//Inserts the given details into the database if both email and username are not already registered
        //Returns a string with message indicated whether insert was succesful or reason why it wasn't
        public static string insert(string username, int isArtist, string email, string password)
            string sql, salt;
            int    count;
            int    userID;
            string dbMessage;

            //Get salt and hash password
            salt     = SqlComm.CreateSalt();
            password = SqlComm.Enc(password + salt);

            //Check if email already registered
            count = (int)SqlComm.SqlReturn("emailCount @email='" + email + "'");
            if (count < 1)
                //Check if username already registered
                count = (int)SqlComm.SqlReturn("usernameCount @username='******'");
                if (count < 1)
                    //If not already registered insert into database
                    sql = "insertNewUser @userName='******' , @email='" + email + "', @isArtist ='" + isArtist + "',@userPassword = '******',@salt='" + salt + "'";

                    //If is curator create default artist profile
                    if (isArtist == 1)
                        userID = (int)SqlComm.SqlReturn("getUserID @username='******'");
                        Artist.insert(userID, username, "", "");
                    dbMessage = "";
                    dbMessage = "Username already registered";
                dbMessage = "Email already registered";