private void Tracking() { if (Cam != null) { double Head = 0; double Pitch = 0; double Altitude = 0; Tuple <double, double> Position = new Tuple <double, double>(0, 0); double TargetAltitude = 0; Tuple <double, double> TargetPosition = new Tuple <double, double>(0, 0); Part PitchHinge = Cam.Parts.WithTag("PitchServo")[0]; /*foreach (var item in PitchHinge.Modules) * { * Console.WriteLine(item.Name); * }*/ Module PitchServo = PitchHinge.Modules.First(m => m.Name == "ModuleRoboticServoHinge"); PitchServo.SetFieldFloat("Target Angle", (float)-Pitch); Module HeadServo = Cam.Parts.WithTag("HeadServo")[0].Modules.First(m => m.Name == "ModuleRoboticRotationServo"); HeadServo.SetFieldFloat("Target Angle", (float)-Head); Console.WriteLine("Tracking Started"); while (Track == true) { Head = Cam.Flight(Cam.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Heading; Pitch = Cam.Flight(Cam.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Pitch; Head = Calculs.Mod((Head + 180), 360) - 180; Altitude = Cam.Flight(Cam.SurfaceReferenceFrame).MeanAltitude; Position = new Tuple <double, double>(Cam.Flight(Target.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Latitude, Cam.Flight(Target.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Longitude); TargetAltitude = Target.Flight(Target.SurfaceReferenceFrame).MeanAltitude; TargetPosition = new Tuple <double, double>(Target.Flight(Target.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Latitude, Target.Flight(Target.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Longitude); double dAlt = (TargetAltitude - 30) - Altitude; double Distance = Starship.Distance(Position.Item1, TargetPosition.Item1, Position.Item2, TargetPosition.Item2); double PitchAngle = Starship.ToDegree(Math.Atan(dAlt / Distance)) - Pitch; double HeadAngle = Starship.ToDegree(Calculs.VectorAngleWithNegative(new System.Numerics.Vector2((float)(TargetPosition.Item1 - Position.Item1), (float)(TargetPosition.Item2 - Position.Item2)))) - Head; HeadAngle = Calculs.Mod((HeadAngle + 180), 360) - 180; /*Console.WriteLine("Pitch Servo" + PitchAngle); * Console.WriteLine("Head Servo" + HeadAngle);*/ PitchServo.SetFieldFloat("Target Angle", (float)PitchAngle); HeadServo.SetFieldFloat("Target Angle", (float)HeadAngle); } } }
public static void CreateTargetedTrajectory(Vessel vessel, Tuple <double, double> LZ) { targetedTrajectory = new Vector2((float)(vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Latitude - LZ.Item1), (float)(vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Longitude - LZ.Item2)); Console.WriteLine("Targeted Trajectory Vector Initialized : " + targetedTrajectory.ToString()); if (Starship.Distance(Starship.InitPos.Item1, Starship.starship.Flight(Starship.starship.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Latitude, 0, 0) < Starship.Distance(Starship.InitPos.Item2, Starship.starship.Flight(Starship.starship.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Longitude, 0, 0)) { useLatitude = false; if (Starship.starship.Flight(Starship.starship.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Longitude > Starship.InitPos.Item2) { BaseHeading = 270; superior = true; } else { BaseHeading = 90; superior = false; } } else { useLatitude = true; if (Starship.starship.Flight(Starship.starship.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Latitude > Starship.InitPos.Item1) { BaseHeading = 180; superior = true; } else { BaseHeading = 0; superior = false; } } }
public static void EngineGuidance(Vessel vessel, Tuple <double, double> LZ) { Console.WriteLine("Start of Engine Guidance"); vessel.AutoPilot.Engage(); vessel.AutoPilot.TargetRoll = 0; float Pitch = 90; float Head = 0; double ImpactLat = vessel.connection.Trajectories().ImpactPos().Item1; double ImpactLon = vessel.connection.Trajectories().ImpactPos().Item2; double prevDistance = Starship.Distance(LZ.Item1, ImpactLat, LZ.Item2, ImpactLon); vessel.AutoPilot.Engage(); vessel.AutoPilot.TargetRoll = 180; vessel.AutoPilot.AutoTune = false; vessel.AutoPilot.TimeToPeak = new Tuple <double, double, double>(0.1, 0.1, 0.1); vessel.AutoPilot.AttenuationAngle = new Tuple <double, double, double>(0.01, 0.01, 0.01); vessel.AutoPilot.Overshoot = new Tuple <double, double, double>(0.2, 0.2, 0.2); vessel.AutoPilot.StoppingTime = new Tuple <double, double, double>(2, 2, 2); vessel.AutoPilot.DecelerationTime = new Tuple <double, double, double>(10, 10, 10); vessel.AutoPilot.RollThreshold = 360; vessel.AutoPilot.PitchPIDGains = new Tuple <double, double, double>(50, 50, 0); vessel.AutoPilot.YawPIDGains = new Tuple <double, double, double>(30, 30, 0); vessel.AutoPilot.RollPIDGains = new Tuple <double, double, double>(30, 30, 0); try { while (vessel.Flight(vessel.Orbit.Body.ReferenceFrame).VerticalSpeed < -1 || vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).SurfaceAltitude > 30) { ImpactLat = vessel.connection.Trajectories().ImpactPos().Item1; ImpactLon = vessel.connection.Trajectories().ImpactPos().Item2; //Calcul l'inclinaison nécessaire pour freinder la vitesse horizontale double g = vessel.Orbit.Body.SurfaceGravity; double maxDecel = ((Engines.RaptorSL[0].MaxThrust() * 1 /*(Engines.RaptorSL.Count - 0)*/) / vessel.Mass) - g; double stopDist = Math.Pow(vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).HorizontalSpeed, 2) / (1.0 * maxDecel); double DecelPitch = (100 * stopDist) / 1 * maxDecel; //Starship.Distance(LZ.Item1, vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Latitude, LZ.Item2, vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Longitude); DecelPitch = 90 - ((DecelPitch * 2) * 1.1f); Console.WriteLine("Decel Pitch = " + DecelPitch); if (DecelPitch < 70) { DecelPitch = 70; } if (prevDistance > Starship.Distance(LZ.Item1, ImpactLat, LZ.Item2, ImpactLon)) { if (Starship.Distance(ImpactLat, vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Latitude, ImpactLon, vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Longitude) < Starship.Distance(LZ.Item1, vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Latitude, LZ.Item2, vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Longitude)) { if (DecelPitch >= 70) { Console.WriteLine("Continue"); Pitch = (float)Starship.Distance(LZ.Item1, vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Latitude, LZ.Item2, vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Longitude) / 5; if (Pitch < 60) { Pitch = 60; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Too fast"); Pitch = (float)(90 + Math.Abs(90 - (DecelPitch * 2))); } Head = (float)ZoneHeading(vessel); } else { Console.WriteLine("Decel"); Pitch = (float)(90 + Math.Abs(90 - (DecelPitch * 2))); Head = (float)ZoneHeading(vessel); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Retro"); Pitch = (float)RetrogradePitch(vessel) / 3; Head = (float)Math.Round((float)RetrogradeHeading(vessel)); } if (vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).SurfaceAltitude < 33) { Pitch = 90; } vessel.AutoPilot.TargetPitch = Pitch; vessel.AutoPilot.TargetHeading = Head; prevDistance = Starship.Distance(LZ.Item1, ImpactLat, LZ.Item2, ImpactLon); Console.WriteLine("Error : " + vessel.AutoPilot.Error); Console.WriteLine("Pitch Target = " + vessel.AutoPilot.TargetPitch); Console.WriteLine("Pitch Head = " + vessel.AutoPilot.TargetHeading); Console.WriteLine("Pitch Roll = " + vessel.AutoPilot.TargetRoll); } vessel.AutoPilot.TargetPitch = 90; Console.WriteLine("pre landing"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Place to Vertical"); vessel.AutoPilot.TargetPitch = 90; } }
public static void EngineGuidanceKOS(Vessel vessel, Tuple <double, double> LZ) { try { Console.WriteLine("Start of Engine Guidance"); //Console.WriteLine("Pitch PID Gains : " + vessel.AutoPilot.PitchPIDGains); //Console.WriteLine("Yaw PID Gains : " + vessel.AutoPilot.YawPIDGains); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } Console.WriteLine("Start of Engine Guidance 2"); //vessel.AutoPilot.Engage(); //vessel.AutoPilot.TargetRoll = 180; Console.WriteLine("Start of Engine Guidance 3"); //vessel.AutoPilot.AutoTune = false; vessel.AutoPilot.AttenuationAngle = new Tuple <double, double, double>(0.01, 360, 45); vessel.AutoPilot.StoppingTime = new Tuple <double, double, double>(3, 3, 6); vessel.AutoPilot.DecelerationTime = new Tuple <double, double, double>(10, 10, 30); vessel.AutoPilot.RollThreshold = 0.1; vessel.AutoPilot.PitchPIDGains = new Tuple <double, double, double>(50, 50, 0); vessel.AutoPilot.YawPIDGains = new Tuple <double, double, double>(50, 50, 0); vessel.AutoPilot.RollPIDGains = new Tuple <double, double, double>(50, 50, 0); Console.WriteLine("Start of Engine Guidance 4"); double ImpactLat = vessel.connection.Trajectories().ImpactPos().Item1; double ImpactLon = vessel.connection.Trajectories().ImpactPos().Item2; float Pitch = 90; float Head = 0; double prevDistance = Starship.Distance(LZ.Item1, ImpactLat, LZ.Item2, ImpactLon); try { while (vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).SurfaceAltitude > 45) { while (vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).SurfaceAltitude > 80) { ImpactLat = vessel.connection.Trajectories().ImpactPos().Item1; ImpactLon = vessel.connection.Trajectories().ImpactPos().Item2; if (/*prevDistance + 2 > Starship.Distance(LZ.Item1, ImpactLat, LZ.Item2, ImpactLon) && */ vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Speed < 40 && vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).HorizontalSpeed < 5) { /*if (Starship.Distance(LZ.Item1, vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Latitude, LZ.Item2, vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Latitude) - 10 > Starship.Distance(ImpactLat, vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Latitude, ImpactLon, vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Latitude)) * {*/ vessel.AutoPilot.AttenuationAngle = new Tuple <double, double, double>(0.01, 45, 15); Console.WriteLine("1"); vessel.AutoPilot.TargetRoll = 180; Pitch = Calculs.Clamp <float>(90 - ((float)Starship.Distance(ImpactLat, LZ.Item1, ImpactLon, LZ.Item2) / 10f), 70, 90); // / 15 Head = (float)ZoneHeading(vessel); /*} * else * { * Console.WriteLine("2"); * /*vessel.AutoPilot.TargetRoll = 0; * Pitch = Calculs.Clamp<float>(90 + ((float)Starship.Distance(ImpactLat, LZ.Item1, ImpactLon, LZ.Item2) / 15), 90, 95); * Head = (float)ZoneHeading(vessel) + 180;*/ /*vessel.AutoPilot.TargetRoll = 0; * Pitch = 90 - (90 - (float)RetrogradePitch(vessel)) / 2; * Head = (float)RetrogradeHeading(vessel); * vessel.AutoPilot.TargetPitchAndHeading(Pitch, Head); * }*/ } else { vessel.AutoPilot.AttenuationAngle = new Tuple <double, double, double>(0.01, 180, 25); vessel.AutoPilot.TargetRoll = 180; Pitch = 90 - (Math.Abs(90 - (float)RetrogradePitch(vessel))) / 0.5f; Head = (float)RetrogradeHeading(vessel); vessel.AutoPilot.TargetPitchAndHeading(Calculs.Clamp(Pitch, 80, 110), Head); while ((vessel.AutoPilot.PitchError > 10 && vessel.AutoPilot.HeadingError > 25) || (vessel.AutoPilot.PitchError < -10 && vessel.AutoPilot.HeadingError < -25)) { Console.WriteLine("Retro"); vessel.AutoPilot.TargetRoll = 180; Pitch = 90 - (Math.Abs(90 - (float)RetrogradePitch(vessel))) / 0.5f; Head = (float)RetrogradeHeading(vessel); vessel.AutoPilot.TargetPitchAndHeading(Calculs.Clamp(Pitch - 18, 75, 115), Head); Console.WriteLine("Error : " + vessel.AutoPilot.Error); Console.WriteLine("Pitch Target = " + vessel.AutoPilot.TargetPitch); Console.WriteLine("Pitch Head = " + vessel.AutoPilot.TargetHeading); Console.WriteLine("Pitch Roll = " + vessel.AutoPilot.TargetRoll); vessel.Control.Pitch += 0.5f; } Console.WriteLine("Retro End"); } vessel.AutoPilot.TargetPitchAndHeading(Calculs.Clamp(Pitch - 18, 80, 110), Head); Console.WriteLine("Error : " + vessel.AutoPilot.Error); Console.WriteLine("Pitch Target = " + vessel.AutoPilot.TargetPitch); Console.WriteLine("Pitch Head = " + vessel.AutoPilot.TargetHeading); Console.WriteLine("Pitch Roll = " + vessel.AutoPilot.TargetRoll); prevDistance = Starship.Distance(LZ.Item1, ImpactLat, LZ.Item2, ImpactLon); if (vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).TrueAirSpeed > 25) { Console.WriteLine("Wings full opened"); Wings.WingUpR[0].Orientation(0); //90 Wings.WingUpL[0].Orientation(0); //90 } else { Console.WriteLine("Wings full closed"); Wings.WingUpR[0].Orientation(80); //90 Wings.WingUpL[0].Orientation(80); //90 } } Console.WriteLine("Retro 2"); vessel.AutoPilot.TargetRoll = 180; Pitch = 90 - (Math.Abs(90 - (float)RetrogradePitch(vessel))) / 0.5f; Head = (float)RetrogradeHeading(vessel); vessel.AutoPilot.TargetPitchAndHeading(Calculs.Clamp(Pitch - 18, 65, 115), Head); Console.WriteLine("Error : " + vessel.AutoPilot.Error); Console.WriteLine("Pitch Target = " + vessel.AutoPilot.TargetPitch); Console.WriteLine("Pitch Head = " + vessel.AutoPilot.TargetHeading); Console.WriteLine("Pitch Roll = " + vessel.AutoPilot.TargetRoll); } } catch { } try { while (vessel.Flight(vessel.Orbit.Body.ReferenceFrame).VerticalSpeed < -0.1) { vessel.AutoPilot.AttenuationAngle = new Tuple <double, double, double>(0.01, 360, 25); Console.WriteLine("Decel for TD"); vessel.AutoPilot.TargetRoll = 180; Pitch = 90 - (90 - (float)RetrogradePitch(vessel)) / 2; //4 Head = (float)RetrogradeHeading(vessel); //90 vessel.AutoPilot.TargetPitchAndHeading(Calculs.Clamp(Pitch + 0, 85, 95), Head); Console.WriteLine("Error : " + vessel.AutoPilot.Error); Console.WriteLine("Pitch Target = " + vessel.AutoPilot.TargetPitch); Console.WriteLine("Pitch Head = " + vessel.AutoPilot.TargetHeading); Console.WriteLine("Pitch Roll = " + vessel.AutoPilot.TargetRoll); } } catch { } Console.WriteLine("Good Place to Vertical"); vessel.AutoPilot.TargetPitch = 90; }
public static void LandingBurn(Vessel vessel) { Console.WriteLine("Confirmed"); //vessel.Control.Throttle = 0; bool SuicideBurnText = false; float throt = Throttle.ThrottleToTWR(vessel, 0.0f, 3); bool SuicideBurn = false; bool legs = false; double landedAltitude = 25; //25 while (vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).SurfaceAltitude > 3000) { Thread.Sleep(500); } bool Engine3Cut = false; bool Engine2Cut = false; int EngineNumber = 2; while (true) { if (SuicideBurnText == false) { throt = Throttle.ThrottleToTWR(vessel, 0.0f, 1); } double Speed = vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).TrueAirSpeed; if (Speed > 30) { Speed += 5; } if (Speed > 130) //130 { Speed = 130; } double vSpeed = vessel.Flight(vessel.Orbit.Body.ReferenceFrame).VerticalSpeed; double trueRadar = vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).SurfaceAltitude - landedAltitude; double g = vessel.Orbit.Body.SurfaceGravity; double maxDecelThree = ((Engines.RaptorSL[0].MaxThrust() * EngineNumber /*(Engines.RaptorSL.Count - 0)*/) / vessel.Mass) - g; double stopDistThree = Math.Pow(Speed, 2) / (0.9 * maxDecelThree); //1.0 * maxdecel... double impactTime = trueRadar / Speed; if ((trueRadar - (Speed * 1.0f) <= stopDistThree * 1.4 /*1.5*/ || trueRadar < 600) && SuicideBurnText == false)//1.0 | 1000 { Console.WriteLine("Landing Burn startup"); SuicideBurnText = true; throt = 0.001f; //0.01f vessel.Control.Throttle = throt; vessel.Parts.WithTag("Probe")[0].Modules.First(m => m.Name == "ModuleReactionWheel").SetFieldFloat("Autorité de la roue", 10); Engines.RaptorSL[1].Activate(); //while (Engines.RaptorSL[1].Thrust() < 1000) { } Thread.Sleep(200); Engines.RaptorSL[0].Activate(); Engines.RaptorSL[2].Activate(); while (vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Pitch < 60) { if (Engines.RaptorSL[0].Activated() == true && Engines.RaptorSL[1].Activated() == true && Engines.RaptorSL[2].Activated() == true) { throt = 0.1f; //0.001f } else if ((Engines.RaptorSL[0].Activated() == false && Engines.RaptorSL[1].Activated() == false && Engines.RaptorSL[2].Activated() == true) || (Engines.RaptorSL[0].Activated() == false && Engines.RaptorSL[1].Activated() == true && Engines.RaptorSL[2].Activated() == false) || (Engines.RaptorSL[0].Activated() == true && Engines.RaptorSL[1].Activated() == false && Engines.RaptorSL[2].Activated() == false)) { throt = 0.8f; //0.01f } else { throt = 0.3f; } vessel.Control.Throttle = throt; vessel.Control.RCS = true; } //45 } if (Engines.RaptorSL[1].Thrust() > 30000 && Engines.RaptorSL[2].Thrust() > 30000 && Engine3Cut == false && (Speed < 30 || (vessel.Control.Throttle <0.01 && Throttle.TWR(vessel)> 0.95f))) { vessel.Parts.WithTag("Probe")[0].Modules.First(m => m.Name == "ModuleReactionWheel").SetFieldFloat("Autorité de la roue", 100); Thread.Sleep(1000); Engines.RaptorSL[0].Shutdown(); Engine3Cut = true; EngineNumber = 2; } if (Engine3Cut == true && Engine2Cut == false && stopDistThree * 3 > trueRadar - (Speed * impactTime) && (Speed < 10 || (vessel.Control.Throttle < 0.01 && Throttle.TWR(vessel) > 0.95f))) { Engines.RaptorSL[2].Shutdown(); vessel.Control.Throttle = vessel.Control.Throttle + (vessel.Control.Throttle / 1.5f); Engine2Cut = true; EngineNumber = 1; Engines.RaptorSL[1].Trim(3, -4); vessel.Parts.WithTag("Probe")[0].Modules.First(m => m.Name == "ModuleReactionWheel").SetFieldFloat("Autorité de la roue", 50); } if (SuicideBurnText) { throt = (float)(stopDistThree / trueRadar); } if (trueRadar < 100 && vSpeed > -3) { throt = Throttle.ThrottleToTWR(vessel, 0.9f, EngineNumber); //1.18 } else if (trueRadar < 100 && vSpeed > -5) { throt = Throttle.ThrottleToTWR(vessel, 2.0f, EngineNumber); //0.90 } else if (vSpeed > 0) { throt = Throttle.ThrottleToTWR(vessel, 0.5f, EngineNumber); //0.90 } if (vessel.Flight(vessel.Orbit.Body.ReferenceFrame).VerticalSpeed > -0.1 && SuicideBurn == false && trueRadar < 5) { vessel.Control.Throttle = 0; throt = 0; vessel.Parts.WithTag("Probe")[0].Modules.First(m => m.Name == "ModuleReactionWheel").SetFieldFloat("Autorité de la roue", 0); Console.WriteLine("Landing burn shutdown"); Console.WriteLine("TrueRadar : " + trueRadar); foreach (var engine in Engines.RaptorSL) { engine.Shutdown(); } //; Console.WriteLine("Distance to zone : " + Starship.Distance(vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Latitude, Starship.InitPos.Item1, vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).Longitude, Starship.InitPos.Item2)); break; } if (legs == false && vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).SurfaceAltitude < 50 && vessel.Flight(vessel.SurfaceReferenceFrame).TrueAirSpeed < 20) { vessel.Control.Gear = true; legs = true; Console.WriteLine("Landing Legs deployed"); } if (throt <= 0.001f && SuicideBurnText == true) { throt = 0.001f; } Console.WriteLine("===================UPDATE THRUST=================="); vessel.Control.Throttle = throt; } }