[i] != actual[i]) { string errorMessage = "Error at day = " + i + "\n"; errorMessage += "Expected = " + Convert.ToString(expected[i], 2) + "\n"; errorMessage += "Actual = " + Convert.ToString(actual[i], 2); Assert.Fail(errorMessage); } } Assert.Pass(); }
public void CheckTarget() { var target = Selection.activeGameObject; if (!target.IsNull()) { var table = target.GetComponent <StateTable>(); bool changed = table != ||; if (changed && !table.IsNull()) { if (! { Events.Remove("On State Updated", this.Repaint,; Events.Remove("On State Refreshed", this.BuildTable,; Events.Remove("On Components Changed", this.BuildTable,; } Events.Add("On Components Changed", this.BuildTable, table.gameObject); = table; this.tableIndex = 0; this.BuildTable(); } } if (this.tableGUI.rows.Count < 1) { = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Expands an existing node. In the node: /// * All optional children are assigned if they aren't /// * If the node is a feature call, with no arguments, an empty argument is inserted. /// </summary> /// <param name="expandedIndex">Index of the expanded node.</param> /// <param name="isChanged">True upon return if the node was changed. False if the node was already expanded.</param> public virtual void Expand(IWriteableNodeIndex expandedIndex, out bool isChanged) { Contract.RequireNotNull(expandedIndex, out IWriteableNodeIndex ExpandedIndex); Debug.Assert(StateTable.ContainsKey(ExpandedIndex)); Debug.Assert(StateTable[ExpandedIndex] is IWriteablePlaceholderNodeState); WriteableOperationList OperationList = CreateOperationList(); DebugObjects.AddReference(OperationList); Expand(ExpandedIndex, OperationList); if (OperationList.Count > 0) { WriteableOperationReadOnlyList OperationReadOnlyList = OperationList.ToReadOnly(); WriteableOperationGroup OperationGroup = CreateOperationGroup(OperationReadOnlyList, null); SetLastOperation(OperationGroup); CheckInvariant(); isChanged = true; } else { isChanged = false; } }
public List <List <Slot> > GetPossibleTimetables(Slot[] inputSlots) { var subjects = SubjectModel.Parse(inputSlots.ToList()); Func <Slot[], List <List <Slot> > > permutator = Permutator.Run_v2_withoutConsideringWeekNumber; subjects = SortBySlotCount(subjects); var currentSlots = subjects[0].Slots; var possibleCombination = permutator.Invoke(currentSlots.ToArray()); var state = StateTable.GetStateOfDefinitelyOccupied(possibleCombination); int last = subjects.Count - 1; for (int i = 1; i < subjects.Count; i++) { var originalSchema = new SubjectSchema(subjects[i].Slots); var filtrate = StateTable.Filter(subjects[i].Slots, state); var newSchema = new SubjectSchema(filtrate); if (!originalSchema.Equals(newSchema)) { return(null); } currentSlots.AddRange(filtrate); possibleCombination = permutator.Invoke(currentSlots.ToArray()); if (i != last) { state = StateTable.GetStateOfDefinitelyOccupied(possibleCombination); } } return(possibleCombination); }
/// <summary> /// 根据状态表和移动回调创建移动结构 /// </summary> private MoveFunc CreateMoveFunc(StateTable table, Action moveFunc) { var mf = new MoveFunc(); mf.mode = (EMoveMode)table.moveMode; mf.priority = table.movePriority; mf.func = moveFunc; return(mf); }
public static StateTable Load(string[] parts) { int i = 0; StateTable p = new StateTable(); p._Index = int.Parse(parts[i++]); p._Name = parts[i++]; p._IconStatePath = parts[i++]; return(p); }
public SimpleCommandLineParser(string input) { this.input = input; result = new List <string>(); currently__build_arg = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); state = new ParseState() { StateID = 0 }; state_table = StateTableSingleton.Instance; }
public static StateFromTableDto Map(StateTable stateTableLink) { var state = stateTableLink.State; return(new StateFromTableDto { Id = state.Id, Name = state.Name, Index = stateTableLink.IndexInTable, TableId = stateTableLink.TableId }); }
/// <summary> /// Changes the value of a comment. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeIndex">Index of the state with the comment to change.</param> /// <param name="text">The new text.</param> /// <param name="oldCaretPosition">The old caret position.</param> /// <param name="newCaretPosition">The new caret position.</param> /// <param name="changeCaretBeforeText">True if the caret should be changed before the text, to preserve the caret invariant.</param> public virtual void ChangeCommentAndCaretPosition(IFocusIndex nodeIndex, string text, int oldCaretPosition, int newCaretPosition, bool changeCaretBeforeText) { Debug.Assert(nodeIndex != null); Debug.Assert(StateTable.ContainsKey(nodeIndex)); Debug.Assert(text != null); Action <IWriteableOperation> HandlerRedo = (IWriteableOperation operation) => RedoChangeComment(operation); Action <IWriteableOperation> HandlerUndo = (IWriteableOperation operation) => UndoChangeComment(operation); IFocusNodeState State = StateTable[nodeIndex]; IFocusChangeCommentOperation Operation = CreateChangeCommentOperation(State.Node, text, oldCaretPosition, newCaretPosition, changeCaretBeforeText, HandlerRedo, HandlerUndo, isNested: false); Operation.Redo(); SetLastOperation(Operation); CheckInvariant(); }
/// <summary> /// Changes the value of a comment. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeIndex">Index of the state with the comment to change.</param> /// <param name="text">The new text.</param> /// <param name="oldCaretPosition">The old caret position.</param> /// <param name="newCaretPosition">The new caret position.</param> /// <param name="changeCaretBeforeText">True if the caret should be changed before the text, to preserve the caret invariant.</param> public virtual void ChangeCommentAndCaretPosition(IFocusIndex nodeIndex, string text, int oldCaretPosition, int newCaretPosition, bool changeCaretBeforeText) { Contract.RequireNotNull(nodeIndex, out IFocusIndex NodeIndex); Contract.RequireNotNull(text, out string Text); Debug.Assert(StateTable.ContainsKey(NodeIndex)); System.Action <IWriteableOperation> HandlerRedo = (IWriteableOperation operation) => RedoChangeComment(operation); System.Action <IWriteableOperation> HandlerUndo = (IWriteableOperation operation) => UndoChangeComment(operation); IFocusNodeState State = (IFocusNodeState)StateTable[NodeIndex]; FocusChangeCommentOperation Operation = CreateChangeCommentOperation(State.Node, Text, oldCaretPosition, newCaretPosition, changeCaretBeforeText, HandlerRedo, HandlerUndo, isNested: false); Operation.Redo(); SetLastOperation(Operation); CheckInvariant(); }
/// <summary> /// Changes the value of a text. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeIndex">Index of the state with the comment to change.</param> /// <param name="text">The new comment.</param> public virtual void ChangeComment(IWriteableIndex nodeIndex, string text) { Contract.RequireNotNull(nodeIndex, out IWriteableIndex NodeIndex); Debug.Assert(StateTable.ContainsKey(NodeIndex)); Contract.RequireNotNull(text, out string Text); System.Action <IWriteableOperation> HandlerRedo = (IWriteableOperation operation) => RedoChangeComment(operation); System.Action <IWriteableOperation> HandlerUndo = (IWriteableOperation operation) => UndoChangeComment(operation); IWriteableNodeState State = (IWriteableNodeState)StateTable[NodeIndex]; WriteableChangeCommentOperation Operation = CreateChangeCommentOperation(State.Node, Text, HandlerRedo, HandlerUndo, isNested: false); Operation.Redo(); SetLastOperation(Operation); CheckInvariant(); }
/// <summary> /// Changes the value of an enum or boolean. /// If the value exceeds allowed values, it is rounded to fit. /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeIndex">Index of the state with the enum to change.</param> /// <param name="propertyName">Name of the property to change.</param> /// <param name="value">The new value.</param> public virtual void ChangeDiscreteValue(IWriteableIndex nodeIndex, string propertyName, int value) { Contract.RequireNotNull(nodeIndex, out IWriteableIndex NodeIndex); Debug.Assert(StateTable.ContainsKey(NodeIndex)); Debug.Assert(value >= 0); System.Action <IWriteableOperation> HandlerRedo = (IWriteableOperation operation) => RedoChangeDiscreteValue(operation); System.Action <IWriteableOperation> HandlerUndo = (IWriteableOperation operation) => UndoChangeDiscreteValue(operation); IWriteableNodeState State = (IWriteableNodeState)StateTable[NodeIndex]; WriteableChangeDiscreteValueOperation Operation = CreateChangeDiscreteValueOperation(State.Node, propertyName, value, HandlerRedo, HandlerUndo, isNested: false); Operation.Redo(); SetLastOperation(Operation); CheckInvariant(); }
public void Test_StateTable_ParseString_2() { string input = "10000000000000000000000000000000~" + "10000000000000000000000000000000~" + "10000000000000000000000000000000~" + "10000000000000000000000000000000~" + "10000000000000000000000000000000~" + "10000000000000000000000000000000~" + "10000000000000000000000000000000"; var expected = new int[7] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }; var actual = StateTable.ParseString_AsStateOfDefinitelyOccupied(input); Assert.IsTrue(actual.SequenceEqual(expected)); }
public void Test_StateTable_GetStateOfDefinitelyOccupied_1() { var input = Permutator.Run_v2_withoutConsideringWeekNumber(TestData .GetSlotsByName(TestData.Subjects.AdvancedStructuralSteelDesign).ToArray()); var expected = StateTable.ParseString_AsStateOfDefinitelyOccupied( "00000000000000111100000000000000~" + "00110000000000000000000000000000~" + "00000000000000000000000000000000~" + "00000000000000000000000000000000~" + "00000000000000000000000000000000~" + "00000000000000000000000000000000~" + "00000000000000000000000000000000" ); var actual = StateTable.GetStateOfDefinitelyOccupied(input); Assert.IsTrue(actual.SequenceEqual(expected)); }
public void Test_StateTable_Filter_1() { var input = TestData.GetSlotsByName(TestData.Subjects.AdvancedStructuralSteelDesign); var inputState = StateTable.ParseString_AsStateOfDefinitelyOccupied( "11111111111111111111111111111111~" + "11111111111111111111111111111111~" + "11111111111111111111111111111111~" + "11111111111111111111111111111111~" + "11111111111111111111111111111111~" + "11111111111111111111111111111111~" + "11111111111111111111111111111111" ); var expectedCount = 0; var actualCount = StateTable.Filter(input, inputState).Count; Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, actualCount); }
public static (StateTable, StateEntity) Map(StateFromTableDto dto) { var stateTable = new StateTable { TableId = dto.TableId, IndexInTable = dto.Index, StateId = dto.Id }; var state = new StateEntity { Id = dto.Id, Name = dto.Name }; return(stateTable, state); }
public void NumericalIO() { var intKeys = new List <StateEntry <int> > { { new StateEntry <int>("testInt", 1, "", "") } }; var inputRegisters = new StateTable(new List <StateEntry <bool> >(), intKeys); var outputRegisters = new StateTable(new List <StateEntry <bool> >(), new List <StateEntry <int> >()); ProcessingUnitMock pu = new ProcessingUnitMock(inputRegisters, outputRegisters); NumericalExpression expressionA = Interpreter.AsNumericalExpression("testInt", pu); Assert.IsTrue(expressionA.IsValid()); Assert.IsEqual(expressionA.Result(pu), 1); NumericalExpression expressionB = Interpreter.AsNumericalExpression("invalidInt", pu); Assert.IsFalse(expressionB.IsValid()); }
public void Test_StateTable_Filter_ShouldRemoveRelatedSlots() { var input = new List <Slot> { TestData.GetSlot(309), TestData.GetSlot(311) }; var inputState = StateTable.ParseString_AsStateOfDefinitelyOccupied( "00000011110000000000000000000000~" + "00000000000000000000000000000000~" + "00000000000000000000000000000000~" + "00000000000000000000000000000000~" + "00000000000000000000000000000000~" + "00000000000000000000000000000000~" + "00000000000000000000000000000000" ); var expectedCount = 0; var actualCount = StateTable.Filter(input, inputState).Count; Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, actualCount); }
/// <summary> /// Set the value of the designer property for this model item. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Property value type.</typeparam> /// <param name="item">Model item.</param> /// <param name="property">Designer property.</param> /// <param name="value">Designer property value.</param> public static void SetDesignerProperty <T>(this ModelItem item, DesignerProperty <T> property, T value) { DesignerStateDictionary dictionary = item.Context.Services.GetService <DesignerStateDictionary>(); if (dictionary == null) { dictionary = new DesignerStateDictionary(); item.Context.Services.Publish <DesignerStateDictionary>(dictionary); } StateTable table; if (!dictionary.TryGetValue(item, out table)) { table = new StateTable(); dictionary[item] = table; } table[property] = value; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the text for the plant info panel according to the given inputs and outputs /// </summary> public void UpdateText(StateTable inputs, StateTable outputs) { if (inputs == null || outputs == null) { foreach (var entry in _aviableInputs) { entry.QueueFree(); } _aviableInputs.Clear(); foreach (var entry in _aviableOutputs) { entry.QueueFree(); } _aviableOutputs.Clear(); } else { Node inputNode = GetNode <VBoxContainer>("ScrollContainer/VBox/Inputs"); Node outputNode = GetNode <VBoxContainer>("ScrollContainer/VBox/Outputs"); UpdateList(inputNode, inputs, _aviableInputs); UpdateList(outputNode, outputs, _aviableOutputs); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="options">The options to assist when configuring the state machine.</param> /// <param name="commandFactory">The SMTP command factory.</param> public SmtpStateMachine(ISmtpServerOptions options, SmtpCommandFactory commandFactory) { _stateTable = new StateTable { new State(SmtpState.Initialized) { #if DEBUG { "DBUG", commandFactory.TryMakeDbug }, #endif { "NOOP", commandFactory.TryMakeNoop }, { "RSET", commandFactory.TryMakeRset }, { "QUIT", commandFactory.TryMakeQuit }, { "HELO", commandFactory.TryMakeHelo, SmtpState.WaitingForMail }, { "EHLO", commandFactory.TryMakeEhlo, SmtpState.WaitingForMail }, }, new State(SmtpState.WaitingForMail) { #if DEBUG { "DBUG", commandFactory.TryMakeDbug }, #endif { "NOOP", commandFactory.TryMakeNoop }, { "RSET", commandFactory.TryMakeRset }, { "QUIT", commandFactory.TryMakeQuit }, { "HELO", commandFactory.TryMakeHelo, SmtpState.WaitingForMail }, { "EHLO", commandFactory.TryMakeEhlo, SmtpState.WaitingForMail }, { "MAIL", commandFactory.TryMakeMail, SmtpState.WithinTransaction }, { "STARTTLS", commandFactory.TryMakeStartTls, SmtpState.WaitingForMailSecure }, }, new State(SmtpState.WaitingForMailSecure) { #if DEBUG { "DBUG", commandFactory.TryMakeDbug }, #endif { "NOOP", commandFactory.TryMakeNoop }, { "RSET", commandFactory.TryMakeRset }, { "QUIT", commandFactory.TryMakeQuit }, { "AUTH", commandFactory.TryMakeAuth }, { "HELO", commandFactory.TryMakeHelo, SmtpState.WaitingForMailSecure }, { "EHLO", commandFactory.TryMakeEhlo, SmtpState.WaitingForMailSecure }, { "MAIL", commandFactory.TryMakeMail, SmtpState.WithinTransaction } }, new State(SmtpState.WithinTransaction) { #if DEBUG { "DBUG", commandFactory.TryMakeDbug }, #endif { "NOOP", commandFactory.TryMakeNoop }, { "RSET", commandFactory.TryMakeRset }, { "QUIT", commandFactory.TryMakeQuit }, { "RCPT", commandFactory.TryMakeRcpt, SmtpState.CanAcceptData }, }, new State(SmtpState.CanAcceptData) { #if DEBUG { "DBUG", commandFactory.TryMakeDbug }, #endif { "NOOP", commandFactory.TryMakeNoop }, { "RSET", commandFactory.TryMakeRset }, { "QUIT", commandFactory.TryMakeQuit }, { "RCPT", commandFactory.TryMakeRcpt }, { "DATA", commandFactory.TryMakeData, SmtpState.WaitingForMail }, } }; if (options.AllowUnsecureAuthentication) { _stateTable[SmtpState.WaitingForMail].Add("AUTH", commandFactory.TryMakeAuth); } _stateTable.Initialize(SmtpState.Initialized); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="properties"></param> public State(string name, StateTable properties) { Name = name; _properties = properties; }