コード例 #1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="screen"></param>
        /// <param name="availableItems"></param>
        /// <param name="poolSize"></param>
        /// <param name="poolStartingIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <param name="contentSize"></param>
        /// <param name="startFromBottom"></param>
        public LobbyMatchScrollContainer(LobbyScreen screen, List <MultiplayerGame> availableItems, int poolSize,
                                         int poolStartingIndex, ScalableVector2 size, ScalableVector2 contentSize, bool startFromBottom = false)
            : base(availableItems, poolSize, poolStartingIndex, size, contentSize, startFromBottom)
            Screen = screen;
            Tint   = Color.Black;
            Alpha  = 0.75f;

            Scrollbar.Tint       = ColorHelper.HexToColor("#eeeeee");
            Scrollbar.Width      = 6;
            Scrollbar.X          = 14;
            ScrollSpeed          = 150;
            EasingType           = Easing.OutQuint;
            TimeToCompleteScroll = 1500;

            NoMatchesFound = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, "No Matches Found. What are you waiting for? Create one!")
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.MidCenter,
                FontSize  = 16,
                Visible   = false

            AddBorder(Color.White, 2);
            Border.Alpha = 1f;

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates the text that displays the name of the player
        /// </summary>
        private void CreatePlayerName()
            var text = OnlineManager.CurrentGame != null ? "Match Played on" : $"Played By: {Screen.Replay.PlayerName} on";

            switch (Screen.ResultsType)
            case ResultScreenType.Gameplay:
                var now  = DateTime.Now;
                var time = string.Format("{0:hh:mm:ss tt}", now);
                text += $" {now.ToShortDateString()} @ {time}";

            case ResultScreenType.Score:
            case ResultScreenType.Replay:
                var replayTime = string.Format("{0:hh:mm:ss tt}", Screen.Replay.Date);
                text += $" {Screen.Replay.Date.ToShortDateString()} @ {replayTime}";

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            PlayedBy = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, text)
                Parent   = this,
                X        = SongTitle.X,
                Y        = MapCreator.Y + MapCreator.Height + 10,
                FontSize = 17

            PlayedBy.Visible = true;
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates the text that displays that there are no scores available.
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateNoScoresAvailableText() => NoScoresAvailableText = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamBold, " ")
     Parent    = this,
     Alignment = Alignment.MidCenter,
     Visible   = false,
     FontSize  = 16
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateHitsoundName() => HitsoundName = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.AllerRegular, Name)
     Parent    = this,
     FontSize  = 16,
     Alignment = Alignment.MidLeft,
     X         = SpriteIcon.X + SpriteIcon.Width + 10,
コード例 #5
        public MultiplayerGameHeader()
            : base(new ScalableVector2(650, 36), new ScalableVector2(650, 36))
            Alpha = 0;

            PausePlayButton = new PausePlayButton
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopRight,
                Size      = new ScalableVector2(20, 20)

            RoomName = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, OnlineManager.CurrentGame.Name)
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopLeft,
                FontSize  = 16,
                Tint      = Colors.SecondaryAccent


            // ReSharper disable once ObjectCreationAsStatement
            new Sprite
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.BotLeft,
                Size      = new ScalableVector2(Width, 2),
                Y         = -6,
                Alpha     = 0.85f

            OnlineManager.Client.OnGameNameChanged += OnGameNameChanged;
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates the text that lets the user know the score is submitting.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateSubmittingText()
            // Scores aren't submitted if the user has all misses
            if (Screen.ScoreProcessor.TotalJudgementCount == Screen.ScoreProcessor.CurrentJudgements[Judgement.Miss])

            TextSubmittingScore = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, "SUBMITTING SCORE")
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.MidCenter,
                FontSize  = 18

            SubmittingLoadingWheel = new Sprite()
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.MidCenter,
                Size      = new ScalableVector2(TextSubmittingScore.Height, TextSubmittingScore.Height),
                Image     = UserInterface.LoadingWheel,
                X         = TextSubmittingScore.Width / 2f + 20

コード例 #7
        public MultiplayerEndGameWaitTime()
            Image            = UserInterface.WaitingPanel;
            Size             = new ScalableVector2(450, 134);
            Alpha            = 0;
            SetChildrenAlpha = true;

            Icon = new Sprite
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopCenter,
                Image     = FontAwesome.Get(FontAwesomeIcon.fa_information_button),
                Y         = 18,
                Size      = new ScalableVector2(24, 24)

            // ReSharper disable once ObjectCreationAsStatement
            var text = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.AllerRegular, "Waiting for other players to finish!")
                Parent    = this,
                FontSize  = 20,
                Y         = Icon.Y + Icon.Height + 10,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopCenter

            LoadingWheel = new Sprite()
                Parent    = this,
                Size      = new ScalableVector2(40, 40),
                Image     = UserInterface.LoadingWheel,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopCenter,
                Y         = text.Y + text.Height + 10
コード例 #8
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates the heading text that says "search"
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateTextSearch() => TextSearch = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, "Search:")
     Parent   = this,
     X        = 15,
     Y        = 15,
     FontSize = 16
コード例 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateNoMatchSelectedText() => NoMatchSelected = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular,
                                                                                    "No Match Selected!")
     Parent    = ContentContainer,
     Alignment = Alignment.MidCenter,
     FontSize  = 16
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public PlayerListHeader(MultiplayerGame game)
            Game  = game;
            Size  = new ScalableVector2(590, 36);
            Tint  = Color.Black;
            Alpha = 0f;

            Count = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, "(0/16) Players")
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopRight,
                FontSize  = 16,

            Status = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, "Waiting to start")
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopLeft,
                FontSize  = 16,

            // ReSharper disable once ObjectCreationAsStatement
            new Sprite
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopCenter,
                Size      = new ScalableVector2(Width, 2),
                Y         = Status.Y + Status.Height + 12,
                Alpha     = 0.85f
コード例 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateTextMapsetsFound() => TextMapsetsFound = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, "Searching...")
     Parent   = this,
     X        = TextSearch.X,
     Y        = SearchBox.Y + SearchBox.Height + 8,
     FontSize = 16
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        public ResultMultiplayerScoreboardTableHeader(int width)
            Size  = new ScalableVector2(width, 46);
            Tint  = Color.Black;
            Alpha = 0.45f;
            Y     = 2;
            X     = 2;

            Ruleset = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular,
                                           OnlineManager.CurrentGame.Ruleset.ToString().Replace("_", " "))
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.MidLeft,
                X         = 20,
                FontSize  = 16,
                Tint      = Colors.MainAccent,


            // ReSharper disable once ObjectCreationAsStatement
            new Sprite
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.BotLeft,
                Size      = new ScalableVector2(Width, 1),
                Alpha     = 0.6f
コード例 #13
        /// <inheritdoc />
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public DrawableMapset(MapsetScrollContainer container)
            Container = container;
            Size      = new ScalableVector2(410, HEIGHT);
            Image     = UserInterface.SelectButtonBackground;

            Title = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, " ")
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopLeft,
                Position  = new ScalableVector2(15, 12),
                FontSize  = 18

            Artist = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, " ")
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopLeft,
                Position  = new ScalableVector2(Title.X, Title.Y + Title.Height + 3),
                FontSize  = 16

            Creator = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, " ")
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopRight,
                Position  = new ScalableVector2(-10, Artist.Y + Artist.Height + 6),
                FontSize  = 14

            Clicked += OnClicked;
コード例 #14
        /// <inheritdoc />
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        /// <param name="selected"></param>
        /// <param name="action"></param>
        public LeaderboardSelectorItem(string text, bool selected = false, EventHandler action = null)
            Selected = selected;
            Size     = new ScalableVector2(145, 40);
            Tint     = Color.Black;
            Alpha    = Selected ? 0.25f: 0;

            ItemText = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, text)
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.MidCenter,
                FontSize  = 18

            BottomLine = new Sprite()
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.BotCenter,
                Size      = new ScalableVector2(Selected ? Width : 0, 3)

            if (action != null)
                Clicked += action;
コード例 #15
        public SpectatorCount()
            SetChildrenVisibility = true;

            Eye = new Sprite
                Parent = this,
                Size   = new ScalableVector2(20, 20),
                Image  = FontAwesome.Get(FontAwesomeIcon.fa_eye_open),
                SetChildrenVisibility = true

            SpectatorsText = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular,
                                                  $" ")
                Parent    = Eye,
                Alignment = Alignment.MidLeft,
                FontSize  = 14,
                X         = Eye.X + Eye.Width + 10


            Size = new ScalableVector2(Eye.X + Eye.Width + 10 + SpectatorsText.Width, SpectatorsText.Height);

            OnlineManager.Client.OnSpectatorJoined += OnSpectatorJoined;
            OnlineManager.Client.OnSpectatorLeft   += OnSpectatorLeft;
コード例 #16
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateTextKey(string key) => TextKey = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, key)
     Parent    = this,
     Alignment = Type == ResultKeyValueItemType.Vertical ? Alignment.TopCenter : Alignment.TopLeft,
     Tint      = Colors.SecondaryAccent,
     FontSize  = 15
コード例 #17
        /// <inheritdoc />
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public DrawableDifficulty(DifficultyScrollContainer container)
            Container = container;

            Size  = new ScalableVector2(410, HEIGHT);
            Image = UserInterface.SelectButtonBackground;

            DifficultyName = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, " ")
                Parent   = this,
                Position = new ScalableVector2(15, 12),
                FontSize = 18

            TextDifficultyRating = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, " ")
                Parent   = this,
                Position = new ScalableVector2(DifficultyName.X, DifficultyName.Y + DifficultyName.Height + 4),
                Tint     = ColorHelper.DifficultyToColor(19.12f),
                FontSize = 16

            Creator = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, " ")
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopRight,
                Position  = new ScalableVector2(-5, TextDifficultyRating.Y + TextDifficultyRating.Height + 6),
                FontSize  = 14

            Clicked += OnClicked;
            ModManager.ModsChanged += OnModsChanged;
コード例 #18
        /// <inheritdoc />
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dialog"></param>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        public MenuDialogItem(MenuDialog dialog, PoolableScrollContainer <IMenuDialogOption> container, IMenuDialogOption item, int index)
            : base(container, item, index)
            Size  = new ScalableVector2(Container.Width, HEIGHT);
            Alpha = 0;

            Button = new MenuDialogItemButton(Container, (o, e) =>
                Parent = this,
                Size   = Size,
                Alpha  = 0

            Name = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, Item.Name)
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.MidLeft,
                X         = 15,
                FontSize  = 14,
                Tint      = Item.Color
コード例 #19
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates the text that says "Now Playing"
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateNowPlayingText() => NowPlayingText = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, "Now Playing")
     Parent    = TitleBackground,
     Alignment = Alignment.MidCenter,
     X         = 0,
     FontSize  = 16
コード例 #20
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates the text that displays "Order By:"
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateTextOrderBy() => OrderBy = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, "Order By:")
     Parent   = this,
     X        = TextSearch.X,
     Y        = TextSearch.Y + TextSearch.Height + 24,
     FontSize = 16
コード例 #21
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateTextFilters() => TextFilter = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, "Filter")
     Parent   = this,
     Y        = 15,
     X        = 15,
     Tint     = Colors.MainAccent,
     FontSize = 18
コード例 #22
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateTextCreator() => Creator = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, "Created By: ")
     Parent   = this,
     X        = Status.X,
     Y        = Artist.Y + Artist.Height + 15,
     Alpha    = 0,
     FontSize = 14
コード例 #23
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateTextArtist() => Artist = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, "Artist")
     Parent   = this,
     X        = Status.X,
     Y        = Title.Y + Title.Height + 15,
     Alpha    = 0,
     FontSize = 14
コード例 #24
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void CreatePlaybackRate() => PlaybackRate = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.AllerRegular,
                                                                          $"Playback Speed: 1.0x")
     Parent   = this,
     X        = TextBeatSnap.X,
     Y        = TextBeatSnap.Y + TextBeatSnap.Height + 14,
     FontSize = 16,
コード例 #25
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateTextBeatSnap() => TextBeatSnap = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.AllerRegular,
                                                                          $"Beat Snap: 1/{StringHelper.AddOrdinal(Screen.BeatSnap.Value)}")
     Parent   = this,
     X        = 10,
     Y        = ObjectCount.Y + ObjectCount.Height + 14,
     FontSize = 16
コード例 #26
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateTextObjectCount() => ObjectCount = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.AllerRegular,
                                                                            $"Object Count: {Screen.WorkingMap.HitObjects.Count:n0}")
     Parent   = this,
     X        = 10,
     Y        = HeaderBackground.Height + 10,
     FontSize = 16
コード例 #27
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateTextDownloadStatus() => Status = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, "Mapset Information")
     Parent   = this,
     Y        = 15,
     X        = 15,
     Tint     = Colors.MainAccent,
     FontSize = 18
コード例 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateTextTitle() => Title = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, "Title")
     Parent   = this,
     X        = Status.X,
     Y        = MapBanner.Y + MapBanner.Height + 15,
     Alpha    = 0,
     FontSize = 14
コード例 #29
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateTextSearch() => TextSearch = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, "Search")
     Parent   = this,
     Y        = 15,
     X        = 15,
     Tint     = Colors.MainAccent,
     FontSize = 18
コード例 #30
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateLayerName() => LayerName = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.AllerRegular, Item.Name)
     Parent    = this,
     FontSize  = 16,
     Alignment = Alignment.MidLeft,
     X         = EditLayerNameButton.X + EditLayerNameButton.Width + 10,
     Tint      = ColorHelper.ToXnaColor(Item.GetColor())