コード例 #1
        }         // readData

        ** Name: readInfo
        ** Description:
        **	Read an INFO message.  The INFO message parameters are read
        **	and processed.  Currently, the only INFO parameter supported
        **	is Trace Text which is simply written to the trace file.
        ** Input:
        **	None.
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	void
        ** History:
        **	21-Apr-06 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	 3-Jul-06 (gordy)
        **	    Support dedicated DBMS trace log.

        protected internal virtual void readInfo()
            while (msg.moreData())
                short param_id  = msg.readShort();
                short param_len = msg.readShort();

                switch (param_id)
                case MSG_IP_TRACE:
                    if (trace.enabled() || conn.dbms_log.enabled())
                        String txt = msg.readString(param_len);
                        trace.log("DBMS TRACE: " + txt);

                    if (trace.enabled(1))
                        trace.write(tr_id + ": Invalid info param ID " + param_id);
                    throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4002_PROTOCOL_ERR);

        }         // readInfo
コード例 #2
ファイル: iobuff.cs プロジェクト: GunterMueller/Ingres
        }          // flush

        ** Name: next
        ** Description:
        **	Read next segment from input stream.
        ** Input:
        **	None.
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	void
        ** History:
        **	 9-Jun-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	28-Jan-00 (gordy)
        **	    Added TL segment tracing.*/

        /// <summary>
        /// Read next segment from input stream.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal virtual void  next()
            lock (this)
                int size;

                if (closed || inputStream == null)
                    throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4004_CONNECTION_CLOSED);

                if (seg_beg < seg_end)
                    seg_beg = seg_end;
                if (seg_beg >= buf_len)

                fillBuffer(2);                 // Make sure length is available
                size = getSegSize();
                if (trace.enabled(5))
                    trace.write(title + ": read segment " + size);

                fillBuffer(size);                 // Make sure entire segment is available
                seg_end  = seg_beg + size;
                data_beg = data_ptr = seg_beg + 2;
                data_end = seg_end;

        }          // next
コード例 #3
        }          // need

        ** Name: check
        ** Description:
        **	Validate a buffer write request.
        ** Input:
        **	position:	Position in buffer.
        **	length:		Length of data.
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	void.
        ** History:
        **	28-Jan-00 (gordy)
        **	    Created to replace redundant code and provide tracing.

        /// <summary>
        /// Validate a buffer write request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Position in buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="size">Length of data.</param>
        private void  check(int position, int size)
            if (position < data_beg || (position + size) > data_end)
                if (trace.enabled(1))
                    trace.write(title + ": position out-of-bounds");
                throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4002_PROTOCOL_ERR);
            else if (trace.enabled(5))
                if (position != data_ptr)
                    trace.write(title + ": writing " + size + " @ " + position);
                    trace.write(title + ": appending " + size);

        }  // check
コード例 #4
        public void OnRequestLogin(AccountData model)
                List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>();
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@UID", model.Uid));
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Name", model.name));

                int result = SqlEx.ExecuteQuery("LOGIN_PROCEDURE", parameters);

                switch (result)
                case 0:
                    Console.WriteLine("로그인 성공!");

                case 1:
                    Console.WriteLine("존재하지 않는 아이디!");

                    throw new Exception(string.Format("[Login Exception] Error Code : {0}", result));
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("[Login Exception] Message : {0}", e.Message));
コード例 #5
        }         // getTargets

        ** Name: getHost
        ** Description:
        **	Extracts and returns the name of the host from the target
        **	string:
        **	    <host>[:<port>]
        ** Input:
        **	target
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	String	    Host name.
        ** History:
        **	 7-Jun-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	19-Oct-06 (lunbr01)  Sir 116548
        **	    Allow for IPv6 addresses enclosed in square brackets '[]'.

        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts and returns the name of the host from the target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <returns>Name of the host from the target.</returns>
        private String getHost(String target)
            int index;
            int start = 0;

            if (target.StartsWith("["))
                start = 1;
                index = target.IndexOf(']');
                if (index < 0)
                    if (trace.enabled(1))
                        trace.write(title + ": right bracket ']' missing at end of IPv6 @ in '" + target + "'");
                    throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4000_BAD_URL);
                index = target.IndexOf(':');

            return(index < 0 ?
                   target :
                   target.Substring(start, index - start));
        }          // getHost
コード例 #6
        }          // write

        ** Name: write (byteArray) at a position
        ** Description:
        **	Append a byte array to the output buffer.  This
        **	routine does not split arrays across buffers, the
        **	current buffer is flushed and the array must fit
        **	in the new buffer, or an exception is thrown.
        ** Input:
        **	byteArray	    Byte array.
        **	offset          Position of data in array.
        **	length          Length of data in array.
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	void
        ** History:
        **	16-Jun-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.

        /// <summary>
        /// Append a byte array to the output buffer.  This
        /// routine does not split arrays across buffers, the
        /// current buffer is flushed and the array must fit
        /// in the new buffer, or an exception is thrown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="byteArray">Byte array.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">Position of data in array to read from.</param>
        /// <param name="length">Length of data in array.</param>
        public virtual void  write(byte[] byteArray, int offset, int length)
            if (!need(length))
                if (trace.enabled(1))
                    trace.write(title + ": array length " + length + " too long");
                throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4002_PROTOCOL_ERR);

            if (trace.enabled(5))
                trace.write(title + ": appending " + length);
                Array.Copy(byteArray, offset, buffer, data_ptr, length);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                // Should not happen!
                throw SqlEx.get(title + ": array copy exception.  " +
                                ex.Message, "HY000", 0);

            data_ptr += length;
        }          // write
コード例 #7
        /*Return a resultset from a select statement with parameters,*/
        public SqlDataReader ReadQueryStoredProcedure(String Command, List <SqlParameter> parameters)
            log.Info("DataAccess:ReadQuery[parameter overload]");
            SqlDataReader Odr;

            using (SqlCommand Odc = new SqlCommand(Command, SQlConn))
                    log.Debug("ReadQuery:QueryString:" + Command);
                    Odc.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                    foreach (var param in parameters)

                    Odr = Odc.ExecuteReader();
                catch (SqlException SqlEx)
                        log.Error("[ReadQuery] returned: " + SqlEx.ToString());
                        throw SqlEx;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw e;
コード例 #8
        /*Return a resultset from a select statement*/
        public SqlDataReader ReadQuery(String Command)
            SqlDataReader Odr;

            using (SqlCommand Odc = new SqlCommand(Command, SQlConn))
                    log.Debug("ReadQuery:QueryString:" + Command);
                    Odr = Odc.ExecuteReader();
                catch (SqlException SqlEx)
                        log.Error("[CountQuery] returned: " + SqlEx.ToString());
                        throw SqlEx;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw e;
コード例 #9
ファイル: iobuff.cs プロジェクト: GunterMueller/Ingres
        }          // setSegSize

        ** Name: begin
        ** Description:
        **	Begin a new Ingres NL data segment in the output buffer.
        **	reserves space for the Ingres TCP-IP header.  Flushes
        **	current buffer if insufficient space for next segment.
        ** Input:
        **	size	Minimum amount of space required for next segment.
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	void
        ** History:
        **	 9-Jun-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.

        /// <summary>
        /// Begin a new Ingres NL data segment in the output buffer.
        /// reserves space for the Ingres TCP-IP header.  Flushes
        /// current buffer if insufficient space for next segment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="size">Minimum amount of space required for
        /// next segment.</param>
        protected internal virtual void  begin(int size)
            lock (this)
                if (closed || outputStream == null)
                    throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4004_CONNECTION_CLOSED);

                setSegSize();                 // Update the current segment length (if any).
                seg_beg = buf_len;            // New segment starts at end of current data.

                ** Flush current segments if insufficient space
                ** for next segment.  Note that flushBuffer()
                ** handles the case of no current segments.
                if ((buf_len + size + 2) > buf_max)

                ** Reserve space for the Ingres TCP-IP header.
                data_beg = data_ptr = seg_beg + 2;
                data_end = buf_max;

        }          // begin
コード例 #10
        //For Select Data
        public static string DBFilDTable(ref DataTable nDTable, string SQLQuery)
            string nRtnValue = "N";

                SqlDataAdapter mSQLDA = new SqlDataAdapter(SQLQuery, _SqlConnection);



                nRtnValue = (nDTable.Rows.Count > 0) ? "Y" : "N";
            catch (SqlException SqlEx)
                nRtnValue = SqlEx.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Throw ex
                nRtnValue = ex.Message;

コード例 #11
        }         // readResults

        ** Name: readDesc
        ** Description:
        **	Read a data descriptor message.  The default action is to
        **	throw an exception.  A sub-class should override this method
        **	if a data descriptor message is a valid request result.
        ** Input:
        **	None.
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	AdvanRSMD    Result set data descriptor.
        ** History:
        **	 8-Sep-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.

        protected internal virtual AdvanRSMD readDesc()
            if (trace.enabled(1))
                trace.write(tr_id + ": unexpected result set");
            throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4002_PROTOCOL_ERR);
        }         // readDesc
コード例 #12
ファイル: advanrsmd.cs プロジェクト: GunterMueller/Ingres
 columnMap(int index)
     if (index < 0 || index >= count)
         throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4011_INDEX_RANGE);
 }         // columnMap
コード例 #13
        }         // readDesc

        ** Name: readData
        ** Description:
        **	Read a data message.  The default action is to throw an exception.
        **	A sub-class should override this method if a data message is a
        **	valid request result.
        ** Input:
        **	None.
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	boolean	    Interrupt reading results.
        ** History:
        **	 8-Sep-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	29-Sep-99 (gordy)
        **	    Changed return type to permit BLOB segments to
        **	    interrupt the normal processing of messages.

        protected internal virtual bool readData()
            if (trace.enabled(1))
                trace.write(tr_id + ": unexpected result data.");
            throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4002_PROTOCOL_ERR);
        }         // readData
コード例 #14
        public virtual void  LockConnection(bool nesting_allowed)
            lock (lock_obj)
                System.Threading.Thread currentThread =

                while (lock_active)                  // if already locked by someone
                    // if recursively locked by the same thread,
                    // make sure it was intentional as in the case
                    // of the DTCEnlistment's TxResourceAsyncThread.
                    if (lock_thread_id ==
                        if (lock_nesting_allowed)

                        if (trace.enabled(1))                          // unintentional nested locking!
                            trace.write(title + ".lock(): nested locking!!, current " +
                        throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4005_SEQUENCING);

                        // wait for a Pulse from another
                        // thread's UnlockConnection
                    catch (System.Exception /* ignore */)

                // we have the lock!
                lock_thread_id =
                lock_active          = true;
                lock_nesting_allowed = nesting_allowed;
                lock_nest_count      = 1;

                if (trace.enabled(5))
                    trace.write(title + ".lock(): locked by " +
            }              // end lock(lock_obj)

コード例 #15
        // skip

        ** Name: need
        ** Description:
        **	Determines if sufficient data is available to read an
        **	object of a particular size.  Atomic objects may not be
        **	split across buffers.  Non-atomic objects may be split
        **	and may need to be read piece by piece.
        ** Input:
        **	size	    Amount of data required.
        **	atomic	    True if data may not be split.
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	void
        ** History:
        **	16-Jun-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	10-Sep-99 (gordy)
        **	    Moved check for TL disconnect request to receive().
        **	22-Sep-99 (gordy)
        **	    Added atomic indicating to permit handling of split arrays.
        **	25-Jan-00 (gordy)
        **	    Added tracing.*/

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if sufficient data is available to read an
        /// object of a particular size.  Atomic objects may not be
        /// split across buffers.  Non-atomic objects may be split
        /// and may need to be read piece by piece.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="size">Amount of data required.</param>
        /// <param name="atomic">True if data may not be split.</param>
        private void  need(int size, bool atomic)
            int available;

            while ((available = avail()) < size)
                short tl_id;

                if (available > 0)
                    if (!atomic)
                        if (trace.enabled(1))
                            trace.write(title + ": atomic value split (" +
                                        available + "," + size + ")");
                        throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4002_PROTOCOL_ERR);

                if ((tl_id = receive()) != DAM_TL_DT)
                    if (trace.enabled(1))
                        trace.write(title + ": invalid TL packet ID 0x" +
                                    System.Convert.ToString(tl_id, 16));
                    throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4002_PROTOCOL_ERR);

            if (trace.enabled(5))
                if (available < size)
                    trace.write(title + ": reading " + available + " (" + size + " requested)");
                    trace.write(title + ": reading " + size);

        }  // need
コード例 #16
            DrvConn conn,
            AdvanCall stmt,
            AdvanRSMD rsmd,
            long stmt_id,
            bool do_preLoad
        ) : base(conn, stmt, rsmd, stmt_id, 1, false)

            ** BYREF parameters produce a single result row.
            ** Even if row may be pre-loaded, we don't want
            ** the super-class to do the loading.
            rs_max_rows = 1;
            tr_id       = "Byref[" + inst_id + "]";

            ** Pre-load the row if available, otherwise disable pre-
            ** fetching to better handle the single expected row
            ** (pre-loading requires pre-fetch to be enabled).
            if (do_preLoad)

            ** Load the single expected row and close the
            ** server statement to unlock the connection.
                if (!next())
                    throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4002_PROTOCOL_ERR);
            catch (SqlEx) { throw; }
                try { closeCursor(); }
                catch (SqlEx) {}
        } // RsltByref
コード例 #17
ファイル: iobuff.cs プロジェクト: GunterMueller/Ingres
        }          // begin

        ** Name: flush
        ** Description:
        **	Send output buffer to server.
        ** Input:
        **	None.
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	void
        ** History:
        **	 9-Jun-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	29-Sep-99 (gordy)
        **	    Moved socket flush to flushBuffer().*/

        /// <summary>
        /// Send output buffer to server.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal virtual void  flush()
            lock (this)
                if (closed || outputStream == null)
                    throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4004_CONNECTION_CLOSED);

                setSegSize();                 // Update current segment length.
        }          // flush
コード例 #18
        }         // setProcResult

        ** Name DataTruncation
        ** Description:
        **	Constructs an IngresError for a data truncation warning.
        ** Input:
        **	colName     column name that was truncated.
        **	colOrdinal	ordinal number of column.
        **	parm        if true, it's a parameter, else a result column.
        **	reading     if ture, truncated on read, else truncated on write
        ** Output:
        **	Build an error
        **	   "Data truncation on read/write of parameter/result column." +
        **	   "<column name> at ordinal nn"
        ** Returns:
        **	IngresError.
        ** History:
        **	29-Aug-02 (thoda04)
        **	    Created.

        internal Exception DataTruncation(
            string colName,
            int colOrdinal,
            bool parm,
            bool reading)
                       "Data truncation on " +
                       (reading ? "read of " : "write of ") +
                       (parm ? "parameter " : "result column ") +
                       (colName == null ? "" : colName.ToString()) +
                       " at ordinal " + colOrdinal + ".",
                       "01004", 0)); // SQLState and native code
        }                            // DataTruncation
コード例 #19
        }         // readBytes

        ** Name: readString
        ** Description:
        **	Read a string from the input stream.  The string is treated
        **	as an atomic value and the entire requested length must be
        **	available.  The input bytes are converted to Unicode using
        **	the character encoding provided.  Strings which are split
        **	must be read as byte arrays.
        ** Input:
        **	length      Number of bytes in input string.
        **	char_set	Character encoding for conversion.
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	String	    String value from input stream.
        ** History:
        **	16-Jun-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	22-Sep-99 (gordy)
        **	    Added character set/encoding.*/

        /// <summary>
        /// Read a string from the input stream.  The string is treated
        /// as an atomic value and the entire requested length must be
        /// available.  The input bytes are converted to Unicode using
        /// the character encoding provided.  Strings which are split
        /// must be read as byte arrays.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="length">Number of bytes in input string.</param>
        /// <param name="char_set">Character encoding for conversion.</param>
        /// <returns>String value from input stream.</returns>
        public virtual String readString(int length, CharSet char_set)
            String str;

            need(length, true);

            try { str = char_set.getString(buffer, data_ptr, length); }
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC401E_CHAR_ENCODE, ex);                   // Should not happen!

            data_ptr += length;
        }          // readString
コード例 #20
        }                            // DataTruncation

        ** Name DataTruncation
        ** Description:
        **	Constructs an IngresError for a data truncation warning.
        ** Input:
        **	colOrdinal	ordinal number of column.
        **	parm        if true, it's a parameter, else a result column.
        **	reading     if ture, truncated on read, else truncated on write
        ** Output:
        **	Build an error
        **	   "Data truncation on read/write of parameter/result column." +
        **	   "at ordinal nn"
        ** Returns:
        **	IngresError.
        ** History:
        **	29-Aug-02 (thoda04)
        **	    Created.

        internal Exception DataTruncation(
            int colOrdinal,
            bool parm,
            bool reading,
            int dataSize,
            int transferSize)
                       "Data truncation on " +
                       (reading ? "read of " : "write of ") +
                       (parm ? "parameter " : "result column ") +
                       "at ordinal " + colOrdinal +
                       ".  Original size of data = " + dataSize +
                       ".  Size after truncation = " + transferSize + ".",
                       "01004", 0)); // SQLState and native code
        }                            // DataTruncation
コード例 #21
ファイル: procinfo.cs プロジェクト: GunterMueller/Ingres
        check(int index, bool expand)
            lock (this)
                if (index < 0 || (index >= param_cnt && !expand))
                    throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4011_INDEX_RANGE);

                ** Expand parameter array if necessary.
                if (index >= parameters.Length)
                    int new_max;

                    for (
                        new_max = parameters.Length + ARRAY_INC;
                        index >= new_max;
                        new_max += ARRAY_INC

                    Param[] new_array = new Param[new_max];
                    Array.Copy(parameters, 0, new_array, 0,
                    parameters = new_array;

                ** Adjust parameter counter if index references a new parameter.
                ** Allocate new parameter objects (if needed) for parameters in
                ** the range not yet initialized.
                for ( ; param_cnt <= index; param_cnt++)
                    if (parameters[param_cnt] == null)
                        parameters[param_cnt] = new Param();

        }         // check
コード例 #22
        ** Name: encode
        ** Description:
        **	Encode a string using a key.  The key and string are translated
        **	to the Server character set prior to encoding.  An optional key
        **	mask, CompatCI.CRYPT_SIZE in length, will be combined with the
        **	key if provided.
        ** Input:
        **	key         Encryption key.
        **	mask	    Key mask, may be NULL.
        **	data	    Data to be encrypted
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	byte []	    Encrypted data.
        ** History:
        **	22-Sep-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	 6-Sep-02 (gordy)
        **	    Character encoding now encapsulated in CharSet class.
        **	 6-jul-04 (gordy; ported by thoda04)
        **	    Added key mask.

        public virtual byte[] encode(String key, byte[] mask, String data)
            byte[] buff;

                // encode password using obfuscated encode name method
                buff = encode(getCharSet().getBytes(key), mask,
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC401E_CHAR_ENCODE, ex);                    // Should not happen!

コード例 #23
        }         // close

        ** Name: cancel
        ** Description:
        **	Issues an interrupt to the Data Access Server which
        **	will attempt to cancel any active query.
        ** Input:
        **	None.
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	void.
        ** History:
        **	 4-Nov-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	26-Dec-02 (gordy)
        **	    Allocate cncl buffer on first request.

        public virtual void  cancel()
            lock (this)
                ** Allocate cancel buffer on first request.
                if (cncl == null)
                        // wrap the socket's NetworkStream in our OutputStream
                        OutputStream outputStream = new OutputStream(socket.GetStream());
                        cncl = new OutBuff(outputStream, ConnID, 16);
                        cncl.TL_ProtocolLevel = this.TL_ProtocolLevel;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (trace.enabled(1))
                            trace.write(title + ": error creating cancel buffer: " +
                        throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4001_CONNECT_ERR, ex);

                    if (trace.enabled(2))
                        trace.write(title + ": interrupt network connection");
                    cncl.begin(DAM_TL_INT, 0);
                catch (SqlEx ex)
                    throw ex;

        }         // cancel
コード例 #24
ファイル: iobuff.cs プロジェクト: GunterMueller/Ingres
        }          // clearBuffer

        ** Name: flushBuffer
        ** Description:
        **	Write buffer to output stream and clear output buffer.
        **	The output stream is not actually flushed, since this
        **	routine may be called between a pair of buffers.
        ** Input:
        **	force	Force socket to flush buffers?
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	void
        ** History:
        **	 9-Jun-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	29-Sep-99 (gordy)
        **	    Moved socket flush (optional) to this routine so
        **	    it can be requested from local methods without the
        **	    overhead of calling flush().*/

        /// <summary>
        /// Write buffer to output stream and clear output buffer.  The
        /// output stream is not actually flushed, since this routine
        /// may be called between a pair of buffers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="force">True to force socket to flush buffers</param>
        private void  flushBuffer(bool force)
            if (buf_len <= 0)

            if (trace.enabled(4))
                trace.write(title + ": sending " + buf_len + " bytes.");
                trace.hexdump(buffer, 0, buf_len);

                outputStream.write(buffer, 0, buf_len);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (trace.enabled(1))
                    trace.write(title + ": write error: " + ex.Message);
                throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4003_CONNECT_FAIL, ex);


            if (force)
                try { outputStream.flush(); }
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    if (trace.enabled(1))
                        trace.write(title + ": flush error: " + ex.Message);
                    throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4003_CONNECT_FAIL, ex);
        }          // flushBuffer
コード例 #25
        }          // InBuff

        ** Name: receive
        ** Description:
        **	Read the next message.  Any data remaining in the current
        **	message is discarded.  A server abort (TL disconnect request)
        **	is processed here and results in an exception being raised.
        ** Input:
        **	None.
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	short	    TL Message type.
        ** History:
        **	16-Jun-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	10-Sep-99 (gordy)
        **	    Check for TL disconnect request.
        **	28-Jan-00 (gordy)
        **	    Added TL msg ID tracing.
        **	20-Dec-02 (gordy)
        **	    Header ID now protocol level dependent.  Moved TL DR
        **	    processing to MSG classes where it is more appropriatte.

        /// <summary>
        /// Read the next message.  Any data remaining in the current
        /// message is discarded.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>TL Message type.</returns>
        public virtual short receive()
            int   hdr_id;
            short msg_id;

            ** Get the next segment in the input buffer.
            ** If buffer is empty, receive next buffer.

            ** Read and validate packet header: ID and type.
            hdr_id = readInt();

            if (
                (proto_lvl <= DAM_TL_PROTO_1 && hdr_id != DAM_TL_ID_1) ||
                (proto_lvl >= DAM_TL_PROTO_2 && hdr_id != DAM_TL_ID_2)
                if (trace.enabled(1))
                    trace.write(title + ": invalid TL header ID");
                throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4002_PROTOCOL_ERR);

            ** Determine type of message.  A disconnect request is only
            ** issued by the server when aborting the connection.  Handle
            ** this exceptional case directly.
            msg_id = readShort();
            if (trace.enabled(3))
                trace.write(title + ": recv TL packet " +
                            IdMap.map(msg_id, tlMap) + " length " + avail());

        }          // receive
コード例 #26
        ** Name: MsgConn
        ** Description:
        **	Class constructor.  Opens a socket connection to target
        **	host and initializes the I/O buffers.  Sends the DAM-ML
        **	connection parameters and returns the response.
        **	The DAM-ML connection parameters are formatted as an
        **	array of bytes.  The byte array reference is provided as
        **	the first entry in a multi-dimensional array parameter,
        **	msg_cp.  The input array reference is sent to the
        **	server and the response is placed in a new byte array
        **	whose reference is returned in place of the input
        **	reference, msg_cp.
        ** Input:
        **	targetList	Hostname/port target list.
        **	msg_cp      Message layer parameter info.
        ** Output:
        **	msg_cp      DAM-ML connection parameter response.
        ** History:
        **	 7-Jun-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	10-Sep-99 (gordy)
        **	    Parameterized the initial TL connection data.
        **	17-Nov-99 (gordy)
        **	    Extracted I/O functionality to DbConnIo, DbConnOut, DbConnIn.
        **	 1-Mar-07 (gordy, ported by thoda04)
        **	    Dropped char_set parameter, don't default CharSet.
        **	 3-Nov-08 (gordy, ported by thoda04)
        **	    Separated connection logic from super-class constructors
        **	    to facilitate multiple server targets.
        **	 5-May-09 (gordy, ported by thoda04)
        **	    Multiple host/port target list is parsed into host/port pairs.

        /// <summary>
        /// Class constructor.  Opens a socket connection to target
        /// host and initializes the I/O buffers.  Sends the DAM-ML
        /// connection parameters and returns the response.
        /// The DAM-ML connection parameters are formatted as an
        /// array of bytes.  The byte array reference is provided as
        /// the first entry in a multi-dimensional array parameter,
        /// msg_cp.  The input array reference is sent to the
        /// server and the response is placed in a new byte array
        /// whose reference is returned in place of the input
        /// reference, msg_cp.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetListString">Hostname/port target list.</param>
        /// <param name="msg_cp">Message layer parameter info.</param>
        public MsgConn(String targetListString, ref byte[] msg_cp)
            title = "Msg[" + ConnID + "]";

            TargetList targets;
            SqlEx      lastEx = null;

                targets = getTargets(targetListString);
            catch (SqlEx)
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (trace.enabled(1))
                    trace.write(title + ": URL parsing error - " + ex.Message);
                throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4000_BAD_URL, ex);


            foreach (Target target in targets)
                    connect(target.Host, target.Port);
                    msg_cp = recvCC();
                    return;                                     // Connection established
                catch (SqlEx ex)
                    lastEx = ex;
            }              // end for loop thru targets

            throw (lastEx != null) ? lastEx : SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4000_BAD_URL);
        }         // MsgConn
コード例 #27
        write(IByteArray bytes, int offset, int length)
            if (!need(length))
                if (trace.enabled(1))
                    trace.write(title + ": ByteArray length " + length + " too long");
                throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4002_PROTOCOL_ERR);

            if (trace.enabled(4))
                trace.write(title + ": appending " + length);
            length    = bytes.get(offset, length, buffer, data_ptr);
            data_ptr += length;
        }         // write
コード例 #28
        }          // getHost

        ** Name: getPort
        ** Description:
        **	Extracts and returns the port number from the target string:
        **	    <host>:<port>{,<port>}
        **	The port may be specified as a numeric string or in standard
        **	Ingres installation ID format such as II0.
        ** Input:
        **	target	Host/port list target string.
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	String []	Port ID list.
        ** History:
        **	 7-Jun-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.
        **	 1-Oct-02 (gordy)
        **	    Extracted symbolic port translation to separate method.
        **	19-Oct-06 (lunbr01)  Sir 116548
        **	    Allow for IPv6 addresses enclosed in square brackets '[]'.
        **	 3-Nov-08 (gordy, ported by thoda04)
        **	    List of port ID's now supported and returned as individual
        **	    entries in an array.  Ports are no longer translated into
        **	    numeric values.

        private String[] getPort(String target, String defaultPorts)
            int index = 0;

            ** Skip past IPv6 host address if present.
            if (target.StartsWith("["))
                if ((index = target.IndexOf(']')) < 0)
                    if (trace.enabled(1))
                        trace.write(title + ": right bracket ']' missing " +
                                    "in IPv6 address '" + target + "'");
                    throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4000_BAD_URL);

            index = target.IndexOf(':', index);

            if (index < 0 || target.Length <= (index + 1))
                if (trace.enabled(1))
                    trace.write(title + ":port number missing '" + target + "'");
                if (defaultPorts == null || defaultPorts.Length == 0)
                    return new String[] { "II7" }
                ;                                                       // default
                    return(parseList(defaultPorts, ','));

            return(parseList(target, ',', index + 1, 0));
        }          // getPort
コード例 #29
        }         // write

        ** Name: write (inputStream)
        ** Description:
        **	Append input stream to the output buffer.  This
        **	routine does not split buffers, the input stream
        **	is read until the buffer is filled or the stream
        **	is exhausted.  The number of bytes read from the
        **	input stream is returned.  It is the callers
        **	responsibility to assure that there is space
        **	available in the output buffer.
        ** Input:
        **	inputStream	InputStream
        ** Output:
        **	None.
        ** Returns:
        **	short	Number of bytes written.
        ** History:
        **	29-Sep-99 (gordy)
        **	    Created.

        /// <summary>
        /// Append input stream to the output buffer.  This
        /// routine does not split buffers, the input stream
        /// is read until the buffer is filled or the stream
        /// is exhausted.  The number of bytes read from the
        /// input stream is returned.  It is the callers
        /// responsibility to assure that there is space
        /// available in the output buffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputStream"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual short write(InputStream inputStream)
            int length = avail();

                length = inputStream.read(buffer, data_ptr, length);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC4007_BLOB_IO, ex);

            if (length < 0)
                length = 0;
            data_ptr += length;
            if (trace.enabled(5))
                trace.write(title + ": appending " + length);
        }          // write
コード例 #30
        //For Save, Update and Delete Data
        public static string DB_ExecuteNonQuery(string pSQL)
            string nRtnValue = "Started";

                if (_SqlConnection.State != ConnectionState.Open)

                SqlCommand _SqlCommand = new SqlCommand(pSQL, _SqlConnection);

                _SqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                if (_SqlConnection.State != ConnectionState.Closed)

                nRtnValue = "Y";
            catch (SqlException SqlEx)
                nRtnValue = SqlEx.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Throw ex
                nRtnValue = ex.Message;
