コード例 #1
        public void TestDataSplitTrainTestSerialization()
            var methodName       = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;
            var dataFilePath     = FileHelper.GetTestFile("mc_iris.txt");
            var cacheFile        = FileHelper.GetOutputFile("outputDataFilePath.idv", methodName);
            var trainFile        = FileHelper.GetOutputFile("iris_train.idv", methodName);
            var testFile         = FileHelper.GetOutputFile("iris_test.idv", methodName);
            var outModelFilePath = FileHelper.GetOutputFile("outModelFilePath.zip", methodName);
            var outData          = FileHelper.GetOutputFile("outData.txt", methodName);

            /*using (*/ var env = EnvHelper.NewTestEnvironment();
                var loader = env.CreateLoader("Text{col=Label:R4:0 col=Slength:R4:1 col=Swidth:R4:2 col=Plength:R4:3 col=Pwidth:R4:4 header=+}",
                                              new MultiFileSource(dataFilePath));

                var args = new SplitTrainTestTransform.Arguments
                    newColumn = "Part",
                    cacheFile = cacheFile,
                    filename  = new string[] { trainFile, testFile },
                    reuse     = true

                var transformedData = new SplitTrainTestTransform(env, args, loader);
                StreamHelper.SaveModel(env, transformedData, outModelFilePath);

                using (var fs = File.OpenRead(outModelFilePath))
                    var deserializedData = ModelFileUtils.LoadTransforms(env, loader, fs);
                    var saver            = env.CreateSaver("Text");
                    var columns          = new int[deserializedData.Schema.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < columns.Length; ++i)
                        columns[i] = i;
                    using (var fs2 = File.Create(outData))
                        saver.SaveData(fs2, deserializedData, columns);

                if (!File.Exists(cacheFile))
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(cacheFile);
                if (!File.Exists(trainFile))
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(trainFile);
                if (!File.Exists(testFile))
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(testFile);
コード例 #2
        static void TestSplitTrainTestTransform(string option, int numThreads = 1)
            /*using (*/
            var host = EnvHelper.NewTestEnvironment(conc: numThreads == 1 ? 1 : 0);
                var inputsl = new List <InputOutput>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
                    inputsl.Add(new InputOutput {
                        X = new float[] { 0, 1 }, Y = i
                var inputs = inputsl.ToArray();
                var data   = DataViewConstructionUtils.CreateFromEnumerable(host, inputs);

                var args = new SplitTrainTestTransform.Arguments {
                    newColumn = "Part", numThreads = numThreads
                if (option == "2")
                    var methodName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;
                    var cacheFile  = FileHelper.GetOutputFile("cacheFile.idv", methodName);
                    args.cacheFile = cacheFile;

                var transformedData = new SplitTrainTestTransform(host, args, data);

                var counter1 = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();
                using (var cursor = transformedData.GetRowCursor(transformedData.OutputSchema))
                    int index            = SchemaHelper.GetColumnIndex(cursor.Schema, "Y");
                    var sortColumnGetter = cursor.GetGetter <int>(SchemaHelper._dc(index, cursor));
                    index = SchemaHelper.GetColumnIndex(cursor.Schema, args.newColumn);
                    var partGetter = cursor.GetGetter <int>(SchemaHelper._dc(index, cursor));
                    var schema     = SchemaHelper.ToString(cursor.Schema);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schema))
                        throw new Exception("null");
                    if (!schema.Contains("Part:I4"))
                        throw new Exception(schema);
                    var schema2 = SchemaHelper.ToString(transformedData.OutputSchema);
                    SchemaHelper.CheckSchema(host, transformedData.OutputSchema, cursor.Schema);
                    int got  = 0;
                    int part = 0;
                    while (cursor.MoveNext())
                        sortColumnGetter(ref got);
                        partGetter(ref part);
                        if (!counter1.ContainsKey(part))
                            counter1[part] = new List <int>();
                        if (counter1[part].Any() && got.Equals(counter1[part][counter1[part].Count - 1]))
                            throw new Exception("Unexpected value, they should be all different.");

                // Check than there is no overlap.
                if (counter1.Count != 2)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Too many or not enough parts: {0}", counter1.Count));
                var nb = counter1.Select(c => c.Value.Count).Sum();
                if (inputs.Length != nb)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Length mismath: {0} != {1}", inputs.Length, nb));
                foreach (var part in counter1)
                    var hash = part.Value.ToDictionary(c => c, d => d);
                    if (hash.Count != part.Value.Count)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Not identical id for part {0}", part));
                var part0 = new HashSet <int>(counter1[0]);
                var part1 = new HashSet <int>(counter1[1]);
                if (part0.Intersect(part1).Any())
                    throw new Exception("Intersection is not null.");

                // Check sizes.
                if (part0.Count > part1.Count * 2 + 15)
                    throw new Exception("Size are different from ratios.");
                if (part0.Count < part1.Count + 5)
                    throw new Exception("Size are different from ratios.");

                // We check a second run brings the same results (CacheView).
                var counter2 = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();
                using (var cursor = transformedData.GetRowCursor(transformedData.OutputSchema))
                    var schema = SchemaHelper.ToString(cursor.Schema);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(schema))
                        throw new Exception("null");
                    if (!schema.Contains("Part:I4"))
                        throw new Exception(schema);
                    var schema2 = SchemaHelper.ToString(transformedData.OutputSchema);
                    SchemaHelper.CheckSchema(host, transformedData.OutputSchema, cursor.Schema);
                    int index            = SchemaHelper.GetColumnIndex(cursor.Schema, "Y");
                    var sortColumnGetter = cursor.GetGetter <int>(SchemaHelper._dc(index, cursor));
                    index = SchemaHelper.GetColumnIndex(cursor.Schema, args.newColumn);
                    var partGetter = cursor.GetGetter <int>(SchemaHelper._dc(index, cursor));
                    int got        = 0;
                    int part       = 0;
                    while (cursor.MoveNext())
                        sortColumnGetter(ref got);
                        partGetter(ref part);
                        if (!counter2.ContainsKey(part))
                            counter2[part] = new List <int>();

                if (counter1.Count != counter2.Count)
                    throw new Exception("Not the same number of parts.");
                foreach (var pair in counter1)
                    var list1   = pair.Value;
                    var list2   = counter2[pair.Key];
                    var difList = list1.Where(a => !list2.Any(a1 => a1 == a))
                                  .Union(list2.Where(a => !list1.Any(a1 => a1 == a)));
                    if (difList.Any())
                        throw new Exception("Not the same results for a part.");