public static ActionCount[] GetData(DateTime start, DateTime end) { List <ActionCount> result = new List <ActionCount>(); SqlCommand commandCreated = new SqlCommand(@"SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR,dt.dtime,1) AS 'Date', COUNT(a.DateCreated) AS 'ActionsAdded' FROM dbo.udfDateTimes(@StartDate,@EndDate,1,'day') AS dt LEFT JOIN (SELECT a.DateCreated, u.OrganizationID FROM Actions a INNER JOIN Users u ON a.CreatorID = u.UserID) a ON CAST(FLOOR(CAST(dt.dtime AS FLOAT)) AS DATETIME) = CAST(FLOOR(CAST(a.DateCreated AS FLOAT)) AS DATETIME) AND a.OrganizationID = @organizationID GROUP BY dt.dtime ORDER BY dt.dtime"); commandCreated.Parameters.AddWithValue("@organizationid", UserSession.LoginUser.OrganizationID); commandCreated.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StartDate", start); commandCreated.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EndDate", end); DataTable actionsAdded = SqlExecutor.ExecuteQuery(UserSession.LoginUser, commandCreated); foreach (DataRow thisRow in actionsAdded.Rows) { ActionCount counts = new ActionCount(); counts.ActionDate = (string)thisRow["Date"]; counts.Count = (int)thisRow["ActionsAdded"]; result.Add(counts); } return(result.ToArray()); }
public static TicketCounts[] GetData(DateTime start, DateTime end) { List <TicketCounts> result = new List <TicketCounts>(); SqlCommand commandCreated = new SqlCommand(@"SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR,dt.dtime,1) AS 'Date', ISNULL(TicketsClosed,0) AS 'TicketsClosed', ISNULL(TicketsCreated,0) AS 'TicketsCreated' FROM dbo.udfDateTimes(@StartDate,@EndDate,1,'day') AS dt LEFT JOIN (SELECT CAST(FLOOR(CAST(DateClosed AS FLOAT)) AS DATETIME) AS 'Date', COUNT(*) AS 'TicketsClosed' FROM Tickets WHERE organizationid = @organizationid AND DateClosed BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY,-1,@StartDate) AND DATEADD(DAY,1,@EndDate) GROUP BY CAST(FLOOR(CAST(DateClosed AS FLOAT)) AS DATETIME)) t ON t.Date = CAST(FLOOR(CAST(dt.dtime AS FLOAT)) AS DATETIME) LEFT JOIN (SELECT CAST(FLOOR(CAST(DateCreated AS FLOAT)) AS DATETIME) AS 'Date', COUNT(*) AS 'TicketsCreated' FROM Tickets WHERE organizationid = @organizationid AND DateCreated BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY,-1,@StartDate) AND DATEADD(DAY,1,@EndDate) GROUP BY CAST(FLOOR(CAST(DateCreated AS FLOAT)) AS DATETIME)) t2 ON t2.Date = CAST(FLOOR(CAST(dt.dtime AS FLOAT)) AS DATETIME) ORDER BY dt.dtime"); commandCreated.Parameters.AddWithValue("@organizationid", UserSession.LoginUser.OrganizationID); commandCreated.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StartDate", start); commandCreated.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EndDate", end); DataTable createdClosed = SqlExecutor.ExecuteQuery(UserSession.LoginUser, commandCreated); foreach (DataRow thisRow in createdClosed.Rows) { TicketCounts counts = new TicketCounts(); counts.TicketDate = (string)thisRow["Date"]; counts.ClosedCount = (int)thisRow["TicketsClosed"]; counts.CreatedCount = (int)thisRow["TicketsCreated"]; result.Add(counts); } return(result.ToArray()); }
public static SourceCount[] GetData(DateTime start, DateTime end) { List <SourceCount> result = new List <SourceCount>(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(@"SELECT ISNULL(TicketSource,'Agent') AS 'TicketSource', COUNT(*) AS 'Number' FROM Tickets WHERE OrganizationID = @organizationID AND DateCreated > @StartDate AND DateCreated < DATEADD(DAY,1,@EndDate) GROUP BY ISNULL(TicketSource,'Agent')"); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@organizationid", UserSession.LoginUser.OrganizationID); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@StartDate", start); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@EndDate", end); DataTable ticketSource = SqlExecutor.ExecuteQuery(UserSession.LoginUser, command); foreach (DataRow thisRow in ticketSource.Rows) { SourceCount counts = new SourceCount(); counts.Name = (string)thisRow["TicketSource"]; counts.Count = (int)thisRow["Number"]; result.Add(counts); } return(result.ToArray()); }
public static TicketCounts[] GetData() { List <TicketCounts> result = new List <TicketCounts>(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(@"select as ProductName, (select count(*) from tickets as t, products as p2, ticketstatuses as ts, tickettypes as tt where t.productid = p2.productid and t.organizationid = @OrganizationID and t.ticketstatusid = ts.ticketstatusid and ts.isclosed = 0 and t.tickettypeid = tt.tickettypeid and = 'issues' and p.productid = p2.productid) as NumIssues, (select count(*) from tickets as t, products as p2, ticketstatuses as ts, tickettypes as tt where t.productid = p2.productid and t.organizationid = @OrganizationID and t.ticketstatusid = ts.ticketstatusid and ts.isclosed = 0 and t.tickettypeid = tt.tickettypeid and = 'tasks' and p.productid = p2.productid) as NumTasks, (select count(*) from tickets as t, products as p2, ticketstatuses as ts, tickettypes as tt where t.productid = p2.productid and t.organizationid = @OrganizationID and t.ticketstatusid = ts.ticketstatusid and ts.isclosed = 0 and t.tickettypeid = tt.tickettypeid and = 'bugs' and p.productid = p2.productid) as NumBugs, (select count(*) from tickets as t, products as p2, ticketstatuses as ts, tickettypes as tt where t.productid = p2.productid and t.organizationid = @OrganizationID and t.ticketstatusid = ts.ticketstatusid and ts.isclosed = 0 and t.tickettypeid = tt.tickettypeid and = 'features' and p.productid = p2.productid) as NumFeatures From Products as p where p.organizationid = @OrganizationID order by"); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OrganizationID", UserSession.LoginUser.OrganizationID); DataTable productTickets = SqlExecutor.ExecuteQuery(UserSession.LoginUser, command); foreach (DataRow thisRow in productTickets.Rows) { TicketCounts counts = new TicketCounts(); counts.Product = (string)thisRow["ProductName"]; counts.Issues = (int)thisRow["NumIssues"]; counts.Tasks = (int)thisRow["NumTasks"]; counts.Bugs = (int)thisRow["NumBugs"]; counts.Features = (int)thisRow["NumFeatures"]; result.Add(counts); } return(result.ToArray()); }
public void EmptyQueriesCauseFailedResult() { var application = new SqlExecutor(m_SqlServerConfiguration); application.SetUpDatabase(" "); var result = application.ExecuteQuery(""); Assert.Equal("Query is empty", ExpectError(result)); }
public void BadlyFormedQueriesCauseFailedResult() { var application = new SqlExecutor(m_SqlServerConfiguration); application.SetUpDatabase(" "); var result = application.ExecuteQuery("SELECTEROO"); Assert.Equal("Could not find stored procedure 'SELECTEROO'.", ExpectError(result)); }
private DataTable GetScheduledReportsToMove(int batchSize) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); command.CommandText = "LoadMoveScheduledReportsQuery"; command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@batchSize", batchSize); return(SqlExecutor.ExecuteQuery(_loginUser, command)); }
public static Dictionary <int, string> GetLookupValues(LoginUser loginUser, int reportTableFieldID, string term, int maxRows) { Dictionary <int, string> result = new Dictionary <int, string>(); ReportTableField field = ReportTableFields.GetReportTableField(loginUser, reportTableFieldID); if (field == null || field.LookupTableID == null) { return(null); } ReportTable table = ReportTables.GetReportTable(loginUser, (int)field.LookupTableID); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); string[] orgs = table.OrganizationIDFieldName.Split(','); StringBuilder orgFields = new StringBuilder("("); foreach (String s in orgs) { if (orgFields.Length > 1) { orgFields.Append(" OR " + s + " = @OrganizationID"); } else { orgFields.Append(s + " = @OrganizationID"); } } orgFields.Append(")"); string text = "SELECT TOP {0} {1} AS Label, {2} AS ID FROM {3} WHERE {4} AND {1} LIKE '%' + @Term + '%' ORDER BY {5}"; command.CommandText = string.Format(text, maxRows.ToString(), table.LookupDisplayClause, table.LookupKeyFieldName, table.TableName, orgFields.ToString(), table.LookupOrderBy); command.CommandType = CommandType.Text; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Term", term); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OrganizationID", loginUser.OrganizationID); DataTable dataTable = SqlExecutor.ExecuteQuery(loginUser, command); if (field.LookupTableID == 11 || field.LookupTableID == 17) { result.Add(-2, "The Report Viewer"); } //result.Add(-1, "Unassigned"); foreach (DataRow row in dataTable.Rows) { result.Add((int)row[1], row[0].ToString()); } return(result); }
private DataTable GetAttachmentsToMove(int batchSize) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); command.CommandText = "LoadMoveAttachmentsQuery"; command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@batchSize", batchSize); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@source", _source); //command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sourceLength", _source.Length); return(SqlExecutor.ExecuteQuery(_loginUser, command)); }
private void LoadOrgCombo() { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); command.CommandText = @" SELECT OrganizationID, Name FROM Organizations WHERE ParentID=1 AND IsActive=1 ORDER BY Name"; DataTable table = SqlExecutor.ExecuteQuery(GetCorrupteLoginUser(), command); cmbOrg.BeginUpdate(); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { string text = string.Format("{0} ({1})", (string)row[1], ((int)row[0]).ToString()); cmbOrg.Items.Add(new ComboboxItem((int)row[0], text)); } cmbOrg.EndUpdate(); }
public void SetUpRunsCreationSql() { var creationSql = @" CREATE TABLE JustTesting ( Id INT IDENTITY NOT NULL, Answer INT NOT null ) INSERT INTO JustTesting (Answer) VALUES (42) "; var application = new SqlExecutor(m_SqlServerConfiguration); application.SetUpDatabase(creationSql); var result = application.ExecuteQuery("SELECT Answer FROM JustTesting").ExpectSuccess(); Assert.Equal(42, result.Rows[0].ValueAtIndex<int>(0)); }
private void AssertDisplayValue(string sqlType, string sqlValue, string expectedDisplayValue) { var creationSqlTemplate = @" CREATE TABLE JustTesting ( Id INT IDENTITY NOT NULL, Answer {0} NOT null ) INSERT INTO JustTesting (Answer) VALUES ({1}) "; var creationSql = string.Format(creationSqlTemplate, sqlType, sqlValue); var application = new SqlExecutor(m_SqlServerConfiguration); application.SetUpDatabase(creationSql); var result = application.ExecuteQuery("SELECT Answer FROM JustTesting").ExpectSuccess(); Assert.Equal(expectedDisplayValue, result.Rows[0].DisplayValueAtIndex(0)); }
private static bool MigrationAlreadyRun(SqlExecutor executor, string hash, string dbname) { string sqlHashChecker = String.Format("SELECT 'x' FROM {0} WHERE Hash = '{1}'", DatabaseChangeLogTableName, hash.Replace("'", "''")); using (var result = executor.ExecuteQuery(sqlHashChecker, dbname)) { return result.HasRows; } }
private QueryResultTable ExecuteSqlOnBlankDatabase(string sql) { var application = new SqlExecutor(m_SqlServerConfiguration); application.SetUpDatabase(" "); return application.ExecuteQuery(sql).ExpectSuccess(); }
public string GetPendoOptions() { LoginUser loginUser = TSAuthentication.GetLoginUser(); User user = Users.GetUser(loginUser, TSAuthentication.UserID); Organization org = Organizations.GetOrganization(loginUser, TSAuthentication.OrganizationID); SqlCommand command; DataTable table; dynamic result = new ExpandoObject(); result.apiKey = SystemSettings.ReadString(loginUser, "PendoKey", "NO API IN SYSTEMSETTINGS"); result.usePendoAgentAPI = false; result.visitor = new ExpandoObject(); = user.UserID; = user.Email; result.visitor.role = user.Title; = user.FirstLastName; result.visitor.dateCreated = user.DateCreated; //result.visitor.lastLogin = result.visitor.isAdmin = user.IsSystemAdmin; command = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tickets WHERE OrganizationID = @OrganizationID AND UserID = @UserID"); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("UserID", user.UserID); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("OrganizationID", org.OrganizationID); result.visitor.assignedTickets = (int)SqlExecutor.ExecuteScalar(loginUser, command); command = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tickets WHERE OrganizationID = @OrganizationID AND CreatorID = @UserID"); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("UserID", user.UserID); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("OrganizationID", org.OrganizationID); result.visitor.ticketsCreated = (int)SqlExecutor.ExecuteScalar(loginUser, command); command = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Actions WHERE CreatorID = @UserID"); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("UserID", user.UserID); //result.visitor.actionsCreated = (int)SqlExecutor.ExecuteScalar(loginUser, command); //result.visitor.groups = result.visitor.isChatUser = user.IsChatUser; result.account = new ExpandoObject(); = org.OrganizationID; = org.Name; result.account.planLevel = org.UserSeats == 100 ? "Trial" : "Paying"; result.account.creationDate = org.DateCreated; result.account.isActive = org.IsActive; //result.account.lastLogin = result.account.seatCount = org.UserSeats; result.account.apiEnabled = org.IsApiEnabled; command = new SqlCommand( @"SELECT COUNT(*) AS Cnt, TicketSource FROM Tickets WHERE OrganizationID = @OrganizationID AND TicketSource IS NOT NULL AND TicketSource <> '' GROUP BY TicketSource "); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("OrganizationID", org.OrganizationID); table = SqlExecutor.ExecuteQuery(loginUser, command); result.account.ticketsCreatedByEmail = 0; result.account.ticketsCreatedByFaceBook = 0; result.account.ticketsCreatedByAgent = 0; result.account.ticketsCreatedByForum = 0; result.account.ticketsCreatedByWeb = 0; result.account.ticketsCreatedByChatOffline = 0; result.account.ticketsCreatedByMobile = 0; result.account.ticketsCreatedByChat = 0; foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { try { switch (row[1].ToString().ToLower()) { case "forum": result.account.ticketsCreatedByForum = (int)row[0]; break; case "agent": result.account.ticketsCreatedByAgent = (int)row[0]; break; case "web": result.account.ticketsCreatedByWeb = (int)row[0]; break; case "facebook": result.account.ticketsCreatedByFaceBook = (int)row[0]; break; case "chatoffline": result.account.ticketsCreatedByChatOffline = (int)row[0]; break; case "mobile": result.account.ticketsCreatedByMobile = (int)row[0]; break; case "email": result.account.ticketsCreatedByEmail = (int)row[0]; break; case "chat": result.account.ticketsCreatedByChat = (int)row[0]; break; default: break; } } catch (Exception) { } } command = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tickets WHERE OrganizationID = @OrganizationID AND IsKnowledgeBase = 1"); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("OrganizationID", org.OrganizationID); result.account.kbCount = (int)SqlExecutor.ExecuteScalar(loginUser, command); command = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tickets WHERE OrganizationID = @OrganizationID"); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("OrganizationID", org.OrganizationID); result.account.ticketCount = (int)SqlExecutor.ExecuteScalar(loginUser, command); command = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Organizations WHERE ParentID = @OrganizationID"); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("OrganizationID", org.OrganizationID); result.account.customerCount = (int)SqlExecutor.ExecuteScalar(loginUser, command); command = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CustomFields WHERE OrganizationID = @OrganizationID"); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("OrganizationID", org.OrganizationID); result.account.customFieldCount = (int)SqlExecutor.ExecuteScalar(loginUser, command); command = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Users WHERE OrganizationID = @OrganizationID AND MarkDeleted = 0"); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("OrganizationID", org.OrganizationID); result.account.actualUsers = (int)SqlExecutor.ExecuteScalar(loginUser, command); command = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Users WHERE OrganizationID = @OrganizationID AND IsSystemAdmin = 1 AND MarkDeleted = 0"); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("OrganizationID", org.OrganizationID); result.account.adminCount = (int)SqlExecutor.ExecuteScalar(loginUser, command); command = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Imports WHERE OrganizationID = @OrganizationID"); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("OrganizationID", org.OrganizationID); result.account.importCount = (int)SqlExecutor.ExecuteScalar(loginUser, command); result.account.podName = SystemSettings.GetPodName(); result.account.productType = org.ProductType.ToString(); return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)); }
public IEnumerable<Migration> GetMigrationsRunInDb(DirectoryInfo dbScriptsPath, Server dbServer, string dbname) { var migrationSqlFilesInVcs = GetSqlSriptsIn(dbScriptsPath.FullName); if (!migrationSqlFilesInVcs.Any()) yield break; CheckIfDatabaseChangeLogTableExists(dbServer.Databases[dbname]); var sqlExecutor = new SqlExecutor(dbServer); //FIXME: use hashes, not filenames! using (SqlDataReader reader = sqlExecutor.ExecuteQuery(String.Format( "SELECT FileName,Applied FROM {0}", DatabaseChangeLogTableName), dbname)){ while (reader.Read()) { var migration = new Migration(); var filename = (string) reader["FileName"]; if (!filename.EndsWith(SqlSuffix)) throw new Exception( String.Format("Expecting filename ending with '{0}' but found '{1}' in {2}'s {3} table", SqlSuffix, filename, dbServer.Name, DatabaseChangeLogTableName)); migration.FileNameWithoutExtension = filename.Substring(0, filename.Length - SqlSuffix.Length); migration.AppliedDate = (DateTime) reader["Applied"]; yield return migration; } } }
private static string GetRowText() { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); command.CommandText = @" SELECT --r.session_id, --r.[status], --r.last_wait_type, --r.command, --DB_NAME(r.database_id) [db_name], t.[text] AS [Query], r.cpu_time AS [CPU], r.reads AS [Reads], r.writes AS [Writes], r.total_elapsed_time AS [Time], s.program_name AS [Program], s.host_name AS [Host], --r.percent_complete, r.wait_time AS [Wait] --r.blocking_session_id [blocked_by],whe --r.open_transaction_count [open_tran] ,convert(varchar(max), r.plan_handle, 2) AS [Plan] --p.query_plan FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions s ON r.session_id = s.session_id CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) t CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(r.plan_handle) p WHERE r.session_id != @@SPID AND r.session_id IN (SELECT TOP (20) session_id FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE session_id > 50 ORDER BY cpu_time DESC) ORDER BY r.cpu_time DESC; "; LoginUser loginUser = GetLoginUser(); DataTable table = SqlExecutor.ExecuteQuery(loginUser, command); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine(GetHeader(table)); builder.AppendLine("<tbody>"); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { string plan = row["Plan"].ToString(); builder.AppendLine(string.Format("<tr data-plan=\"{0}\">", plan)); foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns) { string data = ""; if (column.ColumnName != "Plan") { data = row[column].ToString(); if (data.Length > 500) { data = data.Substring(0, 500) + "..."; } } else { data = "<button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-danger clearcache\">Clear</button>"; } builder.AppendLine(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", data)); } builder.AppendLine("</tr>"); } builder.AppendLine("</tbody>"); return(builder.ToString()); }