public virtual void tweenBones(SpriterAnimation animation) { foreach (SpriterBone key in bonesToTween.Keys) { SpriterBone toTween = key; SpriterKeyFrame frame = animation.frames[bonesToTween[key]]; long time = frame.getTime(); SpriterKeyFrame currentFrame = animation.getPreviousFrameForBone (toTween, time); SpriterKeyFrame nextFrame = animation.getNextFrameFor (toTween, currentFrame, 1); if (nextFrame != currentFrame) { SpriterBone bone1 = currentFrame.getBoneFor(toTween ); SpriterBone bone2 = nextFrame.getBoneFor(toTween); this.interpolateAbstractObject(toTween, bone1, bone2, currentFrame.getTime(), nextFrame .getTime(), time); } SpriterBone[] bones = new SpriterBone [frame.getBones().Length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length - 1; i++) { bones[i] = frame.getBones()[i]; } bones[bones.Length - 1] = toTween; frame.setBones(bones); } }
/// <summary>Changes the state of each effector to unactive.</summary> /// <remarks>Changes the state of each effector to unactive. The effect results in non animated bodyparts. /// </remarks> /// <param name="parents">indicates whether parents of the effectors have to be deactivated or not. /// </param> public virtual void deactivateEffectors(SpriterAbstractPlayer player, bool parents) { foreach (SpriterIKObject key in this.ikMap.Keys) { SpriterAbstractObject obj = this.ikMap[key]; if (obj is SpriterBone) { obj = player.getRuntimeBones()[obj.getId()]; } else { obj = player.getRuntimeObjects()[obj.getId()]; } = false; if (!parents) { continue; } SpriterBone par = (SpriterBone)obj.getParent(); for (int j = 0; j < key.chainLength && par != null; j++) { player.getRuntimeBones()[par.getId()].active = false; par = (SpriterBone)par.getParent(); } } }
private void tweenBone(SpriterBone currentBone, SpriterBone nextBone, int i, long startTime, long endTime) { currentBone.copyValuesTo(this.tempBones[i]); this.tempBones[i].setTimeline((nextBone != null) ? currentBone.getTimeline() : -1 ); SpriterAbstractObject parent = (this.tempBones[i] .hasParent()) ? this.tempBones[this.tempBones[i].getParentId()] : this.tempParent; if (nextBone != null) { if (parent != this.tempParent) { if (!currentBone.getParent().equals(nextBone.getParent())) { nextBone = (SpriterBone)this.getTimelineObject(currentBone , this.tempBones2); SpriterCalculator.reTranslateRelative(parent, nextBone); nextBone.setAngle(nextBone.getAngle() * this.flippedX * this.flippedY); } } else { if (nextBone.hasParent()) { nextBone = (SpriterBone)this.getTimelineObject(currentBone , this.tempBones2); SpriterCalculator.reTranslateRelative(parent, nextBone); nextBone.setAngle(nextBone.getAngle() * this.flippedX * this.flippedY); } } if (this.tempBones[i].active) { this.interpolateAbstractObject(this.tempBones[i], currentBone, nextBone, startTime , endTime); } } this.moddedBones[currentBone.getId()].modSpriterBone(this.tempBones[i]); if (this.transitionFixed) { this.tempBones[i].copyValuesTo(this.lastFrame.getBones()[i]); } else { this.tempBones[i].copyValuesTo(this.lastTempFrame.getBones()[i]); } if (!this.tempBones[i].hasParent() || !this.moddedBones[currentBone.getId()].isActive ()) { this.tempBones[i].setX(this.tempBones[i].getX() + this.pivotX); this.tempBones[i].setY(this.tempBones[i].getY() + this.pivotY); } this.translateRelative(this.tempBones[i], parent); }
/// <summary>Searches for the right mod bone for the given bone.</summary> /// <remarks>Searches for the right mod bone for the given bone.</remarks> /// <param name="bone">bone to search at.</param> /// <returns>right mod bone you want access to. Null if not found.</returns> public virtual SpriterModObject getModBoneForBone (SpriterBone bone) { try { return(this.moddedBones[this.getModBoneIndexForBone(bone)]); } catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException) { return(null); } }
/// <summary>Searches for the right index for a given bone.</summary> /// <remarks>Searches for the right index for a given bone.</remarks> /// <param name="bone">bone to search at.</param> /// <returns>right index for the mod bone you want access to. -1 if not found.</returns> public virtual int getModBoneIndexForBone(SpriterBone bone) { for (int i = 0; i < this.tempObjects.Length; i++) { if (this.tempBones[i].equals(bone)) { return(i); } } return(-1); }
public virtual SpriterBone getBoneFor(SpriterBone bone) { foreach (SpriterBone b in this.bones) { if (b.equals(bone)) { return(b); } } return(null); }
public virtual SpriterBone merge(BoneRef @ref, Key key) { Bone obj = key.getBone(); SpriterBone bone = new SpriterBone(); bone.setTimeline(@ref.getTimeline()); bone.setId(@ref.getId()); bone.setParentId(@ref.getParent()); bone.setAngle(obj.getAngle()); bone.setScaleX(obj.getScaleX()); bone.setScaleY(obj.getScaleY()); bone.setX(obj.getX()); bone.setY(obj.getY()); bone.setSpin(key.getSpin()); return(bone); }
/// <summary>Searches for a keyframe in this animation which has a smaller or equal starting time as the given time and contains the given bone. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Searches for a keyframe in this animation which has a smaller or equal starting time as the given time and contains the given bone. /// </remarks> /// <param name="bone"></param> /// <param name="time"></param> /// <returns>A keyframe object which has a smaller or equal starting time than the given time and contains the given bone. /// </returns> public virtual SpriterKeyFrame getPreviousFrameForBone (SpriterBone bone, long time) { SpriterKeyFrame frame = null; foreach (SpriterKeyFrame key in this.frames) { if (!key.containsBone(bone)) { continue; } if (key.getTime() <= time) { frame = key; } else { break; } } return(frame); }
/// <summary>Calculates the bounding box for the current running animation.</summary> /// <remarks> /// Calculates the bounding box for the current running animation. /// Call this method after updating the spriter player. /// </remarks> /// <param name="bone">root to start at. Set null, to iterate through all objects.</param> public virtual void calcBoundingBox(SpriterBone bone ) { if (bone == null) { this.calcBoundingBoxForAll(); } else { bone.boundingBox.set(this.rect); foreach (SpriterObject @object in bone.getChildObjects()) { SpriterPoint[] points = this.tempObjects[@object.getId()] .getBoundingBox(); bone.boundingBox.left = System.Math.Min(System.Math.Min(System.Math.Min(System.Math .Min(points[0].x, points[1].x), points[2].x), points[3].x), bone.boundingBox.left ); bone.boundingBox.right = System.Math.Max(System.Math.Max(System.Math.Max(System.Math .Max(points[0].x, points[1].x), points[2].x), points[3].x), bone.boundingBox.right ); = System.Math.Max(System.Math.Max(System.Math.Max(System.Math .Max(points[0].y, points[1].y), points[2].y), points[3].y), ); bone.boundingBox.bottom = System.Math.Min(System.Math.Min(System.Math.Min(System.Math .Min(points[0].y, points[1].y), points[2].y), points[3].y), bone.boundingBox.bottom ); } this.rect.set(bone.boundingBox); foreach (SpriterBone child in bone.getChildBones( )) { calcBoundingBox(child); bone.boundingBox.set(child.boundingBox); } this.rect.set(bone.boundingBox); } this.rect.calculateSize(); }
/// <summary>Generates data which is necessary to animate all animations as intended. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Generates data which is necessary to animate all animations as intended. /// This method has to called inside the specific constructor. /// </remarks> protected internal void generateData() { int maxObjects = 0; int maxBones = 0; int maxBonesFrameIndex = 0; int maxObjectsFrameIndex = 0; int maxBonesAnimationIndex = 0; int maxObjectsAnimationIndex = 0; foreach (SpriterAnimation animation in this.animations) { foreach (SpriterKeyFrame frame in animation.frames) { maxBones = System.Math.Max(frame.getBones().Length, maxBones); if (maxBones == frame.getBones().Length) { maxBonesFrameIndex = frame.getId(); maxBonesAnimationIndex =; } maxObjects = System.Math.Max(frame.getObjects().Length, maxObjects); if (maxObjects == frame.getObjects().Length) { maxObjectsFrameIndex = frame.getId(); maxObjectsAnimationIndex =; } foreach (SpriterObject o in frame.getObjects()) { o.setLoader(this.loader); o.setRef(this.loader.findReference(o.getRef())); } } } this.instructions = new DrawInstruction[maxObjects]; this.moddedObjects = new SpriterModObject[this.instructions .Length]; this.tempObjects = new SpriterObject[this.instructions .Length]; this.tempObjects2 = new SpriterObject[this.instructions .Length]; this.nonTransformedTempObjects = new SpriterObject [this.instructions.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < this.instructions.Length; i++) { this.instructions[i] = new DrawInstruction(null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); this.tempObjects[i] = new SpriterObject(); this.tempObjects2[i] = new SpriterObject(); this.nonTransformedTempObjects[i] = new SpriterObject (); this.nonTransformedTempObjects[i].setId(i); this.moddedObjects[i] = new SpriterModObject(); this.moddedObjects[i].setId(i); } this.tempBones = new SpriterBone[maxBones]; this.tempBones2 = new SpriterBone[tempBones.Length ]; this.nonTransformedTempBones = new SpriterBone[tempBones .Length]; this.moddedBones = new SpriterModObject[this.tempBones .Length]; for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < this.tempBones.Length; i_1++) { this.tempBones[i_1] = new SpriterBone(); this.tempBones2[i_1] = new SpriterBone(); this.nonTransformedTempBones[i_1] = new SpriterBone (); this.nonTransformedTempBones[i_1].setId(i_1); this.moddedBones[i_1] = new SpriterModObject(); this.moddedBones[i_1].setId(i_1); } SpriterBone[] tmpBones1 = new SpriterBone [this.tempBones.Length]; SpriterBone[] tmpBones2 = new SpriterBone [this.tempBones.Length]; SpriterObject[] tmpObjs1 = new SpriterObject [this.instructions.Length]; SpriterObject[] tmpObjs2 = new SpriterObject [this.instructions.Length]; for (int i_2 = 0; i_2 < tmpObjs1.Length; i_2++) { tmpObjs1[i_2] = new SpriterObject(); tmpObjs2[i_2] = new SpriterObject(); } for (int i_3 = 0; i_3 < tmpBones1.Length; i_3++) { tmpBones1[i_3] = new SpriterBone(); tmpBones2[i_3] = new SpriterBone(); } this.lastFrame.setBones(tmpBones1); this.lastFrame.setObjects(tmpObjs1); this.lastTempFrame.setBones(tmpBones2); this.lastTempFrame.setObjects(tmpObjs2); foreach (SpriterObject @object in this.animations [maxObjectsAnimationIndex].frames[maxObjectsFrameIndex].getObjects()) { for (int i_4 = 0; i_4 < this.nonTransformedTempObjects.Length; i_4++) { if (this.nonTransformedTempObjects[i_4].getId() == @object.getId()) { @object.copyValuesTo(this.nonTransformedTempObjects[i_4]); } } } foreach (SpriterBone bone in this.animations[maxBonesAnimationIndex ].frames[maxBonesFrameIndex].getBones()) { for (int i_4 = 0; i_4 < this.nonTransformedTempBones.Length; i_4++) { if (this.nonTransformedTempBones[i_4].getId() == bone.getId()) { bone.copyValuesTo(this.nonTransformedTempBones[i_4]); } } } this.generated = true; }
protected override void resolve(float x, float y, int chainLength, SpriterAbstractObject effector, SpriterAbstractPlayer player) { base.updateRecursively(player, effector); float xx = effector.getX() + (float)System.Math.Cos(SpriterCalculator.DegreeToRadian(effector .getAngle())) * Com.Brashmonkey.Spriter.draw.AbstractDrawer.BONE_LENGTH * effector .getScaleX(); float yy = effector.getY() + (float)System.Math.Sin(SpriterCalculator.DegreeToRadian(effector .getAngle())) * Com.Brashmonkey.Spriter.draw.AbstractDrawer.BONE_LENGTH * effector .getScaleX(); effector.setAngle(Com.Brashmonkey.Spriter.SpriterCalculator.angleBetween(effector .getX(), effector.getY(), x, y)); if (player.getFlipX() == -1) { effector.setAngle(effector.getAngle() + 180f); } SpriterBone parent = null; if (effector.hasParent()) { parent = player.getRuntimeBones()[effector.getParentId()]; } //effector.copyValuesTo(temp); //SpriterCalculator.reTranslateRelative(parent, temp); //if(effector instanceof SpriterBone) temp.copyValuesTo(player.lastFrame.getBones()[effector.getId()]); //else temp.copyValuesTo(player.lastFrame.getObjects()[effector.getId()]); for (int i = 0; i < chainLength && parent != null; i++) { if (Com.Brashmonkey.Spriter.SpriterCalculator.distanceBetween(xx, yy, x, y) <= this .tolerance) { SpriterBone p = null; if (parent.hasParent()) { p = player.getRuntimeBones()[parent.getParentId()]; } int j = 0; while (p != null && j < chainLength) { base.updateRecursively(player, p); if (p.hasParent()) { p = player.getRuntimeBones()[p.getParentId()]; } else { p = null; } j++; } return; } parent.setAngle(parent.getAngle() + Com.Brashmonkey.Spriter.SpriterCalculator.angleDifference (Com.Brashmonkey.Spriter.SpriterCalculator.angleBetween(parent.getX(), parent.getY (), x, y), Com.Brashmonkey.Spriter.SpriterCalculator.angleBetween(parent.getX(), parent.getY(), xx, yy))); base.updateRecursively(player, parent); if (parent.hasParent()) { parent = player.getRuntimeBones()[parent.getParent().getId()]; } else { parent = null; } xx = effector.getX() + (float)System.Math.Cos(SpriterCalculator.DegreeToRadian(effector.getAngle ())) * Com.Brashmonkey.Spriter.draw.AbstractDrawer.BONE_LENGTH * effector.getScaleX (); yy = effector.getY() + (float)System.Math.Sin(SpriterCalculator.DegreeToRadian(effector.getAngle ())) * Com.Brashmonkey.Spriter.draw.AbstractDrawer.BONE_LENGTH * effector.getScaleX (); } }
/// <summary>Returns whether this frame has information about the given bone.</summary> /// <remarks>Returns whether this frame has information about the given bone.</remarks> /// <param name="bone"></param> /// <returns>True if this frame contains the bone, false otherwise.</returns> public virtual bool containsBone(SpriterBone bone ) { return(this.getBoneFor(bone) != null); }
//import Com.Brashmonkey.Spriter.converters.SpriterObjectConverter; //import AnimationObject; //final private SpriterObjectConverter objectConverter = new SpriterObjectConverter(); public virtual SpriterAnimation buildAnimation( Animation animation) { MainLine mainline = animation.getMainline(); IList <TimeLine> timeLines = animation.getTimeline(); IList <Key> keyFrames = mainline .getKey(); bonesToTween = new Dictionary <SpriterBone , int>(); objectsToTween = new Dictionary <SpriterObject , int>(); SpriterAnimation spriterAnimation = new SpriterAnimation(animation.getId(), animation.getName(), animation.getLength()); for (int k = 0; k < keyFrames.Count; k++) { Key mainlineKey = keyFrames[k]; IList <SpriterObject> tempObjects = new List <SpriterObject >(); IList <SpriterBone> tempBones = new List <SpriterBone >(); SpriterKeyFrame frame = new SpriterKeyFrame (); frame.setTime(mainlineKey.getTime()); frame.setId(mainlineKey.getId()); foreach (BoneRef boneRef in mainlineKey.getBoneRef()) { TimeLine timeline = timeLines[boneRef.getTimeline()]; Key timelineKey = timeline.getKey()[boneRef.getKey()]; SpriterBone bone = boneMerger.merge(boneRef, timelineKey ); bone.setName(timeline.getName()); if (mainlineKey.getTime() != timelineKey.getTime()) { bonesToTween.Add(bone, k); } else { tempBones.Add(bone); } } //} foreach (AnimationObjectRef objectRef in mainlineKey.getObjectRef ()) { TimeLine timeline = timeLines[objectRef.getTimeline()]; Key timelineKey = timeline.getKey()[objectRef.getKey() ]; SpriterObject @object = objectMerger.merge(objectRef , timelineKey); @object.setName(timeline.getName()); if (mainlineKey.getTime() != timelineKey.getTime()) { objectsToTween.Add(@object, k); } else { tempObjects.Add(@object); } } //} SpriterObject[] objArray = new SpriterObject[tempObjects.Count]; tempObjects.CopyTo(objArray, 0); frame.setObjects(objArray); SpriterBone[] boneArray = new SpriterBone[tempBones.Count]; tempBones.CopyTo(boneArray, 0); frame.setBones(boneArray); spriterAnimation.frames.Add(frame); } this.tweenBones(spriterAnimation); this.tweenObjects(spriterAnimation); return(spriterAnimation); }