コード例 #1
        /// <summary>Write the .csv or .xlsx file and maybe send an open command to the system</summary>
        private void MenuFileExportSpreadsheet_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            MenuItem menuItem = (MenuItem)sender;
            bool exportXlsx = (sender == this.MenuFileExportXlsxAndOpen) || (sender == this.MenuFileExportXlsx);
            bool openFile = (sender == this.MenuFileExportXlsxAndOpen) || (sender == this.MenuFileExportCsvAndOpen);

            // backup any existing file as it's overwritten on export
            string spreadsheetFileExtension = exportXlsx ? Constant.File.ExcelFileExtension : Constant.File.CsvFileExtension;
            string spreadsheetFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this.dataHandler.FileDatabase.FileName) + spreadsheetFileExtension;
            string spreadsheetFilePath = Path.Combine(this.FolderPath, spreadsheetFileName);
            if (FileBackup.TryCreateBackup(this.FolderPath, spreadsheetFileName))
                this.statusBar.SetMessage("Backup of {0} made.", spreadsheetFileName);

            SpreadsheetReaderWriter spreadsheetWriter = new SpreadsheetReaderWriter();
                if (exportXlsx)
                    spreadsheetWriter.ExportFileDataToXlsx(this.dataHandler.FileDatabase, spreadsheetFilePath);
                    spreadsheetWriter.ExportFileDataToCsv(this.dataHandler.FileDatabase, spreadsheetFilePath);
                this.statusBar.SetMessage("Data exported to " + spreadsheetFileName);

                if (openFile)
                    // show the exported file in whatever program is associated with its extension
                    Process process = new Process();
                    process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
                    process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
                    process.StartInfo.FileName = spreadsheetFilePath;
            catch (IOException exception)
                MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox("Can't write the spreadsheet file.", this);
                messageBox.Message.StatusImage = MessageBoxImage.Error;
                messageBox.Message.Problem = "The following file can't be written: " + spreadsheetFilePath;
                messageBox.Message.Reason = "You may already have it open in Excel or another application.";
                messageBox.Message.Solution = "If the file is open in another application, close it and try again.";
                messageBox.Message.Hint = String.Format("{0}: {1}", exception.GetType().FullName, exception.Message);
コード例 #2
        private async void MenuFileImportSpreadsheet_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (this.state.SuppressSpreadsheetImportPrompt == false)
                MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox("How importing spreadsheet data works.", this, MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
                messageBox.Message.What = "Importing data from .csv (comma separated value) and .xslx (Excel) files follows the rules below.";
                messageBox.Message.Reason = "Carnassial requires the file follow a specific format and processes its data in a specific way.";
                messageBox.Message.Solution = "Modifying and importing a spreadsheet is supported only if the file is exported from and then back into image set with the same template." + Environment.NewLine;
                messageBox.Message.Solution += "A limited set of modifications is allowed:" + Environment.NewLine;
                messageBox.Message.Solution += "\u2022 Counter data must be zero or a positive integer." + Environment.NewLine;
                messageBox.Message.Solution += "\u2022 Flag data must be 'true' or 'false', case insensitive." + Environment.NewLine;
                messageBox.Message.Solution += "\u2022 FixedChoice data must be a string that exactly matches one of the FixedChoice menu options or the field's default value." + Environment.NewLine;
                messageBox.Message.Solution += String.Format("\u2022 DateTime must be in '{0}' format.{1}", Constant.Time.DateTimeDatabaseFormat, Environment.NewLine);
                messageBox.Message.Solution += String.Format("\u2022 UtcOffset must be a floating point number between {0} and {1}, inclusive.{2}", DateTimeHandler.ToDatabaseUtcOffsetString(Constant.Time.MinimumUtcOffset), DateTimeHandler.ToDatabaseUtcOffsetString(Constant.Time.MinimumUtcOffset), Environment.NewLine);
                messageBox.Message.Solution += "Changing these things either doesn't work or is best done with care:" + Environment.NewLine;
                messageBox.Message.Solution += "\u2022 FileName and RelativePath identify the file updates are applied to.  Changing them causes a different file to be updated or a new file to be added." + Environment.NewLine;
                messageBox.Message.Solution += "\u2022 RelativePath is interpreted relative to the spreadsheet file.  Make sure it's in the right place!" + Environment.NewLine;
                messageBox.Message.Solution += "\u2022 Column names can be swapped to assign data to different fields." + Environment.NewLine;
                messageBox.Message.Solution += "\u2022 Adding, removing, or otherwise changing columns is not supported." + Environment.NewLine;
                messageBox.Message.Solution += String.Format("\u2022 Using a worksheet with a name other than '{0}' in .xlsx files is not supported.{1}", Constant.Excel.FileDataWorksheetName, Environment.NewLine);
                messageBox.Message.Result = String.Format("Carnassial will create a backup .ddb file in the {0} folder and then import as much data as it can.  If data can't be imported you'll get a dialog listing the problems.", Constant.File.BackupFolder);
                messageBox.Message.Hint = "\u2022 After you import, check your data. If it is not what you expect, restore your data by using that backup file." + Environment.NewLine;
                messageBox.Message.Hint += String.Format("\u2022 Usually the spreadsheet should be in the same folder as the data file ({0}) it was exported from.{1}", Constant.File.FileDatabaseFileExtension, Environment.NewLine);
                messageBox.Message.Hint += "\u2022 If you check 'Don't show this message' this dialog can be turned back on via the Options menu.";
                messageBox.Message.StatusImage = MessageBoxImage.Information;
                messageBox.DontShowAgain.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                bool? proceeed = messageBox.ShowDialog();
                if (proceeed != true)

                if (messageBox.DontShowAgain.IsChecked.HasValue)
                    this.state.SuppressSpreadsheetImportPrompt = messageBox.DontShowAgain.IsChecked.Value;
                    this.MenuOptionsEnableCsvImportPrompt.IsChecked = !this.state.SuppressSpreadsheetImportPrompt;

            string defaultSpreadsheetFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(this.dataHandler.FileDatabase.FileName) + Constant.File.ExcelFileExtension;
            string spreadsheetFilePath;
            if (Utilities.TryGetFileFromUser("Select a file to merge into the current image set",
                                             Path.Combine(this.dataHandler.FileDatabase.FolderPath, defaultSpreadsheetFileName),
                                             String.Format("Spreadsheet files (*{0};*{1})|*{0};*{1}", Constant.File.CsvFileExtension, Constant.File.ExcelFileExtension),
                                             out spreadsheetFilePath) == false)

            // Create a backup database file
            if (FileBackup.TryCreateBackup(this.dataHandler.FileDatabase.FilePath))
                this.statusBar.SetMessage("Backup of data file made.");
                this.statusBar.SetMessage("No data file backup was made.");

            SpreadsheetReaderWriter spreadsheetReader = new SpreadsheetReaderWriter();
                List<string> importErrors;
                bool importSuccededFully;
                if (String.Equals(Path.GetExtension(spreadsheetFilePath), Constant.File.ExcelFileExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    importSuccededFully = spreadsheetReader.TryImportFileDataFromXlsx(spreadsheetFilePath, this.dataHandler.FileDatabase, out importErrors);
                    importSuccededFully = spreadsheetReader.TryImportFileDataFromCsv(spreadsheetFilePath, this.dataHandler.FileDatabase, out importErrors);
                if (importSuccededFully == false)
                    MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox("Spreadsheet import incomplete.", this);
                    messageBox.Message.StatusImage = MessageBoxImage.Error;
                    messageBox.Message.Problem = String.Format("The file {0} could not be fully read.", spreadsheetFilePath);
                    messageBox.Message.Reason = "The spreadsheet is not fully compatible with the current image set.";
                    messageBox.Message.Solution = "Check that:" + Environment.NewLine;
                    messageBox.Message.Solution += "\u2022 The first row of the file is a header line." + Environment.NewLine;
                    messageBox.Message.Solution += "\u2022 The column names in the header line match the database." + Environment.NewLine; 
                    messageBox.Message.Solution += "\u2022 Choice values use the correct case." + Environment.NewLine;
                    messageBox.Message.Solution += "\u2022 Counter values are numbers." + Environment.NewLine;
                    messageBox.Message.Solution += "\u2022 Flag values are either 'true' or 'false'.";
                    messageBox.Message.Result = "Either no data was imported or invalid parts of the spreadsheet were skipped.";
                    messageBox.Message.Hint = "The errors encountered were:";
                    foreach (string importError in importErrors)
                        messageBox.Message.Hint += "\u2022 " + importError;
            catch (Exception exception)
                MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox("Can't import the .csv file.", this);
                messageBox.Message.StatusImage = MessageBoxImage.Error;
                messageBox.Message.Problem = String.Format("The file {0} could not be opened.", spreadsheetFilePath);
                messageBox.Message.Reason = "Most likely the file is open in another program.";
                messageBox.Message.Solution = "If the file is open in another program, close it.";
                messageBox.Message.Result = String.Format("{0}: {1}", exception.GetType().FullName, exception.Message);
                messageBox.Message.Hint = "Is the file open in Excel?";

            // reload the file data table and update the enable/disable state of the user interface to match
            await this.SelectFilesAndShowFileAsync();
            await this.EnableOrDisableMenusAndControlsAsync();
            this.statusBar.SetMessage(".csv file imported.");
コード例 #3
        public void RoundtripSpreadsheets()
            foreach (string spreadsheetFileExtension in new List<string>() { Constant.File.CsvFileExtension, Constant.File.ExcelFileExtension })
                bool xlsx = spreadsheetFileExtension == Constant.File.ExcelFileExtension;

                // create database, push test images into the database, and load the image data table
                FileDatabase fileDatabase = this.CreateFileDatabase(TestConstant.File.DefaultTemplateDatabaseFileName, TestConstant.File.DefaultNewFileDatabaseFileName);
                List<FileExpectations> fileExpectations = this.PopulateDefaultDatabase(fileDatabase);

                // roundtrip data
                SpreadsheetReaderWriter readerWriter = new SpreadsheetReaderWriter();
                string initialFilePath = this.GetUniqueFilePathForTest(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Constant.File.DefaultFileDatabaseFileName) + spreadsheetFileExtension);
                if (xlsx)
                    readerWriter.ExportFileDataToXlsx(fileDatabase, initialFilePath);
                    readerWriter.ExportFileDataToCsv(fileDatabase, initialFilePath);

                List<string> importErrors;
                if (xlsx)
                    Assert.IsTrue(readerWriter.TryImportFileDataFromXlsx(initialFilePath, fileDatabase, out importErrors));
                    Assert.IsTrue(readerWriter.TryImportFileDataFromCsv(initialFilePath, fileDatabase, out importErrors));
                Assert.IsTrue(importErrors.Count == 0);

                // verify File table content hasn't changed
                TimeZoneInfo imageSetTimeZone = fileDatabase.ImageSet.GetTimeZone();
                for (int fileIndex = 0; fileIndex < fileExpectations.Count; ++fileIndex)
                    ImageRow file = fileDatabase.Files[fileIndex];
                    FileExpectations fileExpectation = fileExpectations[fileIndex];
                    fileExpectation.Verify(file, imageSetTimeZone);

                // verify consistency of .csv export
                string roundtripFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(initialFilePath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(initialFilePath) + ".Roundtrip" + spreadsheetFileExtension);
                if (xlsx)
                    readerWriter.ExportFileDataToXlsx(fileDatabase, roundtripFilePath);
                    readerWriter.ExportFileDataToCsv(fileDatabase, roundtripFilePath);

                if (xlsx == false)
                    // check .csv content is identical
                    // For .xlsx this isn't meaningful as file internals can change.
                    string initialFileContent = File.ReadAllText(initialFilePath);
                    string roundtripFileContent = File.ReadAllText(roundtripFilePath);
                    Assert.IsTrue(initialFileContent == roundtripFileContent, "Initial and roundtrip {0} files don't match.", spreadsheetFileExtension);

                // merge and refresh in memory table
                int filesBeforeMerge = fileDatabase.CurrentlySelectedFileCount;
                string mergeFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(initialFilePath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(initialFilePath) + ".FilesToMerge" + spreadsheetFileExtension);
                if (xlsx)
                    Assert.IsTrue(readerWriter.TryImportFileDataFromXlsx(mergeFilePath, fileDatabase, out importErrors));
                    Assert.IsTrue(readerWriter.TryImportFileDataFromCsv(mergeFilePath, fileDatabase, out importErrors));
                Assert.IsTrue(importErrors.Count == 0);

                Assert.IsTrue(fileDatabase.CurrentlySelectedFileCount - filesBeforeMerge == 2);

                // verify merge didn't affect existing File table content
                for (int fileIndex = 0; fileIndex < fileExpectations.Count; ++fileIndex)
                    ImageRow file = fileDatabase.Files[fileIndex];
                    FileExpectations fileExpectation = fileExpectations[fileIndex];
                    fileExpectation.Verify(file, imageSetTimeZone);