コード例 #1
    private void CreateCosmosDB(string location, string cosmosDBAccountName, ResourceGroup resourceGroup)
        var dbAccount = new DatabaseAccount(cosmosDBAccountName, new DatabaseAccountArgs
            AccountName       = cosmosDBAccountName,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
            Locations         =
                new LocationArgs
                    LocationName     = location,
                    FailoverPriority = 0
            DatabaseAccountOfferType = DatabaseAccountOfferType.Standard,
            Capabilities             = new[] {
                new Pulumi.AzureNextGen.DocumentDB.Latest.Inputs.CapabilityArgs
                    Name = "EnableServerless"

        // Export the primary key of the Storage Account
        this.CosmosConnectionString = Output.Tuple(resourceGroup.Name, dbAccount.Name).Apply(names =>
                                                                                             Output.CreateSecret(GetCosmosConnectionString(names.Item1, names.Item2)));

        var dbName      = "todos-db";
        var cosmosSqlDB = new SqlResourceSqlDatabase(dbName, new SqlResourceSqlDatabaseArgs
            AccountName  = dbAccount.Name,
            DatabaseName = dbName,
            Options      = new CreateUpdateOptionsArgs(),
            Resource     = new SqlDatabaseResourceArgs
                Id = dbName
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Location          = resourceGroup.Location

        var containerName = "todos-sql-Container";
        var dbContainer   = new SqlResourceSqlContainer(containerName, new SqlResourceSqlContainerArgs
            AccountName       = dbAccount.Name,
            ContainerName     = containerName,
            DatabaseName      = cosmosSqlDB.Name,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
            Options           = new CreateUpdateOptionsArgs(),
            Resource          = new SqlContainerResourceArgs
                Id = containerName
コード例 #2
    public MyStack()
        Config config = new Config();

        // Create an Azure Resource Group
        var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("resourceGroup", new ResourceGroupArgs
            ResourceGroupName = "pulumidemo",
            Location          = "AustraliaSouthEast"

        // Create a Cosmos DB Database
        string cosmosAccountName = "mypulumidemo-dev";
        var    cosmosAccount     = new DatabaseAccount(cosmosAccountName, new DatabaseAccountArgs()
            AccountName       = cosmosAccountName,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
            ConsistencyPolicy = new ConsistencyPolicyArgs()
                DefaultConsistencyLevel = "Session"
            DatabaseAccountOfferType      = "Standard",
            EnableFreeTier                = false,
            EnableMultipleWriteLocations  = false,
            IsVirtualNetworkFilterEnabled = false,
            Locations =
                new LocationArgs
                    FailoverPriority = 0,
                    IsZoneRedundant  = false,
                    LocationName     = resourceGroup.Location,

        // Export the CosmosDb Connection String
        this.CosmosDatabaseConnectionString = Output
                                              .Tuple(resourceGroup.Name, cosmosAccount.Name)
                                              .Apply(names => Output.CreateSecret(GetCosmosDatabaseConnectionString(names.Item1, names.Item2)));

        // set with > pulumi config set myCosmosDb.autoScaleThroughput 4000
        int autoScaleThroughput = config.RequireInt32("myCosmosDb.autoScaleThroughput");

        string cosmosDatabaseName = "myCosmosDatabase";
        var    cosmosSqlDatabase  = new SqlResourceSqlDatabase(cosmosDatabaseName, new SqlResourceSqlDatabaseArgs()
            DatabaseName      = cosmosDatabaseName,
            AccountName       = cosmosAccount.Name,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
            Resource          = new SqlDatabaseResourceArgs()
                Id = cosmosDatabaseName
            Options = new CreateUpdateOptionsArgs()
                AutoscaleSettings = new AutoscaleSettingsArgs()
                    MaxThroughput = autoScaleThroughput

        string rulesContainerName = "rules";
        var    rulesContainer     = new SqlResourceSqlContainer(rulesContainerName, new SqlResourceSqlContainerArgs
            AccountName       = cosmosAccount.Name,
            ContainerName     = rulesContainerName,
            DatabaseName      = cosmosSqlDatabase.Name,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
            Options           = new CreateUpdateOptionsArgs()
            Resource = new SqlContainerResourceArgs
                Id             = rulesContainerName,
                IndexingPolicy = new IndexingPolicyArgs
                    Automatic    = true,
                    IndexingMode = "Consistent",
                PartitionKey = new ContainerPartitionKeyArgs
                    Kind  = "Hash",
                    Paths =

        // Create an AppService Plan (Web Server)
        string appServicePlanName = "myRulesServer";
        var    appServicePlan     = new AppServicePlan(appServicePlanName, new AppServicePlanArgs
            Name              = appServicePlanName,
            Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            Kind              = "app",
            Sku = new SkuDescriptionArgs
                Capacity = 1,
                Family   = "P",
                Name     = "P1",
                Size     = "P1",
                Tier     = "Premium",

        // Create a WebApp
        string appServiceName = "myRulesApp";
        var    appService     = new WebApp(appServiceName, new WebAppArgs
            Name              = appServiceName,
            Location          = resourceGroup.Location,
            ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name,
            ServerFarmId      = appServicePlan.Id,
            SiteConfig        = new SiteConfigArgs()
                AlwaysOn    = true,
                AppSettings = new InputList <NameValuePairArgs>()
                ConnectionStrings = new InputList <ConnStringInfoArgs>()
                    new ConnStringInfoArgs()
                        Name             = "RulesDatabase",
                        Type             = "Custom",
                        ConnectionString = Output
                                           .Tuple(resourceGroup.Name, cosmosAccount.Name)
                                           .Apply(names => Output.Create(GetCosmosDatabaseConnectionString(names.Item1, names.Item2)))