コード例 #1
        private void EnlistNonNull(Transaction tx)
            Debug.Assert(null != tx, "null transaction?");

            bool hasDelegatedTransaction = false;

            // Promotable transactions are only supported on Yukon
            // servers or newer.
            SqlDelegatedTransaction delegatedTransaction = new SqlDelegatedTransaction(this, tx);

                // NOTE: System.Transactions claims to resolve all
                // potential race conditions between multiple delegate
                // requests of the same transaction to different
                // connections in their code, such that only one
                // attempt to delegate will succeed.

                // NOTE: PromotableSinglePhaseEnlist will eventually
                // make a round trip to the server; doing this inside
                // a lock is not the best choice.  We presume that you
                // aren't trying to enlist concurrently on two threads
                // and leave it at that -- We don't claim any thread
                // safety with regard to multiple concurrent requests
                // to enlist the same connection in different
                // transactions, which is good, because we don't have
                // it anyway.

                // PromotableSinglePhaseEnlist may not actually promote
                // the transaction when it is already delegated (this is
                // the way they resolve the race condition when two
                // threads attempt to delegate the same Lightweight
                // Transaction)  In that case, we can safely ignore
                // our delegated transaction, and proceed to enlist
                // in the promoted one.

                // NOTE: Global Transactions is an Azure SQL DB only
                // feature where the Transaction Manager (TM) is not
                // MS-DTC. Sys.Tx added APIs to support Non MS-DTC
                // promoter types/TM in .NET 4.6.1. Following directions
                // from .NETFX shiproom, to avoid a "hard-dependency"
                // (compile time) on Sys.Tx, we use reflection to invoke
                // the new APIs. Further, the _isGlobalTransaction flag
                // indicates that this is an Azure SQL DB Transaction
                // that could be promoted to a Global Transaction (it's
                // always false for on-prem Sql Server). The Promote()
                // call in SqlDelegatedTransaction makes sure that the
                // right Sys.Tx.dll is loaded and that Global Transactions
                // are actually allowed for this Azure SQL DB.

                if (_isGlobalTransaction)
                    if (SysTxForGlobalTransactions.EnlistPromotableSinglePhase == null)
                        // This could be a local Azure SQL DB transaction.
                        hasDelegatedTransaction = tx.EnlistPromotableSinglePhase(delegatedTransaction);
                        hasDelegatedTransaction = (bool)SysTxForGlobalTransactions.EnlistPromotableSinglePhase.Invoke(tx, new object[] { delegatedTransaction, _globalTransactionTMID });
                    // This is an MS-DTC distributed transaction
                    hasDelegatedTransaction = tx.EnlistPromotableSinglePhase(delegatedTransaction);

                if (hasDelegatedTransaction)
                    this.DelegatedTransaction = delegatedTransaction;
            catch (SqlException e)
                // we do not want to eat the error if it is a fatal one
                if (e.Class >= TdsEnums.FATAL_ERROR_CLASS)

                // if the parser is null or its state is not openloggedin, the connection is no longer good.
                SqlInternalConnectionTds tdsConnection = this as SqlInternalConnectionTds;
                if (tdsConnection != null)
                    TdsParser parser = tdsConnection.Parser;
                    if (parser == null || parser.State != TdsParserState.OpenLoggedIn)

                // In this case, SqlDelegatedTransaction.Initialize
                // failed and we don't necessarily want to reject
                // things -- there may have been a legitimate reason
                // for the failure.

            if (!hasDelegatedTransaction)
                byte[] cookie = null;

                if (_isGlobalTransaction)
                    if (SysTxForGlobalTransactions.GetPromotedToken == null)
                        throw SQL.UnsupportedSysTxForGlobalTransactions();

                    cookie = (byte[])SysTxForGlobalTransactions.GetPromotedToken.Invoke(tx, null);
                    if (null == _whereAbouts)
                        byte[] dtcAddress = GetDTCAddress();

                        if (null == dtcAddress)
                            throw SQL.CannotGetDTCAddress();
                        _whereAbouts = dtcAddress;
                    cookie = GetTransactionCookie(tx, _whereAbouts);

                // send cookie to server to finish enlistment

                _isEnlistedInTransaction = true;

            EnlistedTransaction = tx; // Tell the base class about our enlistment

            // If we're on a Yukon or newer server, and we delegate the
            // transaction successfully, we will have done a begin transaction,
            // which produces a transaction id that we should execute all requests
            // on.  The TdsParser or SmiEventSink will store this information as
            // the current transaction.
            // Likewise, propagating a transaction to a Yukon or newer server will
            // produce a transaction id that The TdsParser or SmiEventSink will
            // store as the current transaction.
            // In either case, when we're working with a Yukon or newer server
            // we better have a current transaction by now.

            Debug.Assert(null != CurrentTransaction, "delegated/enlisted transaction with null current transaction?");
コード例 #2
        override protected DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionOptions userOptions)
            SqlConnectionString   opt    = (SqlConnectionString)options;
            SqlConnectionPoolKey  key    = (SqlConnectionPoolKey)poolKey;
            SqlInternalConnection result = null;
            SessionData           recoverySessionData = null;
            SqlConnection         sqlOwningConnection = owningConnection as SqlConnection;
            bool applyTransientFaultHandling          = sqlOwningConnection != null ? sqlOwningConnection._applyTransientFaultHandling : false;

            SqlConnectionString userOpt = null;

            if (userOptions != null)
                userOpt = (SqlConnectionString)userOptions;
            else if (sqlOwningConnection != null)
                userOpt = (SqlConnectionString)(sqlOwningConnection.UserConnectionOptions);

            if (sqlOwningConnection != null)
                recoverySessionData = sqlOwningConnection._recoverySessionData;

            if (opt.ContextConnection)
                result = GetContextConnection(opt, poolGroupProviderInfo);
                bool redirectedUserInstance       = false;
                DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity = null;

                // Pass DbConnectionPoolIdentity to SqlInternalConnectionTds if using integrated security.
                // Used by notifications.
                if (opt.IntegratedSecurity || opt.UsesCertificate || opt.Authentication == SqlAuthenticationMethod.ActiveDirectoryIntegrated)
                    if (pool != null)
                        identity = pool.Identity;
                        identity = DbConnectionPoolIdentity.GetCurrent();

                // If "user instance=true" is in the connection string, we're using SSE user instances
                if (opt.UserInstance)
                    // opt.DataSource is used to create the SSE connection
                    redirectedUserInstance = true;
                    string instanceName;

                    if ((null == pool) ||
                        (null != pool && pool.Count <= 0))
                    { // Non-pooled or pooled and no connections in the pool.
                        SqlInternalConnectionTds sseConnection = null;
                            // What about a failure - throw?  YES!
                            // BUG (VSTFDevDiv) 479687: Using TransactionScope with Linq2SQL against user instances fails with "connection has been broken" message
                            // NOTE: Cloning connection option opt to set 'UserInstance=True' and 'Enlist=False'
                            //       This first connection is established to SqlExpress to get the instance name
                            //       of the UserInstance.
                            SqlConnectionString sseopt = new SqlConnectionString(opt, opt.DataSource, true /* user instance=true */, false /* set Enlist = false */);
                            sseConnection = new SqlInternalConnectionTds(identity, sseopt, key.Credential, null, "", null, false, applyTransientFaultHandling: applyTransientFaultHandling);
                            // NOTE: Retrieve <UserInstanceName> here. This user instance name will be used below to connect to the Sql Express User Instance.
                            instanceName = sseConnection.InstanceName;

                            if (!instanceName.StartsWith("\\\\.\\", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                throw SQL.NonLocalSSEInstance();

                            if (null != pool)
                            { // Pooled connection - cache result
                                SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo providerInfo = (SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo)pool.ProviderInfo;
                                // No lock since we are already in creation mutex
                                providerInfo.InstanceName = instanceName;
                            if (null != sseConnection)
                    { // Cached info from pool.
                        SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo providerInfo = (SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo)pool.ProviderInfo;
                        // No lock since we are already in creation mutex
                        instanceName = providerInfo.InstanceName;

                    // NOTE: Here connection option opt is cloned to set 'instanceName=<UserInstanceName>' that was
                    //       retrieved from the previous SSE connection. For this UserInstance connection 'Enlist=True'.
                    // options immutable - stored in global hash - don't modify
                    opt = new SqlConnectionString(opt, instanceName, false /* user instance=false */, null /* do not modify the Enlist value */);
                    poolGroupProviderInfo = null; // null so we do not pass to constructor below...
                result = new SqlInternalConnectionTds(identity, opt, key.Credential, poolGroupProviderInfo, "", null, redirectedUserInstance, userOpt, recoverySessionData, key.ServerCertificateValidationCallback, key.ClientCertificateRetrievalCallback, pool, key.AccessToken, key.OriginalNetworkAddressInfo, applyTransientFaultHandling: applyTransientFaultHandling);
コード例 #3
        static internal SqlException CreateException(SqlErrorCollection errorCollection, string serverVersion, SqlInternalConnectionTds internalConnection, Exception innerException = null)
            Guid connectionId = (internalConnection == null) ? Guid.Empty : internalConnection._clientConnectionId;
            var  exception    = CreateException(errorCollection, serverVersion, connectionId, innerException);

            if (internalConnection != null)
                if ((internalConnection.OriginalClientConnectionId != Guid.Empty) && (internalConnection.OriginalClientConnectionId != internalConnection.ClientConnectionId))
                    exception.Data.Add(OriginalClientConnectionIdKey, internalConnection.OriginalClientConnectionId);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(internalConnection.RoutingDestination))
                    exception.Data.Add(RoutingDestinationKey, internalConnection.RoutingDestination);

コード例 #4
        override protected DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionOptions userOptions)
            SqlConnectionString   opt    = (SqlConnectionString)options;
            SqlConnectionPoolKey  key    = (SqlConnectionPoolKey)poolKey;
            SqlInternalConnection result = null;
            SessionData           recoverySessionData = null;

            SqlConnection sqlOwningConnection         = (SqlConnection)owningConnection;
            bool          applyTransientFaultHandling = sqlOwningConnection != null ? sqlOwningConnection._applyTransientFaultHandling : false;

            SqlConnectionString userOpt = null;

            if (userOptions != null)
                userOpt = (SqlConnectionString)userOptions;
            else if (sqlOwningConnection != null)
                userOpt = (SqlConnectionString)(sqlOwningConnection.UserConnectionOptions);

            if (sqlOwningConnection != null)
                recoverySessionData = sqlOwningConnection._recoverySessionData;

            bool redirectedUserInstance       = false;
            DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity = null;

            // Pass DbConnectionPoolIdentity to SqlInternalConnectionTds if using integrated security.
            // Used by notifications.
            if (opt.IntegratedSecurity)
                if (pool != null)
                    identity = pool.Identity;
                    identity = DbConnectionPoolIdentity.GetCurrent();

            // If "user instance=true" is in the connection string, we're using SSE user instances
            if (opt.UserInstance)
                // opt.DataSource is used to create the SSE connection
                redirectedUserInstance = true;
                string instanceName;

                if ((null == pool) ||
                    (null != pool && pool.Count <= 0))
                { // Non-pooled or pooled and no connections in the pool.
                    SqlInternalConnectionTds sseConnection = null;
                        // We throw an exception in case of a failure
                        // NOTE: Cloning connection option opt to set 'UserInstance=True' and 'Enlist=False'
                        //       This first connection is established to SqlExpress to get the instance name
                        //       of the UserInstance.
                        SqlConnectionString sseopt = new SqlConnectionString(opt, opt.DataSource, userInstance: true, setEnlistValue: false);
                        sseConnection = new SqlInternalConnectionTds(identity, sseopt, key.Credential, null, "", null, false, applyTransientFaultHandling: applyTransientFaultHandling);
                        // NOTE: Retrieve <UserInstanceName> here. This user instance name will be used below to connect to the Sql Express User Instance.
                        instanceName = sseConnection.InstanceName;

                        if (!instanceName.StartsWith("\\\\.\\", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            throw SQL.NonLocalSSEInstance();

                        if (null != pool)
                        { // Pooled connection - cache result
                            SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo providerInfo = (SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo)pool.ProviderInfo;
                            // No lock since we are already in creation mutex
                            providerInfo.InstanceName = instanceName;
                        if (null != sseConnection)
                { // Cached info from pool.
                    SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo providerInfo = (SqlConnectionPoolProviderInfo)pool.ProviderInfo;
                    // No lock since we are already in creation mutex
                    instanceName = providerInfo.InstanceName;

                // NOTE: Here connection option opt is cloned to set 'instanceName=<UserInstanceName>' that was
                //       retrieved from the previous SSE connection. For this UserInstance connection 'Enlist=True'.
                // options immutable - stored in global hash - don't modify
                opt = new SqlConnectionString(opt, instanceName, userInstance: false, setEnlistValue: null);
                poolGroupProviderInfo = null; // null so we do not pass to constructor below...
            result = new SqlInternalConnectionTds(identity, opt, key.Credential, poolGroupProviderInfo, "", null, redirectedUserInstance, userOpt, recoverySessionData, applyTransientFaultHandling: applyTransientFaultHandling, key.AccessToken, pool);
コード例 #5
        // MultiSubnetFailover

        /// <summary>
        /// used to block two scenarios if MultiSubnetFailover is true:
        /// * server-provided failover partner - raising SqlException in this case
        /// * connection string with failover partner and MultiSubnetFailover=true - rasing argument one in this case with the same message
        /// </summary>
        static internal Exception MultiSubnetFailoverWithFailoverPartner(bool serverProvidedFailoverPartner, SqlInternalConnectionTds internalConnection)
            string msg = Res.GetString(Res.SQLMSF_FailoverPartnerNotSupported);

            if (serverProvidedFailoverPartner)
                // Replacing InvalidOperation with SQL exception
                SqlErrorCollection errors = new SqlErrorCollection();
                errors.Add(new SqlError(0, (byte)0x00, TdsEnums.FATAL_ERROR_CLASS, null, msg, "", 0));
                SqlException exc = SqlException.CreateException(errors, null, internalConnection);
                exc._doNotReconnect = true; // disable open retry logic on this error
コード例 #6
 internal static void ContinueTask(Task task,
                                   TaskCompletionSource <object> completion,
                                   Action onSuccess,
                                   SqlInternalConnectionTds connectionToDoom = null,
                                   Action <Exception> onFailure = null,
                                   Action onCancellation        = null,
                                   Func <Exception, Exception> exceptionConverter = null,
                                   SqlConnection connectionToAbort = null
     Debug.Assert((connectionToAbort == null) || (connectionToDoom == null), "Should not specify both connectionToDoom and connectionToAbort");
         tsk =>
         if (tsk.Exception != null)
             Exception exc = tsk.Exception.InnerException;
             if (exceptionConverter != null)
                 exc = exceptionConverter(exc);
                 if (onFailure != null)
         else if (tsk.IsCanceled)
                 if (onCancellation != null)
             if (connectionToDoom != null || connectionToAbort != null)
                 catch (Exception e)
             {     // no connection to doom - reliability section not required
                 catch (Exception e)
     }, TaskScheduler.Default
コード例 #7
 internal static Task CreateContinuationTask <T1, T2>(Task task, Action <T1, T2> onSuccess, T1 arg1, T2 arg2, SqlInternalConnectionTds connectionToDoom = null, Action <Exception> onFailure = null)
     return(CreateContinuationTask(task, () => onSuccess(arg1, arg2), connectionToDoom, onFailure));