コード例 #1
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (TimerManager.fGameTime > m_fEventTime)
         SpriteToParticleSystem.ExplodeSprite(transform.position, m_fShatterVelocity, m_goPixelShatterPrefab, m_gcSprite, m_iPixelShatterTTL);
         GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled = false;
コード例 #2
    // Room Controllers can call this to fake a death :D
    public virtual void PlayDeathEffects()
        // Move particles closer to camera, so they appear over everything
        Vector3 vPos = transform.position;

        vPos.z = Types.s_fPOS_FrontLayerZ;

        // Spawn the effects
        if (m_bPixelShatter)
            SpriteToParticleSystem.ExplodeSprite(transform.position, Types.s_fVEL_PixelShatterVelocity, m_goPixelShatterPrefab, m_gcSprite, m_iPixelShatterTTL);
        if (m_bPlaySFXOnDeath)
            GameInstance.Object.GetAudioManager().PlayAudioAtLocation(transform.position, m_iSFX_Explosion);
        if (m_bSpawnExplosionEffect && null != m_goExplosionPrefab)
            Instantiate(m_goExplosionPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
コード例 #3
    public void Explode()
        // Create the explosion
        if (null != m_goExplosionPrefab)
            Instantiate(m_goExplosionPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
        SpriteToParticleSystem.ExplodeSprite(transform.position, Types.s_fVEL_PixelShatterVelocity, m_goPixelShatterPrefab, GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite, m_iPixelShatterTTL);

        // Play audio and add shake. Mines always add maxium shake...
        GameInstance gi = GameInstance.Object;

        gi.GetAudioManager().PlayAudioAtLocation(transform.position, m_iSFX_Explosion);

        // Spawn the Spikes, if we have any
            GameObject     go         = null;
            Vector3        vTraj      = Vector3.zero;
            BulletMovement gcMovement = null;

            float fAngle = m_fAngleOffsetRadians;
            for (int i = 0; i < m_iSpikeCount; ++i)
                vTraj      = new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(fAngle), Mathf.Cos(fAngle), 0f);
                go         = Instantiate(m_goSpike, transform.position + (vTraj * m_fSpawnOffset), Quaternion.identity);
                gcMovement = go.GetComponent <BulletMovement>(); if (null != gcMovement)
                    gcMovement.InitBullet(vTraj, Types.s_fVEL_MineSpikeMovementVelocity, false);
                fAngle += (2 * Mathf.PI) / m_iSpikeCount;

        // And die...
コード例 #4
    // Because we can call to kill an object immediately, we've split it out from the collision function
    public override void DoOnImpactFromPlayer(uint iDamage, bool bIsPlayerOption = false, bool bPlayerPhysicalCollision = false)
        if (m_bUpdateLoop || bIsPlayerOption)

        GameInstance gi = GameInstance.Object;

        GAssert.Assert(null != gi, "Unable to get Game Instance!");

        m_iHitPointsRemaining = (int)MathUtil.Clamp(m_iHitPointsRemaining - (int)iDamage, 0, Types.s_iPLAYER_MaxDamage);
        if (m_iHitPointsRemaining <= 0)
            // Turn off the sprite and collider (Bespoke to the heart)
            GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().enabled    = false;
            GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>().enabled = false;

            // Move particles closer to camera, so they appear over everything
            Vector3 vPos = transform.position;
            vPos.z = Types.s_fPOS_FrontLayerZ;

            // Spawn the effects
            if (m_bPixelShatter)
                SpriteToParticleSystem.ExplodeSprite(transform.position, Types.s_fVEL_PixelShatterVelocity, m_goPixelShatterPrefab, m_gcSprite, m_iPixelShatterTTL);
            if (m_bPlaySFXOnDeath)
                GameInstance.Object.GetAudioManager().PlayAudioAtLocation(transform.position, m_iSFX_Explosion);
            if (m_bSpawnExplosionEffect && null != m_goExplosionPrefab)
                Instantiate(m_goExplosionPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

            // Add optionals
            AddScore gcScore = GetComponent <AddScore>(); if (null != gcScore)
            AddCameraShake gcShake = GetComponent <AddCameraShake>(); if (null != gcShake)

            SpawnPrefab[] aPrefabSpawns = GetComponents <SpawnPrefab>();
            if (aPrefabSpawns.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < aPrefabSpawns.Length; ++i)

            m_bUpdateLoop = true;

        // Didn't die? Play the impact ting audio...
        if (m_bPlaySFXOnHit)
            gi.GetAudioManager().PlayAudioAtLocation(transform.position, m_iSFX_Impact);