コード例 #1
        public static float Replacemant(StatWorker statWorker, StatRequest req, bool applyPostProcess)
            var tick = GenTicks.TicksGame;

            if (true &&
                Finder.enabled &&
                Current.Game != null &&
                tick >= 600)
                int key       = Tools.GetKey(statWorker, req, applyPostProcess);
                int signature = -1;
                if (req.HasThing && req.Thing is Pawn pawn && pawn != null && !signatures.TryGetValue(pawn.thingIDNumber, out signature))
                    signatures[pawn.thingIDNumber] = signature = Rand.Int.GetHashCode();
                    return(UpdateCache(key, statWorker, req, applyPostProcess, tick, null));
                if (!cache.TryGetValue(key, out var store))
                    return(UpdateCache(key, statWorker, req, applyPostProcess, tick, store));
                if (tick - store.Item2 > Finder.statExpiry[statWorker.stat.index] || signature != store.Item3)
                    if (Finder.debug && signature != store.Item3)
                        Log.Message(string.Format("ROCKETMAN: Invalidated pawn cache with old sig:{0} and new {1}", store.Item3, signature));
                    return(UpdateCache(key, statWorker, req, applyPostProcess, tick, store));
                return(statWorker.GetValueUnfinalized(req, applyPostProcess));
コード例 #2
        internal static float UpdateCache(int key, StatWorker statWorker, StatRequest req, bool applyPostProcess, int tick, Tuple <float, int, int> store)
            var value = statWorker.GetValueUnfinalized(req, applyPostProcess);

            if (Finder.statLogging && !Finder.learning)
                Log.Message(string.Format("ROCKETMAN: state {0} for {1} took {2} with key {3}", statWorker.stat.defName, req.thingInt, tick - (store?.Item2 ?? 0), key));
            else if (Finder.learning)
                requests.Add(new Tuple <int, int, float>(statWorker.stat.index, tick - (store?.Item2 ?? tick), Mathf.Abs(value - (store?.Item1 ?? value))));
                if (Rand.Chance(0.1f))
            int signature = -1;

            if (req.HasThing && req.Thing is Pawn pawn && pawn != null && !signatures.TryGetValue(pawn.thingIDNumber, out signature))
                signatures[pawn.thingIDNumber] = signature = Rand.Int.GetHashCode();
            cache[key] = new Tuple <float, int, int>(value, tick, signature);
コード例 #3
            public static float Replacemant(StatWorker statWorker, StatRequest req, bool applyPostProcess)
                if (Finder.enabled && Current.Game != null)
                    var key = Tools.GetKey(statWorker, req, applyPostProcess);

                    var tick = GenTicks.TicksGame;

                    if (!cache.TryGetValue(key, out var store))
                        return(UpdateCache(key, statWorker, req, applyPostProcess, tick, store));

                    if (tick - store.Second > Finder.statExpiry[statWorker.stat.index])
                        return(UpdateCache(key, statWorker, req, applyPostProcess, tick, store));

                    return(statWorker.GetValueUnfinalized(req, applyPostProcess));
コード例 #4
            internal static float UpdateCache(int key, StatWorker statWorker, StatRequest req, bool applyPostProcess, int tick, Pair <float, int> store)
                var value = statWorker.GetValueUnfinalized(req, applyPostProcess);

                if (Finder.debug && !Finder.learning)
                    Log.Message(string.Format("ROCKETMAN: state {0} for {1} took {2} with key {3}", statWorker.stat.defName, req.thingInt, tick - store.second, key));

                if (Finder.learning)
                    requests.Add(new Tuple <int, int, float>(statWorker.stat.index, tick - store.second, Mathf.Abs(value - store.first)));

                if (req.HasThing && req.Thing is Pawn pawn && pawn != null)
                    List <int> keys = null;
                    if (!pawnCachedKeys.TryGetValue(pawn.thingIDNumber, out keys))
                        pawnCachedKeys[pawn.thingIDNumber] = (keys = new List <int>());

                cache[key] = new Pair <float, int>(value, tick);
コード例 #5
        public static bool RocketMan_Replacemant(StatWorker statWorker, StatRequest req, bool applyPostProcess, ref float __result)
            if (!UnityData.IsInMainThread)
                // return not cached
                __result = statWorker.GetValueUnfinalized(req, applyPostProcess);

            if (req.thingInt == null && req.stuffDefInt == null && req.defInt == null)
                Log.ErrorOnce($"Try get value from Empty StatRequest!", "rocketman.patch".GetHashCode());
                __result = 0;
コード例 #6
        public override IEnumerable <StatDrawEntry> SpecialDisplayStatsForThing(ThingWithComps parentThing, string preLabel)
            // Add additional Equipped Stat Offsets modifiers
            var statDrawEntry = new StatDrawEntry(
                category:    StatCategoryDefOf.EquippedStatOffsets,
                label:       affectedStat.LabelCap,
                valueString: ModifierChangeString,  // much more flexible than value
                reportText:  affectedStat.description,
                displayPriorityWithinCategory: 10

            StatRequest req = StatRequest.For(parentThing);

            // Extra properties, since we're overriding the typical stat value display
            statDrawEntry.stat           = affectedStat;
            statDrawEntry.hasOptionalReq = true;
            statDrawEntry.optionalReq    = req;

            // Calculate an example value
            StatWorker worker       = affectedStat.Worker;
            float      exampleValue =
                parentThing.ParentHolder != null && parentThing.ParentHolder is Pawn pawn?
                worker.GetValueUnfinalized(StatRequest.For(pawn)) :

            // Use the Thing-tied StatRequest to hit our StatPart
            worker.FinalizeValue(req, ref exampleValue, true);

            // And finally, another private we need to dodge around to install both kinds of StatDrawEntry fields.

            // [Reflection] statDrawEntry.value = exampleValue;
            FieldInfo valueField = AccessTools.Field(typeof(StatDrawEntry), "value");

            valueField.SetValue(statDrawEntry, exampleValue);

            yield return(statDrawEntry);