コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports a single test run with its tests
        /// </summary>
        private void ImportTestRun(StreamWriter streamWriter, SpiraSoapService.SoapServiceClient spiraClient, APIClient testRailApi, JObject testRun)
            //Extract the test rail data
            if (testRun["id"].Type == JTokenType.Integer)
                int testRailRunId = testRun["id"].Value <int>();
                streamWriter.WriteLine("Importing test run: " + testRailRunId);

                int?   milestoneId = testRun["milestone_id"].Value <int?>();
                int?   planId      = testRun["plan_id"].Value <int?>();
                string name        = testRun["name"].Value <string>();
                string description = testRun["description"].Value <string>();

                //See if we have any tests in the run
                JArray tests = (JArray)testRailApi.SendGet("get_tests/" + testRailRunId);
                if (tests != null)
                    foreach (JObject test in tests)
                        int trTestId = test["id"].Value <int>();
                        streamWriter.WriteLine("Importing test: T" + trTestId);
                        int    trTestCaseId = test["case_id"].Value <int>();
                        int    trStatusId   = test["status_id"].Value <int>();
                        string title        = test["title"].Value <string>();

                        int?spiraTesterId          = null;
                        int?spiraReleaseId         = null;
                        int spiraTestCaseId        = this.testCaseMapping[trTestCaseId];
                        int?spiraTestSetId         = null;
                        int spiraExecutionStatusId = ConvertExecutionStatus(trStatusId);

                        int?assignedToId = test["assignedto_id"].Value <int?>();
                        if (assignedToId.HasValue && this.usersMapping.ContainsKey(assignedToId.Value))
                            spiraTesterId = this.usersMapping[assignedToId.Value];
                        if (milestoneId.HasValue && this.releaseMapping.ContainsKey(milestoneId.Value))
                            spiraReleaseId = this.releaseMapping[milestoneId.Value];
                        if (planId.HasValue && this.testSetMapping.ContainsKey(planId.Value))
                            spiraTestSetId = this.testSetMapping[planId.Value];

                        //Now get the results for the test
                        JArray results = (JArray)testRailApi.SendGet("get_results/" + trTestId);
                        if (results != null)
                            foreach (JObject result in results)
                                int trResultId = result["id"].Value <int>();
                                streamWriter.WriteLine("Importing result: " + trResultId);

                                DateTime executionDate = FromUnixTime(result["created_on"].Value <long>());
                                //streamWriter.WriteLine("*DEBUG*: " + executionDate.ToString() + "==" + result["created_on"].Value<long>());
                                string actualResults = result["comment"].Value <string>();

                                //We now upload each of these as a test run to SpiraTest

                                //Now create a new test run shell from this test case
                                RemoteManualTestRun[] remoteTestRuns = spiraClient.TestRun_CreateFromTestCases(new int[] { spiraTestCaseId }, null);
                                if (remoteTestRuns.Length > 0)
                                    //We concatenate the test run name and test title from TestRail
                                    string testRunName = name + ": " + title;

                                    //Update the test run information
                                    RemoteManualTestRun remoteTestRun = remoteTestRuns[0];
                                    remoteTestRun.ExecutionStatusId = spiraExecutionStatusId;
                                    remoteTestRun.StartDate         = executionDate;
                                    DateTime endDate = executionDate;   //We don't have a good way to parse TestRail durations
                                    remoteTestRun.EndDate   = endDate;
                                    remoteTestRun.Name      = testRunName;
                                    remoteTestRun.TestSetId = spiraTestSetId;
                                    //remoteTestRun.TestSetTestCaseId = testSetTestCaseId;  //No equivalent in TestRail
                                    remoteTestRun.TesterId  = spiraTesterId;
                                    remoteTestRun.ReleaseId = spiraReleaseId;

                                    //Now the steps
                                    foreach (RemoteTestRunStep remoteTestRunStep in remoteTestRun.TestRunSteps)
                                        remoteTestRunStep.ActualResult      = actualResults;
                                        remoteTestRunStep.ExecutionStatusId = spiraExecutionStatusId;

                                    //Save the run
                                    spiraClient.TestRun_Save(remoteTestRuns, executionDate);
                                    streamWriter.WriteLine("Added manual test run for result: " + trResultId);