コード例 #1
        public float VolitionValue(Name step, Name targ, Name mode, KB m_Kb)
            if (m_Kb.Perspective == targ)

            var targetSub = new Substitution(Target, new ComplexValue(targ));

            var constraints = new SubstitutionSet();

            float total = Single.NegativeInfinity;

            // List<SubstitutionSet> resultingConstraints = new List<SubstitutionSet>();

            if (step == this.Steps.FirstOrDefault())
                var resultingConstraints = StartingConditions.FirstOrDefault()?.Unify(m_Kb, m_Kb.Perspective, new[] { constraints }).ToList();

                if (StartingConditions.Count() > 1)
                    int counter = 0;
                    foreach (var c in StartingConditions) // For instance SI([x]) >= 40
                        if (counter == 0)
                        resultingConstraints = c.Unify(m_Kb, m_Kb.Perspective, resultingConstraints).ToList(); // Whats the sub here [x]/John

                if (!resultingConstraints.Any())

                foreach (var res in resultingConstraints)
                    if (resultingConstraints.Any())                      // Assuming all Starting COnditions match lets go into the Influence Rules
                        foreach (var constraint in resultingConstraints) //  var condition = c.ToString();

                            var contraintVolitionValue = .0f;

                            // var certainty = res.FindMinimumCertainty();  // How do I ask SI(John) >= 40 and get its certainty

                            //total += certainty;

                            List <InfluenceRule> influenceRuleList;

                            if (mode.IsUniversal)
                                influenceRuleList = this.InfluenceRules;
                                influenceRuleList = this.InfluenceRules.FindAll(x => x.Mode == mode);

                            foreach (var inf in influenceRuleList)
                                var toSum = inf.EvaluateInfluenceRule(m_Kb, constraint);

                                contraintVolitionValue += toSum;

                            if (contraintVolitionValue > total)
                                total = contraintVolitionValue;

                //What if the step is beyond the first one, we should not consider Starting Conditions, or any conditions at all, only the influence rules

                var volVal = .0f;

                List <InfluenceRule> influenceRuleList;

                if (mode.IsUniversal)
                    influenceRuleList = this.InfluenceRules;
                    influenceRuleList = this.InfluenceRules.FindAll(x => x.Mode == mode);

                foreach (var inf in influenceRuleList)
                    var toSum = inf.EvaluateInfluenceRule(m_Kb, constraints);

                    volVal += toSum;

                if (volVal > total)
                    total = volVal;
