コード例 #1
        private async void UpdateTags()
            var document      = _workspace.CurrentDocument;
            var semanticModel = await document.GetSemanticModelAsync();

            var codeIssues = semanticModel.GetIssues();

            using (CreateBatch())

                foreach (var codeIssue in codeIssues)
                    var classificationType = codeIssue.Kind == CodeIssueKind.Error
                        ? ClassificationTypes.CompilerError
                        : codeIssue.Kind == CodeIssueKind.Warning
                            ? ClassificationTypes.Warning
                            : null;

                    if (classificationType == null)

                    var snapshotRange = document.Text.ToSnapshotRange(codeIssue.Span);
                    var tag           = new SquiggleTag(classificationType, new DirectContentProvider(codeIssue.Description));
                    var tagRange      = new TagVersionRange <ISquiggleTag>(snapshotRange, TextRangeTrackingModes.Default, tag);
コード例 #2
        protected async void UpdateTags()
            var versionAndDiagnostics = await GetDiagnosticsAync();

            var text        = versionAndDiagnostics.Item1;
            var diagnostics = versionAndDiagnostics.Item2;

            using (CreateBatch())

                foreach (var diagnostic in diagnostics)
                    var snapshotRange = text.ToSnapshotRange(diagnostic.Span);
                    var tag           = new SquiggleTag(_classificationType, new DirectContentProvider(diagnostic.Message));
                    var tagRange      = new TagVersionRange <ISquiggleTag>(snapshotRange, TextRangeTrackingModes.Default, tag);
コード例 #3

        /// <summary>
        /// Rescan the document and look for instances of the word 'Actipro' to mark with squiggle tags.
        /// </summary>
        private void RefreshSquiggleTags()
            // Get the tagger that was created by the language and has been persisted in the document's properties
            //   while the language is active on the document
            CustomSquiggleTagger tagger = null;

            if (editor.Document.Properties.TryGetValue(typeof(CustomSquiggleTagger), out tagger))
                using (var batch = tagger.CreateBatch()) {
                    // Clear existing tags

                    // In this example we are going to construct the full snapshot text string... this is not generally a good
                    //   idea for a production application since doing so for a large document in the UI thread can negatively affect performance...
                    //   But this example shows how any text range results (such as those from an external error scan) can be used to generate squiggle tags
                    var snapshot     = editor.ActiveView.CurrentSnapshot;
                    var snapshotText = snapshot.GetText(LineTerminator.Newline);

                    // Look for regex pattern matches
                    var matches = Regex.Matches(snapshotText, @"\bActipro\b", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    for (var matchIndex = 0; matchIndex < matches.Count; matchIndex++)
                        var match = matches[matchIndex];

                        // Create a version range for the match
                        var snapshotRange = new TextSnapshotRange(snapshot, TextRange.FromSpan(match.Index, match.Length));
                        var versionRange  = snapshotRange.ToVersionRange(TextRangeTrackingModes.DeleteWhenZeroLength);

                        // Create a tag, and include a quick info tip if specified
                        var tag = new SquiggleTag();
                        tag.ClassificationType = ClassificationTypes.Warning;                          // This classification type is mapped in the tagger to a Green color
                        tag.ContentProvider    = new PlainTextContentProvider(String.Format("Instance number {0}", matchIndex + 1));

                        // Add the tag to the tagger
                        tagger.Add(new TagVersionRange <ISquiggleTag>(versionRange, tag));