コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the outline, backdrop and title bar of the window
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawMainWindow(GameTime gameTime, SpriteBatchIsometric spriteBatch)
            // Use the GameInterface's window properties for drawing this window
            Rectangle drawRect;
            Color backdropColor = ApplyFade(WindowBackdropColor);
            Color traceColor = ApplyFade(WindowTraceColor);
            int titleBarThickness = WindowTitleBarThickness;
            int traceThickness = WindowTraceThickness;
            SpriteFont interfaceFont = InterfaceFont;

            // Draw the left and right edges
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                drawRect.Width = traceThickness;
                drawRect.Height = _rectangle.Height - traceThickness - titleBarThickness;
                drawRect.X = _rectangle.X + ((i % 2) * (_rectangle.Width - traceThickness));
                drawRect.Y = _rectangle.Y + titleBarThickness;
                spriteBatch.Draw(_texture, drawRect, traceColor);

            // Draw the bottom edge
            drawRect.Width = _rectangle.Width;
            drawRect.Height = traceThickness;
            drawRect.X = _rectangle.X;
            drawRect.Y = _rectangle.Y + _rectangle.Height - traceThickness;
            spriteBatch.Draw(_texture, drawRect, traceColor);

            // Draw the title bar
            drawRect.Height = titleBarThickness;
            drawRect.Y = _rectangle.Y;
            spriteBatch.Draw(_texture, drawRect, traceColor);

            // Draw the window title
            float drawY =
                drawRect.Y + drawRect.Height - (drawRect.Height / 2.0f)
                - interfaceFont.MeasureString(_windowTitle).Y / 2.0f;
            Vector2 drawPos;
            drawPos.X = drawRect.X + 10;
            drawPos.Y = drawY;
            spriteBatch.DrawString(interfaceFont, _windowTitle, drawPos, backdropColor);

            // Draw the backdrop
            drawRect.Width = _rectangle.Width - (traceThickness * 2);
            drawRect.Height = _rectangle.Height - titleBarThickness - traceThickness;
            drawRect.X = _rectangle.X + traceThickness;
            drawRect.Y = _rectangle.Y + titleBarThickness;
            spriteBatch.Draw(_texture, drawRect, backdropColor);