static void Main(string[] args) { Logger.OnStartup(); StartupManager.Initialize(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); checkChampList(); checkAccountsList(); if (args.Length == 0) { HandleCommand(string.Empty, -1); } else if (args.Length == 1) { HandleCommand(args[0], -1); } else if (args.Length == 2) { int gamesInt = int.Parse(args[1]); if (gamesInt >= 0) { Logger.Write("Bot has " + args[1] + " game(s) left to play.", MessageState.INFO); } else { Logger.Write("Bot has played " + (Math.Abs(gamesInt) - 1).ToString() + " game(s)", MessageState.INFO); } HandleCommand(args[0], gamesInt); } Console.Read(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Logger.OnStartup(); StartupManager.Initialize(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); HandleCommand(); Console.Read(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Logger.OnStartup(); StartupManager.Initialize(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); checkChampList(); if (args.Length == 0) { HandleCommand(string.Empty); } else { HandleCommand(args[0]); } Console.Read(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { SSyncCore.OnProtocolLoaded += SSyncCore_OnProtocolLoaded; SSyncCore.Initialize(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ChatRequestMessage)), Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); StartupManager.OnItemLoading += StartupManager_OnItemLoaded; StartupManager.OnStartupEnded += StartupManager_OnStartupEnded; StartupManager.Initialize(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); SSyncServer serv = new SSyncServer("", 500); serv.OnClientConnected += serv_OnSocketAccepted; serv.Start(); loop: string str = Console.ReadLine(); Clients.ForEach(x => x.Send(new ChatMessage(str))); Console.WriteLine(str + " Sended to clients"); goto loop; }
static void Main(string[] args) { Logger.OnStartup(); StartupManager.Initialize(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); checkChampList(); /* if (args.Length == 0) * HandleCommand(string.Empty); * else * HandleCommand(args[0]); */ BotApi bot = new BotApi(); GameApi game = new GameApi(); Random r = new Random(); /* Process.Start("C:\\Riot Games\\League of Legends\\LeagueClient.exe"); * bot.waitProcessOpen("RiotClientServices"); * * BotHelper.Wait(3000); * * string username = "******"; * string password = "******"; * LoginHandler.Login(username, password); * BotHelper.Wait(3000); * if (TextHelper.TextExists(769, 271, 262, 41, "TERMS OF SERVICE")) * { * Logger.Write("Accept the Terms of Service!"); * for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) * { * if (ImageHelper.GetColor(816, 739) == "#BC252A") * break; * * InputHelper.LeftClick(1168, 642); * } * InputHelper.LeftClick(816, 739); * } * * bot.waitProcessOpen("LeagueClientUX"); * bot.bringProcessToFront("LeagueClientUX"); * bot.centerProcess("LeagueClientUX"); * * Logger.Write("CLIENT IS OPEN!"); * BotHelper.Wait(10000); * * if (TextHelper.TextExists(725, 425, 500, 50, "What name will you go by in the game?")) * { * TextInfo myTI = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo; * string nUsername = myTI.ToTitleCase(username); * Logger.Write("Set Name to " + nUsername + "!"); * InputHelper.LeftClick(750, 540); * InputHelper.InputWords(nUsername); * BotHelper.Wait(3000); * * } * * // 421 220testperitestperi * InputHelper.LeftClick(421, 220); * BotHelper.Wait(r.Next(800, 1300)); * // 464 285 * InputHelper.LeftClick(464, 285); * BotHelper.Wait(r.Next(800, 1300)); * // 765 676 * InputHelper.LeftClick(765, 676); * BotHelper.Wait(r.Next(800, 1300)); * // 824 870 * InputHelper.LeftClick(824, 870); * BotHelper.Wait(r.Next(1000, 1700)); * * InputHelper.LeftClick(824, 870); * Logger.Write("SEARCH MATCH..."); * BotHelper.Wait(r.Next(800, 2000)); * * while(true) * { * TextHelper.WaitForText(827, 555, 267, 36, "MATCH FOUND"); * * InputHelper.LeftClick(960, 741); * Logger.Write("MATCH ACCEPTED!"); * BotHelper.Wait(3000); * * if (TextHelper.TextExists(758, 192, 441, 35, "CHOOSE YOUR CHAMPION!")) * break; * } * * // Search Champion * InputHelper.LeftClick(1095, 258); * BotHelper.Wait(r.Next(800, 1300)); * * InputHelper.InputWords("ezreal"); * BotHelper.Wait(r.Next(800, 1300)); * * // Select Champion * InputHelper.LeftClick(702, 349); * BotHelper.Wait(r.Next(800, 1300)); * * InputHelper.LeftClick(963, 787); * BotHelper.Wait(r.Next(800, 1300)); * * Logger.Write("PICKED CHAMP!"); */ // BotHelper.Wait(95000); string GAME_PROCESS_NAME = "League of Legends"; Logger.Write("process done^TEST"); bot.waitProcessOpen(GAME_PROCESS_NAME); bot.waitUntilProcessBounds(GAME_PROCESS_NAME, 1030, 797); bot.wait(200); bot.bringProcessToFront(GAME_PROCESS_NAME); bot.centerProcess(GAME_PROCESS_NAME); Logger.Write("process done"); game.waitUntilGameStart(); bot.log("We are in game!"); bot.bringProcessToFront(GAME_PROCESS_NAME); bot.centerProcess(GAME_PROCESS_NAME); bot.wait(1000); game.detectSide(); Point CastTargetPoint; if (game.getSide() == SideEnum.Blue) { CastTargetPoint = new Point(1084, 398); bot.log("We are blue side!"); } else { CastTargetPoint = new Point(644, 761); bot.log("We are red side!"); } int allyIndex = 2; bool CreepHasBeenFound = false; bot.wait(1000); game.player.setLevel(0); #region items Item[] items = { new Item("Vampiric Scepter", 900, false, false, 0,, 1)), new Item("Long Sword", 350, false, false, 0,, 0)), new Item("Berserker's Greaves", 1100, false, false, 0,, 2)), new Item("B.F. Sword", 1300, false, false, 0,, 1)), new Item("Bloodthirster", 3500, false, false, 0,, 2)), new Item("B.F. Sword", 1300, false, false, 0,, 1)), new Item("Infinity Edge", 3400, false, false, 0,, 2)), new Item("Statikk Shiv", 2600, false, false, 0,, 0)), new Item("Frozen Mallet", 3100, false, false, 0,, 1)), }; //if want another itemset, just copy and paste and change SELECTED_CHAMPION_SET value #endregion List <Item> itemsToBuy = new List <Item>(items);;; bot.wait(1500); bot.wait(1000); game.player.fixItemsInShop(); bot.wait(1000);;; bot.wait(3000); game.player.moveNearestBotlaneAllyTower(); while (bot.isProcessOpen(GAME_PROCESS_NAME)) // Game loop { bot.bringProcessToFront(GAME_PROCESS_NAME); bot.centerProcess(GAME_PROCESS_NAME); if (game.player.getCharacterLeveled()) { game.player.increaseLevel(); game.player.upSpells(); //Change order on MainPlayer.cs } int health = game.player.getHealthPercent(); //back base/buy if (health <= 50) { //heal usage if is available if (game.player.isThereAnEnemy()) { game.player.tryCastSpellToCreep(6); } } if (health <= 88) { //heal usage if is available if (game.player.isThereAnEnemy()) { game.player.tryCastSpellToCreep(5); } } if (health <= 25) { //low hp. game.player.moveNearestBotlaneAllyTower(); bot.wait(8000); game.player.backBaseRegenerateAndBuy(); // read gold.;;; bot.wait(200); game.player.moveNearestBotlaneAllyTower(); bot.wait(6000); //prevent getting stucked by doing it again game.player.moveNearestBotlaneAllyTower(); } //getting attacked by enemy, tower or creep. if (game.player.isThereAnAllyCreep()) { //attack enemy and run away if (game.player.isThereAnEnemy()) { game.player.processSpellToEnemyChampions(); game.player.moveAwayFromEnemy(); } else { if (game.player.isThereAnEnemyCreep()) { game.player.processSpellToEnemyCreeps(); game.player.moveAwayFromCreep(); } bot.wait(100); game.player.allyCreepPosition(); CreepHasBeenFound = true; } } else { // Just run away, no allies to find. if (game.player.isThereAnEnemy()) { game.player.processSpellToEnemyChampions(); game.player.moveAwayFromEnemy(); } if (game.player.isThereAnEnemyCreep()) { game.player.processSpellToEnemyCreeps(); game.player.moveAwayFromCreep(); } if (!game.player.isThereAnAllyCreep() && !game.player.isThereAnEnemy() && !game.player.nearTowerStructure() && !game.player.isThereAnEnemyCreep()) { bot.log("im lost help!"); if (game.player.tryMoveLightArea(1397, 683, "#65898F")) { } else if (game.player.tryMoveLightArea(966, 630, "#65898F")) { } else if (game.player.tryMoveLightArea(1444, 813, "#919970")) { } else { if (CreepHasBeenFound) {; } else { allyIndex = incAllyIndex(allyIndex); bot.wait(5000); } game.moveCenterScreen(); if (!game.player.isThereAnAllyCreep() || !game.player.isThereAnEnemyCreep()) //if player just afks, change index. { allyIndex = incAllyIndex(allyIndex); } bot.wait(500); } } } } Console.Read(); }