コード例 #1
 private void Display_RenderedHud(object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.RenderedHudEventArgs e)
     if (!Config.EnableMod)
     foreach (var kvp in screenDict)
         foreach (var effect in kvp.Value)
             ShowScreenParticleEffect(e.SpriteBatch, effect);
     foreach (var key in effectDict.Keys)
         var ped = effectDict[key];
         switch (ped.type.ToLower())
         case "screen":
             ShowScreenParticleEffect(e.SpriteBatch, ped);
コード例 #2
        private void RenderTracker(object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.RenderedHudEventArgs e)
            if (!(Context.IsPlayerFree && Game1.currentLocation.IsOutdoors && !Game1.eventUp && Game1.farmEvent == null))

            var location = Game1.currentLocation;

            if (location.fishSplashPoint.Value != Point.Zero)
                var splash       = location.fishSplashPoint.Value;
                var spriteSource = new Rectangle(0, 0, SpriteSheet.Width, SpriteSheet.Height);
                var splashTile   = new Vector2(splash.X, splash.Y);
                if (Utility.isOnScreen(splashTile * 64f + new Vector2(32f, 32f), 64))

                var       scale  = 4f;
                Rectangle bounds = Game1.graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Bounds; //get the boundaries of the screen

                //define relative minimum and maximum sprite positions
                float minX = 8f;
                float minY = 8f;
                float maxX = bounds.Right - 8;
                float maxY = bounds.Bottom - 8;

                Vector2 renderSize = new Vector2((float)SpriteSheet.Width * scale, (float)SpriteSheet.Height * scale);              //get the render size of the sprite

                Vector2 centerOfObject = new Vector2((splashTile.X * 64) + 32, (splashTile.Y * 64) + 32);                           //get the center pixel of the object
                Vector2 targetPixel    = new Vector2(centerOfObject.X - (renderSize.X / 2), centerOfObject.Y - (renderSize.Y / 2)); //get the top left pixel of the custom tracker's "intended" location

                Vector2 trackerRenderPosition = Game1.GlobalToLocal(Game1.viewport, targetPixel);                                   //get the target pixel's position relative to the viewport
                trackerRenderPosition   = Utility.ModifyCoordinatesForUIScale(trackerRenderPosition);                               //adjust for UI scaling and/or zoom
                trackerRenderPosition.X = Utility.Clamp(trackerRenderPosition.X, minX, maxX);                                       //limit X to min/max
                trackerRenderPosition.Y = Utility.Clamp(trackerRenderPosition.Y, minY, maxY);                                       //limit Y to min/max

                //define offsets to adjust for rotation
                float offsetX = 0;
                float offsetY = 0;

                float rotation = 0f;                          //the rotation of the tracker sprite

                if (trackerRenderPosition.X == minX)          //if the tracker is on the LEFT
                    if (trackerRenderPosition.Y == minY)      //if the tracker is on the TOP LEFT
                        offsetY  = renderSize.X / 2f;         //offset down by 1/2 sprite width
                        rotation = (float)Math.PI * 1.75f;    //315 degrees
                    else if (trackerRenderPosition.Y == maxY) //if the tracker is on the BOTTOM LEFT
                        offsetX  = renderSize.X / 2f;         //offset right by 1/2 sprite width
                        offsetY  = renderSize.X;              //offset down by 1 sprite width
                        rotation = (float)Math.PI * 1.25f;    //225 degrees
                        offsetY  = renderSize.X;          //offset down by 1 sprite width
                        rotation = (float)Math.PI * 1.5f; //270 degrees
                else if (trackerRenderPosition.X == maxX)     //if the tracker is on the RIGHT
                    if (trackerRenderPosition.Y == minY)      //if the tracker is on the TOP RIGHT
                        offsetX  = -renderSize.X / 2f;        //offset left by 1/2 sprite width
                        rotation = (float)Math.PI * 0.25f;    //45 degrees
                    else if (trackerRenderPosition.Y == maxY) //if the tracker is on the BOTTOM RIGHT
                        offsetX  = renderSize.X;              //offset right by 1 sprite width
                        offsetY  = -renderSize.X / 2f;        //offset up by 1/2 sprite width
                        rotation = (float)Math.PI * 0.75f;    //135 degrees
                        rotation = (float)Math.PI * 0.5f; //90 degrees
                else if (trackerRenderPosition.Y == maxY) //if the tracker is on the BOTTOM
                    offsetX  = renderSize.X;              //offset right by 1 sprite width
                    rotation = (float)Math.PI;            //180 degrees

                trackerRenderPosition.X = Utility.Clamp(trackerRenderPosition.X + offsetX, minX, maxX);                                                                              //add offset to X (limited to min/max)
                trackerRenderPosition.Y = Utility.Clamp(trackerRenderPosition.Y + offsetY, minY, maxY);                                                                              //add offset to Y (limited to min/max)

                Game1.spriteBatch.Draw(SpriteSheet, trackerRenderPosition, new Rectangle?(spriteSource), Color.White, rotation, new Vector2(2f, 2f), scale, SpriteEffects.None, 1f); //draw the spritesheet on the game's main sprite batch
コード例 #3
 private void Display_RenderedHud(object sender, StardewModdingAPI.Events.RenderedHudEventArgs e)