private static void ConfigureTrace(ITrace trace, ISettings settings, StandardStreams streams) { if (settings.GetTracingEnabled(out string traceValue)) { if (traceValue.IsTruthy()) // Trace to stderr { trace.AddListener(streams.Error); } else if (Path.IsPathRooted(traceValue)) // Trace to a file { try { Stream stream = File.Open(traceValue, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite); TextWriter _traceFileWriter = new StreamWriter(stream, new UTF8Encoding(encoderShouldEmitUTF8Identifier: false), 4096, leaveOpen: false); trace.AddListener(_traceFileWriter); } catch (Exception ex) { streams.Error.WriteLine($"warning: unable to trace to file '{traceValue}': {ex.Message}"); } } else { streams.Error.WriteLine($"warning: unknown value for trace '{traceValue}'"); } } }
public LaunchApp(LaunchApp rhs) { Executable = rhs.Executable; Arguments = rhs.Arguments; WorkingDirectory = rhs.WorkingDirectory; OutputFilepath = rhs.OutputFilepath; ShowWindow = rhs.ShowWindow; AppendOutputFile = rhs.AppendOutputFile; Streams = rhs.Streams; }
// Your application's entry point. Here you can initialize your MVVM framework, DI // container, etc. private static void AppMain(Avalonia.Application app, string[] args) { var cla = new CommandLineApplication(); cla.HelpOption(); var optionPromptType = cla.Option("-p|--prompt <USERPASS,AUTHCODE>", "The prompt type", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionHostUrl = cla.Option("-h|--host <HOST_URL>", "The URL of the target host, displayed to the user and used to determine host type", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionProxyUrl = cla.Option("--proxy <PROXY_URL>", "The URL of the proxy", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionVerifySsl = cla.Option("--verifyssl <TRUE_FALSE>", "Whether SSL shoudl be verified or not", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionOAuthConsumerKey = cla.Option("--oauthkey <KEY>", "The OAuth Consumer Key to use during OAuth flows", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionOAuthConsumerSecret = cla.Option("--oauthsecret <SECRET>", "The OAuth Consumer Secret to use during OAuth flows", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var optionTrace = cla.Option("--trace <TRUE_FALSE_FILEPATH>", "False for no logging, True to log to console, Filepath to log to file", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); cla.OnExecute(() => { var prompt = optionPromptType.HasValue() ? optionPromptType.Value() : "userpass"; var hostUrl = optionHostUrl.HasValue() ? optionHostUrl.Value() : BitbucketConstants.BitbucketBaseUrl; // default to var proxyUrl = optionProxyUrl.HasValue() ? optionProxyUrl.Value() : null; // default to no proxy var verifySsl = optionVerifySsl.HasValue() ? optionVerifySsl.Value() : "true"; // default to true var oAuthConsumerKey = optionOAuthConsumerKey.HasValue() ? optionOAuthConsumerKey.Value() : null; // default to no key var oAuthConsumerSecret = optionOAuthConsumerSecret.HasValue() ? optionOAuthConsumerSecret.Value() : null; // default to no secret var traceConfig = optionTrace.HasValue() ? optionTrace.Value() : null; // default to no logging var streams = new StandardStreams(); using (var trace = new Itofinity.Bitbucket.Authentication.Helpers.Microsoft.Git.CredentialManager.Trace()) using (var settings = new Settings(hostUrl, proxyUrl, verifySsl, oAuthConsumerKey, oAuthConsumerSecret, traceConfig)) { var httpClientFactory = new HttpClientFactory(trace, settings, streams); // Enable tracing ConfigureTrace(trace, settings, streams); var viewModel = GetViewModel(prompt, hostUrl, trace, httpClientFactory, settings); var window = GetWindow(viewModel); app.Run(window); if (viewModel.Output != null && viewModel.Output.Any()) { streams.Out.WriteDictionary(viewModel.Output); } } return(0); }); var result = cla.Execute(args); }