private async void addToBlacklist(string search) { //Check if the string is empty if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(search)) { return; } switch (cbx_Type.SelectedIndex) { case 0: // Spotify Artist Blacklist // If the API is not connected just don't do anything? if (APIHandler.spotify == null) { MessageDialogResult msgResult = await this.ShowMessageAsync("Notification", "Spotify is not connected. You need to connect to Spotify in order to fill the blacklist.", MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative); return; } // Perform a search via the spotify API SpotifyAPI.Web.Models.SearchItem searchItem = APIHandler.GetArtist(search); if (searchItem.Artists.Items.Count <= 0) { return; } SpotifyAPI.Web.Models.FullArtist fullartist = searchItem.Artists.Items[0]; foreach (object item in ListView_Blacklist.Items) { if (item.ToString() == fullartist.Name) { return; } } ListView_Blacklist.Items.Add(fullartist.Name); break; case 1: ListView_UserBlacklist.Items.Add(search); break; } SaveBlacklist(); }
public ArtistModel(string name, string id, SpotifyAPI.Web.Models.FullArtist artist) { Name = name; Id = id; Artist = artist; }