public PathologyReportContainer GetReport() { var RequestedDate = new DateTimeOffset(2019, 09, 23, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var CollectionDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2019, 09, 25, 08, 20, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var SpecimenReceivedDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2019, 09, 25, 10, 30, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var ReportReleaseDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2019, 09, 26, 09, 00, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var ObservationDateTime = ReportReleaseDateTime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); return(new PathologyReportContainer() { PathologyReport = new PathologyReport() { PerformingLaboratory = LaboratoryFactory.GetPITUSLaboratory(), Patient = PatientFactory.GetGraceROSSLAND(), Request = new Request() { RequestedDate = RequestedDate, OrderNumber = "00000001", RequestingFacility = new Organisation() { Name = "Sunrise Hospital Antenatal Clinic", Identifier = new Identifier() { Value = "143569C9-8AFC-4BBD-A663-95079AE10B57", Type = IdentifierType.GUID } }, RequestingApplication = "Best Practice", RequestingProvider = ProviderFactory.GetTrishFamilyDr(MedicareProviderNumber: "8203015Y"), ClinicalNotes = "First trimester antenatal screen, ~ 10 weeks pregnant (G1P0)", CallBackPhoneNumber = null, CopyToList = new List <Provider>() { ProviderFactory.GetBiancaMidwife() } }, PdfFileName = "Exemplar Report Chlamydia trachomatis NAT v1.6.pdf", ReportList = new List <Report>() { new Report() { ReportId = "1978881874", CollectionDateTime = CollectionDateTime, SpecimenReceivedDateTime = SpecimenReceivedDateTime, ReportReleaseDateTime = ReportReleaseDateTime, ReportType = new ReportType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "CHY", Description = "Chlamydia trachomatis nucleic acid" }, Snomed = new Code() { Term = "398452009", Description = "Chlamydia trachomatis nucleic acid assay" } }, ReportStatus = ResultStatusType.Final, Department = DiagnosticService.Serology, ReportingPathologist = ProviderFactory.GetBellaPathologist(), Panel = new Panel() { ResultList = new List <Result>() { new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "CHLY", Description = "Chlamydia trachomatis DNA" }, Lonic = new Code() { Term = "21613-5", Description = "Chlamydia trachomatis DNA" } }, DataType = "ST", Value = "Negative", Units = null, ReferenceRange = null, AbnormalFlag = "N", ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null } } } } } } }); }
public PathologyReportContainer GetReport() { var RequestedDate = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 11, 09, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var CollectionDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 11, 09, 10, 25, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var SpecimenReceivedDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 11, 09, 12, 03, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var ReportReleaseDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 11, 10, 08, 27, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var ObservationDateTime = ReportReleaseDateTime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); return(new PathologyReportContainer() { PathologyReport = new PathologyReport() { PerformingLaboratory = LaboratoryFactory.GetPITUSLaboratory(), Patient = PatientFactory.GetHaydenNORQUAY(), Request = new Request() { RequestedDate = RequestedDate, OrderNumber = "00000015", RequestingFacility = new Organisation() { Name = "Sunrise Hospital Fever Clinic ", Identifier = new Identifier() { Value = "3659F40F-8BDF-4CD6-BF46-38257CA6BB97", Type = IdentifierType.GUID } }, RequestingApplication = "Best Practice", RequestingProvider = ProviderFactory.GetTrishFamilyDr(MedicareProviderNumber: "603107KW"), ClinicalNotes = "Sore throat & cough, works in hospitality", CallBackPhoneNumber = null, CopyToList = new List <Provider>() { ProviderFactory.GetMySpecialist() } }, PdfFileName = "Exemplar Report SARS-CoV-2NAT v0.4.pdf", ReportList = new List <Report>() { new Report() { ReportId = "2078881879", CollectionDateTime = CollectionDateTime, SpecimenReceivedDateTime = SpecimenReceivedDateTime, ReportReleaseDateTime = ReportReleaseDateTime, ReportType = new ReportType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "COVID2", Description = "SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid" }, Snomed = new Code() { Term = "1445431000168101", Description = "Oropharyngeal swab COVID-19 nucleic acid assay" } }, ReportStatus = ResultStatusType.Final, Department = DiagnosticService.Microbiology, ReportingPathologist = ProviderFactory.GetBellaPathologist(), Panel = new Panel() { ResultList = new List <Result>() { new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "COVI2DRNA", Description = "SARS-CoV-2 RNA" }, Lonic = new Code() { Term = "94309-2", Description = "SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RNA NAA+probe Ql (Unsp spec)" } }, DataType = "ST", Value = "Not Detected", Units = null, ReferenceRange = null, AbnormalFlag = null, ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null }, new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "INTERP", Description = "Interpretation" }, Lonic = null, }, DataType = "FT", Value = "Failure to detect virus specific nucleic acid does not always exclude SARS-CoV-2. Repeat testing\\.br\\" + "including a sputum sample if available, may be indicated if clinical suspicion is high.\\.br\\" + "This assay is designed to detect the E gene of SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19 using\\.br\\" + "nucleic acid amplification. On occasions, a second assay targeting the N gene is also utilised.\\.br\\" + "\\.br\\" + "For further requires regarding these results, please contact the Medical Virologist on (07) 5454 0387.\\.br\\" + "Testing for SARS-CoV-2 is notifiable on request irrespective of test results.\\.br\\", Units = null, ReferenceRange = null, AbnormalFlag = null, ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null } } } } } } }); }
public PathologyReportContainer GetReport() { var RequestedDate = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 07, 25, 00, 00, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var CollectionDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 07, 25, 18, 20, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var SpecimenReceivedDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 07, 25, 19, 32, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var ReportReleaseDateTime = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 07, 26, 10, 36, 00, TimeSpan.FromHours(10)); var ObservationDateTime = ReportReleaseDateTime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)); return(new PathologyReportContainer() { PathologyReport = new PathologyReport() { PerformingLaboratory = LaboratoryFactory.GetPITUSLaboratory(), Patient = PatientFactory.GetGeorgeWHITEWATER(), Request = new Request() { RequestedDate = RequestedDate, OrderNumber = "00000016", RequestingFacility = new Organisation() { Name = "Sunrise Hospital Respiratory Clinic", Identifier = new Identifier() { Value = "13A8DC14-A1E9-475C-9B4C-DA19866E020A", Type = IdentifierType.GUID } }, RequestingApplication = "Best Practice", RequestingProvider = ProviderFactory.GetTrishFamilyDr(MedicareProviderNumber: "067709AH"), ClinicalNotes = "Sore throat & cough, works in hospitality", CallBackPhoneNumber = null, CopyToList = new List <Provider>() { ProviderFactory.GetMyPhysio() } }, PdfFileName = "Exemplar Report SARS-CoV-2 Serology v0.4.pdf", ReportList = new List <Report>() { new Report() { ReportId = "1978881860", CollectionDateTime = CollectionDateTime, SpecimenReceivedDateTime = SpecimenReceivedDateTime, ReportReleaseDateTime = ReportReleaseDateTime, ReportType = new ReportType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "COVID2SER", Description = "SARS-CoV-2 Serology" }, Snomed = new Code() { Term = "1454651000168108", Description = "SARS-CoV-2 serology" } }, ReportStatus = ResultStatusType.Final, Department = DiagnosticService.Serology, ReportingPathologist = ProviderFactory.GetBellaPathologist(), Panel = new Panel() { ResultList = new List <Result>() { new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "COVID2IGA", Description = "SARS-CoV-2 IgA IF" }, Lonic = new Code() { Term = "95427-1", Description = "SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgA IF [Titer]" } }, DataType = "NM", Value = "20", Units = null, ReferenceRange = null, AbnormalFlag = null, ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null }, new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "COVID2IGM", Description = "SARS-CoV-2 IgM IF" }, Lonic = new Code() { Term = "95429-7", Description = "SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgG IF [Titer]" } }, DataType = "NM", Value = "10", Units = null, ReferenceRange = null, AbnormalFlag = null, ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null }, new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "COVID2IGG", Description = "SARS-CoV-2 IgG IF" }, Lonic = new Code() { Term = "95428-9", Description = "SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) IgM IF [Titer]" } }, DataType = "NM", Value = "320", Units = null, ReferenceRange = null, AbnormalFlag = null, ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null }, new Result() { Type = new ResultType() { Local = new Code() { Term = "INTERP", Description = "Interpretation" }, Lonic = null, }, DataType = "FT", Value = "These results suggest resolving SARS-CoV-2 infection. For further information please contact the medical virologist on(07) 5454 0387.\\.br\\" + "virologist on (07) 5454 0387.\\.br\\" + "\\.br\\" + "N.B. SARS-Co-V-2 is the cause of coronavirus disease (CoVID-19).\\.br\\" + "The Immunofluorescent tests used have been evaluated and validated but not yet registered with NATA.\\.br\\" + "Results have been issued to the serious threat to public health from CoVID-19.\\.br\\" + "These results have been electronically notified to the Ministry of Health.\\.br\\", Units = null, ReferenceRange = null, AbnormalFlag = null, ObservationDateTime = ObservationDateTime, Status = ResultStatusType.Final, ChildResultList = null } } } } } } }); }