コード例 #1
ファイル: Mission.cs プロジェクト: shotaxx/Essence
 /** Main Constructor */
 public Mission()
     pauseState               = true;
     objectives               = new List <Objective>();
     vehicles                 = new List <NetHandle>();
     players                  = new List <Client>();
     objectiveCooldown        = DateTime.Now;
     partyInstance            = new Random().Next(0, 9000000);
     missionReward            = 0;
     maxMissionTime           = -1;
     missionWeaponReward      = WeaponHash.Unarmed;
     stashInfo                = null;
     removeFromMissionOnDeath = false;
コード例 #2
        public void startChopShopJob(Client player, params object[] arguments)
            if (player.position.DistanceTo(startPoint) >= 5)

            Mission mission;

            if (API.hasEntityData(player, "Mission"))
                mission = API.getEntityData(player, "Mission");
                if (mission.MissionObjectiveCount > 0)
                    API.sendChatMessageToPlayer(player, "~r~You seem to already have a mission running.");
                API.setEntitySyncedData(player, "Mission_New_Instance", true);
                API.setEntityData(player, "Mission", mission);
                mission = new Mission();
                API.setEntitySyncedData(player, "Mission_New_Instance", true);
                API.setEntityData(player, "Mission", mission);

            // Basic Setup.
            mission.MissionTime              = 60 * 5;
            mission.MissionReward            = reward;
            mission.MissionTitle             = "Chop Shop";
            mission.RemoveFromMissionOnDeath = true;

            StashInfo stash = StashManager.getStashInfoByID(1);

            if (stash == null)
                API.sendChatMessageToPlayer(player, "~r~Something went wrong with stashes. Contact an administrator.");

            mission.AttachStashInfo = stash;

            // Setup a unique ID for the vehicle we'll be using.
            int uniqueID = new Random().Next(1, 50000);
            // == First Major Objective
            // = Create an empty objective to house information. Create an empty ObjectiveInfo Add our first objective, and associate the Vehicle ID with our objective.
            Objective     objective     = mission.addEmptyObjective(mission);
            ObjectiveInfo objectiveInfo = objective.addEmptyObjectiveInfo();

            objectiveInfo.Location = midPoint;
            objectiveInfo.Type     = Objective.ObjectiveTypes.Location;
            objectiveInfo.Lockpick = new minigames.Lockpick();

            // == Second Major Objective
            int     missionIndex = new Random().Next(0, locations.Count);
            int     carIndex     = new Random().Next(0, vehicleList.Count);
            Vector3 location     = locations[missionIndex].Location;
            Vector3 rotation     = locations[missionIndex].Rotation;

            objective              = mission.addEmptyObjective(mission);
            objectiveInfo          = objective.addEmptyObjectiveInfo();
            objectiveInfo.Location = location;
            objectiveInfo.Type     = Objective.ObjectiveTypes.BreakIntoVehicle;
            objectiveInfo.Lockpick = new minigames.Lockpick();
            NetHandle vehicle = objective.addObjectiveVehicle(mission, location.Add(new Vector3(0, 0, 0.2)), API.vehicleNameToModel(vehicleList[carIndex]), rotation, uniqueID);

            API.setVehiclePrimaryColor(vehicle, new Random().Next(0, 159));
            API.setVehicleSecondaryColor(vehicle, new Random().Next(0, 159));

            API.setEntityPositionFrozen(vehicle, true);
            API.delay(5000, true, () =>
                API.setVehicleLocked(vehicle, true);
                API.setVehicleEngineStatus(vehicle, false);
                API.setEntityPositionFrozen(vehicle, false);

            // == Third Major Objective - Take Vehicle
            objective                     = mission.addEmptyObjective(mission);
            objectiveInfo                 = objective.addEmptyObjectiveInfo();
            objectiveInfo.Location        = location;
            objectiveInfo.Type            = Objective.ObjectiveTypes.RetrieveVehicle;
            objectiveInfo.UniqueVehicleID = uniqueID;
            objectiveInfo                 = objective.addEmptyObjectiveInfo();
            objectiveInfo.Type            = Objective.ObjectiveTypes.UnlockVehicles;
            objectiveInfo.Location        = new Vector3();
            objectiveInfo.UniqueVehicleID = uniqueID;

            // == Parse End Point
            objective                     = mission.addEmptyObjective(mission);
            objectiveInfo                 = objective.addEmptyObjectiveInfo();
            objectiveInfo.Location        = endPoint;
            objectiveInfo.Type            = Objective.ObjectiveTypes.VehicleLocation;
            objectiveInfo.UniqueVehicleID = uniqueID;

            // == Start Mission
