protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CurrUser.userRole.ContactBranch.ToString().IndexOf('1') == -1) { Response.Redirect("../Unauthorize.aspx"); // have not View Power return; } sHasCreate = CurrUser.userRole.ContactBranch.ToString().IndexOf('2') > -1 ? "1" : "0"; sHasModify = CurrUser.userRole.ContactBranch.ToString().IndexOf('3') > -1 ? "1" : "0"; sHasDelete = CurrUser.userRole.ContactBranch.ToString().IndexOf('4') > -1 ? "1" : "0"; sHasDisable = CurrUser.userRole.ContactBranch.ToString().IndexOf('5') > -1 ? "1" : "0"; sHasAddBranch = CurrUser.userRole.ContactBranch.ToString().IndexOf('6') > -1 ? "1" : "0"; sHasRemoveBranch = CurrUser.userRole.ContactBranch.ToString().IndexOf('7') > -1 ? "1" : "0"; sHasModifyCompany = CurrUser.userRole.ContactCompany.ToString().IndexOf('3') > -1 ? "1" : "0"; //Company Modify sHasModifyServiceType = CurrUser.userRole.ServiceType.ToString().IndexOf('1') > -1 ? "1" : "0"; //Service Type View if (sHasDelete == "0") { btnDelete.Enabled = false; } if (sHasDisable == "0") { btnDisable.Enabled = false; } #region 加载Service Type Filter ServiceTypes ServiceTypeManager = new ServiceTypes(); DataTable ServiceTypeList = ServiceTypeManager.GetServiceTypeList(" and (Enabled=1)"); DataRow NewServiceTypeRow = ServiceTypeList.NewRow(); NewServiceTypeRow["ServiceTypeId"] = "0"; NewServiceTypeRow["Name"] = "All Service Types"; ServiceTypeList.Rows.InsertAt(NewServiceTypeRow, 0); ServiceTypeList.AcceptChanges(); this.ddlServiceType.DataSource = ServiceTypeList; this.ddlServiceType.DataBind(); #endregion #region 加载Company Filter ContactCompanies ContactCompaniesManager = new ContactCompanies(); DataSet ContactCompaniesList = ContactCompaniesManager.GetList("(Enabled=1) order by Name"); //if (ContactCompaniesList != null && ContactCompaniesList.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) //{ DataRow NewContactCompaniesRow = ContactCompaniesList.Tables[0].NewRow(); NewContactCompaniesRow["ContactCompanyId"] = "0"; NewContactCompaniesRow["Name"] = "All Companies"; ContactCompaniesList.Tables[0].Rows.InsertAt(NewContactCompaniesRow, 0); ContactCompaniesList.Tables[0].AcceptChanges(); this.ddlCompany.DataSource = ContactCompaniesList.Tables[0]; this.ddlCompany.DataBind(); //} #endregion #region 加载States Filter LPWeb.Layouts.LPWeb.Common.USStates.Init(this.ddlStates); #endregion #region 加载Company列表 this.BranchSqlDataSource.ConnectionString = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.connectionString; string sWhere = string.Empty; bool bSetCondition = false; // Alphabet if (this.Request.QueryString["Alphabet"] != null) { string sAlphabet = this.Request.QueryString["Alphabet"].ToString(); sWhere += " and (Branch like '" + sAlphabet + "%')"; bSetCondition = true; } // Service Type if (this.Request.QueryString["ServiceType"] != null) { string sServiceType = this.Request.QueryString["ServiceType"].ToString(); if (PageCommon.IsID(sServiceType) == true) { sWhere += " and (ServiceTypeId =" + SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sServiceType) + ")"; } else { sWhere += " and (ServiceTypeId =0)"; } bSetCondition = true; } // Company if (this.Request.QueryString["Company"] != null) { string sCompany = this.Request.QueryString["Company"].ToString(); if (PageCommon.IsID(sCompany) == true) { sWhere += " and (ContactCompanyId =" + SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sCompany) + ")"; } else { sWhere += " and (ContactCompanyId =0)"; } bSetCondition = true; } // State if (this.Request.QueryString["State"] != null) { string sState = this.Request.QueryString["State"].ToString(); if (sState != "") { sWhere += " and ([State] ='" + SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sState) + "')"; bSetCondition = true; } } int iRowCount = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.Count(this.BranchSqlDataSource.SelectParameters["DbTable"].DefaultValue, sWhere); // empty data text if (iRowCount == 0 && bSetCondition == true) { this.gridBranchList.EmptyDataText = "There is no partner branch by search criteria,please search again."; } else { this.gridBranchList.EmptyDataText = "There is no partner branch."; } this.AspNetPager1.RecordCount = iRowCount; this.BranchSqlDataSource.SelectParameters["Where"].DefaultValue = sWhere; this.gridBranchList.DataBind(); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// 根据用户界面选择生成过滤条件 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private string GenerateQueryCondition() { string sWhere = " 0=0 "; // Alphabet if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Request.QueryString["Alphabet"])) { string sAlphabet = this.Request.QueryString["Alphabet"].ToString(); sWhere += " and (ContactName like '" + sAlphabet + "%')"; } // Alphabet if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Request.QueryString["PageIndex"])) { string sPageIndex = this.Request.QueryString["PageIndex"].ToString(); if (PageCommon.IsID(sPageIndex) == true && sPageIndex != "1") { try { PageIndex = int.Parse(sPageIndex); } catch { PageIndex = 1; } } else { PageIndex = 1; } } else { PageIndex = 1; } // Service Type if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Request.QueryString["ServiceType"])) { string sServiceType = this.Request.QueryString["ServiceType"].ToString(); if (PageCommon.IsID(sServiceType) == true && sServiceType != "0") { sWhere += " and (ServiceTypeId =" + SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sServiceType) + ")"; } } // CompanyID if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Request.QueryString["CompanyID"])) { string sCompanyID = this.Request.QueryString["CompanyID"].ToString(); if (PageCommon.IsID(sCompanyID) == true && sCompanyID != "0") { sWhere += string.Format(" AND ContactCompanyId={0}", sCompanyID); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Request.QueryString["BranchID"])) { string sBranchID = this.Request.QueryString["BranchID"].ToString(); if (PageCommon.IsID(sBranchID) == true && sBranchID != "0") { sWhere += string.Format(" AND ContactBranchId={0}", sBranchID); } } if (this.Request.QueryString["Referral"] != null) { sWhere += " and ContactId in (select top(10) ContactId from " + "(select dbo.lpfn_GetTotalReferral(ContactId, " + this.CurrUser.iUserID + ") as TotalReferral, ContactId from lpvw_PartnerContacts) as t " + "order by TotalReferral desc)"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Request.QueryString["ContactIds"])) { string sSearchConditions = this.Request.QueryString["ContactIds"].ToString(); sWhere += LPWeb.Common.Encrypter.Base64Decode(sSearchConditions); } if (sHasAccessAllContacts == "0") { //sWhere += " AND ContactId in (select ContactId from ContactUsers where UserID="+ CurrUser.iUserID +") "; //数据权限 gdc Bug #1670 sWhere += string.Format(@"AND t.ContactId IN(SELECT dbo.Contacts.ContactId FROM dbo.LoanContacts INNER JOIN dbo.Contacts ON dbo.LoanContacts.ContactId = dbo.Contacts.ContactId INNER JOIN dbo.ContactRoles ON dbo.LoanContacts.ContactRoleId = dbo.ContactRoles.ContactRoleId AND dbo.ContactRoles.Name <> 'Borrower' AND dbo.ContactRoles.Name <> 'CoBorrower' AND dbo.LoanContacts.FileId in (SELECT LoanID FROM dbo.[lpfn_GetUserLoans2] ('{0}', '{1}')))", CurrUser.iUserID, CurrUser.bAccessOtherLoans); } return(sWhere); }
private void LoadClientData() { string sDbTable = " (select ContactId, LastName+', '+FirstName+ISNULL(MiddleName, '') as FullName, DOB, Email, HomePhone, CellPhone from Contacts) as t"; // string sWhere0 = string.Format(@" AND (ContactRoleId=dbo.lpfn_GetBorrowerRoleId() OR ContactRoleId=dbo.lpfn_GetCoBorrowerRoleId() ) // AND FileId in (SELECT LoanID FROM dbo.[lpfn_GetUserLoans2] ('{0}', '{1}'))", CurrUser.iUserID, CurrUser.bAccessOtherLoans); //string sWhere = sWhere0 + sWhere1 + sWhere2; string sJointTable = " select DISTINCT a.ContactId from Contacts a inner join Prospect p on p.ContactId=a.ContactId left join LoanContacts b on a.ContactId=b.ContactId left join loans l on b.FileId=l.FileId inner join PointFiles pf on b.FileId=pf.FileId inner join ContactCompanies cc on cc.ContactCompanyId=dbo.lpfn_GetContactCompanyId(a.ContactId) WHERE 1=1 "; string sWhere1 = string.Empty; string sWhere2 = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sName)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND (a.LastName like '{0}%' OR a.FirstName like '{0}%')", SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sName)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sAddress)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND (a.MailingAddr like '%{0}%' OR cc.[Address] like '%{0}%')", SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sAddress)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sCity)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND (a.MailingCity like '%{0}%' OR cc.[City] like '%{0}%')", SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sCity)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sState)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND (a.MailingState='{0}' OR cc.[State]='{0}')", SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sState)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sEmail)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND a.Email like'%{0}%' ", SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sEmail)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sPhone)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND (a.BusinessPhone like'%{0}%' OR a.HomePhone like'%{0}%' OR a.CellPhone like'%{0}%') ", SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sPhone)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sLoanNumber)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND l.LoanNumber like '{0}%' ", SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sLoanNumber)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sRegion)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND l.RegionId={0} ", sRegion); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sDivision)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND l.DivisionId={0} ", sDivision); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sBranch)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND l.BranchId={0} ", sBranch); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sLoanOfficer)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND dbo.lpfn_GetLoanOfficerId(l.FileId)={0} ", sLoanOfficer); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sProcessor)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND dbo.lpfn_GetProcessorId(l.FileId)={0} ", sProcessor); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sFilename)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND pf.[Name] like '%{0}%' ", sFilename); } string sqlWhere1 = " AND (l.FileId in (select LoanId from {0}) "; string sqlWhere2 = string.Empty; if (CurrentUser.bIsCompanyExecutive || CurrentUser.bIsRegionExecutive || CurrentUser.bIsDivisionExecutive) { sqlWhere2 = string.Format(" dbo.[lpfn_GetUserLoans_Executive]({0})", CurrentUser.iUserID); } else if (CurrentUser.bIsBranchManager) { sqlWhere2 = string.Format(" dbo.[lpfn_GetUserLoans_Branch_Manager]({0})", CurrentUser.iUserID); } else { sqlWhere2 = string.Format(" dbo.[lpfn_GetUserLoans2]({0}, {1})", CurrentUser.iUserID, CurrentUser.bAccessOtherLoans ? 1 : 0); } string sqlWhere = string.Format(sqlWhere1, sqlWhere2); if (CurrUser.bAccessOtherLoans || CurrUser.userRole.AccessUnassignedLeads) { sqlWhere += " OR l.BranchId IS NULL OR dbo.lpfn_GetLoanOfficerId(l.FileId) IS NULL "; } sqlWhere += ")"; string sWhere3 = sWhere1 + sWhere2 + sqlWhere; string sWhere = " AND ContactId in (" + sJointTable + sWhere3 + ")"; #region get row count int iRowCount = this.GetClientsCount(sDbTable, sWhere); this.AspNetPager4.RecordCount = iRowCount; #endregion #region Calc. StartIndex and EndIndex int iPageSize = this.AspNetPager4.PageSize; int iPageIndex = 1; if (this.Request.QueryString["PageIndex4"] != null) { iPageIndex = Convert.ToInt32(this.Request.QueryString["PageIndex4"]); } int iStartIndex = PageCommon.CalcStartIndex(iPageIndex, iPageSize); int iEndIndex = PageCommon.CalcEndIndex(iStartIndex, iPageSize, iRowCount); #endregion #region 绑定Clients列表 DataTable ClientList = this.GetClientList(sDbTable, sWhere, iStartIndex, iEndIndex); DataView ClientView = new DataView(ClientList); DataTable ClientList_Distinct = ClientView.ToTable(true, "ContactId", "FullName", "DOB", "Email", "HomePhone", "CellPhone"); this.gridClientList.DataSource = ClientList_Distinct; this.gridClientList.DataBind(); #endregion }
private void LoadPartnerData() { string sDbTable = " (select ContactId, ContactCompanyId as ContactCompanyId2, LastName+', '+FirstName as FullName, CompanyName, ServiceType, BusinessPhone, Email from [dbo].[lpvw_PartnerContactsSearch] where ServiceType IS NOT NULL) as t"; // string sWhere0 = string.Format(@" AND (ContactRoleId=dbo.lpfn_GetBorrowerRoleId() OR ContactRoleId=dbo.lpfn_GetCoBorrowerRoleId() ) // AND FileId in (SELECT LoanID FROM dbo.[lpfn_GetUserLoans2] ('{0}', '{1}'))", CurrUser.iUserID, CurrUser.bAccessOtherLoans); //string sWhere = sWhere0 + sWhere1 + sWhere2; string sJointTable = " select DISTINCT a.ContactId from [dbo].[lpvw_PartnerContactsSearch] a inner join dbo.lpvw_GetLoanContactInfowRoles b on a.ContactId=b.ContactId inner join loans l on b.FileId=l.FileId inner join PointFiles pf on b.FileId=pf.FileId WHERE 1=1 "; string sWhere1 = string.Empty; string sWhere2 = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sCompany)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND a.CompanyName like '{0}%' ", sCompany); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sServiceType)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND a.ServiceTypeId='{0}' ", sServiceType); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sName)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND (a.LastName like '{0}%' OR a.FirstName like '{0}%')", SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sName)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sAddress)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND (a.MailingAddr like '%{0}%' OR a.CompanyAddress like '%{0}%')", SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sAddress)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sCity)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND (a.MailingCity like '%{0}%' OR a.CompanyCity like '%{0}%')", SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sCity)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sState)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND (a.MailingState='{0}' OR a.CompanyState='{0}')", SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sState)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sEmail)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND a.Email like'%{0}%' ", SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sEmail)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sPhone)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND a.BusinessPhone like'%{0}%' ", SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sPhone)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sLoanNumber)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND l.LoanNumber like '{0}%' ", SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sLoanNumber)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sRegion)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND l.RegionId={0} ", sRegion); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sDivision)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND l.DivisionId={0} ", sDivision); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sBranch)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND l.BranchId={0} ", sBranch); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sLoanOfficer)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND dbo.lpfn_GetLoanOfficerId(l.FileId)={0} ", sLoanOfficer); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sProcessor)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND dbo.lpfn_GetProcessorId(l.FileId)={0} ", sProcessor); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sFilename)) { sWhere1 += string.Format(" AND pf.[Name] like '%{0}%' ", sFilename); } sWhere2 += BuildUserLoanQuery(); string sWhere3 = sWhere1 + sWhere2; string sWhere = " AND ContactId in (" + sJointTable + sWhere3 + ")"; this.PartnerSqlDataSource.ConnectionString = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.connectionString; this.PartnerSqlDataSource.SelectParameters["DbTable"].DefaultValue = sDbTable; int iRowCount = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.Count(this.PartnerSqlDataSource.SelectParameters["DbTable"].DefaultValue, sWhere); this.AspNetPager5.RecordCount = iRowCount; this.PartnerSqlDataSource.SelectParameters["Where"].DefaultValue = sWhere; this.gridPartnerList.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 接收页面参数 #region checkbox bSearchLoans = true; if (this.Request.QueryString["SearchLoans"] != null) { string sSearchLoans = this.Request.QueryString["SearchLoans"].ToString(); if (sSearchLoans != "true" && sSearchLoans != "false") { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid SearchLoans option.", "window.location.href = window.location.pathname;"); } bSearchLoans = Boolean.Parse(sSearchLoans); } bSearchOpportunities = true; if (this.Request.QueryString["SearchOpportunities"] != null) { string sSearchOpportunities = this.Request.QueryString["SearchOpportunities"].ToString(); if (sSearchOpportunities != "true" && sSearchOpportunities != "false") { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid SearchOpportunities option.", "window.location.href = window.location.pathname;"); } bSearchOpportunities = Boolean.Parse(sSearchOpportunities); } bSearchArchivedLoans = true; if (this.Request.QueryString["SearchArchivedLoans"] != null) { string sSearchArchivedLoans = this.Request.QueryString["SearchArchivedLoans"].ToString(); if (sSearchArchivedLoans != "true" && sSearchArchivedLoans != "false") { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid SearchArchivedLoans option.", "window.location.href = window.location.pathname;"); } bSearchArchivedLoans = Boolean.Parse(sSearchArchivedLoans); } bSearchClients = true; if (this.Request.QueryString["SearchClients"] != null) { string sSearchClients = this.Request.QueryString["SearchClients"].ToString(); if (sSearchClients != "true" && sSearchClients != "false") { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid SearchClients option.", "window.location.href = window.location.pathname;"); } bSearchClients = Boolean.Parse(sSearchClients); } bSearchPartners = true; if (this.Request.QueryString["SearchPartners"] != null) { string sSearchPartners = this.Request.QueryString["SearchPartners"].ToString(); if (sSearchPartners != "true" && sSearchPartners != "false") { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid SearchPartners option.", "window.location.href = window.location.pathname;"); } bSearchPartners = Boolean.Parse(sSearchPartners); } #endregion #region textbox // Name sName = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["Name"] != null) { sName = this.Request.QueryString["Name"].ToString(); } // Company sCompany = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["Company"] != null) { sCompany = this.Request.QueryString["Company"].ToString(); } // Address sAddress = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["Address"] != null) { sAddress = this.Request.QueryString["Address"].ToString(); } // City sCity = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["City"] != null) { sCity = this.Request.QueryString["City"].ToString(); } // State sState = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["State"] != null) { sState = this.Request.QueryString["State"].ToString(); } // Email sEmail = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["Email"] != null) { sEmail = this.Request.QueryString["Email"].ToString(); } // Phone sPhone = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["Phone"] != null) { sPhone = this.Request.QueryString["Phone"].ToString(); } // Loan Number sLoanNumber = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["LoanNumber"] != null) { sLoanNumber = this.Request.QueryString["LoanNumber"].ToString(); } // Filename sFilename = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["Filename"] != null) { sFilename = this.Request.QueryString["Filename"].ToString(); } #endregion #region dropdown list // Loan Officer sLoanOfficer = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["LoanOfficer"] != null) { string sLoanOfficerTemp = this.Request.QueryString["LoanOfficer"].ToString(); if (PageCommon.IsID(sLoanOfficerTemp) == false) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid LoanOfficer id.", "window.location.href = window.location.pathname;"); } sLoanOfficer = sLoanOfficerTemp; } // Processor sProcessor = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["Processor"] != null) { string sProcessorTemp = this.Request.QueryString["Processor"].ToString(); if (PageCommon.IsID(sProcessorTemp) == false) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid Processor id.", "window.location.href = window.location.pathname;"); } sProcessor = sProcessorTemp; } // Region sRegion = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["Region"] != null) { string sRegionTemp = this.Request.QueryString["Region"].ToString(); if (PageCommon.IsID(sRegionTemp) == false) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid region id.", "window.location.href = window.location.pathname;"); } sRegion = sRegionTemp; } // Division sDivision = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["Division"] != null) { string sDivisionTemp = this.Request.QueryString["Division"].ToString(); if (PageCommon.IsID(sDivisionTemp) == false) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid division id.", "window.location.href = window.location.pathname;"); } sDivision = sDivisionTemp; } // Branch sBranch = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["Branch"] != null) { string sBranchTemp = this.Request.QueryString["Branch"].ToString(); if (PageCommon.IsID(sBranchTemp) == false) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid Branch id.", "window.location.href = window.location.pathname;"); } sBranch = sBranchTemp; } // Service Type sServiceType = string.Empty; if (this.Request.QueryString["ServiceType"] != null) { string sServiceTypeTemp = this.Request.QueryString["ServiceType"].ToString(); if (PageCommon.IsID(sServiceTypeTemp) == false) { PageCommon.WriteJsEnd(this, "Invalid ServiceType id.", "window.location.href = window.location.pathname;"); } sServiceType = sServiceTypeTemp; } #endregion #endregion CurrentUser = this.CurrUser; #region Dropdown Lists #region 加载Loan Officer List if (CurrentUser.iRoleID > 2 && CurrentUser.userRole.OtherLoanAccess == false) { this.ddlLoanOfficer.Enabled = false; } else { DataTable LoanOfficerListData = this.GetLoanOfficerList(CurrentUser.iUserID); DataRow NewLoanOfficerRow = LoanOfficerListData.NewRow(); NewLoanOfficerRow["UserId"] = DBNull.Value; NewLoanOfficerRow["FullName"] = "All"; LoanOfficerListData.Rows.InsertAt(NewLoanOfficerRow, 0); this.ddlLoanOfficer.DataSource = LoanOfficerListData; this.ddlLoanOfficer.DataBind(); } #endregion #region 加载Processor List if (CurrentUser.iRoleID > 2 && CurrentUser.userRole.OtherLoanAccess == false) { this.ddlProcessor.Enabled = false; } else { DataTable ProcessorListData = this.GetProcessorList(CurrentUser.iUserID); DataRow NewProcessorRow = ProcessorListData.NewRow(); NewProcessorRow["UserId"] = DBNull.Value; NewProcessorRow["FullName"] = "All"; ProcessorListData.Rows.InsertAt(NewProcessorRow, 0); this.ddlProcessor.DataSource = ProcessorListData; this.ddlProcessor.DataBind(); } #endregion #region 加载Region List if (CurrentUser.bIsCompanyExecutive == true && CurrentUser.userRole.OtherLoanAccess == true) { #region 加载Region List DataTable RegionListData = this.GetRegionList(); DataRow NewRegionRow = RegionListData.NewRow(); NewRegionRow["RegionId"] = DBNull.Value; NewRegionRow["Name"] = "All"; RegionListData.Rows.InsertAt(NewRegionRow, 0); this.ddlRegion.DataSource = RegionListData; this.ddlRegion.DataBind(); #endregion } else { this.ddlRegion.Enabled = false; } #endregion #region 加载Division List if ((CurrentUser.bIsCompanyExecutive == true && CurrentUser.userRole.OtherLoanAccess == true) || (CurrentUser.bIsRegionExecutive == true && CurrentUser.userRole.OtherLoanAccess == true)) { #region 加载Division List DataTable DivisionListData = this.GetDivisionList(sRegion); DataRow NewDivisionRow = DivisionListData.NewRow(); NewDivisionRow["DivisionId"] = DBNull.Value; NewDivisionRow["Name"] = "All"; DivisionListData.Rows.InsertAt(NewDivisionRow, 0); this.ddlDivision.DataSource = DivisionListData; this.ddlDivision.DataBind(); #endregion } else { this.ddlDivision.Enabled = false; } #endregion #region 加载Branch List if ((CurrentUser.bIsCompanyExecutive == true && CurrentUser.userRole.OtherLoanAccess == true) || (CurrentUser.bIsRegionExecutive == true && CurrentUser.userRole.OtherLoanAccess == true) || (CurrentUser.bIsDivisionExecutive == true && CurrentUser.userRole.OtherLoanAccess == true)) { #region 加载Branch List DataTable BranchListData = this.GetBranchList(sDivision); DataRow NewBranchRow = BranchListData.NewRow(); NewBranchRow["BranchId"] = DBNull.Value; NewBranchRow["Name"] = "All"; BranchListData.Rows.InsertAt(NewBranchRow, 0); this.ddlBranch.DataSource = BranchListData; this.ddlBranch.DataBind(); #endregion } else { this.ddlBranch.Enabled = false; } #endregion #region 加载ServiceType List DataTable ServiceTypeListData = this.GetServiceTypeList(); DataRow NewServiceTypeRow = ServiceTypeListData.NewRow(); NewServiceTypeRow["ServiceTypeId"] = DBNull.Value; NewServiceTypeRow["Name"] = "All"; ServiceTypeListData.Rows.InsertAt(NewServiceTypeRow, 0); this.ddlServiceType.DataSource = ServiceTypeListData; this.ddlServiceType.DataBind(); #endregion #endregion if (this.Request.QueryString.Count == 0) { this.divSearchResultTile.Visible = false; this.divSearchResultContainer.Visible = false; } else { this.divActiveLoansContainer.Visible = bSearchLoans; this.divOpportunitiesContainer.Visible = bSearchOpportunities; this.divArchivedLoansContainer.Visible = bSearchArchivedLoans; this.divClientsContainer.Visible = bSearchClients; this.divPartnersContainer.Visible = bSearchPartners; if (bSearchLoans == true || bSearchOpportunities == true || bSearchArchivedLoans == true) { #region sWhere DataTable IDDataTable = new DataTable(); IDDataTable.Columns.Add("FileId", typeof(int)); // Name //if (sName != string.Empty) //{ //string sSql0 = "select distinct a.FileId from LoanContacts as a inner join Contacts as b on a.ContactId = b.ContactId " // + "where lower(b.LastName) like lower('" + SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sName) + "%')" // + " or lower(b.FirstName) like lower('" + SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sName) + "%') "; //DataTable IDs = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql0); ////Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) //if (IDs.Rows.Count == 0 && IDDataTable.Select("FileId=0").Length < 1) //{ // DataRow drNew = IDs.NewRow(); // drNew["FileId"] = 0; // IDs.Rows.Add(drNew); //} //IDDataTable.Merge(IDs); //} // Company if (sCompany != string.Empty) { string sSql0 = "select distinct c.FileId from Contacts as a inner join ContactCompanies as b on a.ContactCompanyId = b.ContactCompanyId " + "inner join LoanContacts as c on a.ContactId = c.ContactId " + "where lower(b.Name) like lower('" + SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sCompany) + "%')"; DataTable IDs = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql0); //Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) if (IDs.Rows.Count == 0 && IDDataTable.Select("FileId=0").Length < 1) { DataRow drNew = IDs.NewRow(); drNew["FileId"] = 0; IDs.Rows.Add(drNew); } IDDataTable.Merge(IDs); } // Address if (sAddress != string.Empty) { string sSql0 = "select FileId from Loans where lower(PropertyAddr)=lower('" + SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sAddress) + "')"; DataTable IDs = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql0); //Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) if (IDs.Rows.Count == 0 && IDDataTable.Select("FileId=0").Length < 1) { DataRow drNew = IDs.NewRow(); drNew["FileId"] = 0; IDs.Rows.Add(drNew); } IDDataTable.Merge(IDs); } // City if (sCity != string.Empty) { string sSql0 = "select FileId from Loans where lower(PropertyCity)=lower('" + SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sCity) + "')"; DataTable IDs = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql0); //Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) if (IDs.Rows.Count == 0 && IDDataTable.Select("FileId=0").Length < 1) { DataRow drNew = IDs.NewRow(); drNew["FileId"] = 0; IDs.Rows.Add(drNew); } IDDataTable.Merge(IDs); } // State if (sState != string.Empty) { string sSql0 = "select FileId from Loans where PropertyState='" + SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sState) + "'"; DataTable IDs = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql0); //Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) if (IDs.Rows.Count == 0 && IDDataTable.Select("FileId=0").Length < 1) { DataRow drNew = IDs.NewRow(); drNew["FileId"] = 0; IDs.Rows.Add(drNew); } IDDataTable.Merge(IDs); } // Email if (sEmail != string.Empty) { string sSql0 = "select distinct a.FileId from LoanContacts as a inner join Contacts as b on a.ContactId = b.ContactId " + "where lower(b.Email)=lower('" + SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sEmail) + "')"; DataTable IDs = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql0); //Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) if (IDs.Rows.Count == 0 && IDDataTable.Select("FileId=0").Length < 1) { DataRow drNew = IDs.NewRow(); drNew["FileId"] = 0; IDs.Rows.Add(drNew); } IDDataTable.Merge(IDs); } // Phone if (sPhone != string.Empty) { string sSql0 = "select distinct a.FileId from LoanContacts as a inner join Contacts as b on a.ContactId = b.ContactId " + "where b.BusinessPhone='" + SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sPhone) + "' or b.CellPhone='" + SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sPhone) + "' or b.HomePhone='" + SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sPhone) + "'"; DataTable IDs = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql0); //Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) if (IDs.Rows.Count == 0 && IDDataTable.Select("FileId=0").Length < 1) { DataRow drNew = IDs.NewRow(); drNew["FileId"] = 0; IDs.Rows.Add(drNew); } IDDataTable.Merge(IDs); } // Loan Number if (sLoanNumber != string.Empty) { string sSql0 = "select FileId from Loans where LoanNumber='" + SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sLoanNumber) + "'"; DataTable IDs = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql0); //Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) if (IDs.Rows.Count == 0 && IDDataTable.Select("FileId=0").Length < 1) { DataRow drNew = IDs.NewRow(); drNew["FileId"] = 0; IDs.Rows.Add(drNew); } IDDataTable.Merge(IDs); } // Filename if (sFilename != string.Empty) { string sSql0 = "select FileId from PointFiles where Name='" + SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sFilename) + "'"; DataTable IDs = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql0); //Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) if (IDs.Rows.Count == 0 && IDDataTable.Select("FileId=0").Length < 1) { DataRow drNew = IDs.NewRow(); drNew["FileId"] = 0; IDs.Rows.Add(drNew); } IDDataTable.Merge(IDs); } // Loan Officer if (sLoanOfficer != string.Empty) { string sSql0 = "select distinct FileId from LoanTeam where RoleId=3 and UserId=" + sLoanOfficer; DataTable IDs = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql0); //Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) if (IDs.Rows.Count == 0 && IDDataTable.Select("FileId=0").Length < 1) { DataRow drNew = IDs.NewRow(); drNew["FileId"] = 0; IDs.Rows.Add(drNew); } IDDataTable.Merge(IDs); } // Processor if (sProcessor != string.Empty) { string sSql0 = "select distinct FileId from LoanTeam where RoleId=5 and UserId=" + sProcessor; DataTable IDs = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql0); //Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) if (IDs.Rows.Count == 0 && IDDataTable.Select("FileId=0").Length < 1) { DataRow drNew = IDs.NewRow(); drNew["FileId"] = 0; IDs.Rows.Add(drNew); } IDDataTable.Merge(IDs); } // Region if (sRegion != string.Empty) { string sSql0 = "select a.FileId from PointFiles as a inner join GroupFolder as b on a.FolderId = b.FolderId " + "inner join Branches as c on b.GroupID = c.GroupId " + "where c.RegionID=" + sRegion; DataTable IDs = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql0); //Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) if (IDs.Rows.Count == 0 && IDDataTable.Select("FileId=0").Length < 1) { DataRow drNew = IDs.NewRow(); drNew["FileId"] = 0; IDs.Rows.Add(drNew); } IDDataTable.Merge(IDs); } // Division if (sDivision != string.Empty) { string sSql0 = "select a.FileId from PointFiles as a inner join GroupFolder as b on a.FolderId = b.FolderId " + "inner join Branches as c on b.GroupID = c.GroupId " + "where c.DivisionID=" + sDivision; DataTable IDs = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql0); //Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) if (IDs.Rows.Count == 0 && IDDataTable.Select("FileId=0").Length < 1) { DataRow drNew = IDs.NewRow(); drNew["FileId"] = 0; IDs.Rows.Add(drNew); } IDDataTable.Merge(IDs); } // Branch if (sBranch != string.Empty) { string sSql0 = "select a.FileId from PointFiles as a inner join GroupFolder as b on a.FolderId = b.FolderId " + "inner join Branches as c on b.GroupID = c.GroupId " + "where c.BranchID=" + sBranch; DataTable IDs = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql0); //Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) if (IDs.Rows.Count == 0 && IDDataTable.Select("FileId=0").Length < 1) { DataRow drNew = IDs.NewRow(); drNew["FileId"] = 0; IDs.Rows.Add(drNew); } IDDataTable.Merge(IDs); } // Service Type if (sServiceType != string.Empty) { string sSql0 = "select a.FileId from LoanContacts as a inner join Contacts as b on a.ContactId = b.ContactId " + "inner join ContactCompanies as c on b.ContactCompanyId = c.ContactCompanyId where c.ServiceTypeId=" + sServiceType; DataTable IDs = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql0); //Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) if (IDs.Rows.Count == 0 && IDDataTable.Select("FileId=0").Length < 1) { DataRow drNew = IDs.NewRow(); drNew["FileId"] = 0; IDs.Rows.Add(drNew); } IDDataTable.Merge(IDs); } //用户权限 gdc Bug #1669 //if (1 == 1) //{ // string sSql0 = string.Format(" SELECT LoanID as FileId FROM dbo.[lpfn_GetUserLoans2] ('{0}', '{1}')", CurrUser.iUserID, CurrUser.bAccessOtherLoans); // DataTable IDs = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.ExecuteDataTable(sSql0); // //Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) // if (IDs.Rows.Count == 0 && IDDataTable.Select("FileId=0").Length < 1) // { // DataRow drNew = IDs.NewRow(); // drNew["FileId"] = 0; // IDs.Rows.Add(drNew); // } // IDDataTable.Merge(IDs); //} // distinct DataView IDDataView = new DataView(IDDataTable); DataTable DistinctIDList = IDDataView.ToTable(true, "FileId"); string sWhere = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sName)) { sWhere += string.Format(" and FullName like '{0}%' ", SqlTextBuilder.ConvertQueryValue(sName)); } if (DistinctIDList.Rows.Count > 0) { StringBuilder sbFileIDs = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < DistinctIDList.Rows.Count; i++) { string sFileID = DistinctIDList.Rows[i]["FileId"].ToString(); //Fixed bug 779(20110501 Rocky) if (sFileID == "0") { sbFileIDs.Append("0"); sWhere += " AND FileId = 0"; break; } if (i == 0) { sbFileIDs.Append(sFileID); } else { sbFileIDs.Append("," + sFileID); } } //Fixed bug#114 by Rocky sWhere += " AND FileId IN(" + sbFileIDs.ToString() + ")"; } //用户权限 gdc Bug #1669 20120523 if (CurrUser.bIsCompanyExecutive || CurrUser.bIsRegionExecutive || CurrUser.bIsDivisionExecutive) { sWhere += string.Format(" and FileId in (Select LoanId as FileId from [dbo].[lpfn_GetUserLoans_Executive] ({0})) ", CurrUser.iUserID); } if (CurrUser.bIsBranchManager) { sWhere += string.Format(" and FileId in (Select LoanId as FileId from [dbo].[lpfn_GetUserLoans_Branch_Manager] ({0})) ", CurrUser.iUserID); } else { sWhere += string.Format(" and FileId in (Select LoanId as FileId from [dbo].[lpfn_GetUserLoans2]({0},{1})) ", CurrUser.iUserID, (CurrUser.bAccessOtherLoans) ? 1 : 0); } #endregion #region 加载Active Loans if (bSearchLoans == true) { this.ActiveLoanSqlDataSource.ConnectionString = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.connectionString; int iRowCount = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.Count(this.ActiveLoanSqlDataSource.SelectParameters["DbTable"].DefaultValue, sWhere); this.AspNetPager1.RecordCount = iRowCount; #region Pipeline Link if (iRowCount > 0) { string sFileIDs = this.GetFileIDs(this.ActiveLoanSqlDataSource.SelectParameters["DbTable"].DefaultValue, sWhere); string sFileIDs_Encode = Encrypter.Base64Encode(sFileIDs); this.aPipeline_ActiveLoans.HRef = "ProcessingPipelineSummary.aspx?Ads=" + sFileIDs_Encode; } else { this.aPipeline_ActiveLoans.HRef = "javascript:alert('There is no active loan meeting the criteria.')"; } #endregion this.ActiveLoanSqlDataSource.SelectParameters["Where"].DefaultValue = sWhere; this.gridActiveLoanList.DataBind(); } #endregion #region 加载Opportunities if (bSearchOpportunities == true) { this.OpportunitySqlDataSource.ConnectionString = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.connectionString; int iRowCount = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.Count(this.OpportunitySqlDataSource.SelectParameters["DbTable"].DefaultValue, sWhere); this.AspNetPager2.RecordCount = iRowCount; #region Pipeline Link if (iRowCount > 0) { string sFileIDs = this.GetFileIDs(this.OpportunitySqlDataSource.SelectParameters["DbTable"].DefaultValue, sWhere); string sFileIDs_Encode = Encrypter.Base64Encode(sFileIDs); this.aPipeline_Opportunities.HRef = "ProspectPipelineSummaryLoan.aspx?Ads=" + sFileIDs_Encode; } else { this.aPipeline_Opportunities.HRef = "javascript:alert('There is no prospect loan by criteria.')"; } #endregion this.OpportunitySqlDataSource.SelectParameters["Where"].DefaultValue = sWhere; this.gridOpportunityList.DataBind(); } #endregion #region 加载Archived Loans if (bSearchArchivedLoans == true) { this.ArchivedLoanSqlDataSource.ConnectionString = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.connectionString; int iRowCount = LPWeb.DAL.DbHelperSQL.Count(this.ArchivedLoanSqlDataSource.SelectParameters["DbTable"].DefaultValue, sWhere); this.AspNetPager3.RecordCount = iRowCount; #region Pipeline Link if (iRowCount > 0) { string sFileIDs = this.GetFileIDs(this.ArchivedLoanSqlDataSource.SelectParameters["DbTable"].DefaultValue, sWhere); string sFileIDs_Encode = Encrypter.Base64Encode(sFileIDs); this.aPipeline_ArchivedLoans.HRef = "ProcessingPipelineSummary.aspx?Ads=" + sFileIDs_Encode + "&LoanStatus=Archived"; } else { this.aPipeline_ArchivedLoans.HRef = "javascript:alert('There is no archived loan by criteria.')"; } #endregion this.ArchivedLoanSqlDataSource.SelectParameters["Where"].DefaultValue = sWhere; this.gridArchivedLoanList.DataBind(); } #endregion } if (bSearchClients == true) { LoadClientData(); } if (bSearchPartners == true) { LoadPartnerData(); } } }