コード例 #1
			public void Purge ()
				HeightOutput ho = MapMagic.instance.gens.GetGenerator<HeightOutput>(); if (ho==null || !ho.enabled) HeightOutput.Purge(this);
				SplatOutput so = MapMagic.instance.gens.GetGenerator<SplatOutput>();
				PreviewOutput po = MapMagic.instance.gens.GetGenerator<PreviewOutput>();
				if ( (po == null || !po.enabled) && (so==null || !so.enabled) ) SplatOutput.Purge(this);
				if (po == null || !po.enabled) previewObjs = null;
				GrassOutput go = MapMagic.instance.gens.GetGenerator<GrassOutput>(); if (go==null || !go.enabled) GrassOutput.Purge(this);
				ObjectOutput oo = MapMagic.instance.gens.GetGenerator<ObjectOutput>(); if (oo==null || !oo.enabled) ObjectOutput.Purge(this);
				TreesOutput to = MapMagic.instance.gens.GetGenerator<TreesOutput>(); if (to==null || !to.enabled) TreesOutput.Purge(this);
				purge = false;
コード例 #2
        public void DeleteGenerator(Generator gen)
            //removing generator from 'ready' and 'results' arrays

            //manually resetting all dependent generators ready stae
            for (int g = 0; g < list.Length; g++)
                if (list[g].IsDependentFrom(gen))

            //clearing if it is output gen
            //if (gen is IOutput)
            //	foreach (MapMagic.Chunk chunk in MapMagic.instance.terrains.Objects())
            //		(gen as IOutput).Clear(chunk);

            //removing group members if it is group
                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (gen is Group &&
                UnityEditor.EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Remove Containing Generators", "Do you want to remove a contaning generators as well?", "Remove Generators", "Remove Group Only"))
                Group group = gen as Group;
                for (int g = group.generators.Count - 1; g >= 0; g--)

            //unlinking and removing it's reference in inputs and outputs
            //for (int g=0; g<list.Length; g++)
            //	foreach (Generator.Input input in list[g].Inputs())
            //		if (input.linkGen == gen) input.Unlink();

            //removing from output generators list
            //if (gen is IOutput)
            //	Extensions.ArrayRemove(ref outputs, gen);

            //removing from array
            ArrayTools.Remove(ref list, gen);

            //if it is preview - applying splats
            if (gen is PreviewOutput)
                SplatOutput splatOut = GetGenerator <SplatOutput>();
                if (splatOut != null)
                    foreach (MapMagic.Chunk chunk in MapMagic.instance.terrains.Objects())
コード例 #3
			// applying
			public IEnumerator ApplyRoutine ()
				//calling before-apply event
				MapMagic.CallOnGenerateCompleted(terrain); //if (MapMagic.OnGenerateCompleted != null) MapMagic.OnGenerateCompleted(terrain);

				MapMagic.instance.applyRunning = true;

				foreach (KeyValuePair<Type,object> kvp in apply)
					//Type output = kvp.Key;
					//if (!(output as Generator).enabled) continue;
					//if (output is SplatOutput && MapMagic.instance.gens.GetGenerator<PreviewOutput>()!=null) continue; //skip splat out if preview exists

					MapMagic.CallOnApply(terrain, kvp.Value); //if (OnApply!=null) OnApply(terrain, kvp.Value);

					//selecting apply enumerator (with switch, not reflection)
					IEnumerator e = null;
					System.Type type = kvp.Key;
					if (type == typeof(HeightOutput)) e = HeightOutput.Apply(this);
					else if (type == typeof(SplatOutput)) e = SplatOutput.Apply(this);
					else if (type == typeof(ObjectOutput)) e = ObjectOutput.Apply(this);
					else if (type == typeof(TreesOutput)) e = TreesOutput.Apply(this);
					else if (type == typeof(GrassOutput)) e = GrassOutput.Apply(this);
					else if (type == typeof(RTPOutput)) e = RTPOutput.Apply(this);

					//apply enumerator
					while (e.MoveNext()) 
						if (terrain==null) yield break; //guard in case max terrains count < actual terrains: terrain destroyed or still processing
						yield return null;

				//purging unused outputs
				HashSet<Type> existingOutputs = MapMagic.instance.gens.GetExistingOutputTypes(onlyEnabled:true, checkBiomes:true);

				if (!existingOutputs.Contains(typeof(HeightOutput)) && terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution != 33) HeightOutput.Purge(this);
				if (!existingOutputs.Contains(typeof(SplatOutput)) && !existingOutputs.Contains(typeof(RTPOutput)) && terrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution != 16) SplatOutput.Purge(this);
				if (!existingOutputs.Contains(typeof(ObjectOutput)) && terrain.transform.childCount != 0) ObjectOutput.Purge(this);
				if (!existingOutputs.Contains(typeof(TreesOutput)) && terrain.terrainData.treeInstanceCount != 0) TreesOutput.Purge(this);
				if (!existingOutputs.Contains(typeof(GrassOutput)) && terrain.terrainData.detailResolution != 16) GrassOutput.Purge(this);

/*				if (instance.previewOutput != null && previewObject != null) 
					SplatOutput.Preview((Matrix)previewObject, this);

				//creating initial texture if splatmap count is 0 - just to look good
				if (terrain.terrainData.splatPrototypes.Length == 0) ClearSplats();

				//clearing intermediate results
				if (!MapMagic.instance.isEditor || !MapMagic.instance.saveIntermediate) { results.Clear(); ready.Clear(); } //this should be done in thread, but thread has no access to isPlaying

				//if (!terrain.gameObject.activeSelf) terrain.gameObject.SetActive(true); //terrain.enabled = true;

				MapMagic.instance.applyRunning = false;

				//copy layer, tag, scripts from mm to terrains
				if (MapMagic.instance.copyLayersTags)
					GameObject go = terrain.gameObject;
					go.layer = MapMagic.instance.gameObject.layer;
					go.isStatic = MapMagic.instance.gameObject.isStatic;
					try { go.tag = MapMagic.instance.gameObject.tag; } catch { Debug.LogError("MapMagic: could not copy object tag"); }
					//#if UNITY_EDITOR
					//UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.SetStaticEditorFlags(go, UnityEditor.GameObjectUtility.GetStaticEditorFlags(MapMagic.instance.gameObject));
				if (MapMagic.instance.copyComponents)
					GameObject go = terrain.gameObject;
					MonoBehaviour[] components = MapMagic.instance.GetComponents<MonoBehaviour>();
					for (int i=0; i<components.Length; i++)
						if (components[i] is MapMagic || components[i] == null) continue; //if MapMagic itself or script not assigned
						if (terrain.gameObject.GetComponent(components[i].GetType()) == null) Extensions.CopyComponent(components[i], go);

				//calling after-apply event
				MapMagic.CallOnApplyCompleted(terrain); //if (MapMagic.OnApplyCompleted != null) MapMagic.OnApplyCompleted(terrain);
				queuedApply = false;

				//returning preview if it is enabled
				//if (MapMagic.instance.previewOutput != null) Preview(forceRefresh:true);
コード例 #4
			public void ThreadFn ()
				if (locked) return;
				lock (locker) while (true)
					stop=false;  //in case it was restarted
					start = false; 
					clear = false;

					//clearing debug timers to know what generators were processed


						#region Generating Main graph first
							//calculating the list of changed outputs
							List<Generator> changedOutputs = new List<Generator>();
							foreach (Generator outGen in MapMagic.instance.gens.OutputGenerators(onlyEnabled:true, checkBiomes:false))
								if (!ready.Contains(outGen)) changedOutputs.Add(outGen);

							//preview (checking it twice - here and in the fn end)
							if (MapMagic.instance.previewGenerator!=null && MapMagic.instance.previewOutput!=null)

							//types of objects that were changed (for process)
							HashSet<System.Type> changedTypes = new HashSet<Type>();
							for (int i=0; i<changedOutputs.Count; i++) 
								//adding all of the biome outgens to processing list
								if (changedOutputs[i] is Biome)
									Biome biome = (Biome)changedOutputs[i];
									if (biome.data == null) continue;
									foreach (Generator outGen in biome.data.OutputGenerators(onlyEnabled:true, checkBiomes:false))

							for (int i=0; i<changedOutputs.Count; i++) 
								if (stop) return;


						#region Generating Biomes

							//calculating the list of changed outputs
							foreach (Biome biome in MapMagic.instance.gens.GeneratorsOfType<Biome>(onlyEnabled:true, checkBiomes:false))
								if (biome.data==null) continue;
								if (biome.mask.linkGen==null) continue;

								Matrix biomeMask = (Matrix)biome.mask.GetObject(this);
								if (biomeMask==null || biomeMask.IsEmpty()) continue;

								foreach (Generator outGen in biome.data.OutputGenerators(onlyEnabled:true, checkBiomes:false))
									if (!ready.Contains(outGen)) changedOutputs.Add(outGen);

							//adding changed types
							for (int i=0; i<changedOutputs.Count; i++) 

							for (int i=0; i<changedOutputs.Count; i++) 
								if (stop) return;


						#region Preview

							if (MapMagic.instance.previewGenerator!=null && MapMagic.instance.previewOutput!=null)
								if (stop) return;

								//if (results.ContainsKey(MapMagic.instance.previewOutput)) previewObject = results[MapMagic.instance.previewOutput];  
								//else previewObject = defaultMatrix;


						/*//checking and resetting ready state recursive
						foreach (Generator outGen in MapMagic.instance.gens.OutputGenerators(onlyEnabled:true, checkBiomes:true)) //for outputs (including biomes)
						if (MapMagic.instance.previewOutput != null) MapMagic.instance.previewGenerator.CheckClearRecursive(this); //for preview

						//types of objects that were changed (for process)
						HashSet<System.Type> changedTypes = new HashSet<Type>();
						foreach (Generator outGen in MapMagic.instance.gens.OutputGenerators(onlyEnabled:true, checkBiomes:true)) 
							if (!ready.Contains(outGen)) 

						//resseting all biome output if it has changed
						foreach (Biome biome in MapMagic.instance.gens.GeneratorsOfType<Biome>(onlyEnabled:true, checkBiomes:true))
							if (!ready.Contains(biome) && biome.data!=null && biome.mask.linkGen!=null)
								foreach (Generator outGen in biome.data.OutputGenerators(onlyEnabled:true, checkBiomes:false))

						//generating main
						foreach (Generator outGen in MapMagic.instance.gens.OutputGenerators(onlyEnabled:true, checkBiomes:true)) //generating outputs
							if (!ready.Contains(outGen)) 

						if (MapMagic.instance.previewOutput != null) //generating preview
							if (!stop) 
								if (results.ContainsKey(MapMagic.instance.previewOutput)) previewObject = results[MapMagic.instance.previewOutput];
								else previewObject = defaultMatrix;

						//resetting objects if height changed (to floor them)
						if (changedTypes.Contains(typeof(HeightOutput))) { changedTypes.Add(typeof(TreesOutput)); changedTypes.Add(typeof(ObjectOutput)); }

						//finalizing (processing)
						if (changedTypes.Contains(typeof(HeightOutput))) HeightOutput.Process(this); //typeof(HeightOutput).GetMethod("Process", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static).Invoke(null,new object[] {this});
						if (changedTypes.Contains(typeof(SplatOutput))) SplatOutput.Process(this);
						if (changedTypes.Contains(typeof(ObjectOutput))) ObjectOutput.Process(this);
						if (changedTypes.Contains(typeof(TreesOutput))) TreesOutput.Process(this);
						if (changedTypes.Contains(typeof(GrassOutput))) GrassOutput.Process(this);
						if (changedTypes.Contains(typeof(RTPOutput))) RTPOutput.Process(this);

					catch (System.Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Generate Thread Error:\n" + e); }

					//if (!stop) Thread.Sleep(2000);
					//exiting thread - only if it should not be restared
					if (!start) { queuedApply=true; break; }