コード例 #1
    IEnumerator DrawRoads()
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3f));

        UnityEngine.Terrain t       = GetComponent <UnityEngine.Terrain>();
        Texture2D           texture = t.terrainData.splatPrototypes[0].texture;

        while (true)
            for (int x = 0; x < GameManager.WIDTH; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < GameManager.LENGTH; y++)
//                    texture.SetPixel(y, x, texture.GetPixel(y, x) + (Color.black * Roads[x, y]));
                    if (Roads[x, y] > 0)
                        float h, s, v;
                        Color.RGBToHSV(texture.GetPixel(x, y), out h, out s, out v);
                        Color c = Color.HSVToRGB(h, s, 1.0f - Roads[x, y]);
                        texture.SetPixel(x, y, c);

            SplatPrototype splat = new SplatPrototype();
            splat.texture    = texture;
            splat.tileOffset = new Vector2(0, 0);
            splat.tileSize   = new Vector2(GameManager.WIDTH, GameManager.LENGTH);
            t.terrainData.splatPrototypes = new SplatPrototype[] { splat };

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1f));
コード例 #2
        private void SetNormals()
#if UNITY_2017 || UNITY_2018_1 || UNITY_2018_2
            var splatProtos = new List <SplatPrototype>();
            for (var i = 0; i < albedos.Count; i++)
                var prototype = new SplatPrototype();
                prototype.texture   = albedos[i];
                prototype.normalMap = normals[normalCount[i]];
                splatProtos.Insert(i, prototype);

            Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(terrain.gameObject, "AddNormalsToSplats");
            terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes = splatProtos.ToArray();
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
            var splatProtos = new List <TerrainLayer>();
            for (var i = 0; i < albedos.Count; i++)
                var prototype = new TerrainLayer();
                prototype.diffuseTexture   = albedos[i];
                prototype.normalMapTexture = normals[normalCount[i]];
                splatProtos.Insert(i, prototype);
            Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(terrain.gameObject, "AddNormalsToSplats");
            terrain.terrainData.terrainLayers = splatProtos.ToArray();
コード例 #3
    public void exportSplatTexture_NotRun()
        string         path       = Application.streamingAssetsPath;
        int            idx        = 0;
        SplatPrototype splatLayer = null;
        Texture2D      writeTex   = null;
        Color          color;

        for (idx = 0; idx < terrainData.splatPrototypes.Length; ++idx)
            splatLayer = terrainData.splatPrototypes[idx];
            writeTex   = new Texture2D(splatLayer.texture.width, splatLayer.texture.height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false);

            for (int imageY = 0; imageY < splatLayer.texture.height; ++imageY)
                for (int imageX = 0; imageX < splatLayer.texture.width; ++imageX)
                    // 这个纹理是不能读写的,需要使用 AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath 读取纹理目录
                    color = splatLayer.texture.GetPixel(imageX, imageY);
                    writeTex.SetPixel(imageX, imageY, color);
            UtilPath.saveTex2File(splatLayer.texture, path + "/SplatTextures" + idx + ".png");
コード例 #4
ファイル: MapGen.cs プロジェクト: RayRayner/gam250
    //Creating various prototypes (needed)
    void Prototypes()
        //Ground textures
        splats = new SplatPrototype[2];

        splats[0]          = new SplatPrototype();
        splats[0].texture  = splat0;
        splats[0].tileSize = new Vector2(splat0Size, splat0Size);

        splats[1]          = new SplatPrototype();
        splats[1].texture  = splat1;
        splats[1].tileSize = new Vector2(splat1Size, splat1Size);

        //Grass textures
        details = new DetailPrototype[3];

        details[0] = new DetailPrototype();
        details[0].prototypeTexture = detail0;
        details[0].renderMode       = DetailRenderMode.GrassBillboard;
        details[0].healthyColor     = Color.green;
        details[0].dryColor         = Color.grey;

        details[1] = new DetailPrototype();
        details[1].prototypeTexture = detail1;
        details[1].renderMode       = DetailRenderMode.GrassBillboard;
        details[1].healthyColor     = Color.green;
        details[1].dryColor         = Color.grey;

        details[2] = new DetailPrototype();
        details[2].prototypeTexture = detail2;
        details[2].renderMode       = DetailRenderMode.GrassBillboard;
        details[2].healthyColor     = Color.green;
        details[2].dryColor         = Color.grey;
コード例 #5
        private void ApplyTextures(TerrainData terrainData)
            var flatSplat  = new SplatPrototype();
            var steepSplat = new SplatPrototype();

            flatSplat.texture  = Settings.FlatTexture;
            steepSplat.texture = Settings.SteepTexture;

            terrainData.splatPrototypes = new SplatPrototype[]


            var splatMap = new float[terrainData.alphamapResolution, terrainData.alphamapResolution, 2];

            for (var zRes = 0; zRes < terrainData.alphamapHeight; zRes++)
                for (var xRes = 0; xRes < terrainData.alphamapWidth; xRes++)
                    var normalizedX = (float)xRes / (terrainData.alphamapWidth - 1);
                    var normalizedZ = (float)zRes / (terrainData.alphamapHeight - 1);

                    var steepness           = terrainData.GetSteepness(normalizedX, normalizedZ);
                    var steepnessNormalized = Mathf.Clamp(steepness / 1.5f, 0, 1f);

                    splatMap[zRes, xRes, 0] = 1f - steepnessNormalized;
                    splatMap[zRes, xRes, 1] = steepnessNormalized;

            terrainData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, splatMap);
コード例 #6
    void CreateProtoTypes()
        if (_AddTrees)
            _treeData = new TreePrototype[_Trees.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < _Trees.Length; i++)
                _treeData[i]        = new TreePrototype();
                _treeData[i].prefab = _Trees[i];
        if (_AddTexture)
            _TerrainTexture[0]         = new SplatPrototype();
            _TerrainTexture[0].texture = _TerTexture;

        if (_AddGrass)
            _detailData = new DetailPrototype[1];

            _detailData[0] = new DetailPrototype();
            _detailData[0].prototypeTexture = _Grass;
            _detailData[0].renderMode       = DetailRenderMode.GrassBillboard;
コード例 #7
        // ###################################################################################################################
        // ############################ Methods used mostly by the Custom Editor classes #####################################
        // ###################################################################################################################

        public override void GenerateBiome()
            MaterialTerrain bioMat = BiomeManager.GetMaterial(biome);


            SplatPrototype[] splats = new SplatPrototype[1];
            splats[0]         = new SplatPrototype();
            splats[0].texture = (Texture2D)(bioMat.GetTexture("_Texture0"));
            terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes = splats;

            if (WorldManager.worldInstance.shaderType == eShaderType.Shader_OriginalMode)
                bioMat.material.SetFloat("_Transition1", terrain.terrainData.size[0] / 2);
                bioMat.material.SetFloat("_Transition2", terrain.terrainData.size[0] / 2);
                bioMat.material.SetInt("_TransitionType1", 0);
                bioMat.material.SetInt("_TransitionType2", 0);
                bioMat.material.SetFloat("_TransitionPos0", 0);
                bioMat.material.SetFloat("_TransitionPos1", 0);
                bioMat.material.SetFloat("_LimitMax", terrain.terrainData.size[0]);
            bioMat.material.SetFloat("_MapHeight", terrain.terrainData.size[1]);
            bioMat.material.SetFloat("_MapSize", terrain.terrainData.size[0]);

            terrain.materialType     = Terrain.MaterialType.Custom;
            terrain.materialTemplate = (Material)Instantiate(bioMat.material);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies an array of Gaia Splat prototypes to a terrain. Uses the correct terrain API for pre and post Unity 2018.3.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="terrain">The terrain to assign the splat prototypes to.</param>
        /// <param name="splats">Array of GaiaSplatPrototypes to assign to the terrain.</param>
        /// <param name="terrainName">The current Gaia profile. Used for terrain layer asset filenames.</param>
        public static void SetGaiaSplatPrototypes(Terrain terrain, GaiaSplatPrototype[] splats, string terrainName)
            if (terrain != null && splats != null)
#if UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
                TerrainLayer[] terrainLayers = new TerrainLayer[splats.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < splats.Length; i++)
                    terrainLayers[i] = splats[i].Convert();

                //completely remove all old splat prototypes first to prevent build-up of abandoned files

                //Permanently save the new layers as asset files & get a reference, else they will not work properly in the terrain
                for (int i = 0; i < terrainLayers.Length; i++)
                    terrainLayers[i] = SaveTerrainLayerAsAsset(terrainName, i.ToString(), terrainLayers[i]);
                terrain.terrainData.terrainLayers = terrainLayers;
                SplatPrototype[] splatPrototypes = new SplatPrototype[splats.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < splats.Length; i++)
                    splatPrototypes[i] = splats[i].Convert();
                terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes = splatPrototypes;
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a Terrain Texture list to a Splat Prototype list
        /// If the Texture is tinted, use the tinted texture rather than the main texture
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The splat prototype list.</returns>
        /// <param name="terrainTextureList">Terrain texture list.</param>
        public static List <SplatPrototype> ToSplatPrototypeList(List <LBTerrainTexture> terrainTextureList)
            if (terrainTextureList != null)
                List <SplatPrototype> splatPrototypeList = new List <SplatPrototype>();

                for (int i = 0; i < terrainTextureList.Count; i++)
                    SplatPrototype temp = new SplatPrototype();

                    temp.texture = terrainTextureList[i].GetTexture2D();

                    // Currently, rotation of normalmaps produces incorrect results.
                    // If it is rotated, rotate the normalmap too
                    //if (terrainTextureList[i].isRotated && terrainTextureList[i].normalMap != null)
                    //    // At Runtime, the normalmap would need to already be readable.
                    //    temp.normalMap = LBTextureOperations.RotateTexture(terrainTextureList[i].normalMap, terrainTextureList[i].rotationAngle);
                    //else { temp.normalMap = terrainTextureList[i].normalMap; }

                    temp.normalMap  = terrainTextureList[i].normalMap;
                    temp.smoothness = terrainTextureList[i].smoothness;
                    temp.metallic   = terrainTextureList[i].metallic;
                    temp.tileSize   = terrainTextureList[i].tileSize;
コード例 #10
    // Token: 0x0600001A RID: 26 RVA: 0x00003A1C File Offset: 0x00001C1C
    private static void ExportSplat()
        int num = LayaTerrainExporter.m_terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes.Length;

        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
            SplatPrototype  splatPrototype  = LayaTerrainExporter.m_terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes[i];
            Texture2D       texture2D       = splatPrototype.texture;
            string          assetPath       = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(texture2D.GetInstanceID());
            TextureImporter textureImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(assetPath) as TextureImporter;
            textureImporter.isReadable         = true;
            textureImporter.textureCompression = 0;
            FileStream fileStream = File.Open(LayaTerrainExporter.m_saveLocation + "/" + texture2D.name.ToLower() + ".jpg", FileMode.Create);
            new BinaryWriter(fileStream).Write(texture2D.EncodeToJPG());
            if (splatPrototype.normalMap != null)
                texture2D = splatPrototype.normalMap;
                string          assetPath2       = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(texture2D.GetInstanceID());
                TextureImporter textureImporter2 = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(assetPath2) as TextureImporter;
                textureImporter2.isReadable         = true;
                textureImporter2.textureCompression = 0;
                FileStream fileStream2 = File.Open(LayaTerrainExporter.m_saveLocation + "/" + texture2D.name.ToLower() + ".jpg", FileMode.Create);
                new BinaryWriter(fileStream2).Write(texture2D.EncodeToJPG());
コード例 #11
        public void BuildTerrainLayers()
            Assert.AreEqual(AlphaWidth, AlphaHeight, "Alpha map width must be equal to its height");

            int numLayers = Layers.Count;

            SplatPrototype[] splats = new SplatPrototype[numLayers];
            float[,,] weights = new float[AlphaWidth, AlphaHeight, numLayers];

            int i = 0;

            foreach (I3DTerrainLayer layer in Layers.OrderBy(x => x.Priority))
                splats[i] = layer.SplatMap;

                for (int y = 0; y < AlphaHeight; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < AlphaWidth; x++)
                        weights[x, y, i] = layer.Weights[x, y];


            TerrainData.alphamapResolution = AlphaWidth;
            TerrainData.splatPrototypes    = splats;
            TerrainData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, weights);

            Terrain.terrainData         = TerrainData;
            TerrainCollider.terrainData = TerrainData;
コード例 #12
        void SetupTextures()
            if (terrain == null || terrain.terrainData == null)

            var splats = new List <SplatPrototype>();

            foreach (var texture in textures)
                var splat = new SplatPrototype();
                splat.texture    = texture.diffuse;
                splat.normalMap  = texture.normal;
                splat.metallic   = texture.metallic;
                splat.tileOffset = texture.offset;
                if (texture.size == Vector2.zero)
                    texture.size = new Vector2(15, 15);
                splat.tileSize = texture.size;

            var data = terrain.terrainData;

            data.splatPrototypes = splats.ToArray();
コード例 #13
        public void setTexture(Texture2D texture, int chunk_size)
            Debug.Assert(0 < chunk_size);

            TerrainData tData     = this.terrain.terrainData;
            Vector3     tDataSize = tData.size;

            tData.alphamapResolution = chunk_size;

            SplatPrototype[] splatprototype = new SplatPrototype[1];
            splatprototype[0]          = new SplatPrototype();
            splatprototype[0].texture  = texture;
            splatprototype[0].tileSize = new Vector2(tDataSize.x, tDataSize.z);

            tData.splatPrototypes = splatprototype;

            int al_w = tData.alphamapWidth;
            int al_h = tData.alphamapHeight;

            float[,,] map = new float[al_w, al_h, 1];

            for (int x = 0; x < al_w; x += 1)
                for (int z = 0; z < al_h; z += 1)
                    map[x, z, 0] = 1f;

            tData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, map);
            this.terrain.terrainData = tData;
コード例 #14
 private void ApplyTerrainSplat()
     if (this.m_Terrain == null || this.m_Terrain.terrainData == null)
     SplatPrototype[] array = this.m_Terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes;
     if (this.m_Index == -1)
         SplatPrototype[] array2 = new SplatPrototype[array.Length + 1];
         Array.Copy(array, 0, array2, 0, array.Length);
         this.m_Index        = array.Length;
         array               = array2;
         array[this.m_Index] = new SplatPrototype();
     array[this.m_Index].texture                = this.m_Texture;
     array[this.m_Index].normalMap              = this.m_NormalMap;
     array[this.m_Index].tileSize               = this.m_TileSize;
     array[this.m_Index].tileOffset             = this.m_TileOffset;
     array[this.m_Index].specular               = this.m_Specular;
     array[this.m_Index].metallic               = this.m_Metallic;
     array[this.m_Index].smoothness             = this.m_Smoothness;
     this.m_Terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes = array;
コード例 #15
ファイル: LE_LogicTerrain.cs プロジェクト: neople82/Lemon
 public void AddTerrainTexture(Texture2D p_texture)
     if (m_confT.TerrainTextureConfig != null)
         if (m_GUI3dTerrain != null && m_GUI3dTerrain.TerrainManager != null && m_GUI3dTerrain.TerrainManager.TerrainData != null)
             SplatPrototype[] splatTexturesOld = m_GUI3dTerrain.TerrainManager.TerrainData.splatPrototypes;
             SplatPrototype[] splatTexturesNew = new SplatPrototype[splatTexturesOld.Length + 1];
             System.Array.Copy(splatTexturesOld, splatTexturesNew, splatTexturesOld.Length);
             int textureIndex = GetTextureIndex(p_texture);
             if (textureIndex >= 0)
                 splatTexturesNew[splatTexturesNew.Length - 1]             = new SplatPrototype();
                 splatTexturesNew[splatTexturesNew.Length - 1].texture     = m_confT.TerrainTextureConfig.TERRAIN_TEXTURES[textureIndex];
                 splatTexturesNew[splatTexturesNew.Length - 1].tileSize    = m_confT.TerrainTextureConfig.TERRAIN_TEXTURE_SIZES[textureIndex];
                 splatTexturesNew[splatTexturesNew.Length - 1].tileOffset  = m_confT.TerrainTextureConfig.TERRAIN_TEXTURE_OFFSETS[textureIndex];
                 m_GUI3dTerrain.TerrainManager.TerrainData.splatPrototypes = splatTexturesNew;
                 m_doRebuildTerrainTab = true;
                 // notify listeners that the level data was changed
                 if (LE_EventInterface.OnChangeLevelData != null)
                     LE_EventInterface.OnChangeLevelData(this, new LE_LevelDataChangedEvent(LE_ELevelDataChangeType.TERRAIN_TEXTURES));
                 Debug.LogError("LE_LogicTerrain: AddTerrainTexture: could not find given texture in TerrainTextureConfig!");
         Debug.LogError("LE_LogicTerrain: AddTerrainTexture: LE_ConfigTerrain has no TerrainTextureConfig set!");
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Edit splatprototype
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="terrainData"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="main"></param>
        /// <param name="norm"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        /// <param name="metallic"></param>
        /// <param name="smoothness"></param>
        /// <param name="specularColor"></param>
        public static void EditSplatTexture(TerrainData terrainData, int index, Texture2D main, Texture2D norm, Vector2 size, Vector2 offset, float metallic, float smoothness, Color specularColor)
            if (index < 0 || index >= terrainData.splatPrototypes.Length)

            int ttLength = terrainData.splatPrototypes.Length;

            SplatPrototype[] sp = new SplatPrototype[ttLength];

            for (int i = 0; i < ttLength; i++)
                if (index == i)
                    sp[index]            = new SplatPrototype();
                    sp[index].texture    = main;
                    sp[index].normalMap  = norm;
                    sp[index].tileSize   = size;
                    sp[index].tileOffset = offset;
                    sp[index].metallic   = metallic;
                    sp[index].smoothness = smoothness;
                    sp[index].specular   = specularColor;
                    sp[i] = terrainData.splatPrototypes[i];

            terrainData.splatPrototypes = sp;
コード例 #17
    public IEnumerator CreateTerrainZoom(int zoom)
        Terrain t1 = GetComponent <Terrain>();

        t1.basemapDistance = 10000;
        Latlong       RBLl   = HarvenSin.pixelToLatlong(new Vector2(512 * 16, 512 * 16), latlongLT, zoom);
        ElevationData evData = new ElevationData();

        //string ElvURL = "http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Elevation/Bounds?bounds="+ RBLl.lati+","+latlongLT.longti+","+latlongLT.lati+","+ RBLl.longti+"&rows=32&cols=32&heights=ellipsoid&key="+bingKey;
        //yield return StartCoroutine(evData.GetDataFormUrl(ElvURL));
        yield return(StartCoroutine(evData.GetElv(latlongLT, zoom)));

        float[,] heightmap = evData.GetHeightMap();
        //float[,] heightmap = evData.GetHeightMap(32, 32);
        t1.terrainData.heightmapResolution = evData.size;
        t1.terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, heightmap);
        //yield return StartCoroutine(GetImageFormTile(latlongLT,16,16,19));
        yield return(StartCoroutine(ImageDataP.GetImageFormUrl(latlongLT, 16, 16, zoom)));

        SplatPrototype[] sp = new SplatPrototype[1];
        t1.terrainData.size = new Vector3((float)HarvenSin.Distance(latlongLT.lati, latlongLT.longti, latlongLT.lati, RBLl.longti) * 1000, 10000f, (float)HarvenSin.Distance(RBLl.lati, latlongLT.longti, latlongLT.lati, latlongLT.longti) * 1000f);
        sp[0] = CreateSplatPrototype(imageCombined, new Vector2(t1.terrainData.size.x, t1.terrainData.size.z), new Vector2(0f, 0f));
        File.WriteAllBytes("Assets/TerrainTexture/test.jpg", imageCombined.EncodeToJPG());//output Texture
        t1.terrainData.splatPrototypes = sp;
コード例 #18
    private static void ExportSplat()
        int length = m_terrain.get_terrainData().get_splatPrototypes().Length;

        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            SplatPrototype prototype           = m_terrain.get_terrainData().get_splatPrototypes()[i];
            Texture2D      textured            = prototype.get_texture();
            string         assetPath           = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(textured.GetInstanceID());
            UnityEditor.TextureImporter atPath = UnityEditor.AssetImporter.GetAtPath(assetPath) as UnityEditor.TextureImporter;
            atPath.isReadable         = true;
            atPath.textureCompression = UnityEditor.TextureImporterCompression.Uncompressed;
            FileStream output = File.Open(m_saveLocation + "/" + textured.get_name().ToLower() + ".jpg", System.IO.FileMode.Create);
            new BinaryWriter(output).Write(ImageConversion.EncodeToJPG(textured));
            if (prototype.get_normalMap() != null)
                textured = prototype.get_normalMap();
                string path = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(textured.GetInstanceID());
                UnityEditor.TextureImporter importer2 = UnityEditor.AssetImporter.GetAtPath(path) as UnityEditor.TextureImporter;
                importer2.isReadable         = true;
                importer2.textureCompression = UnityEditor.TextureImporterCompression.Uncompressed;
                FileStream stream2 = File.Open(m_saveLocation + "/" + textured.get_name().ToLower() + ".jpg", System.IO.FileMode.Create);
                new BinaryWriter(stream2).Write(ImageConversion.EncodeToJPG(textured));
コード例 #19
    public float startTime = 0.0f;  //Start Time for PerlinNoise

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //Get the terrain collider of the terrain to acces information of it
        TerrainCollider terrainCollider = gameObject.GetComponent <TerrainCollider>();

        //Error control
        if (terrainCollider == null)
            Debug.Log("Could not get TerrainCollider from Terrain object");
            Debug.Break();//Stop execution

        myTerrainData      = terrainCollider.terrainData; //set the data variable
        myTerrainData.size = worldSize;                   //set the size based on the editor
        myTerrainData.heightmapResolution = resolution;   //set the resolution based on the editor

        //a SplatPrototype is the brush stencil to be applied in the terrain, in this case only one
        SplatPrototype[] terrainTexture = new SplatPrototype[1];
        terrainTexture[0]         = new SplatPrototype();
        terrainTexture[0].texture = myTexture;

        //If the resolution is larger than 1K force it 1K the larger the terrain the more time it takes to fill
        //the height map, height maps are prefered in powers of 2 + 1
        if (resolution > 513)
            resolution = 513;

コード例 #20
    public static SplatPrototype[] CreateSplatPrototype()
#if UNITY_2018
        TerrainLayer[] splats = Resources.LoadAll <TerrainLayer>("Terrain/TerrainLayers");
        Texture2D[]      texturesRes = Resources.LoadAll <Texture2D>("Terrain/Textures");
        SplatPrototype[] splats      = new SplatPrototype[texturesRes.Length];
        for (int i = 0, length = splats.Length; i < length; i++)
            SplatPrototype splat = new SplatPrototype
                texture = texturesRes[i],
            //if (normalMaps.Count > 0)
            //    splat.normalMap = normalMaps.Dequeue();

            splats[i] = splat;
コード例 #21
        SplatPrototype[] GetPrototypes()
            Util.Map.Location map = global.map;

            string[] textures = WorldConfig.GetTilesList(map);

            if (textures.Length == 0)
                return(new SplatPrototype[0]);

            string dir = Util.File.WorldStorageDir(map);

            SplatPrototype[] array = new SplatPrototype[textures.Length + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < textures.Length; ++i)
                if (textures[i] == null)
                    array[i] = new SplatPrototype();
                    array[i] = GetSplat(Util.File.DIRECTORY_DATA + dir + "/" + textures[i] + ".jpg");

            //simple texture from settings
            array[textures.Length]          = new SplatPrototype();
            array[textures.Length].texture  = Util.Data.CreateFillTexture(WorldConfig.GetBackground(map), 256, 256);
            array[textures.Length].tileSize = new Vector2(Config.TileSize, Config.TileSize);
コード例 #22
    /* TODO: Show the below struct editors using standard inspector drawing tools */

    bool ShowSplatPrototype(SplatPrototype splatPrototype, int id)
        bool removeThis = false;

            GUILayout.Label(id.ToString() + ". " + (splatPrototype.texture != null ? splatPrototype.texture.name : ""));

                splatPrototype.texture = EGL.ObjectField(splatPrototype.texture, typeof(Texture2D), false, GUILayout.Width(64f), GUILayout.Height(64f)) as Texture2D;

                    splatPrototype.tileOffset = EGL.Vector2Field("Tile Offset", splatPrototype.tileOffset);
                    splatPrototype.tileSize   = EGL.Vector2Field("Tile Size", splatPrototype.tileSize);

                if (GUILayout.Button("Remove", GUILayout.Width(64f), GUILayout.Height(64f)))
                    removeThis = true;

コード例 #23
        public void GetSplatTextures()
            if (!CheckValidUnityTerrain())

            for (int i = 0; i < terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes.Length; i++)
                SplatPrototype    s = terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes[i];
                TC_SplatPrototype d = new TC_SplatPrototype();
                d.texture    = s.texture;
                d.normalMap  = s.normalMap;
                d.metallic   = s.metallic;
                d.smoothness = s.smoothness;
                d.tileOffset = s.tileOffset;
                d.tileSize   = s.tileSize;

            //if (splatColors == null) splatColors = new Color[splatPrototypes.Count];
            //if (splatColors.Length != splatPrototypes.Count) splatColors = new Color[splatPrototypes.Count];
            //Debug.Log("Getsplat texture colors");
            //for (int i = 0; i < splatColors.Length; i++)
            //    if (splatPrototypes[i].texture != null) splatColors[i] = GetTextureColor(splatPrototypes[i].texture, 1);
コード例 #24
        void InitializeData(Terrain terrain, int index)
            m_Terrain = terrain;
            m_Index   = index;

            SplatPrototype info;

            if (index == -1)
                info = new SplatPrototype();
                info = m_Terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes[index];

            m_Texture    = info.texture;
            m_NormalMap  = info.normalMap;
            m_TileSize   = info.tileSize;
            m_TileOffset = info.tileOffset;
            m_Specular   = info.specular;
            m_Metallic   = info.metallic;
            m_Smoothness = info.smoothness;

コード例 #25
 private void ApplyTerrainSplat()
     if ((UnityEngine.Object) this.m_Terrain == (UnityEngine.Object)null || (UnityEngine.Object) this.m_Terrain.terrainData == (UnityEngine.Object)null)
     SplatPrototype[] splatPrototypeArray1 = this.m_Terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes;
     if (this.m_Index == -1)
         SplatPrototype[] splatPrototypeArray2 = new SplatPrototype[splatPrototypeArray1.Length + 1];
         Array.Copy((Array)splatPrototypeArray1, 0, (Array)splatPrototypeArray2, 0, splatPrototypeArray1.Length);
         this.m_Index         = splatPrototypeArray1.Length;
         splatPrototypeArray1 = splatPrototypeArray2;
         splatPrototypeArray1[this.m_Index] = new SplatPrototype();
     splatPrototypeArray1[this.m_Index].texture    = this.m_Texture;
     splatPrototypeArray1[this.m_Index].normalMap  = this.m_NormalMap;
     splatPrototypeArray1[this.m_Index].tileSize   = this.m_TileSize;
     splatPrototypeArray1[this.m_Index].tileOffset = this.m_TileOffset;
     splatPrototypeArray1[this.m_Index].specular   = this.m_Specular;
     splatPrototypeArray1[this.m_Index].metallic   = this.m_Metallic;
     splatPrototypeArray1[this.m_Index].smoothness = this.m_Smoothness;
     this.m_Terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes    = splatPrototypeArray1;
     EditorUtility.SetDirty((UnityEngine.Object) this.m_Terrain);
コード例 #26
        void ApplyTerrainSplat()
            if (m_Terrain == null || m_Terrain.terrainData == null)

            SplatPrototype[] infos = m_Terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes;
            if (m_Index == -1)
                var newarray = new SplatPrototype[infos.Length + 1];
                System.Array.Copy(infos, 0, newarray, 0, infos.Length);
                m_Index        = infos.Length;
                infos          = newarray;
                infos[m_Index] = new SplatPrototype();

            infos[m_Index].texture    = m_Texture;
            infos[m_Index].normalMap  = m_NormalMap;
            infos[m_Index].tileSize   = m_TileSize;
            infos[m_Index].tileOffset = m_TileOffset;
            infos[m_Index].specular   = m_Specular;
            infos[m_Index].metallic   = m_Metallic;
            infos[m_Index].smoothness = m_Smoothness;

            m_Terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes = infos;
コード例 #27
ファイル: XTerrain.cs プロジェクト: olivierh59500/DEMO
    /// <summary>
    /// Applies the textures.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="terrainData">Terrain data.</param>
    private void    ApplyTextures(TerrainData terrainData)
        List <SplatPrototype> splats = new List <SplatPrototype>();

        for (int i = 0; i < Setting.Textures.Count; i++)
            SplatPrototype splat = new SplatPrototype();
            splat.texture = Setting.Textures[i];

        terrainData.splatPrototypes = splats.ToArray();

        Texture2D alphamap = NoiseProvider.GetAlphamap();
        // proc alphamap
        var splatMap = new float[terrainData.alphamapResolution, terrainData.alphamapResolution, splats.Count];

        for (var zRes = 0; zRes < terrainData.alphamapHeight; zRes++)
            for (var xRes = 0; xRes < terrainData.alphamapWidth; xRes++)
                Color clr = alphamap.GetPixel(zRes, xRes);

                splatMap[zRes, xRes, 0] = clr.r;
                splatMap[zRes, xRes, 1] = clr.g;
                splatMap[zRes, xRes, 2] = clr.b;
                splatMap[zRes, xRes, 3] = clr.a;

        terrainData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, splatMap);
コード例 #28
    public static TerrainData GenerateTerrain(float[,] heightMap, float heightMultiplier)
        TerrainData terrainData = new TerrainData();

        terrainData.alphamapResolution = 129;

        // heights
        terrainData.heightmapResolution = 129;
        terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, heightMap);
        terrainData.size = new Vector3(length, height * heightMultiplier, length);

        // textures
        SplatPrototype Grass = new SplatPrototype();
        SplatPrototype Rocks = new SplatPrototype();

        Grass.texture  = GrassTexture;
        Grass.tileSize = new Vector2(4f, 4f);
        Rocks.texture  = RockTexture;
        Rocks.tileSize = new Vector2(4f, 4f);

        //terrainData.splatPrototypes = new SplatPrototype[] { Grass, Rocks };
        //terrainData.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, MakeSplatMap(terrainData));

コード例 #29
    public void exportSplatTexture()
        string fileAllPath = "";

        int            idx        = 0;
        SplatPrototype splatLayer = null;
        string         resPath    = "";
        string         fileName   = "";
        int            slashIdx   = 0;
        string         srcPath    = "";

        for (idx = 0; idx < terrainData.splatPrototypes.Length; ++idx)
            splatLayer = terrainData.splatPrototypes[idx];
            resPath    = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(splatLayer.texture);
            // 保存目录
            slashIdx    = resPath.LastIndexOf("/");
            fileName    = resPath.Substring(slashIdx + 1);
            fileAllPath = string.Format("{0}/Resources/Materials/Textures/Terrain/{1}", Application.dataPath, fileName);

            if (!File.Exists(fileAllPath))
                slashIdx = Application.dataPath.LastIndexOf("/");
                srcPath  = Application.dataPath.Substring(0, slashIdx);
                srcPath  = string.Format("{0}/{1}", srcPath, resPath);
                File.Copy(srcPath, fileAllPath);
コード例 #30
	//in order to texture the terrain, we need to set the textures up in the terrain paint thingy
	private void setUpTextures(){
        //remove the current textures
        CityGenerator.terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes = null;

		//this will contain the eventual textures
		SplatPrototype[] textureArray = new SplatPrototype[5];
		string[] textureNames = new string[] {

		//Add a new SplatPrototype (= texture for terrain) for each texture
		for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
			textureArray[i] = new SplatPrototype(); 
			textureArray[i].texture = (Texture2D)Resources.Load(textureNames[i],typeof(Texture2D));

			if (textureArray [i].texture == null) {
				Debug.LogError ("Texture not found");

			textureArray[i].tileOffset = new Vector2(0, 0); 
			textureArray[i].tileSize = new Vector2(15, 15);

        //set the new texture array
        CityGenerator.terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes = textureArray;