public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight == false) { setupExperimentGUI(); return; } //Get drill animation drillAnimation = this.part.FindModuleImplementing<ModuleAnimationGroup>(); //Harvester harvester = this.part.FindModuleImplementing<ModuleResourceHarvester>(); //Core sample state coreSampleState = CoreSampleStates.Ready; //If the biome has been unlocked yet then get the samples left if (situationIsValid() && Utils.IsBiomeUnlocked(this.part.vessel)) coreSampleStatus = getSamplesLeft().ToString(); else coreSampleStatus = kUnknown; //Setup the gui setupGUI(); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart (state); initResource (); //find ablator resource in part initMeshes (); //load mesh from mesh names specified in config updateHeatShieldColor (); //update heat-shield color to appropriate color from stored ablator amount }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { if (state == StartState.Editor && !spawned) { currentState = initialState; } else { part.CrewCapacity = currentState ? capacityWhenTrue : capacityWhenFalse; if (vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.PRELAUNCH) { int difference = part.protoModuleCrew.Count - part.CrewCapacity; if (difference > 0) { JUtil.LogMessage (this, "Stowaways found in part {0}", part.partName); } var stowaways = new List<ProtoCrewMember> (); // We go through the list backwards, assuming that the 'more important' seats are first in the list of seats. for (int i = part.protoModuleCrew.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (difference > 0) { stowaways.Add (part.protoModuleCrew [i]); difference--; } else { break; } } foreach (ProtoCrewMember stowaway in stowaways) { part.RemoveCrewmember (stowaway); = null; stowaway.rosterStatus = ProtoCrewMember.RosterStatus.Available; } JUtil.LogMessage (this, "{0} stowaways evicted.", stowaways.Count); } // And then make sure the seat flags are correct. AlterCrewCapacity (part); if (vessel.isActiveVessel) GameEvents.onVesselChange.Fire (vessel); } spawned = true; }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); //Grab the survey module orbitalSurveyer = this.part.FindModuleImplementing<ModuleOrbitalSurveyor>(); orbitalScanner = this.part.FindModuleImplementing<ModuleOrbitalScanner>(); //Verify that the planet is really unlocked verifyPlanetUnlock(); //Hide stock survey GUI if (orbitalSurveyer != null) { orbitalSurveyer.Events["PerformSurvey"].guiActive = false; orbitalSurveyer.Events["PerformSurvey"].guiActiveUnfocused = false; orbitalSurveyer.Events["PerformSurvey"].guiActiveEditor = false; } //Create swizzler swizzler = new WBIResultsDialogSwizzler(); swizzler.onTransmit = transmitData; //Setup the science container scienceContainer = this.part.FindModuleImplementing<ModuleScienceContainer>(); scienceContainer.Events["ReviewDataEvent"].guiActiveUnfocused = false; scienceContainer.Events["ReviewDataEvent"].guiActive = false; //Now setup our own GUI botchedResultsMsg = kSafeMode; SetupGUI(); }
//set the names of the actions public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); Events["changeRate"].guiName = changeRateString; Fields["guiProductionRate"].guiName = converterRateName; }
/* SAT: KSP entry points */ public override void OnStart ( StartState state ) { if (state == StartState.Editor) { print ("[SCANsat] start: in editor"); Events["editorExtend"].active = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(animationName); } else { print ("[SCANsat] start: live"); } if (animationName != null) { Animation[] a = part.FindModelAnimators (animationName); if (a.Length == 0) { print ("[SCANsat] animation '" + animationName + "' not found"); } else { print ("[SCANsat] using animation #1 out of " + a.Length.ToString () + " animations named '" + animationName + "'"); anim = a [0]; // maybe use this later for advanced animation... Transform modeltransform = part.transform.FindChild ("model"); foreach (Transform t in modeltransform.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>()) { //print("[SCANsat] transform " + + ": " + t); } } } print ("[SCANsat] sensorType: " + sensorType.ToString () + " fov: " + fov.ToString () + " min_alt: " + min_alt.ToString () + " max_alt: " + max_alt.ToString () + " best_alt: " + best_alt.ToString () + " power: " + power.ToString ()); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); _basePitchTorque = PitchTorque; _baseYawTorque = YawTorque; _baseRollTorque = RollTorque; }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { // parent OnStart base.OnStart(state); module = Utils.getModuleByType<ModuleCommand>(base.part); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { try { part.force_activate(); if (isActive) { ToggleEvent("EngageDampen", false); ToggleEvent("DisengageDampen", true); Dampen(); } else { ToggleEvent("EngageDampen", true); ToggleEvent("DisengageDampen", false); } if (autoActivate) { isActive = true; ToggleEvent("EngageDampen", false); ToggleEvent("DisengageDampen", false); } } catch (Exception ex) { print("ERROR in Inertial Dampener OnStart - " + ex.Message); } }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); inflatableModule = this.part.FindModuleImplementing<WBIInflatablePartModule>(); foreach (PartModule mod in this.part.Modules) { if (mod.moduleName == "OseModuleWorkshop") oseWorkshop = mod; else if (mod.moduleName == "OseModuleRecycler") oseRecycler = mod; } /* For some reason we can't seem to hide the fields and events anymore. :( //Now, hide the workshop and recycler GUI. if (oseWorkshop != null) { oseWorkshop.Fields["Status"].guiActive = false; oseWorkshop.Events["ContextMenuOnOpenWorkbench"].guiActive = false; } if (oseRecycler != null) { oseRecycler.Fields["Status"].guiActive = false; oseRecycler.Events["ContextMenuOnOpenWorkbench"].guiActive = false; } */ //Use reflection to find the methods we need. findWorkshopMethods(); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) return; SetDescentMode(IsDescentMode); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { if (state != StartState.Editor) { part.force_activate (); } base.OnStart (state); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); loadValuesFromConfig(); //Parse planet efficiencies string[] efficiencies = planetEfficiencies.Split(new char[] { ';' }); string[] efficiencyID; foreach (string efficiency in efficiencies) { efficiencyID = efficiency.Split(new char[] { ',' }); efficiencyModifiers.Add(int.Parse(efficiencyID[0]), float.Parse(efficiencyID[1])); } //Now set the efficiency based upon planet. int planetID = this.part.vessel.mainBody.flightGlobalsIndex; if (efficiencyModifiers.ContainsKey(planetID)) { this.Efficiency = efficiencyModifiers[planetID]; } efficiencyString = "Geothermal Efficiency"; }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor == false && HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight == false) return; //Set landing gear action ModuleAnimateGeneric kickstandAnim = this.part.FindModuleImplementing<ModuleAnimateGeneric>(); kickstandAnim.Actions[0].actionGroup = KSPActionGroup.Gear; //Setup the GUI setupGUI(); //Get the primary and secondary engine List<ModuleEngines> engineList = this.part.FindModulesImplementing<ModuleEngines>(); foreach (ModuleEngines engine in engineList) { if (engine.engineID == multiModeEngine.primaryEngineID) primaryEngine = engine; else if (engine.engineID == multiModeEngine.secondaryEngineID) secondaryEngine = engine; } //Setup the engine mode setupEngineMode(); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); base.Startup(); if (Failed) DoFailure(); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { if (escapeHatch == null) { escapeHatch = new GameObject("EscapeHatch"); escapeHatch.tag = "Airlock"; escapeHatch.layer = 21; escapeHatch.transform.parent = this.part.transform; escapeHatch.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); escapeHatch.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); escapeHatch.AddComponent<BoxCollider>(); escapeHatchCollider = escapeHatch.GetComponent<BoxCollider>(); escapeHatchCollider.size = new Vector3(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.25f); escapeHatchCollider.isTrigger = true; this.part.airlock = escapeHatch.transform; print("[TakeCommand] added escape hatch to " + + " (" + this.part.GetInstanceID() + ")"); // Disable it for now until we need it escapeHatch.collider.enabled = true; } } base.OnStart(state); }
//the part that is enabled and disabled public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); string[] transformGroupNames = transormNames.Split(','); models = new List<ModelTransforms>(); //---------------------------------------------------------- //create the list of transforms to be made switchable //---------------------------------------------------------- foreach (string transformName in transformGroupNames) { name = transformName.Trim(); List<Transform> transforms = new List<Transform>(); transforms.AddRange(part.FindModelTransforms(name)); ModelTransforms mt = new ModelTransforms(); mt.transforms = new List<Transform>(); mt.transforms.AddRange(transforms); models.Add(mt); } if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) { Events["toggleModel"].guiActive = false; } updateActiveModel(); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { showGui = false; base.OnStart(state); updateGui(); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); if (state == StartState.Editor || state == StartState.None) return; KAS_Shared.createFXSound(this.part, fxSndAttach, attachSndPath, false); KAS_Shared.createFXSound(this.part, fxSndDetach, detachSndPath, false); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { core = part.Modules.OfType<MechJebCore>().FirstOrDefault(); eye_base = part.FindModelTransform("r4m0n_Control_point_socket"); // Rotation: 0, 0, Z Azimuth eye_ball = part.FindModelTransform("r4m0n_Control_point_Eye"); // Rotation: X, 0, 0 Altitude lastFlaps = new float[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart (state); if (state != StartState.Editor) { RenderingManager.AddToPostDrawQueue (0, OnGUI); } }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); anim = this.part.FindModelAnimators(animationName)[0]; prevTemplateName = CurrentTemplateName; }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { // parent OnStart base.OnStart(state); module = Utils.getModuleByType<ModuleReactionWheel>(base.part); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart (state); animatedTransform = part.FindModelTransform (meshName); if(animatedTransform==null){print ("ERROR: Could not locate transform for name: "+meshName);} locateEngineModule (); }
protected override void DI_Start(StartState state) { if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { rcsModule = this.part.Modules.OfType<ModuleRCS>().Single(); } }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { _state = state; FindPotato(); LatchAnimation[latchAnimationName].layer = 2; base.OnStart(state); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart (state); parseTransformData(); findTransforms(); updateGuiData(); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) return; if (pPart.lengthMin == pPart.lengthMax) Fields["length"].guiActiveEditor = false; else { UI_FloatEdit lengthEdit = (UI_FloatEdit)Fields["length"].uiControlEditor; lengthEdit.maxValue = pPart.lengthMax; lengthEdit.minValue = pPart.lengthMin; lengthEdit.incrementLarge = pPart.lengthLargeStep; lengthEdit.incrementSmall = pPart.lengthSmallStep; } if (pPart.diameterMin == pPart.diameterMax) Fields["diameter"].guiActiveEditor = false; else { UI_FloatEdit diameterEdit = (UI_FloatEdit)Fields["diameter"].uiControlEditor; diameterEdit.maxValue = pPart.diameterMax; diameterEdit.minValue = pPart.diameterMin; diameterEdit.incrementLarge = pPart.diameterLargeStep; diameterEdit.incrementSmall = pPart.diameterSmallStep; } }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Pivot1Name) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Pivot2Name)) { ForceTransform = part.FindModelTransform(Pivot2Name); BreakTransform = part.FindModelTransform(Pivot1Name); } else { RTUtil.Log("ModuleRTAntennaAnimated: Pivot error"); enabled = false; return; } if (IsRTBroken) { TrackingMode = TrackingModes.Broken; } base.OnStart(state); if (RTCore.Instance != null) { mPivot1 = new Pivot(BreakTransform, Pivot1Speed, Pivot1Range); mPivot2 = new Pivot(ForceTransform, Pivot2Speed, Pivot2Range); if (IsRTActive) { TrackingMode = TrackingModes.Tracking; mPivot1.SnapToTarget(new DynamicTarget(RTAntennaTargetGuid)); mPivot2.SnapToTarget(new DynamicTarget(RTAntennaTargetGuid)); } } }
void Awake() { startState = new StartState(this); inLapState = new InLapState(this); finishState = new FinishState(this); ; }
protected override void hideEditorGUI(StartState state) { hideEditorButtons(); }
void Start() { instance = this; Application.runInBackground = true; //离线状态 就AbstractLockstep的OnEventDataReceived接收网络数据不会执行 //更换网络接口 可以从ICommunicator接口 入手 ICommunicator communicator = null; if (!PhotonNetwork.connected || !PhotonNetwork.inRoom) { Debug.LogWarning("You are not connected to Photon. TrueSync will start in offline mode."); } else { communicator = new PhotonTrueSyncCommunicator(PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer); } TrueSyncConfig activeConfig = ActiveConfig; lockstep = AbstractLockstep.NewInstance( lockedTimeStep.AsFloat(), communicator, PhysicsManager.instance, activeConfig.syncWindow, activeConfig.panicWindow, activeConfig.rollbackWindow, OnGameStarted, OnGamePaused, OnGameUnPaused, OnGameEnded, OnPlayerDisconnection, OnStepUpdate, GetLocalData, ProvideInputData ); if (ReplayRecord.replayMode == ReplayMode.LOAD_REPLAY) { ReplayPicker.replayToLoad.Load(); ReplayRecord replayRecord = ReplayRecord.replayToLoad; if (replayRecord == null) { Debug.LogError("Replay Record can't be loaded"); gameObject.SetActive(false); return; } else { lockstep.ReplayRecord = replayRecord; } } if (activeConfig.showStats) { this.gameObject.AddComponent <TrueSyncStats>().Lockstep = lockstep; } scheduler = new CoroutineScheduler(lockstep); if (ReplayRecord.replayMode != ReplayMode.LOAD_REPLAY) { if (communicator == null) { lockstep.AddPlayer(0, "Local_Player", true); } else { List <PhotonPlayer> players = new List <PhotonPlayer>(PhotonNetwork.playerList); players.Sort(UnityUtils.playerComparer); for (int index = 0, length = players.Count; index < length; index++) { PhotonPlayer p = players[index]; lockstep.AddPlayer((byte)p.ID, p.NickName, p.IsLocal); //更新players activePlayers } } } //搜寻场景预先挂载的TrueSyncBehaviour脚本,为它生成TrueSyncManagedBehaviour脚本 //可能这部分脚本有些属于玩家 有些属于公共部分,都根据OwnerIndex来区分 TrueSyncBehaviour[] behavioursArray = FindObjectsOfType <TrueSyncBehaviour>(); for (int index = 0, length = behavioursArray.Length; index < length; index++) { generalBehaviours.Add(NewManagedBehavior(behavioursArray[index]));//一个TrueSyncBehaviour对应TrueSyncManagedBehaviour } initBehaviors(); //初始化玩家prefab和挂在prefab上的TrueSyncBehaviour initGeneralBehaviors(generalBehaviours, false); //公用和玩家的区分,公用分给generalBehaviours,玩家分给behaviorsByPlayer PhysicsManager.instance.OnRemoveBody(OnRemovedRigidBody); startState = StartState.BEHAVIOR_INITIALIZED;//初始化完毕状态 }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(macTriggerName)) { macTriggerTransform = this.part.FindModelTransform(macTriggerName); } //Generate an identifier if needed. This is used for payload transactions. if (uniqueIdentifier == kNoIdentifier) { uniqueIdentifier = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } //Setup pipeline window pipelineWidow = new PipelineWindow(); pipelineWidow.part = this.part; pipelineWidow.blackListedResources = this.blackListedResources; pipelineWidow.maxKineticEnergy = this.maxKineticEnergy; pipelineWidow.fuelMassFraction = this.fuelMassFraction; pipelineWidow.dryMassFraction = this.dryMassFraction; pipelineWidow.dataCostPerKm = this.dataCostPerKm; pipelineWidow.orbitalCostMultiplier = this.orbitalCostMultiplier; pipelineWidow.electricityCostPerTonne = this.electricityCostPerTonne; pipelineWidow.allowOrbitToGround = this.allowOrbitToGround; pipelineWidow.totalGuidanceData = this.totalGuidanceData; pipelineWidow.setGuidanceDataAmount = setGuidanceDataAmount; pipelineWidow.maxLaunchAzimuth = this.maxLaunchAzimuth; //Get resource definition for electric charge if (activationCostEC > 0f) { PartResourceDefinitionList definitions = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.resourceDefinitions; if (definitions.Contains("ElectricCharge")) { resourceDef = definitions["ElectricCharge"]; } else { return; } } //Setup events packingBox = this.part.FindModuleImplementing <WBIPackingBox>(); if (packingBox != null) { packingBox.onPackingStateChanged += onPackingStateChanged; onPackingStateChanged(packingBox.isDeployed); } else { this.Events["ToggleSendGUI"].active = true; } //Setup GUI if (IsActivated) { Events["ToggleActivation"].guiName = kPowerOff; } else { Events["ToggleActivation"].guiName = kPowerOn; } //If we have any deliveries then grab them and distribute the resources. processDeliveries(); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); initialize(); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); this.Log("ThrusterTransforms:\n{}", thrusterTransforms.Aggregate("", (s, t) => s + + ": " + t.position + "\n")); }
partial void OnStartRF(StartState state);
//========================================== // Methods //========================================== /// <summary> /// Initialize the module /// </summary> /// <param name="state">The start state of the part</param> public override void OnStart(StartState state) { initReferences(); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { Events["DisableTransfer"].active = transferEnabled; Events["EnableTransfer"].active = !transferEnabled; }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { part.force_activate(); base.OnStart(state); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor && !HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight || !CompatibilityChecker.IsAllCompatible) { return; } //Identification of the RealChuteModule if (this.part.Modules.Contains("RealChuteModule")) { this.rcModule = (RealChuteModule)this.part.Modules["RealChuteModule"]; } else { return; } this.secondaryChute = this.rcModule.SecondaryChute; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.textureLibrary)) { TextureLibrary.Instance.TryGetConfig(this.textureLibrary, ref this.textures); } this.body = AtmoPlanets.Instance.GetBody(this.planets); //Initializes ChuteTemplates if (this.chutes.Count <= 0) { if (this.node == null && !PersistentManager.Instance.TryGetNode <ProceduralChute>(, ref this.node)) { return; } LoadChutes(); } this.chutes.ForEach(c => c.Initialize()); if (this.sizes.Count <= 0) { this.sizes = PersistentManager.Instance.GetSizes(; } //Creates an instance of the texture library this.editorGUI = new EditorGUI(this); if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) { //Windows initiation this.editorGUI.window = new Rect(5, 390, 420, Screen.height - 395); this.chutes.ForEach(c => { c.templateGUI.materialsWindow = new Rect(this.editorGUI.matX, this.editorGUI.matY, 375, 275); c.templateGUI.drag = new Rect(0, 0, 375, 25); }); this.editorGUI.failedWindow = new Rect((Screen.width / 2) - 150, (Screen.height / 2) - 150, 300, 300); this.editorGUI.successfulWindow = new Rect((Screen.width / 2) - 150, (Screen.height / 2) - 25, 300, 50); this.editorGUI.presetsWindow = new Rect((Screen.width / 2) - 200, (Screen.height / 2) - 250, 400, 500); this.editorGUI.presetsSaveWindow = new Rect((Screen.width / 2) - 175, (Screen.height / 2) - 110, 350, 220); this.editorGUI.presetsWarningWindow = new Rect((Screen.width / 2) - 100, (Screen.height / 2) - 50, 200, 100); if (HighLogic.CurrentGame.Mode == Game.Modes.CAREER) { float level = 0; bool isVab = true; switch (EditorDriver.editorFacility) { case EditorFacility.VAB: level = ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities.GetFacilityLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.VehicleAssemblyBuilding); break; case EditorFacility.SPH: level = ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities.GetFacilityLevel(SpaceCenterFacility.SpaceplaneHangar); isVab = false; break; } if (GameVariables.Instance.UnlockedActionGroupsStock(level, isVab)) { this.Events.ForEach(e => e.guiActiveEditor = false); } } else { this.Events.ForEach(e => e.guiActiveEditor = false); } //Gets the original part state if (this.textures != null && this.caseId == -1) { if (this.caseId == -1) { if (this.textures.TryGetCase(this.currentCase, ref this.parachuteCase)) { this.caseId = this.textures.GetCaseIndex(this.parachuteCase.Name); } } else { this.textures.TryGetCase(this.caseId, this.type, ref this.parachuteCase); } this.lastCaseId = this.caseId; } if (!this.initiated) { if (!AtmoPlanets.Instance.TryGetBodyIndex("Kerbin", ref this.planets)) { this.planets = 0; } this.body = AtmoPlanets.Instance.GetBody(this.planets); //Identification of the values from the RealChuteModule this.mustGoDown = this.rcModule.mustGoDown; this.deployOnGround = this.rcModule.deployOnGround; this.timer = this.rcModule.timer + "s"; this.cutSpeed = this.rcModule.cutSpeed.ToString(); this.delayBeforeCut = this.rcModule.delayBeforeCut.ToString(); if (this.rcModule.spareChutes != -1) { this.spares = this.rcModule.spareChutes.ToString(); } this.originalSize = this.part.transform.GetChild(0).localScale; this.initiated = true; } } else if (this.textures != null) { this.textures.TryGetCase(this.caseId, this.type, ref this.parachuteCase); this.lastCaseId = this.caseId; } if (this.parent == null) { this.parent = this.part.FindModelTransform(this.rcModule.parachutes[0].parachuteName).parent; } //Updates the part if (this.textures != null) { UpdateCaseTexture(this.rcModule); this.editorGUI.cases = this.textures.CaseNames; this.editorGUI.canopies = this.textures.CanopyNames; this.editorGUI.models = this.textures.ModelNames; } UpdateScale(this.part, this.rcModule); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); ShowParticleEffect(isActivated); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { powerSupply = part.FindModuleImplementing <IPowerSupply>(); if (powerSupply != null) { powerSupply.DisplayName = Localizer.Format("#LOC_KSPIE_Refinery_started"); //"started" } if (state == StartState.Editor) { return; } // load stored overflow setting _overflowAllowed = lastOverflowSettings; _windowId = new System.Random(part.GetInstanceID()).Next(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue); var refineriesList = part.FindModulesImplementing <IRefineryActivity>().ToList(); if (refineryType > 0) { AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new AluminiumElectrolyzer()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new AmmoniaElectrolyzer()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new AnthraquinoneProcessor()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new AtmosphereProcessor()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new CarbonDioxideElectrolyzer()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new HaberProcess()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new HeavyWaterElectrolyzer()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new PartialMethaneOxidation()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new PeroxideProcess()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new UF4Ammonolysiser()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new RegolithProcessor()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new ReverseWaterGasShift()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new NuclearFuelReprocessor()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new SabatierReactor()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new OceanProcessor()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new SolarWindProcessor()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new WaterElectrolyzer()); AddIfMissing(refineriesList, new WaterGasShift()); availableRefineries = refineriesList .Where(m => ((int)m.RefineryType & refineryType) == (int)m.RefineryType) .OrderBy(a => a.ActivityName).ToList(); } else { availableRefineries = refineriesList.OrderBy(a => a.ActivityName).ToList(); } // initialize refineries availableRefineries.ForEach(m => m.Initialize(part, this)); foreach (var availableRefinery in availableRefineries) { try { availableRefinery.Initialize(part, this); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError("[KSPI]: Failed to initialized " + availableRefinery.ActivityName + " with exception: " + e.Message); } } // load same if (refinery_is_enabled && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastActivityName)) { Debug.Log("[KSPI]: ISRU Refinery looking to restart " + lastActivityName); currentActivity = availableRefineries.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ActivityName == lastActivityName); if (currentActivity == null) { Debug.Log("[KSPI]: ISRU Refinery looking to restart " + lastClassName); currentActivity = availableRefineries.FirstOrDefault(a => a.GetType().Name == lastClassName); } } if (currentActivity != null) { bool hasRequirement = currentActivity.HasActivityRequirements(); lastActivityName = currentActivity.ActivityName; Debug.Log("[KSPI]: ISRU Refinery initializing " + lastActivityName + " for which hasRequirement: " + hasRequirement); var timeDifference = (Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - lastActiveTime); if (timeDifference > 0.01) { string message = Localizer.Format("#LOC_KSPIE_Refinery_Postmsg1", lastActivityName, timeDifference.ToString("0")); //"IRSU performed " + + " for " + + " seconds" Debug.Log("[KSPI]: " + message); ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage(message, 20, ScreenMessageStyle.LOWER_CENTER); } var productionModifier = productionMult * baseProduction; if (lastActivityName == "Atmospheric Extraction") { ((AtmosphereProcessor)currentActivity).ExtractAir(lastPowerRatio * productionModifier, lastPowerRatio, productionModifier, lastOverflowSettings, timeDifference, true); } else if (lastActivityName == "Seawater Extraction") { ((OceanProcessor)currentActivity).ExtractSeawater(lastPowerRatio * productionModifier, lastPowerRatio, productionModifier, lastOverflowSettings, timeDifference, true); } else { currentActivity.UpdateFrame(lastPowerRatio * productionModifier, lastPowerRatio, productionModifier, lastOverflowSettings, timeDifference, true); } } }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { liftEngineActive = false; FSHoverDoLift.totalThrust = 0; }
//the part that is enabled and disabled public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); string[] nodenames = nodeNames.Split(','); string[] transformGroupNames = transormNames.Split(','); List <string[]> transformnames = new List <string[]>(); //when the lengths are not equal if (transformGroupNames.Length != nodenames.Length) { return; } //---------------------------------------------------------- //create the list of transforms to be made visible on attach //---------------------------------------------------------- //remove the whitespaces for (int i = 0; i < nodenames.Length; i++) { nodenames[i] = nodenames[i].Trim(); //split up the names for the nodes string[] transformGroup = transformGroupNames[i].Split('|'); for (int j = 0; j < transformGroup.Length; j++) { transformGroup[j] = transformGroup[j].Trim(); } transformnames.Add(transformGroup); } int num = 0; foreach (string nodeName in nodenames) { AttachNode node = part.findAttachNode(nodeName); List <Transform> transforms = new List <Transform>(); for (int k = 0; k < transformnames[num].Length; k++) { transforms.AddRange(part.FindModelTransforms(transformnames[num][k])); } //when nodes and transforms are valid and found if ((node != null) && (transforms.Count > 0)) { //create the new corridor data CorridorPart corridor = new CorridorPart(); corridor.node = node; corridor.transforms = transforms; if ((allowSurfaceAttach) && (surfaceAttachNode == nodeName) && (part.srfAttachNode != null)) { corridor.isSurfaceAttachPoint = true; } else { corridor.isSurfaceAttachPoint = false; } corridor.lastAttached = true; corridors.Add(corridor); } num++; } //------------------------------------------------------------ //create the list of transforms to be made invisible on attach //------------------------------------------------------------ string[] replaceTransformGroupNames = null; string[] replaceNodeGroupNames = null; List <string[]> replacetransformnames = new List <string[]>(); List <string[]> replacenodenames = new List <string[]>(); if ((replaceTransformNames != string.Empty) && (replaceNodeNames != string.Empty)) { replaceTransformGroupNames = replaceTransformNames.Split(','); replaceNodeGroupNames = replaceNodeNames.Split(','); if (replaceNodeGroupNames.Length == replaceTransformGroupNames.Length) { //split up all the name for the groups for (int i = 0; i < replaceNodeGroupNames.Length; i++) { //split up the names for the nodes string[] transformGroup = replaceTransformGroupNames[i].Split('|'); for (int j = 0; j < transformGroup.Length; j++) { transformGroup[j] = transformGroup[j].Trim(); } replacetransformnames.Add(transformGroup); string[] nodeGroup = replaceNodeGroupNames[i].Split('|'); for (int j = 0; j < nodeGroup.Length; j++) { nodeGroup[j] = nodeGroup[j].Trim(); } replacenodenames.Add(nodeGroup); } //for all transform groups num = 0; foreach (string[] tNames in replacetransformnames) { List <Transform> rTransforms = new List <Transform>(); List <AttachNode> rAttachnodes = new List <AttachNode>(); foreach (string tName in tNames) { Debug.Log("[KPBS] Replace Tranform Name: " + tName); rTransforms.AddRange(part.FindModelTransforms(tName)); } foreach (string nName in replacenodenames[num]) { Debug.Log("[KPBS] Replace Node Name: " + nName); rAttachnodes.Add(part.findAttachNode(nName)); } if ((rTransforms.Count > 0) && (rAttachnodes.Count > 0)) { ReplacedPart rp = new ReplacedPart(); rp.nodes = rAttachnodes; rp.transforms = rTransforms; replaceParts.Add(rp); } num++; } } } //check the visibility of all the parts updateAllCorridors(); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); Fields["dailyOutput"].guiName = "Max Recycling"; }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); thrustDisplay = all_thrusts(); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { Events["ScrapPart"].unfocusedRange = EVARange; Events["ScrapPart"].guiName = Menu; base.OnStart(state); }
// Runs on PartModule startup. public override void OnStart(StartState state) { // Startup the PartModule stuff first. base.OnStart(state); // Fetch the solar panel module from the part. if (this.part.tryGetFirstModuleByName(this.moduleType, out this.panelModule)) { // Set our state trackers to the opposite of our states, to force first-run updates. this.sunTrackingState = !this.sunTrackingEnabled; // Fetch the UnityEngine.Animation object from the solar panel module. Animation anim = this.panelModule.GetComponentInChildren <Animation>(); // If the animation is null, bailout. if (anim != null) { this.LogDebug("Animation is not null; wrapping."); if (animationNameField == null) { animationNameField = this.panelModule.GetType().GetField("animationName"); } // Build an ToadicusTools. this.panelAnimation = new ToadicusTools.AnimationWrapper( anim, (string)animationNameField.GetValue(this.panelModule), ToadicusTools.PlayDirection.Forward ); } // Yay debugging! this.LogDebug("panelAnimation: " + this.panelAnimation); // If we are in the editor and have an animation... if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor && this.panelAnimation != null) { // ...pre-set the panel's currentRotation... if (originalRotationField == null) { originalRotationField = this.panelModule.GetType().GetField("originalRotation"); } if (currentRotationField == null) { currentRotationField = this.panelModule.GetType().GetField("currentRotation"); } currentRotationField.SetValue(this.panelModule, originalRotationField.GetValue(this.panelModule)); } /* * Checks whether this panel is a sun tracking panel or not. Despite its name, ModuleDeployableSolarPanel * is used for all (most?) solar panels, even those that don't deploy or rotate. * */ // If the panel is sun tracking panel... if (sunTrackingField == null) { sunTrackingField = this.panelModule.GetType().GetField("sunTracking"); } bool moduleIsSunTracking = (bool)sunTrackingField.GetValue(this.panelModule); if (moduleIsSunTracking) { if (trackingSpeedField == null) { trackingSpeedField = this.panelModule.GetType().GetField("trackingSpeed"); } // ...go fetch the tracking speed and make sure our tracking tweakable is active. this.baseTrackingSpeed = (float)trackingSpeedField.GetValue(this.panelModule); this.Fields["sunTrackingEnabled"].guiActive = true; this.Fields["sunTrackingEnabled"].guiActiveEditor = true; } else { // ...otherwise, make sure our tracking code and tweakable are inactive. this.sunTrackingEnabled = false; this.sunTrackingState = false; this.Fields["sunTrackingEnabled"].guiActive = false; this.Fields["sunTrackingEnabled"].guiActiveEditor = false; } } }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { _deploymentAnimation = part.FindModuleImplementing <ModuleAnimateGeneric>(); part.OnJustAboutToBeDestroyed += OnJustAboutToBeDestroyed; part.OnJustAboutToDie += OnJustAboutToDie; _antimatterDefinition = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(resourceName); _antimatterDensityModifier = 1e-17 / _antimatterDefinition.density; antimatterDensity = _antimatterDefinition.density; var antimatterResource = part.Resources[resourceName]; if (antimatterResource == null) { var alternativeResource = part.Resources.OrderBy(m => m.maxAmount).FirstOrDefault(); if (alternativeResource != null) { antimatterResource = alternativeResource; } else { return; } } // determine TechLevel maximum storage amount only in editor if (state == StartState.Editor && maxStorage != 0) { DetermineTechLevel(); var currentStorageRatio = antimatterResource.amount / antimatterResource.maxAmount; antimatterResource.maxAmount = maxStorage * storedResourceCostMultiplier * StorageCapacityModifier; antimatterResource.amount = antimatterResource.maxAmount * currentStorageRatio; } // charge if there is any significant antimatter _shouldCharge = antimatterResource.amount > _minimumAntimatterAmount; partMass = part.mass; initialMass = part.prefabMass * storedMassMultiplier; Fields[nameof(techLevel)].guiActiveEditor = maxStorage != 0; _capacityStrField = Fields[nameof(capacityStr)]; _maxAmountStrField = Fields[nameof(maxAmountStr)]; _temperatureStrField = Fields[nameof(TemperatureStr)]; _geeforceStrField = Fields[nameof(GeeforceStr)]; _geeforceQueue.Enqueue(0); if (state == StartState.Editor) { part.OnEditorAttach += OnEditorAttach; part.OnEditorDetach += OnEditorDetach; UpdateTargetMass(); return; } else { UpdateTargetMass(); } this.enabled = true; UpdateTolerances(); UpdateAttachedTanks(); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor && !HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { return; } if (!CompatibilityChecker.IsAllCompatible) { foreach (BaseAction a in this.Actions) { = false; } foreach (BaseEvent e in this.Events) { = false; e.guiActive = false; e.guiActiveEditor = false; } this.Fields["chuteCount"].guiActive = false; return; } //Staging icon this.part.stagingIcon = "PARACHUTES"; //Part GUI if (this.spareChutes < 0) { this.Fields["chuteCount"].guiActive = false; } if (!this.SecondaryChute) { this.Actions["ActionCut"].guiName = "Cut chute"; this.Cut.guiName = "Cut chute"; } this.Actions["ActionArm"].active = !RealChuteSettings.Instance.AutoArm; //Initiates the Parachutes if (this.parachutes.Count <= 0) { if (this.node == null && !PersistentManager.Instance.TryGetNode <RealChuteModule>(, ref this.node)) { return; } LoadParachutes(); } this.parachutes.ForEach(p => p.Initialize()); //First initiation of the part if (!this.initiated) { this.initiated = true; this.armed = false; if (this.spareChutes >= 0) { this.chuteCount = (int)this.spareChutes; } } //Flight loading if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { Random random = new Random(); this.parachutes.ForEach(p => p.randomTime = (float)random.NextDouble()); //Hide/show UI event addition GameEvents.onHideUI.Add(HideUI); GameEvents.onShowUI.Add(ShowUI); if (this.CanRepack) { SetRepack(); } } //GUI this.window = new Rect(200, 100, 350, 400); this.drag = new Rect(0, 0, 350, 30); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); initialize(); this.updateUIFloatEditControl(nameof(currentTopDiameter), minDiameter, maxDiameter, diameterIncrement * 2, diameterIncrement, diameterIncrement * 0.05f, true, currentTopDiameter); this.updateUIFloatEditControl(nameof(currentBottomDiameter), minDiameter, maxDiameter, diameterIncrement * 2, diameterIncrement, diameterIncrement * 0.05f, true, currentBottomDiameter); this.updateUIFloatEditControl(nameof(currentHeight), minHeight, maxHeight, heightIncrement * 2, heightIncrement, heightIncrement * 0.05f, true, currentHeight); this.updateUIFloatEditControl(nameof(currentTaperHeight), minHeight, maxHeight, heightIncrement * 2, heightIncrement, heightIncrement * 0.05f, true, currentTaperHeight); Action <SSTUInterstageDecoupler> rebuild = delegate(SSTUInterstageDecoupler m) { m.updateEditorFields(); m.buildFairing(); m.updateEnginePositionAndScale(); m.updateNodePositions(true); m.updatePartMass(); m.updateShielding(); m.updateDragCubes(); m.updateFairingTextureSet(false); }; Fields[nameof(currentTopDiameter)].uiControlEditor.onFieldChanged = delegate(BaseField a, System.Object b) { this.actionWithSymmetry(m => { if (m != this) { m.currentTopDiameter = this.currentTopDiameter; } rebuild(m); }); }; Fields[nameof(currentBottomDiameter)].uiControlEditor.onFieldChanged = delegate(BaseField a, System.Object b) { this.actionWithSymmetry(m => { if (m != this) { m.currentBottomDiameter = this.currentBottomDiameter; } rebuild(m); }); }; Fields[nameof(currentHeight)].uiControlEditor.onFieldChanged = delegate(BaseField a, System.Object b) { this.actionWithSymmetry(m => { if (m != this) { m.currentHeight = this.currentHeight; } rebuild(m); }); }; Fields[nameof(currentTaperHeight)].uiControlEditor.onFieldChanged = delegate(BaseField a, System.Object b) { this.actionWithSymmetry(m => { if (m != this) { m.currentTaperHeight = this.currentTaperHeight; } rebuild(m); }); }; Fields[nameof(editorTransparency)].uiControlEditor.onFieldChanged = delegate(BaseField a, System.Object b) { this.actionWithSymmetry(m => { if (m != this) { m.editorTransparency = this.editorTransparency; } m.fairingBase.setOpacity(m.editorTransparency ? 0.25f : 1); }); }; Fields[nameof(generateColliders)].uiControlEditor.onFieldChanged = delegate(BaseField a, System.Object b) { this.actionWithSymmetry(m => { if (m != this) { m.generateColliders = this.generateColliders; } if (m.fairingBase.generateColliders != m.generateColliders) { m.fairingBase.generateColliders = m.generateColliders; m.buildFairing(); m.updateFairingTextureSet(false); } }); }; Fields[nameof(currentTextureSet)].uiControlEditor.onFieldChanged = delegate(BaseField a, System.Object b) { this.actionWithSymmetry(m => { m.currentTextureSet = currentTextureSet; m.updateFairingTextureSet(!SSTUGameSettings.persistRecolor()); }); }; Fields[nameof(currentEngineModel)].uiControlEditor.onFieldChanged = delegate(BaseField a, System.Object b) { engineModels.modelSelected(a, b); this.actionWithSymmetry(m => { //model selected action sets vars on symmetry parts rebuild(m); m.reInitEngineModule(); SSTUModInterop.updateResourceVolume(m.part); }); }; Fields[nameof(currentEngineScale)].uiControlEditor.onFieldChanged = delegate(BaseField a, System.Object b) { this.actionWithSymmetry(m => { if (m != this) { m.currentEngineScale = this.currentEngineScale; } rebuild(m); SSTUModInterop.updateResourceVolume(m.part); }); }; Fields[nameof(currentEngineLayout)].uiControlEditor.onFieldChanged = delegate(BaseField a, System.Object b) { engineModels.layoutSelected(a, b); this.actionWithSymmetry(m => { m.reInitEngineModule(); m.updatePartMass(); m.updateDragCubes(); SSTUModInterop.updateResourceVolume(m.part); }); }; Fields[nameof(currentEngineTextureSet)].uiControlEditor.onFieldChanged = engineModels.textureSetSelected; Fields[nameof(currentEngineTextureSet)].guiActiveEditor = engineModels.definition.textureSets.Length > 1; GameEvents.onEditorShipModified.Add(new EventData <ShipConstruct> .OnEvent(onEditorShipModified)); SSTUModInterop.onPartGeometryUpdate(part, true); SSTUModInterop.updateResourceVolume(part); }
//private AvailablePart availablePart; //private Part prefab_available_part; //private FNGeneratorAdapterVariable prefab_generator_module; public override void OnStart(StartState state) { try { if (state == StartState.Editor) { return; } //InitializePartModule(); var modules = part.FindModulesImplementing <ModuleGenerator>(); moduleGenerator = modules.Count > index ? modules[index] : null; if (moduleGenerator == null) { return; } String[] resources_to_supply = { ResourceManager.FNRESOURCE_MEGAJOULES }; this.resources_to_supply = resources_to_supply; base.OnStart(state); if (maintainsBuffer) { resourceBuffers = new ResourceBuffers(); } outputType = ResourceType.other; inputType = ResourceType.other; foreach (ModuleResource moduleResource in moduleGenerator.resHandler.inputResources) { if ( == ResourceManager.FNRESOURCE_MEGAJOULES) { inputType = ResourceType.megajoule; } else if ( == ResourceManager.STOCK_RESOURCE_ELECTRICCHARGE) { inputType = ResourceType.electricCharge; } if (inputType != ResourceType.other) { moduleInputResource = moduleResource; if (inputRate != 0) { moduleInputResource.rate = inputRate; } initialInputAmount = moduleInputResource.rate; break; } } if (offlineProcessing && moduleInputResource != null && last_active_time > 0 && powerGeneratorPowerInput > 0) { var timePassedSinceLastProcessing = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - last_active_time; var consumption = timePassedSinceLastProcessing * powerGeneratorPowerInput; part.RequestResource(, consumption); var message = timePassedSinceLastProcessing + " seconds passed durring which " + consumption + " " + + " was consumed "; Debug.Log("[KSPI]: " + message); } foreach (ModuleResource moduleResource in moduleGenerator.resHandler.outputResources) { // assuming only one of those two is present if ( == ResourceManager.FNRESOURCE_MEGAJOULES) { outputType = ResourceType.megajoule; } else if ( == ResourceManager.STOCK_RESOURCE_ELECTRICCHARGE) { outputType = ResourceType.electricCharge; } if (outputType != ResourceType.other) { if (maintainsBuffer) { var bufferResource = part.Resources[]; if (bufferResource != null) { if (initialMaxBufferSize == 0) { initialMaxBufferSize = bufferResource.maxAmount; } else { bufferResource.maxAmount = initialMaxBufferSize; } } resourceBuffers.AddConfiguration(new ResourceBuffers.MaxAmountConfig(, 50)); } mockInputResource = new ModuleResource(); =; =; moduleGenerator.resHandler.inputResources.Add(mockInputResource); moduleOutputResource = moduleResource; if (outputRate != 0) { moduleOutputResource.rate = outputRate; } initialOutputAmount = moduleOutputResource.rate; moduleGeneratorEfficienctBaseField = moduleGenerator.Fields["efficiency"]; if (moduleGeneratorEfficienctBaseField != null) { moduleGeneratorEfficienctBaseField.guiActive = false; moduleGeneratorEfficienctBaseField.guiActiveEditor = false; } break; } } if (maintainsBuffer) { resourceBuffers.Init(this.part); } efficiencyField = moduleGenerator.Fields["efficiency"]; displayStatusField = moduleGenerator.Fields["displayStatus"]; powerGeneratorPowerInputField = Fields["powerGeneratorPowerInput"]; powerGeneratorPowerOutputField = Fields["powerGeneratorPowerOutput"]; if (index > 0) { powerGeneratorPowerInputField.guiName = powerGeneratorPowerInputField.guiName + " " + (index + 1); powerGeneratorPowerOutputField.guiName = powerGeneratorPowerOutputField.guiName + " " + (index + 1); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError("[KSPI]: Exception in FNGeneratorAdapter.OnStart " + e.Message); throw; } }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { MPLog.Writelog("[Maritime Pack] MPEngine Found on " +; }
public override void OnStart (StartState state) { base.OnStart (state); ParseWeaponType(); ParseBulletDragType(); bulletBallisticCoefficient = bulletMass / bulletDragArea * 1000; //1000 to convert from tonnes to kilograms if(shortName == string.Empty) { shortName = part.partInfo.title; } foreach(var emitter in part.FindModelComponents<KSPParticleEmitter>()) { emitter.emit = false; } if(airDetonation) { var detRange = (UI_FloatRange)Fields["defaultDetonationRange"].uiControlEditor; detRange.maxValue = maxAirDetonationRange; } else { Fields["defaultDetonationRange"].guiActive = false; Fields["defaultDetonationRange"].guiActiveEditor = false; } if(HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { if(eWeaponType != WeaponTypes.Laser) { if(bulletPool == null) { SetupBulletPool(); } if(shellPool == null) { SetupShellPool(); } } //setup transforms fireTransforms = part.FindModelTransforms(fireTransformName); shellEjectTransforms = part.FindModelTransforms(shellEjectTransformName); //setup emitters foreach(var pe in part.FindModelComponents<KSPParticleEmitter>()) { pe.maxSize *= part.rescaleFactor; pe.minSize *= part.rescaleFactor; pe.shape3D *= part.rescaleFactor; pe.shape2D *= part.rescaleFactor; pe.shape1D *= part.rescaleFactor; if(pe.useWorldSpace && !oneShotWorldParticles) { BDAGaplessParticleEmitter gpe = pe.gameObject.AddComponent<BDAGaplessParticleEmitter>(); gpe.part = part; gaplessEmitters.Add(gpe); } } //setup projectile colors projectileColorC = Misc.ParseColor255(projectileColor); startColorC = Misc.ParseColor255(startColor); //init and zero points targetPosition =; pointingAtPosition =; bulletPrediction =; //setup audio SetupAudio(); //laser setup if(eWeaponType == WeaponTypes.Laser) { SetupLaserSpecifics(); } } else if(HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) { fireTransforms = part.FindModelTransforms(fireTransformName); } //turret setup foreach(var turr in part.FindModulesImplementing<ModuleTurret>()) { if(turr.turretID == turretID) { turret = turr; break; } } if(!turret) { Fields["onlyFireInRange"].guiActive = false; Fields["onlyFireInRange"].guiActiveEditor = false; } //setup animations if(hasDeployAnim) { deployState = Misc.SetUpSingleAnimation(deployAnimName, this.part); deployState.normalizedTime = 0; deployState.speed = 0; deployState.enabled = true; } if(hasFireAnimation) { fireState = Misc.SetUpSingleAnimation (fireAnimName, this.part); fireState.enabled = false; } BDArmorySettings.OnVolumeChange += UpdateVolume; }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { // extension for feature_engagementenvelope InitializeEngagementRange(0, maxTargetingRange); if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { part.force_activate(); aimerTexture = BDArmorySetup.Instance.greenPointCircleTexture; // GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("BDArmory/Textures/grayCircle", false); MakeRocketArray(); UpdateRocketScales(); if (shortName == string.Empty) { shortName = part.partInfo.title; } UpdateAudio(); BDArmorySetup.OnVolumeChange += UpdateAudio; } if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight || HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) { List <ModuleTurret> .Enumerator turr = part.FindModulesImplementing <ModuleTurret>().GetEnumerator(); while (turr.MoveNext()) { if (turr.Current == null) { continue; } if (turr.Current.turretID != turretID) { continue; } turret = turr.Current; targetInTurretView = false; break; } turr.Dispose(); if (turret) { Events["GuiFire"].guiActive = false; Events["Jettison"].guiActive = false; Actions["AGFire"].active = false; if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) { Events["ToggleTurret"].guiActive = true; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deployAnimationName)) { deployAnimState = Misc.Misc.SetUpSingleAnimation(deployAnimationName, part); hasDeployAnimation = true; readyToFire = false; } } SetupAudio(); blastForce = BlastPhysicsUtils.CalculateExplosiveMass(blastRadius); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { setActive(); }
public override void OnStartFinished(StartState state) { base.OnStartFinished(state); StartCoroutine(LateStart()); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { _decaySourceDefinition = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(resourceName); _decayProductDefinition = PartResourceLibrary.Instance.GetDefinition(decayProduct); if (_decaySourceDefinition == null) { return; } var decayResource = part.Resources[resourceName]; if (decayResource == null) { return; } if (part.vessel != null) { var compatibleTanks = part.vessel.FindPartModulesImplementing <FNResourceTransfer>() .Where(m => m.resourceName == _decayProductDefinition.displayName); _managedTransferableResources.AddRange(compatibleTanks); } if (halfLifeInYears > 0) { decayConstant = Math.Log(2) / (halfLifeInYears * LengthYear * SecondsInDay); } if (halfLifeInDays > 0) { decayConstant = Math.Log(2) / (halfLifeInDays * SecondsInDay); } if (_decayProductDefinition != null) { if (_decayProductDefinition.density > 0 && _decaySourceDefinition.density > 0) { _densityRat = (double)(decimal)_decaySourceDefinition.density / (double)(decimal)_decayProductDefinition.density; } } if (state == StartState.Editor || CheatOptions.UnbreakableJoints) { return; } if (lastActiveTime < 0) { lastActiveTime = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime(); } double timeDiffInSeconds = Planetarium.GetUniversalTime() - lastActiveTime; if (!(timeDiffInSeconds > 0)) { return; } double resourceAmount = decayResource.amount; decayResource.amount = resourceAmount * Math.Exp(-decayConstant * timeDiffInSeconds); if (_decayProductDefinition == null) { return; } double resourceChange = resourceAmount - decayResource.amount; if (resourceChange <= 0) { return; } var decayProductAmount = resourceChange * _densityRat; var decayProductResource = part.Resources[decayProduct]; if (canConvertVolume && decayProductResource != null) { decayProductResource.amount += decayProductAmount; var productOverflow = Math.Max(0, decayProductResource.amount - decayProductResource.maxAmount); if (productOverflow > 0) { decayProductResource.maxAmount = decayProductResource.amount; } var previousAmount = decayResource.maxAmount; var appliedDecayAmount = productOverflow / _densityRat; decayResource.maxAmount -= appliedDecayAmount; var effectiveDecayAmount = previousAmount - decayResource.maxAmount; var decayDifference = appliedDecayAmount - effectiveDecayAmount; decayResource.amount = Math.Min(decayResource.amount, decayResource.maxAmount); return; } StoreDecayProduct(decayProductAmount, decayProductResource); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); engine = new EngineModuleWrapper(); engine.InitWithEngine(this.part, engineID); }
public override void OnStart(StartState state) { base.OnStart(state); Setup(); }