コード例 #1
        public CloneOptions cloningSSHAuthentication()
            var sshDir = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile), ".ssh");

            CloneOptions          options     = new CloneOptions();
            SshUserKeyCredentials credentials = new SshUserKeyCredentials
                Username   = "******",
                PublicKey  = Path.Combine(sshDir, "id_rsa.pub"),
                PrivateKey = Path.Combine(sshDir, "id_rsa"),
                Passphrase = "ce n'est rien..."
            var handler = new LibGit2Sharp.Handlers.CredentialsHandler((url, usernameFromUrl, types) => credentials);

            options.CredentialsProvider = handler;
コード例 #2
		public static Credentials TryGet (string url, string userFromUrl, SupportedCredentialTypes types, GitCredentialsType type)
			bool result = true;
			Uri uri = null;

			GitCredentialsState state;
			if (!credState.TryGetValue (type, out state))
				credState [type] = state = new GitCredentialsState ();
			state.UrlUsed = url;

			// We always need to run the TryGet* methods as we need the passphraseItem/passwordItem populated even
			// if the password store contains an invalid password/no password
			if ((types & SupportedCredentialTypes.UsernamePassword) != 0) {
				uri = new Uri (url);
				string username;
				string password;
				if (!state.NativePasswordUsed && TryGetUsernamePassword (uri, out username, out password)) {
					state.NativePasswordUsed = true;
					return new UsernamePasswordCredentials {
						Username = username,
						Password = password

			Credentials cred;
			if ((types & SupportedCredentialTypes.UsernamePassword) != 0)
				cred = new UsernamePasswordCredentials ();
			else {
				// Try ssh-agent on Linux.
				if (!Platform.IsWindows && !state.AgentUsed) {
					bool agentUsable;
					if (!state.AgentForUrl.TryGetValue (url, out agentUsable))
						state.AgentForUrl [url] = agentUsable = true;

					if (agentUsable) {
						state.AgentUsed = true;
						return new SshAgentCredentials {
							Username = userFromUrl,

				int key;
				if (!state.KeyForUrl.TryGetValue (url, out key)) {
					if (state.KeyUsed + 1 < Keys.Count)
					else {
						SelectFileDialog dlg = null;
						bool success = false;

						DispatchService.GuiSyncDispatch (() => {
							dlg = new SelectFileDialog (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Select a private SSH key to use."));
							dlg.ShowHidden = true;
							dlg.CurrentFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
							success = dlg.Run ();
						if (!success || !File.Exists (dlg.SelectedFile + ".pub"))
							throw new VersionControlException (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Invalid credentials were supplied. Aborting operation."));

						cred = new SshUserKeyCredentials {
							Username = userFromUrl,
							Passphrase = "",
							PrivateKey = dlg.SelectedFile,
							PublicKey = dlg.SelectedFile + ".pub",

						if (KeyHasPassphrase (dlg.SelectedFile)) {
							DispatchService.GuiSyncDispatch (delegate {
								using (var credDlg = new CredentialsDialog (url, types, cred))
									result = MessageService.ShowCustomDialog (credDlg) == (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Ok;

						if (result)
							return cred;
						throw new VersionControlException (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Invalid credentials were supplied. Aborting operation."));
				} else
					state.KeyUsed = key;

				cred = new SshUserKeyCredentials {
					Username = userFromUrl,
					Passphrase = "",
					PrivateKey = Keys [state.KeyUsed],
					PublicKey = Keys [state.KeyUsed] + ".pub",
				return cred;

			DispatchService.GuiSyncDispatch (delegate {
				using (var credDlg = new CredentialsDialog (url, types, cred))
					result = MessageService.ShowCustomDialog (credDlg) == (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Ok;

			if (result) {
				if ((types & SupportedCredentialTypes.UsernamePassword) != 0) {
					var upcred = (UsernamePasswordCredentials)cred;
					if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (upcred.Password)) {
						PasswordService.AddWebUserNameAndPassword (uri, upcred.Username, upcred.Password);

			return cred;
コード例 #3
        public SshCredentialsWidget(SshUserKeyCredentials creds)
            Credentials = creds ?? new SshUserKeyCredentials();

            DefaultRowSpacing = XwtCredentialsDialog.InputContainerContainerSpacing;

            int inputContainerCurrentRow = 0;

            var privateKeyLocationLabel = new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Private Key:"))
                MinWidth      = XwtCredentialsDialog.DefaultlLabelWidth,
                TextAlignment = Alignment.End

            Add(privateKeyLocationLabel, 0, inputContainerCurrentRow, hexpand: false, vpos: WidgetPlacement.Center);

            var privateKeyLocationContainer = new HBox();

            Add(privateKeyLocationContainer, 1, inputContainerCurrentRow, hexpand: true);

            privateKeyLocationTextEntry = new TextEntry {
                Text = Credentials.PrivateKey ?? string.Empty
            privateKeyLocationTextEntry.Accessible.LabelWidget = privateKeyLocationLabel;
            privateKeyLocationTextEntry.Changed += PrivateKeyLocationTextEntry_Changed;
            privateKeyLocationContainer.PackStart(privateKeyLocationTextEntry, true, vpos: WidgetPlacement.Center);

            warningPrivateKey = new InformationPopoverWidget {
                Severity = Ide.Tasks.TaskSeverity.Warning
            privateKeyLocationButton = new Button("…");
            privateKeyLocationButton.Accessible.LabelWidget = privateKeyLocationLabel;
            privateKeyLocationButton.Accessible.Title       = GettextCatalog.GetString("Select a key file");

            //Public key location
            var publicKeyLocationLabel = new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Public Key:"))
                MinWidth      = XwtCredentialsDialog.DefaultlLabelWidth,
                TextAlignment = Alignment.End

            Add(publicKeyLocationLabel, 0, inputContainerCurrentRow, hexpand: false, vpos: WidgetPlacement.Center);

            var publicKeyLocationContainer = new HBox();

            Add(publicKeyLocationContainer, 1, inputContainerCurrentRow, hexpand: true);

            publicKeyLocationTextEntry = new TextEntry {
                Text = Credentials.PublicKey ?? string.Empty
            publicKeyLocationTextEntry.Accessible.LabelWidget = publicKeyLocationLabel;
            publicKeyLocationTextEntry.Changed += PublicKeyLocationTextEntry_Changed;
            publicKeyLocationContainer.PackStart(publicKeyLocationTextEntry, true, vpos: WidgetPlacement.Center);

            warningPublicKey = new InformationPopoverWidget {
                Severity = Ide.Tasks.TaskSeverity.Warning
            publicKeyLocationButton = new Button("…");
            publicKeyLocationButton.Accessible.LabelWidget = publicKeyLocationLabel;
            publicKeyLocationButton.Accessible.Title       = GettextCatalog.GetString("Select a key file");

            //password container
            var passwordLabel = new Label()
                TextAlignment = Alignment.End,
                Text          = GettextCatalog.GetString("Passphrase:"),
                MinWidth      = XwtCredentialsDialog.DefaultlLabelWidth

            Add(passwordLabel, 0, inputContainerCurrentRow, hexpand: false, vpos: WidgetPlacement.Center);

            passphraseEntry = new PasswordEntry()
                MarginTop = 5
            passphraseEntry.Accessible.LabelWidget = passwordLabel;
            Add(passphraseEntry, 1, inputContainerCurrentRow, hexpand: true, vpos: WidgetPlacement.Center, marginRight: Toolkit.CurrentEngine.Type == ToolkitType.XamMac ? 1 : -1);
            passphraseEntry.Changed += PasswordEntry_Changed;

            privateKeyLocationButton.Clicked += PrivateKeyLocationButton_Clicked;
            publicKeyLocationButton.Clicked  += PublicKeyLocationButton_Clicked;

コード例 #4
        public static Credentials TryGet(string url, string userFromUrl, SupportedCredentialTypes types, GitCredentialsType type)
            bool result = false;
            Uri  uri    = null;
            GitCredentialsState state;

            if (!credState.TryGetValue(type, out state))
                credState [type] = state = new GitCredentialsState();
            state.UrlUsed = url;
            Credentials cred = null;

            if ((types & SupportedCredentialTypes.Ssh) != 0)
                // Try ssh-agent on Linux.
                if (!Platform.IsWindows && !state.AgentUsed)
                    bool agentUsable;
                    if (!state.AgentForUrl.TryGetValue(url, out agentUsable))
                        state.AgentForUrl [url] = agentUsable = true;

                    if (agentUsable)
                        state.AgentUsed = true;
                        return(new SshAgentCredentials {
                            Username = userFromUrl,

                int keyIndex;
                if (state.KeyForUrl.TryGetValue(url, out keyIndex))
                    state.KeyUsed = keyIndex;
                    if (state.KeyUsed + 1 < Keys.Count)
                        var sshCred = new SshUserKeyCredentials {
                            Username   = userFromUrl,
                            Passphrase = string.Empty
                        cred = sshCred;

                        if (XwtCredentialsDialog.Run(url, SupportedCredentialTypes.Ssh, cred).Result)
                            keyIndex = Keys.IndexOf(sshCred.PrivateKey);
                            if (keyIndex < 0)
                                state.KeyUsed = keyIndex;
                        throw new UserCancelledException(UserCancelledExceptionMessage);

                var key = Keys [state.KeyUsed];
                cred = new SshUserKeyCredentials {
                    Username   = userFromUrl,
                    Passphrase = string.Empty,
                    PrivateKey = key,
                    PublicKey  = PublicKeys [state.KeyUsed]

                if (KeyHasPassphrase(key))
                    if (XwtCredentialsDialog.Run(url, SupportedCredentialTypes.Ssh, cred).Result)
                        var sshCred = (SshUserKeyCredentials)cred;
                        keyIndex = Keys.IndexOf(sshCred.PrivateKey);
                        if (keyIndex < 0)
                            state.KeyUsed = keyIndex;
                        throw new UserCancelledException(UserCancelledExceptionMessage);


            // We always need to run the TryGet* methods as we need the passphraseItem/passwordItem populated even
            // if the password store contains an invalid password/no password
            if ((types & SupportedCredentialTypes.UsernamePassword) != 0)
                if (Uri.TryCreate(url, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out uri))
                    if (!state.NativePasswordUsed && TryGetUsernamePassword(uri, out var username, out var password))
                        state.NativePasswordUsed = true;
                        return(new UsernamePasswordCredentials {
                            Username = username,
                            Password = password
            if (cred == null)
                cred = new UsernamePasswordCredentials();

            var gitCredentialsProviders = AddinManager.GetExtensionObjects <IGitCredentialsProvider> ();

            if (gitCredentialsProviders != null)
                foreach (var gitCredentialsProvider in gitCredentialsProviders)
                    if (gitCredentialsProvider.SupportsUrl(url))
                        var providerResult = GetCredentialsFromProvider(gitCredentialsProvider, url, types, cred);
                        if (providerResult == GitCredentialsProviderResult.Cancelled)
                            throw new UserCancelledException(UserCancelledExceptionMessage);
                        if (result = providerResult == GitCredentialsProviderResult.Found)

            if (!result)
                result = GetCredentials(url, types, cred);

            if (result)
                if ((types & SupportedCredentialTypes.UsernamePassword) != 0)
                    var upcred = (UsernamePasswordCredentials)cred;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(upcred.Password) && uri != null)
                        PasswordService.AddWebUserNameAndPassword(uri, upcred.Username, upcred.Password);

            throw new UserCancelledException(UserCancelledExceptionMessage);
コード例 #5
        public static Credentials TryGet(string url, string userFromUrl, SupportedCredentialTypes types)
            bool result = true;
            Uri  uri    = null;

            urlUsed = url;

            // We always need to run the TryGet* methods as we need the passphraseItem/passwordItem populated even
            // if the password store contains an invalid password/no password
            if ((types & SupportedCredentialTypes.UsernamePassword) != 0)
                uri = new Uri(url);
                string username;
                string password;
                if (!nativePasswordUsed && TryGetUsernamePassword(uri, out username, out password))
                    nativePasswordUsed = true;
                    return(new UsernamePasswordCredentials {
                        Username = username,
                        Password = password

            Credentials cred;

            if ((types & SupportedCredentialTypes.UsernamePassword) != 0)
                cred = new UsernamePasswordCredentials();
                // Try ssh-agent on Linux.
                if (!Platform.IsWindows && !agentUsed)
                    bool agentUsable;
                    if (!AgentForUrl.TryGetValue(url, out agentUsable))
                        AgentForUrl [url] = agentUsable = true;

                    if (agentUsable)
                        agentUsed = true;
                        return(new SshAgentCredentials {
                            Username = userFromUrl,

                int key;
                if (!KeyForUrl.TryGetValue(url, out key))
                    if (keyUsed + 1 < Keys.Count)
                        SelectFileDialog dlg     = null;
                        bool             success = false;

                        DispatchService.GuiSyncDispatch(() => {
                            dlg               = new SelectFileDialog(GettextCatalog.GetString("Select a private SSH key to use."));
                            dlg.ShowHidden    = true;
                            dlg.CurrentFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);
                            success           = dlg.Run();
                        if (!success || !File.Exists(dlg.SelectedFile + ".pub"))
                            throw new VersionControlException(GettextCatalog.GetString("Invalid credentials were supplied. Aborting operation."));

                        cred = new SshUserKeyCredentials {
                            Username   = userFromUrl,
                            Passphrase = "",
                            PrivateKey = dlg.SelectedFile,
                            PublicKey  = dlg.SelectedFile + ".pub",

                        if (KeyHasPassphrase(dlg.SelectedFile))
                            DispatchService.GuiSyncDispatch(delegate {
                                using (var credDlg = new CredentialsDialog(url, types, cred))
                                    result = MessageService.ShowCustomDialog(credDlg) == (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Ok;

                        if (result)
                        throw new VersionControlException(GettextCatalog.GetString("Invalid credentials were supplied. Aborting operation."));
                    keyUsed = key;

                cred = new SshUserKeyCredentials {
                    Username   = userFromUrl,
                    Passphrase = "",
                    PrivateKey = Keys [keyUsed],
                    PublicKey  = Keys [keyUsed] + ".pub",

            DispatchService.GuiSyncDispatch(delegate {
                using (var credDlg = new CredentialsDialog(url, types, cred))
                    result = MessageService.ShowCustomDialog(credDlg) == (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Ok;

            if (result)
                if ((types & SupportedCredentialTypes.UsernamePassword) != 0)
                    var upcred = (UsernamePasswordCredentials)cred;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(upcred.Password))
                        PasswordService.AddWebUserNameAndPassword(uri, upcred.Username, upcred.Password);
