public LinearProgression Smoothed(TimeSpan windowSize) { // make a List of the cumulative time spent DateTime minDate = this.Owner.DiscoveryDate; IEnumerable <ListItemStats <DateTime, ParticipationAndSummary> > items = this.searchHelper.AllItems; LinearProgression cumulatives = new LinearProgression(); // first sort the starts and ends StatList <DateTime, double> deltaIntensities = new StatList <DateTime, double>(new DateComparer(), new FloatAdder()); foreach (ListItemStats <DateTime, ParticipationAndSummary> item in items) { deltaIntensities.Add(item.Value.Participation.StartDate, 1); deltaIntensities.Add(item.Value.Participation.EndDate, -1); } if (deltaIntensities.NumItems < 1) { return(new LinearProgression()); } DateTime maxDate = deltaIntensities.GetLastValue().Key; // now add up the (possibly overlapping) values double intensity = 0; DateTime prevDate = minDate; double sum = 0; foreach (ListItemStats <DateTime, double> deltaIntensity in deltaIntensities.AllItems) { double duration = deltaIntensity.Key.Subtract(prevDate).TotalSeconds; sum += intensity * duration; intensity += deltaIntensity.Value; cumulatives.Add(deltaIntensity.Key, sum); prevDate = deltaIntensity.Key; } // find what's in the sliding window by subtracting the cumulative from the shifted cumulative LinearProgression shiftedCumulatives = cumulatives.Shifted(windowSize); if (windowSize.TotalSeconds > 0) { cumulatives.Add(maxDate.Add(windowSize), sum); LinearProgression result = cumulatives.Minus(shiftedCumulatives); return(result); } else { shiftedCumulatives.Add(maxDate, sum); LinearProgression result = shiftedCumulatives.Minus(cumulatives); return(result); } }
private List <Datapoint> getDatapoints(IEnumerable <Activity> activities) { StatList <DateTime, int> discoveredCounts = new StatList <DateTime, int>(new DateComparer(), new IntAdder()); foreach (Activity activity in activities) { discoveredCounts.Add(activity.DiscoveryDate, 1); } DateTime minPossibleDate = TimeProgression.AbsoluteTime.StartDate; bool isFirst = false; List <Datapoint> datapoints = new List <Datapoint>(); // compute cumulative values foreach (DateTime when in discoveredCounts.Keys) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; } TimeSpan duration = when.Subtract(minPossibleDate); int cumulative = discoveredCounts.CombineBeforeKey(when, true); datapoints.Add(new Datapoint(duration.TotalSeconds, cumulative, 1)); } return(datapoints); }
public SampleItem() { foreach (var stat in Helpers.List) { StatList.Add(new AdditiveStatClass((float)_rng.NextDouble())); } }
public List <ProtoActivity> TextSearch(string query, int count) { if (query == null || query == "" || count < 1) { return(new List <ProtoActivity>(0)); } StatList <double, ProtoActivity> sortedItems = new StatList <double, ProtoActivity>(new ReverseDoubleComparer(), new NoopCombiner <ProtoActivity>()); foreach (ProtoActivity protoActivity in this.ProtoActivities) { double textQuality = this.stringQueryMatcher.StringScore(protoActivity.Text, query); if (textQuality > 0) { double matchQuality = textQuality + protoActivity.IntrinsicInterest; sortedItems.Add(matchQuality, protoActivity); } } count = Math.Min(count, sortedItems.NumItems); List <ProtoActivity> top = new List <ProtoActivity>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { top.Add(sortedItems.GetValueAtIndex(i).Value); } return(top); }
private IEnumerable <int> nChooseK(int maxExclusive, int count) { StatList <int, bool> choices = new StatList <int, bool>(new IntComparerer(), new NoopCombiner <bool>()); if (count > maxExclusive) { count = maxExclusive; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int randInt = this.generator.Next(maxExclusive - i); int index = randInt; while (true) { int smallerCount = choices.CountBeforeKey(index, true); if (index != randInt + smallerCount) { index = randInt + smallerCount; } else { break; } } choices.Add(index, true); } return(choices.Keys); }
public void AddTotalSaleValue() { StatList.Clear(); StatList.Add(new Statistics(SellingTotal(), "Indkomst")); StatList.Add(new Statistics(BuyingTotal(), "Udgifter")); StatList.Add(new Statistics((SellingTotal() - BuyingTotal()), "Profit")); StatList.Add(new Statistics(0, "")); }
private StatList <DateTime, double> GetEfficiencies() { // Suppose efficiency[day[i]] = i StatList <DateTime, double> efficiencies = new StatList <DateTime, double>(new DateComparer(), new FloatAdder()); for (int i = 1; i < 365; i++) { efficiencies.Add(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1).AddDays(i), Math.Pow(1.01, i)); } return(efficiencies); }
public void SetValue(StatType type, object value) { if (!StatList.ContainsKey(type)) { StatList.Add(type, value); } else { StatList[type] = value; } RaiseEvent(); }
public void ExtractOriginals() { foreach (var tile in TileCodes) { var path = $@"D:\Data\DEM\NZ\{tile}.asc"; var file = NzReader.Read(path); Assert.AreEqual(8192, file.Columns); Assert.AreEqual(8192, file.Rows); Assert.AreEqual(-999, file.NoDataValue); var list = new StatList(); var arr = file.Data; foreach (var index in arr.Indices()) { var value = arr[index]; if (value == file.NoDataValue) { foreach (var neighbour in arr.Neighbours(index)) { var neighbourValue = arr[neighbour]; if (neighbourValue != file.NoDataValue) { list.Add(neighbourValue); } } } } if (list.Any()) { file.ReplaceNoDataValue(list.Average()); } var outputPath = Path.Combine(OutputPath, $"{tile}.npy");, file.Data); using (var stream = File.Create(Path.Combine(OutputPath, $"{tile}.png"))) { new ImageConverter().ToPng(file.Data, stream, HeightToGrayscale.FullRange8(file.Data)); } } }
// Find the top few matching activities public List <Activity> FindBestMatches(ActivityDescriptor descriptor, int count) { if (count < 1) { return(new List <Activity>(0)); } if (count == 1) { Activity best = this.ResolveDescriptor(descriptor); if (best != null) { return new List <Activity>() { best } } ; return(new List <Activity>() { }); } IEnumerable <Activity> activities = this.GetCandidateMatches(descriptor); StatList <double, Activity> sortedItems = new StatList <double, Activity>(new ReverseDoubleComparer(), new NoopCombiner <Activity>()); foreach (Activity activity in activities) { double quality = this.MatchQuality(descriptor, activity); if (quality > 0) { sortedItems.Add(quality, activity); } } count = Math.Min(count, sortedItems.NumItems); List <Activity> top = new List <Activity>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { top.Add(sortedItems.GetValueAtIndex(i).Value); } return(top); }
public void LoadFile() { foreach (var tile in new[] { "BJ", "UB", "UC" }) { var path = $@"D:\Data\DEM\NZ\{tile}.asc"; var file = NzReader.Read(path); Assert.AreEqual(8192, file.Columns); Assert.AreEqual(8192, file.Rows); Assert.AreEqual(-999, file.NoDataValue); var list = new StatList(); var arr = file.Data; foreach (var index in arr.Indices()) { var value = arr[index]; if (value == file.NoDataValue) { foreach (var neighbour in arr.Neighbours(index)) { var neighbourValue = arr[neighbour]; if (neighbourValue != file.NoDataValue) { list.Add(neighbourValue); } } } } file.ReplaceNoDataValue(list.Average()); using (var stream = File.Create($@"D:\Data\DEM\NZ\{tile}.png")) { new ImageConverter().ToPng(file.Data, stream, HeightToGrayscale.FullRange8(file.Data)); } } }
public override void Finish() { this.log("Grouping participations by category"); foreach (KeyValuePair <String, Dictionary <Activity, int> > entry in this.feedbacks) { this.log(""); this.log("Instances of feedback " + entry.Key + ":"); // sort StatList <int, Activity> sorted = new StatList <int, Activity>(new IntComparerer(), null); foreach (KeyValuePair <Activity, int> e2 in entry.Value) { sorted.Add(e2.Value, e2.Key); } // Find the activities that were done often enough to be noteworthy int max = sorted.GetLastValue().Key; int cumulative = 0; int minInterestingKey = 0; List <ListItemStats <int, Activity> > interesting = new List <ListItemStats <int, Activity> >(); foreach (ListItemStats <int, Activity> stats in sorted.AllItems) { cumulative += stats.Key; // Some activities were only done a very small number of times. We skip displaying those because they might be distracting if (cumulative >= max) { interesting.Add(stats); } } // sort the more commonly done activities to the top interesting.Reverse(); foreach (ListItemStats <int, Activity> stats in interesting) { this.log(stats.Value + " : " + stats.Key + " times"); } } base.Finish(); }
public Participation_BinComparison_View(Engine engine, IEnumerable <Activity> activitiesToPredictFrom, Activity activityToPredict, TimeSpan windowSize) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; engine.EnsureRatingsAreAssociated(); LinearProgression progressionToPredict = activityToPredict.ParticipationsSmoothed((new TimeSpan()).Subtract(windowSize)); StatList <NeighborhoodInterpolation, Activity> results = new StatList <NeighborhoodInterpolation, Activity>(new Neighborhood_MiddleOutputMean_Comparer(), new NoopCombiner <Activity>()); foreach (Activity activity in activitiesToPredictFrom) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("comparing " + activity + " and " + activityToPredict.Name); List <Datapoint> datapoints = activity.compareParticipations(windowSize, progressionToPredict, now.Subtract(windowSize)); // put data into the interpolator FloatRange inputRange = new FloatRange(0, true, windowSize.TotalSeconds, true); AdaptiveLinearInterpolator <Distribution> interpolator = new AdaptiveLinearInterpolator <Distribution>(new HyperBox <Distribution>(new FloatRange[] { inputRange }), new DistributionAdder()); foreach (Datapoint datapoint in datapoints) { interpolator.AddDatapoint(new AdaptiveInterpolation.Datapoint <Distribution>(datapoint.Input, Distribution.MakeDistribution(datapoint.Output, 0, datapoint.Weight))); } // ask the interpolator which input has the highest average output IEnumerable <double[]> representativePoints = interpolator.FindRepresentativePoints(); if (representativePoints.Count() > 0) { double[] bestInput = new double[1]; AdaptiveInterpolation.Distribution bestOutput = null; foreach (double[] coordinates in representativePoints) { AdaptiveInterpolation.Distribution output = interpolator.Interpolate(coordinates); if (bestOutput == null || output.Mean > bestOutput.Mean) { bestInput = coordinates; bestOutput = output; } } // Check nearby regions for their outputs too HyperBox <Distribution> inputNeighborhood = interpolator.FindNeighborhoodCoordinates(bestInput); double inputNeighborhoodWidth = inputNeighborhood.Coordinates[0].Width; double lowerInput = Math.Max(inputNeighborhood.Coordinates[0].LowCoordinate - inputNeighborhoodWidth, inputRange.LowCoordinate); double higherInput = Math.Min(inputNeighborhood.Coordinates[0].HighCoordinate + inputNeighborhoodWidth, inputRange.HighCoordinate); NeighborhoodInterpolation result = new NeighborhoodInterpolation(); result.Middle = new Interpolation(bestInput[0], bestOutput); result.Left = new Interpolation(lowerInput, interpolator.Interpolate(new double[] { lowerInput })); result.Right = new Interpolation(higherInput, interpolator.Interpolate(new double[] { higherInput })); results.Add(result, activity); } } IEnumerable <ListItemStats <NeighborhoodInterpolation, Activity> > resultList = results.AllItems; if (resultList.Count() <= 0) { // This shouldn't be able to happen unless we disallow predicting the activity from itself this.SubLayout = new TextblockLayout("No activities found!"); } else { int numWindowDays = (int)windowSize.TotalDays; GridLayout_Builder layoutBuilder = new Vertical_GridLayout_Builder().Uniform(); if (resultList.Count() > 1) { string title = "Activities that when done most strongly predict future participations in " + activityToPredict.Name; layoutBuilder.AddLayout(new TextblockLayout(title)); } else { string title = "Predicting future participations in " + activityToPredict.Name; layoutBuilder.AddLayout(new TextblockLayout(title)); } string explanation = "A block of the form a->{b,c,d} means that when you have spent an average of <a> min/day on the given activity over the last " + numWindowDays + " days, " + "you have spent on average <c> min/day on " + activityToPredict.Name + " over the next " + numWindowDays + " days, with <b> and <d> marking -1 and +1 standard deviation, respectively"; layoutBuilder.AddLayout(new TextblockLayout(explanation)); int count = 0; foreach (ListItemStats <NeighborhoodInterpolation, Activity> result in resultList.Reverse()) { count++; if (count > 3) { break; } Activity activity = result.Value; NeighborhoodInterpolation neighborhood = result.Key; layoutBuilder.AddLayout(new TextblockLayout("After " + activity.Name + ":")); foreach (Interpolation interpolation in neighborhood.Items) { double inputSecondsPerWindow = interpolation.Input; double inputMinutesPerDay = inputSecondsPerWindow / windowSize.TotalDays / 60; double avgOutputSecondsPerWindow = interpolation.Output.Mean; double avgOutputMinutesPerDay = avgOutputSecondsPerWindow / windowSize.TotalDays / 60; double stddevOutputSecondsPerWindow = interpolation.Output.StdDev; double stddevOutputMinutesPerDay = stddevOutputSecondsPerWindow / windowSize.TotalDays / 60; string itemLine = Math.Round(inputMinutesPerDay, 1) + " -> {" + Math.Round((avgOutputMinutesPerDay - stddevOutputMinutesPerDay), 1) + "," + Math.Round(avgOutputMinutesPerDay, 1) + "," + Math.Round((avgOutputMinutesPerDay + stddevOutputMinutesPerDay), 1) + "}"; layoutBuilder.AddLayout(new TextblockLayout(itemLine)); } } this.SubLayout = layoutBuilder.Build(); } }
public ParticipationCorrelationView(Engine engine, IEnumerable <Activity> activitiesToPredictFrom, Activity activityToPredict, TimeSpan windowSize) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; engine.EnsureRatingsAreAssociated(); LinearProgression progressionToPredict = activityToPredict.ParticipationsSmoothed((new TimeSpan()).Subtract(windowSize)); StatList <double, Activity> results = new StatList <double, Activity>(new DoubleComparer(), new NoopCombiner <Activity>()); foreach (Activity activity in activitiesToPredictFrom) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("comparing " + activity + " and " + activityToPredict.Name); List <Datapoint> datapoints = activity.compareParticipations(windowSize, progressionToPredict, now.Subtract(windowSize)); // now compute the value of the formula Correlator correlator = new Correlator(); foreach (Datapoint datapoint in datapoints) { correlator.Add(datapoint); } double outputIncreasePerInputIncrease = correlator.Slope; if (!double.IsNaN(outputIncreasePerInputIncrease)) { results.Add(outputIncreasePerInputIncrease, activity); } } IEnumerable <ListItemStats <double, Activity> > resultList = results.AllItems; GridLayout_Builder layoutBuilder = new Vertical_GridLayout_Builder().Uniform(); List <ListItemStats <double, Activity> > mostPositivelyCorrelated = new List <ListItemStats <double, Activity> >(); List <ListItemStats <double, Activity> > mostNegativelyCorrelated = new List <ListItemStats <double, Activity> >(); int i = 0; int numPositives = Math.Min(4, resultList.Count()); foreach (ListItemStats <double, Activity> result in resultList.Reverse()) { mostPositivelyCorrelated.Add(result); i++; if (i > numPositives) { break; } } i = 0; int numNegatives = Math.Min(4, resultList.Count() - numPositives); foreach (ListItemStats <double, Activity> result in resultList) { mostNegativelyCorrelated.Add(result); i++; if (i > numNegatives) { break; } } if (resultList.Count() <= 0) { // This shouldn't be able to happen unless we disallow predicting the activity from itself this.SubLayout = new TextblockLayout("No activities found!"); } else { string title = "Things you do that are correlated with doing more or less of " + activityToPredict.Name + " over the following " + Math.Round(windowSize.TotalDays, 0) + " days"; layoutBuilder.AddLayout(new TextblockLayout(title)); if (numPositives > 0) { if (numPositives > 1) { layoutBuilder.AddLayout(new TextblockLayout("Doing one minute of these activities adds this many minutes:")); } else { layoutBuilder.AddLayout(new TextblockLayout("Doing one minute of this activity adds this many minutes:")); } foreach (ListItemStats <double, Activity> result in mostPositivelyCorrelated) { double correlation = result.Key; Activity activity = result.Value; String message = activity.Name + ": " + Math.Round(correlation, 5); layoutBuilder.AddLayout(new TextblockLayout(message)); } } if (numNegatives > 0) { if (numNegatives > 1) { layoutBuilder.AddLayout(new TextblockLayout("Doing one minute of these activities subtracts this many minutes:")); } else { layoutBuilder.AddLayout(new TextblockLayout("Doing one minute of this activity subtracts this many minutes:")); } foreach (ListItemStats <double, Activity> result in mostNegativelyCorrelated) { double correlation = result.Key; Activity activity = result.Value; String message = activity.Name + ": " + Math.Round(correlation, 5); layoutBuilder.AddLayout(new TextblockLayout(message)); } } this.SubLayout = layoutBuilder.Build(); } }