コード例 #1
        public async Task Init(Func <MessageContext, Task> onMessage, Func <ErrorContext, Task <ErrorHandleResult> > onError, CriticalError criticalError, PushSettings settings)
            _queueUrl = SqsQueueUrlCache.GetQueueUrl(SqsQueueNameHelper.GetSqsQueueName(settings.InputQueue, ConnectionConfiguration));

            if (settings.PurgeOnStartup)
                // SQS only allows purging a queue once every 60 seconds or so.
                // If you try to purge a queue twice in relatively quick succession,
                // PurgeQueueInProgressException will be thrown.
                // This will happen if you are trying to start an endpoint twice or more
                // in that time.
                    await SqsClient.PurgeQueueAsync(_queueUrl).ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (PurgeQueueInProgressException ex)
                    Logger.Warn("Multiple queue purges within 60 seconds are not permitted by SQS.", ex);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Error("Exception thrown from PurgeQueue.", ex);

            _onMessage = onMessage;
            _onError   = onError;
コード例 #2
        private async Task SendMessage(string message, string destination, List <DeliveryConstraint> constraints)
            var delayWithConstraint = constraints.OfType <DelayDeliveryWith>().SingleOrDefault();
            var deliverAtConstraint = constraints.OfType <DoNotDeliverBefore>().SingleOrDefault();

            var delayDeliveryBy = TimeSpan.MaxValue;

            if (delayWithConstraint != null)
                delayDeliveryBy = delayWithConstraint.Delay;
                if (deliverAtConstraint != null)
                    delayDeliveryBy = deliverAtConstraint.At - DateTime.UtcNow;

            var sendMessageRequest = new SendMessageRequest(
                    SqsQueueNameHelper.GetSqsQueueName(destination, ConnectionConfiguration)),

            // There should be no need to check if the delay time is greater than the maximum allowed
            // by SQS (15 minutes); the call to AWS will fail with an appropriate exception if the limit is exceeded.
            if (delayDeliveryBy != TimeSpan.MaxValue)
                sendMessageRequest.DelaySeconds = Math.Max(0, (int)delayDeliveryBy.TotalSeconds);

            await SqsClient.SendMessageAsync(sendMessageRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);
コード例 #3
        public async Task CreateQueueIfNecessary(string address)
                var queueName  = SqsQueueNameHelper.GetSqsQueueName(address, ConnectionConfiguration);
                var sqsRequest = new CreateQueueRequest
                    QueueName = queueName,

                Logger.Info($"Creating SQS Queue with name \"{sqsRequest.QueueName}\" for address \"{address}\".");
                var createQueueResponse = await SqsClient.CreateQueueAsync(sqsRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);

                QueueUrlCache.SetQueueUrl(queueName, createQueueResponse.QueueUrl);

                // Set the queue attributes in a separate call.
                // If you call CreateQueue with a queue name that already exists, and with a different
                // value for MessageRetentionPeriod, the service throws. This will happen if you
                // change the MaxTTLDays configuration property.
                var sqsAttributesRequest = new SetQueueAttributesRequest
                    QueueUrl = createQueueResponse.QueueUrl

                await SqsClient.SetQueueAttributesAsync(sqsAttributesRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConnectionConfiguration.S3BucketForLargeMessages))
                    // determine if the configured bucket exists; create it if it doesn't
                    var listBucketsResponse = await S3Client.ListBucketsAsync(new ListBucketsRequest()).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    var bucketExists = listBucketsResponse.Buckets.Any(x => string.Equals(x.BucketName, ConnectionConfiguration.S3BucketForLargeMessages, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                    if (!bucketExists)
                        await S3Client.RetryConflictsAsync(async() =>
                                                           await S3Client.PutBucketAsync(new PutBucketRequest
                            BucketName = ConnectionConfiguration.S3BucketForLargeMessages
                                                           onRetry : x =>
                            Logger.Warn($"Conflict when creating S3 bucket, retrying after {x}ms.");

                    var lifecycleConfig = await S3Client.GetLifecycleConfigurationAsync(ConnectionConfiguration.S3BucketForLargeMessages).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    bool setLifecycleConfig = lifecycleConfig.Configuration.Rules.All(x => x.Id != "NServiceBus.SQS.DeleteMessageBodies");

                    if (setLifecycleConfig)
                        await S3Client.RetryConflictsAsync(async() =>
                                                           await S3Client.PutLifecycleConfigurationAsync(new PutLifecycleConfigurationRequest
                            BucketName = ConnectionConfiguration.S3BucketForLargeMessages,
                            Configuration = new LifecycleConfiguration
                                Rules = new List <LifecycleRule>
                                    new LifecycleRule
                                        Id = "NServiceBus.SQS.DeleteMessageBodies",
                                        Filter = new LifecycleFilter
                                            LifecycleFilterPredicate = new LifecyclePrefixPredicate
                                                Prefix = ConnectionConfiguration.S3KeyPrefix
                                        Status = LifecycleRuleStatus.Enabled,
                                        Expiration = new LifecycleRuleExpiration
                                            Days = ConnectionConfiguration.MaxTTLDays
                                                           onRetry : x =>
                            Logger.Warn($"Conflict when setting S3 lifecycle configuration, retrying after {x}ms.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Error("Exception from CreateQueueIfNecessary.", e);