private void cmdUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (cmbFiletype.Properties.GetIndexByKeyValue(cmbFiletype.EditValue) < 0) { BaseMessages.ShowWarningMessage("Chưa chọn loại file!"); return; } if (txtFileName.Text == "") { BaseMessages.ShowWarningMessage("Chưa chọn file upload!"); return; } System.IO.FileInfo fileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(txtFileName.Text.Trim()); SplashForm.ShowSplashScreen(); if (FTP_FilesManager.UpLoad_TaiLieu(m_PhanMem, (FTP_FilesManager.FTP_FileType)((Int16)cmbFiletype.EditValue), m_sFileIdentity, fileInfo.DirectoryName, fileInfo.Name, txtGhiChu.Text.Trim())) { SplashForm.CloseForm(); BaseMessages.ShowInformationMessage("Upload file thành công!"); Close(); //txtGhiChu.Text = ""; //txtFileName.Text = ""; IsUpload = true; } else { SplashForm.CloseForm(); } }
public static bool OpenFile_TaiLieuDinhKem(int ID_Files, string FilePath, string FileName) { var bReturn = false; var sFolderSave = ThuMucDownload + @"\" + FilePath; if (IsFileInUse(sFolderSave, FileName)) { BaseMessages.ShowWarningMessage("File đang sử dụng!"); return(false); } if (File.Exists(sFolderSave + @"\" + FileName)) { var fl = new FileInfo(sFolderSave + @"\" + FileName); if (fl.CreationTime == fl.LastWriteTime) { return(OpenFile(FilePath, FileName)); } File.Delete(sFolderSave + @"\" + FileName); } if (!Directory.Exists(sFolderSave)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(sFolderSave); } SplashForm.ShowSplashScreen(); if (Download_TaiLieuDinhKem(ID_Files, sFolderSave, FileName, true)) { bReturn = OpenFile(FilePath, FileName); } SplashForm.CloseForm(); return(bReturn); }
/// <summary> /// Executed when a version is selected in the dropdown. Loads the version selected /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> void barButtonItemVersionList_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { SplashForm.ShowSplashScreen(); bool success = false; string selName = ""; string selection = ""; try { BarManager barManager = sender as BarManager; selection = barManager.PressedLink.Item.Caption; selName = barManager.PressedLink.Item.Name; success = form1.LoadRiotDataFromFile(selName); if (!success) { success = form1.DataCollection(selName); } } catch (Exception ex) { XtraMessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } if (success) { //Performs the update to all tabes form1.UpdateFormWithData(false); //Won't recreate the version drop down list ClearSelectionsFromOldVersion(); //Update dropdown dropDownButtonRiotVersion.Text = selection; } SplashForm.CloseForm(); }
public LeagueBuildStatsForm() { SplashForm.ShowSplashScreen(); InitializeComponent(); this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; string assemblyVersion = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); this.Text = "League Build Stats " + assemblyVersion + " - For League of Legends (LoL)"; this.BackColor = panelCtlMainTopBar.BackColor; if (CreateFolders()) { LogWriter writer = LogWriter.Instance; writer.WriteToLog("Start"); LoadControls(); bool success = LoadRiotDataFromFile(); if (!success) { success = InitializeDataCollection(); } if (success) { writer = LogWriter.Instance; writer.WriteToLog("Execute UpdateFormWithData()"); UpdateFormWithData(); mainTopBar.InitializeGoldImage(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Failed to load or download data!"); } LogWriter writer2 = LogWriter.Instance; string elapsed = (DateTime.Now - LogTimeStart).ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss\.fff"); writer2.WriteToLog("Finish (time elapsed = " + elapsed + ")"); } xtraTabControl.Selecting += xtraTabControl_Selecting; //This is part of the requirments to make you scroll what you mouse over Application.AddMessageFilter(this); this.DoubleBuffered = true; SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); SplashForm.CloseForm(); //this.TopMost = true; //this.Focus(); //this.BringToFront(); //this.TopMost = false; this.Activate(); //this.ShowDialog(); this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; //This timer is used to show a dragging image //0.002 second _timer1.Interval = 2; _timer1.Tick += _timer1_Tick; _timer1.Start(); }